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Take Back Your Power A radical, safe, proven and inexpensive approach to health using micro-currents of electricity The First Aid Kit of the Future Host men conslonaly stui-oyar te fait lst ph themselves up and continue on as if vad happe Winston Church By Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. Revised May, 1999 Take Back Your Power A Proposal for Health Researchers* by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. Revised May 1999 This research paper is bascd on laboratory experiments reported by researchers at a leading university proving that all pathogens—viruses, bacteria, fungi, moulds ... are neutralized by micro-currents of electricity. + Since 1897, at least 20 patents have been filed related to electro-therapy devices, + Since 1991, researchers have been reporting the health benefits of 1) Using micro-currents of electricity for in vivo (non-intrusive) blood electrification, and/or 2) Applying a time-variant pulsed kilogauss magnetic field on the lymph system and/or, 3) Ingesting ionic/colloidal silver andlor 4) Drinking freshly ozonated water. + Despite escalating feedback from health researchers about the success of this technology in overcoming Chronic Fatigue, AIDS, Hepatitis, Cancer, Lupus and other diseases there is no funding source for formal research projects. This paper includes information on how to build your own devices to theoretically neutralize pathogens in vivo. This paper is presented to spur further research using this technology. These devices should be considered experimental. They are not a panacea as lifestyle choices are also a major factor in determining health. Researchers must take full responsibilty for their experimentation with this technology * Health Researchers include: 1) Health professionals who respect & work with individuals who take responsibilty for their health and 2) Individuals who take complete responsiblity for tneir nealtn, Copyright © 1999 Robert C. Beck, 0.Se. TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of a Total Health Protocol Introduetion Blood Electrification .... AbstracSummary Exact Means and Methods to Help Maintain or Regain Health ‘Newspaper Reports Linking Chronic Diseases to Pathogens Blood Electrification & Colloidal Silver Science & Vie Antcle & List of Patents Magazine & Newspaper clippings Excerpts ftom Patent #5,188,738 ...... ee ‘A Proposed Experimental/Theoretical, Noninvasive, Nonpharmaccutical, In Vivo Method for Rapid Neutralization of HIV Virus in Human Subjects Immprened Schematic for Plant Growth Stimulator with Colloidal Silver Output and Cireuit Description oe Location of Preferred Sits for Blood Electrification Schematic to build an Experimental In Vivo Blood Clearing Device ‘Component Desenptions for In Vivo ttood Clearing Device & Code of Federal Regulations Expanded Instructions for Experimental Theoretical Blood Elctificaton Total Cancer Remissions throueh Blood Eleetrifieation combined with Silver Colloid Blood Electification—The Easy In-Vivo Way Making Your Own Colloidal Silver Currently Preferred Silver Colloid Making Apparatus, Means, And Method AA Few Unique Plus Traditional Uses for Silver Colloid “Banishing disease with three 9_volt Batteries” by Mark Metcalf “Colloidal Silver, The Ultimate Antibiotic” brochure Excerpt from The Secret War Against the Jews by Mark Aarons .. Magnetic Pulse Generator ‘Suggestions for Acquiring an Inductively Coupled Magnetic Pulse Generator for Theoretical Lymph and Tissue HIV Neutralization Location of Lymph Nodes for Magnetic Pulsing Sites... Water Ozonator ‘A New Paradigm for Instant Healing & Ozone Revisited and. ‘Ozone Generator Des ‘Qzone Reactions with Commonly Used Ch (Quick Summary —The Four Protocols Certification Background Information: Rohert © Reek, 1) Se Page 36 710 u a 4 15-16 18 19 20 2 23-24 25-26 27-28 29 31-32 33 3436 37-38 39 a 434s 45 47 49-1 s2-sa 35 56 a Summary of a Total Health Protocol Copyright© 1999 Rober ©. Bock, De Revised May, 1999 Page 20857 An Introduction to my Research 1 Relive the amazing breakthrough youl read about inthe following pages is proving to be the most important medical discovery in decades - or perhaps ever 1 Believe that anyone using this knowledge wil be feed fiom sikness, infections, diseases and toxins, the tied most ‘common cause of l casualties inthe US and the ist eause of ‘death nthe hind one | Believe this tested and true information can forever celease anyone fiom doctors, pharmaceuticals, medicines of any descripsion, hospitals, and incurable dscases prescaly ‘oown of undiscovered, plus biological warfare agents. Even csncer disappears when incrleaken and interferon are gain produced bya restored immune system. Yet experience shows that 859% of the population will Jgnore, disbelieve, oF vigorously resist hese dats they t00 Smile, cheap, effective and revaltionary This ako requires ising responsibilty for your own eelth. Medical authorities” may never tell you this secret since it could rin their incomes. Youll see why this dynsmite truth must be suppreried to reserve medical profitering and egos. What i612 1s now scientifically established that mild safe and simple electrification neutralizes all bscteri, germ, viruses, parasites, pathogens, ng and other foreign invaders fn blood, Result are rapid, dir cheap, comforable and ‘othout side eects Medial “cues” once stove to match expensive antibiotics othe few germs they killed hefoe many fiseucs evolved ae stainsesistant Today's new paradigm 1 harmless, infallible, and has encountered any. resistant ‘aro-organim. Unlike antibiotics and vaccines and thet targets, you dont even cae what avihing is called medically Nothing own or unknown remsins "incurable. How? Average aduls have eight pints of blood harboring tiliogs of hostile pathogens and virwses, pls their mutations the progeny of thoutands f invaders. Your blood normaly ‘ireuates past a given point in under nine minutes. So when Yyow aac elecuodes ductly utside xieval pulse puis ‘ne wrist a gentle biphasic cleric stimulus applied fora few hous inoduces a comfortable 50-100uA (microampees) into your flowing blood without puncturing shan, This eauses Spontaneous remissions of any known, unknown or emerging diseases, Techniques developed since 1991 (Beck) have cembled hundreds of previously sick and dying subjects 10 experience seroconversion of AIDS, sepsin health and become symptomitec a verified by befor-and- aler PCR and other tests Previous sufferers fom mumerous other “ncurable” conditions are now well again. Many had undergone every medical weutmeat known with 1 cures. Elecicaton, discovered and reported many ties over the ‘years, has been mentioned briefly in joumals since the 18005 then suppressed or disheleved. Elecmfcetions most recent rediscovery was in 1990 at Einstein Collegeof Medicine by Keali_and variations re-patented. (Example: US Patent 5,188,738 in 1993), >My research shows everything necessary f0 take back your ‘power and fee anyone from slavery to ditease and 10 the rice and incompetence of health professionals who have ‘eased over 13 bilion dollars to. date on nonexistent Intibioties and eaccines for "insurable" AIDS alone. If you ‘Shoots to build your own device for electfieaton, there's nothing ele to buy besides a few electonic pars which Should act idfinitey. Afer that the only cost ie for replacement batteries, of about $2.00 per total “cue” fr any known disease. Excellent professional instruments are offered by several ethical manufacturers if youte im a hury or cant build your own, ‘An obvious problem is this suppressed. “sere” can decimate hospital, pharmaceutial, doctor, and “heath care incomes. "A patent cured is a customer los." Alo it could ‘overload Social Security rolls with healthy citizens over 6S. It restores health and "wel being:ness” to anyone wo aplis it corectly. Combined with Kilogaust magnetic pulsing of Iymph and organs to induce back-emf, which scavenges latent and germinating pathogens, and silver colloids to contol secondary and opportunistic infections, plus rapid detoxification with zonated drinking wate, this is proving to be te best Universal CURE-ALL ever know! ItS YOURS. ts PERFECTED, I's here NOW. Full instructions and easy plans for building your ov devices are availble, Although not destined tobe “politically comect” excep in ie undegiowil, aad geucally doubted by shepins who Inaven wedi or are threatened, you can easly use these data sccrelly teal yoursel and your fiends. I may never be approved by the FDA, But hundreds of filly recovered patients who've used eleuifieation are today’s living proof That IT WORKS! personaly have nothing forsale. This research is offered for Educational Research and Informational ‘purposes onl. not intended as Medical Advicel EXPLORE! VOLUME 8, NUMBER 4, 1998 Reprinted with Permission of Explore! Magazine. Phone:1-800-845-7866 or 360-424-6025 ‘Copyright © 1999 Rober C. Beck, DS ‘Revised May, 1999 Page of 57 Abstracv’Summary 1997 Copyright © 1997/98 Robert C, Beck, D.Sc. January 1 Climaxing centuries of medical research, an “accidental re-discovery a Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1990 resulted ina reliable, positive, reproducible and recently patented (U.S. #5,188,738) cure for “incurable” diseases including AIDS, cancer, gulf war syndrome, biological warfare plagues plus emerging viruses ssenilly it consists of passing initoeurents (30-100 pA) doug Nuwing blovd, whit as dhe potential Wo eliminate al infections and is proven to restore damaged immune systems. This appears to have been suppressed because cleetromedicine instead of pharmaceuticals drastically limits cartel profits and re-empowers Patients’ sovereignty overall diseases. Strangely, it was never again mentioned except in Science News, March 30, 1991, pg. 207. The only east to try this researc isthe enst af parts tn hil your own itrments ot purchase them from a reliable source. uundreds of thousands of men, women, and children receiving state-of-the-art medical care de traumatially and financially stressed every year with “incurable” diseases. Bu this breakthrough consisting of mild eetrfieation of blood while stil i dhe body is proving for some ta be reliable, simple, rapig highly effective and inexpensive. It requires no medicines, pharmaceuticals, or ouside intervention. It can be used privately and gives people back to themselves. Its vastly superiar to antibioties and other known treatments, since -32 Joules by discharging a modified strobe light’s capacitor through an applicator coil held against body locations over lymph nodes, thymus, kidneys, adenoide and other passible intemal sites of latent infection (See pg. 39.) By the physics of Eddy currenvback exm.f. “transformer action” (Lenz’ law) the desired criteria of minimum current induced though infected tissue on the order of >100KA should be readily attained. Several pulses repeated at each site over several weeks may’ insure a reliable “overkill” for successful disease neutralization. magnetic “pulser” is very simple to build, Full instructions ae on pg, 37-39. But subjects must assume responsibility for their own ealth—a “heresy” in today’s society conditioned to ook for answers only to a medical establishment that us “no current knowledge remotely promising “cures” for numerous other well known fatal diseases. ‘These “theoretical solutions” are being disclosed ‘under constitutional freedom of speech guarantees in spite of extensively organized hostile opposition to ‘non-pharmaceutical or inexpensive modalities. Data is offered only as theoretical and no medical claims are made or implied. “See your health professional!” Anyone at his discretion and assumed responsibility should be free to build, use (on himsel?) and newwork his “research” results. With these data an average intelligent high school student should confidently be able to assemble both theoretical blood and tissue clearing modalities in hot three hours Components are widely avaiable ‘Affer assembling, the only additional cost is for batteries. If electronically unskilled, “busy” or technically illiterate, call an “Amateur Radio Supply” store (yellow pages) and find a ham radio operator, hobbyist or TV repairman or pay any kid on the block to do it for you. After “spontaneous remissions” some users may wish to interest their doctors. But be advised that eleetronte cures may be vigorously suppressed ur ignated because thee is presently no credibility nor drug cartel profit in this, Inexpensive solution. Also the 1910 Rockefeller Flexner Report attempted to diseredit electro medicine with a conspiracy to inflate pharmacenticat profits I'm definitely not soliciting funds. This was, independently developed by me, Bob Beck, at my private expense and offered freely for “theoretial, informational, and educational purposes only” and ‘with absolutely no profit motive Non-FDA approved devices are illegal to use within the USA exeapt via litle known FDA loopholes. Researchers are allowed to use anything on patients iff safe, they build it themselves and don’t sell them. (Code of Federal Regulations 21 § 807.65 subsections {d} & {f}. See actual text in footnote on pg, 15.) Although we will offer technical updates and always welcome feedback from users, please respect, the writer’s privacy and never attempt to contact him for additional help, advice or information. Everything lusers need To know is included herein. We have nothing for sale. NOTE: Sharing Health From the Heart Inc. gathers feedback from individusls and health practitioners on the use ofthis device. To obtain a free newsletter, call 1-800-224-0242 oF 250-814-0046, Copyright © 1999 Robert C Beck, D.Se Revised May, 1999 Page 18 0857 IMPROVED SCHEMATIC This 11201996 page desenbes a "Plant Growth Stimulator” improved since my 1991 design. Userested fr over twa years, solid tate (no relays), ses thee (no seven) bateres, makes oll, muh salle, lige, silent, wth hatery saving fest, at is available asa mst assembled hit complete with electrodes and slvr for about $100 from Acton Elston, L300 F, Edinger Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705 714) 547 S169, pounce. cauoes QUIPUT: 4 He Square Wave, Bi-Phasie QUTPUT: Colloias! Silver Copyright @ 1996 Robert C Bock, D.Sc The fist setion(U1B) ofthe LMBSS dual op-amp isa $0 volt peak-to-peak square wave oscillator. The second seston (UIA) reverses polarity and provides =27VDC ouput of low impedance, This delivers a B-Phasc, sharp tvtime output of 4 He (not tical) forthe biological eoon-covered stanlessstee electrodes saturated with at water before applying. Shap rsetime is onsideved necessary to provide higher odd harmonics tothe simul, although “rounded” waveforms will el diferent. “The thie section sa curent-limited 27VDC output roma Separate RCA (or 2-Sran) jack fr rapid generation of excellent collidat silver in water. three minute cycle in 8 of room-temperature water mtkes a 3 ppn conceamation, ‘Op-amp section UIB's 4 He esiltor frequency i Sct by C1 (0.1 uF) and RI (24 meg 0), Tis configured a9 3 comparator with Insteress determined by R2 (150 KO). Chanzing and discharging of C1 is done by the 180" out-of phase signal throueh RI. R3 and [Ré provide set pot 12 the Vo the comparator. This ansros 3 S0% duly cycle square wave with an amplitude of hil ess than the 27 supply. ‘UIA, the second comparaior. used to invert the output ofosilator UIE. A ~SOV peak-to-peak signal willbe generated between Sic opamps de totioupts being 11 outa: UIA cure iimied by poscuomster RS (100 AM) and R7 (820) an Se etto individual users camo ‘The power indicator cise consists of bilo (ced-reen) LED (CR!) and the series combination of two 18V Zener diodes, DE & D2, with power lited by C2 (224 Mf scion ofthe devices automatically diabled wen the 5.5 mam pl is nse int its jack Thetefore Une LEDs flash oly when bateries sum s over ~21 V. If LEDs are dim or extinguished, replace with hres fresh 9 ‘Volt liane baneries. C2 used a8 a imiter allows the LED o Mcker on at 18 secon imervals omy asthe square wave ouput reverses plait ‘Users find this newer design highly satisfactory, uouble fee and most efficient, ‘Copyright© 1999 Raber C Beak, DS, Revised May, 1999 Page 19 0f 37 ee Tavon): Map of Blood Vessels in Extremities for Optimum Electrode Access Grays Anatomy pes. 540, 543, 588, 591 ‘Choose rom Two Ways Align Pr ‘Copyright © 1999 Robert © Beck, DSc Revised May, 1999 Page 200857 EXPERIMENTAL IN VIVO BLOOD CLEARING DEVICE FOR ELIMINATING VIRUSES, PATHOGENS, MICROBES, BACTERIA, FUNGI, AND PARASITES. Revision Match 16, 1998 Copyright @ 1991/1999 Rahert © eck Note: These data are intended for informational, instructional, and research purposes only and are ‘not to be construed as medical advice. Consult your licensed medical practitioner. CHANGES since previous exitons: Pulse Repetition Rate ftom 0,87 Hz to ~4 Hz (Not ertical). C2 from 1uf to 0.22uF. \Valiage trom 38 Volts 0 27 Volts. Treatment me increased to 2 hours daly for 21 fo 30 days. improved electrode design ‘and single wrist placement. SW2 added to exiend battery Ife. There are NO "errors inthis schematic. Hundreds have been constructed successfully when duplested exactly without user attempted "mprovements” a | e us . te pal =] inter "