Nov 2016 Voter Guide

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Polls open

7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dearborn & Dearborn Heights
President / Vice President
Michigan Supreme Court 8 yr. term (1)
U.S. Representative _________________
Michigan Supreme Court 2 yr. term (1)
State Representative ________________
1 Dist. Michigan Court of Appeals 6 yr.
State Board of Education (2) __________
term (2) __________________________
3rd Circuit Court Incumbent (16) (uncontested)
University of Michigan Board (2) _______
3rd Circuit Court - Non-incumbent
3rd Circuit CourtIncumbent Partial (1) (uncontested)
Michigan State University Board (2)
Wayne County Probate Court (2) (uncontested)
19th District Court Judge (1) __________
Wayne State University Board (2)
B (1)
Wayne County Community College
District 6 _________________________
Wayne County
Dearborn School Board Full term (2)
Prosecuting Attorney _____________
Sheriff (uncontested)
Dearborn School Board PartialB
Clerk (uncontested)
Treasurer (uncontested)
Crestwood School Board (2)
Register of Deeds (uncontested)
Wayne County Commissioner
District 7 School Board
Districts 8 & 13 (uncontested)
Westwood School Board (2) (uncontested)
Regional Rapid Transit YES ___ NO ___
Wayne County RESA Millage YES B
___ NO___
ABOUT THIS GUIDE: Publication is solelyBin the interest
of public service and in no way is to be construed
as an
endorsement by the League of Women Voters. The
League takes no responsibility for any of the views or
facts stated by the candidates. Candidates
B words are
printed exactly as submitted to For
additional information and updates, go to or call 313-278-6476. B
For your polling location and for the latest
information on all candidates and issues
Candidates were contacted by email. Every attempt was
(not everything could fit in this Guide)
B Data in this
made to contact those who didnt respond.
guide was collected as of September 26, B
2016. Updated
Go online to
information will be added to There are
additional races on this website which areB
not covered in
this print copy.



Tuesday, November 8, 2016



9TH District State Representative 2-yr term

James Stevens (R)

Due to space limits, only 3 of 5 questions

are printed. For answers to economic
and environmental questions, go to

(inc. 3 precincts in N.E. Dearborn)

Sylvia Santana (D)

Small Business Development Officer

Campaign website:


Occupation/Current Position: Small Business

Development Officer
Education Bachelors Degree in Finance from
Eastern Michigan University
Qualifications/Experience: Working mother of
three. Past president of the Warrendale
Community Organization. 2016 Graduate of the
Michigan Political Leadership Program at
Michigan State University.

What are your top three state

legislative priorities and how
would you address them?

What measures do you

support/propose to achieve
improved educational outcomes
for students and for school

What policy changes do you

support regarding campaign
funding and voting rights for
Michigan voters?

No response

Education, Jobs, Public Safety. These priorities

go together and by addressing all three at the
state level, through public policy changes, we
can drastically improve our quality of life in
Michigan. By investing in education our
children will be better prepared for the science,
technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) jobs that are in such high demand
today. As the future workforce becomes better
educated more businesses will look to locate in
our state to take advantage of our talent pool.
As job opportunities grow we will see a
decrease in crime.

No response

The minimum foundation allowance (the

amount the state pays per pupil to public
schools each year) in 2007 was $7,108. The
amount for the school year ending in 2017 will
be $7,511. When the 2017 number is adjusted
for inflation it drops to $6,671. We have to do
better for our children. While the state has
busied itself mandating curriculum
requirements and experimenting with state run
school districts, it has danced around the issue
that matters most: funding. The Governor and
the legislature need to work together to
adequately fund and strengthen our public
school system.

No response

Campaign finance reporting in Michigan has

fallen behind the current technology. Reporting
donations and expenditures in real time should
be as easy as a couple of clicks on a computer
or smart phone, and the public has a right to
know who is paying to get candidates elected.
Certainly there needs to be a balance between
employing the latest technology and making
the system accessible to people of varying
abilities and income levels. But in an era where
candidates may spend up to a half million
dollars to win a seat that pays $72,000 a year,
the public has a right to know where that
money is coming from.

11TH District State Representative term ending 12-31-16 (includes north Dearborn Heights)
There are 4 candidates running for the unexpired term of Julie Plawecki who died in office. The term will
last from the date the Board of Canvassers approve the results following the November 8 Election until
end of the year. See the next page for the 2-year term candidates.
Partial year candidates: Robert Pope (Republican), Lauren Plawecki (Democrat), Rafael Nabaez
(Democrat) and Marc Joseph Sosnowski (U.S. Taxpayers Party).

Go to for their responses.

See previous page for information about the Partial-term race for this

11TH District State Representative 2-year term

(includes north Dearborn Heights)

Robert Pope (R)

Due to the fact that neither candidate
used up allowable space limits, all 5
questions are printed.

Retired, Wayne County Sheriff

Campaign email:
Occupation/Current Position: I am retired
from the Wayne County Sheriffs dept.
Education: Some college

Jewell Jones (D)

City Council Member
Campaign website:
Occupation/Current Position: City Council Member
Education: Senior at the University of MichiganDearborn, pursuing a Political Science and Business
Studies degree.

Qualifications/Experience: Just the desire

to serve the people and not any special
interest groups.

Qualifications/Experience: District Director, David

Knezek for State Representative | Senior Deacon at
Church | ROTC Cadet and Servicemember at U.S.
Army | Consultant at the Coup Group

What are your top three state

legislative priorities and how
would you address them?

#1 I believe smokers have rights too and

would like to see smoking in private clubs.
#2 I would like to see a poker house for card
games like they have in California.
#3 I would like to see a ban on assault
weapons but then only criminals would have

Services delivered to youth, seniors, and Veterans discovering areas that lack efficiency and coming up
with creative and effective ways to improve the
delivery of resources. Public safety - continue to work
with local, state, and federal law enforcement officials
to build cohesive departments and lines of
communication Economic/community development improving educational institutions, developing
amenities in local areas, and empowering business
owners in the community.

What measures do you

support/propose to achieve
improved educational
outcomes for students and for
school districts?

I believe every child should have the

opportunity to pursue the education they
want without any limitations

The use of innovative forms of technology for preK-12

instruction. The availability of online, distance
learning, computer assisted programs and mobile
information networking in all grades, classrooms and
schools should be a goal at the state and local levels.
State income tax, state and local property taxes and
state sales tax should all be used as sources of
revenue. Public funds should not be used for
nonpublic education except for shared time in the
public schools, auxiliary services and transportation.

What policy changes do you

support regarding campaign
funding and voting rights for
Michigan voters?

The reason I don't have any or want any

campaign fund is because I do not want to
be anyone. Besides this office I
am running for is the lowest on the totem

Early voting, vote by mail, online voter registration,

same day registration, non partisan redistricting

What policies do you support

to increase jobs and help
Michigan residents improve
their economic positions?

I believe by raising the minimum wage will

help more of the unemployed to seek jobs.
When wages become more than welfare you
will see more people going off welfare and
into the job market.

Programs in basic education, occupational education

and retraining when needed at any point of an
individuals working career. Expanded opportunities in
apprenticeship and on-the- job training programs.
Child-care centers for preschool children to give
parents the opportunity for employment. A regional
approach to problems of economically depressed
areas that cuts across state lines.

What actions or policies do

you support to meet Michigan
energy needs while protecting
our water, air and land for
current and future

I believe the windmills would help greatly

with the energy problem and would also help
the environment. We do need clean water
not only for drinking but for fishing and other

Encouraging the use of renewable resources and

energy conservation through financial incentives, ratesetting policies and mandatory standards.


13TH District State Representative 2-yr. term

Annie L. Spencer (R)

Due to space limits, only 3 of 5 questions
are printed. For answers to economic
and environmental questions, go to


(inc. south Dearborn Hts.)

Frank Liberati (D)

State Representative and Owner
of Liberati's Italian Deli and
Campaign website:
Education: Bachelors Degree, Michigan State
Qualifications/Experience: As a successful
small business owner and a former school
board president, Frank has been committed to
serving the people of his community with
passion, integrity, and experience. With his
strong work ethic and business experience he
plans to continue to lead the discussion on how
best to bring new jobs to Michigan and develop
a diversified economy that works for all.

What are your top three state

legislative priorities and how
would you address them?

No response

As a successful small business owner and a

former school board president, Frank has been
committed to serving the people of his
community with passion, integrity, and
experience. With his strong work ethic and
business experience he plans to continue to
lead the discussion on how best to bring new
jobs to Michigan and develop a diversified
economy that works for all.

What measures do you

support/propose to achieve
improved educational outcomes
for students and for school

No response

For years, public schools have faced significant

funding cutsyet teachers are expected to do
even more with even less. To prepare our
children for a global economy, we must not
waste taxpayer dollars on failed experiments
like the Educational Achievement Authority
(EAA). Instead, we must ensure long-term
financial stability and academic achievement by
increasing the per pupil foundation allowance,
reasserting our commitment to increasing
access to early education, as well as fully
funding a student-centered literacy program.

What policy changes do you

support regarding campaign
funding and voting rights for
Michigan voters?

No response

Our democracy is founded on the ability of

everyday people to have an impact on how
decisions are made. Whether it is at the voting
booth or with a ballot proposal, we must do
everything in our power to protect and expand
the right to vote for every person who is legally
allowednot affix the rules in a way that
silence the will of voters. I will continue to fight
for common sense reforms, like automatic voter
registration and no-reason absentee voting. I
also fully support establishing an independent
re-districting commission to remove political
and special interest influence over re-drawing
district borders.

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon
to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
Abraham Lincoln


15TH District State Representative 2-year term

Due to space limits, only 3 of 5 questions

are printed. For answers to economic
and environmental questions, go to

(inc. most of Dearborn)

Terrance Guido Gerin (R)

Abdullah Hammoud (D)


Healthcare Advisor
Campaign website:

Campaign website:


Facebook: http://VoteForRhino

Occupation/Current Position: As a national

and state health policy expert, Hammoud is
currently a healthcare advisor.

Occupation/Current Position: Professional

wrestler/Sports Entertainer. A locker room
Education: not applicable

Education: Master of Public Health

(Epidemiology, Genetics), University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor; - Bachelor of Science
(Biology), University of Michigan-Dearborn

Qualifications/Experience: I've been in the

real workforce for the last 27 years. Prior to my
14th birthday I delivered papers and cut grass.
The last 22 years I've been honing my skills in
the sports entertainment business (prowrestling). In this billion dollar industry there's a
tremendous amount of politics, I've honed my
skills in bringing people together to get things
done. I'm highly respected in this field.

Qualifications/Experience: - Product of
Dearborn Public Schools; - Bachelor of Science
and Master of Public Health from the University
of Michigan; - Volunteer for the United Nations
Relief and Work Agency; - Healthcare and
Policy Adviser for Henry Ford Health System; Board Member for Michigan's leading political
voice for protecting our environment; Dearborn community activist and advocate for
over a decade.

What are your top three state

legislative priorities and how would
you address them?

1. Fix our crumbling roads: Get our

community's fair share of road dollars. 2.
Support public education: Ensure teachers get
the support they deserve, and students the
resources they need. 3. Tackle government
waste: I may need to resort to wrestling holds
for this one:)

Improve our public school system, ensuring our

children graduate prepared to compete in
todays economy. Our schools and educators
should have the resources needed to provide
an exceptional education for our students.
HEALTHCARE | Fight for affordable
healthcare, providing accessible and quality
health services for our families and senior
Strengthen Dearborns economy, lowering
taxes for small businesses and defending our
unions bargaining rights. As the son of a small
business owner, Abdullah will fight for our
working families.

What measures do you

support/propose to achieve improved
educational outcomes for students
and for school districts

Get the teachers the pay they deserve and get

money to the classrooms so the teachers have
the tools they need to do their job. Set the
education bar high then get out of the way and
let teachers teach.

Michigans public school system has been

failing to provide the education that helps our
students compete in the world economy. As a
product of Dearborn Public Schools, I believe
our children deserve a world-class education,
where they graduate prepared for college and
their future careers. In order to ensure that we
provide a rigorous and exceptional education
for our children, we must recruit and support
the best teachers to our schools, fight against
budget cuts towards public education, and
oppose legislation that threatens Michigan

What policy changes do you support

regarding campaign funding and
voting rights for Michigan voters?

I support voter ID.

A fundamental pillar of our democracy is the

right to vote and legislators must do everything
in their power to ensure voting rights are not
threatened, limited, or infringed upon. When it
comes to campaign funding, we must add in
common-sense layers of transparency and
accountability so voters knows exactly who is
supporting the campaigns of candidates on
their ballots.


You can vote for all of one partys candidates by marking this near the top of the ballot.
However, local School Board and Judicial races are nonpartisan - you must vote individually.


Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney, 4-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Kym L. Worthy (D)


Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for Circuit Court.

What are the priority issues facing the

Circuit Court and what actions would
you take to address them if elected?



Ive been a licensed attorney since 2001. I

previously worked for the Wayne County
Prosecutors office in the drug / prostitution
asset forfeiture department, and saw first-hand
the unjust government practices of extorting
money from citizens in exchange for the return
of stolen property, and of punishing vice
crimes the same as real criminals who rape,
murder, steal and commit fraud. I also worked
as a criminal defense attorney, and understand
the problems associated with charging people
with victimless (vice) crimes, and with judges
and prosecutors conspiring to prevent juries
from being informed of their right to engage in
Jury Nullification (i.e. jurors voting to acquit
defendants in accordance with their conscience
and contrary to unjust laws). As Wayne County
Prosecutor, I will promote Jury Nullification,
stop prosecuting "victimless crimes," and stop
Civil Forfeiture.

The greater justice is always the avoidance of

injustice. I would: 1. Stop prosecuting
victimless crimes and instead divert resources
toward prosecuting hard crimes involving
violence, fraud and theft (e.g. murder, rape,
burglary, fraud); 2. In cases involving unjust
laws and victimless crimes, and in
accordance with the US Supreme Court case
of Sparf and Hansen v. United States (which
affirmed juries right of Jury Nullification), I
would allow juries to be informed of their 800+
year-old right of Jury Nullification---to ignore
unjust laws---and to vote their conscience and
acquit defendants regardless what the law
says; 3. Stop seizing innocent citizens property
under the Civil Forfeiture Program, which is
shameful, naked extortion of citizens who are
not guilty of committing a crime.

Prosecuting Attorney

David Alton (Lib)

Campaign website:
Education: B.A. in Political Philosophy
/Constitutional Democracy - Michigan State
University 1987; Juris Doctor (Lawyer) Thomas M. Cooley Law School, 2000

Unopposed (Uncontested) Races These Wayne County candidates have no opposition on the

ballot. Some were invited to participate in the Voter Guide. You may find their responses
by going online to
Wayne County Sheriff

Benny N. Napoleon (D)

Wayne County Clerk

Cathy M. Garrett (D)

Wayne County Treasurer

Eric Sabree (D)

Wayne County Register of Deeds

Bernard J. Youngblood (D)

8th District Wayne County Commissioner
(includes Dearborn Heights)

Diane L. Webb (D)

13th District Wayne County Commissioner
(includes Dearborn)

Gary Woronchak (D)

3rd District Circuit Court Judge
Incumbent 6-yr. term (Vote for 16)

Eric William Cholack

James R. Chylinski
Patricia Susan Fresard
Alexis A. Glendening
David Alan Groner
Cynthia Gray Hathaway
Susan L. Hubbard
Muriel Diane Hughes
Timothy M. Kenny
Sheila Gibson Manning
Bruce Underwood Morrow
John A. Murphy
Lita Helene Popke
Mark Slavens
Martha M. Snow
Brian R. Sullivan
3rd District Circuit Court Judge
Incumbent Partial 2-yr. term (Vote for 1)

Adel A. Harb
Wayne County Probate Court Judge
Incumbent 6-yr. term (Vote for 2)

Lisa Marie Neilson

Lawrence J. Paolucci


There are 8 candidates vote for 4

Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court Judge, Non-incumbent, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Melissa Anne Cox

Campaign website:
Campaign email :
Education: Ave Maria School of Law, Ann
Arbor Juris Doctorate, 05/2008 University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor Bachelor of Arts, 08/2004

Matthew M. Evans
Campaign website:
Campaign email :
Education: Juris Doctor - Cum Laude Michigan
State University 1996, BBA - Accounting
Western Michigan University 1980

Wanda A. Evans
Campaign website: none
Campaign email :
Education: Cass Technical High School,
Eastern Michigan - BS ,Wayne State University
- MSW, U of D Law School, JD

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for Circuit Court.

What are the priority issues facing the

Circuit Court and what actions would
you take to address them if elected?

I am an attorney at the law firm of Fausone

Bohn, LLP, in Northville, Michigan. I sustain a
high-volume caseload of complex domestic
relations matters and a focus on adoptions and
multi-jurisdictional custody matters.
Additionally, I am the assistant city attorney for
the communities of Westland and Wayne, and
in that capacity, represent the cities in various
aspects from their prosecution of criminal
misdemeanor matters to defense of complex
class action lawsuits. I have been selected and
named as a Super Lawyers Rising Star for the
past 6 consecutive years and have been
selected and named by Hour Magazine as one
of Michigan Top Female Attorneys for the past
2 years. I reside in Livonia with my husband,
Kevin, and children, Elle, Harper, and
Beckham. I am running for judge in order to
publicly serve the communities of Wayne
County as an instrument of justice for the

The priority issue facing the judicial office is to

provide clarity to our laws and consistency in
their application. This must be accomplished by
a balance of fairness and firmness from the
bench. Additionally, a pressing and important
issue is access to justice. If elected, I would
promote a pro se program to assist litigants in
maneuvering through the system. Further,
there is much reform needed in the area of the
criminal public defense program in order to
ensure that indigent Defendants are afforded
the same justice as all other litigants.

I have been a practicing attorney for 20 years

and for all of that time the vast majority of my
clients have been indigent. During this period of
time I have tried more than 200 criminal and
civil cases including more than 30 homicide
cases. Also during this time I played an active
role in the Wayne County Criminal Defense Bar
Association acting as its President for several
years. I was awarded the "Right to Counsel"
award by the Criminal Defense Attorneys of
Michigan in 2006 for my efforts to improve the
criminal justice system. I am also a member of
the Criminal Advocacy Program Board that is
responsible for training attorneys who wish to
receive criminal assignments in the Third
Circuit Court. I have conducted training
seminars for lawyers across the state. I am
considered an expert in my field and have been
called upon to testify before the Michigan
Legislature on various topics.

The most important issue facing this office is

the ability to quickly assume the responsibilities
of a Judge. At least three and probably all four
of the seats in this election will be in the
Criminal Division of the Third Circuit. My
extensive trial experience in this area makes
me the ideal choice for the voters. I have
received the endorsement of the Police Officers
Association of Michigan even though my
practice is primarily criminal defense. The
reason I received this endorsement is due to
my reputation of fairness and possessing the
temperament required to work in this highly
emotional and specialized area. I am highly
respected by the Judges, Prosecuting
Attorneys and my colleagues. The voters can
count on me to be there on time, work all day
and give each person appearing before me the
time and effort to justly decide their case in an
environment of respect.

Judge Wanda Evans was elected to the 36th

District Court in 2012. I currently serve with
fairness, commitment and passion. I became a
member of the State Bar of Michigan and was
licensed to practice in the Federal District Court
in 1995. I worked for the Misdemeanor
Defenders Office at the 36th District Court
representing indigent clients while in law school
and for a short time after graduation. Later, I
started my law firm and practiced law for over
seventeen years in the areas of Criminal,
Family and Civil Law prior to becoming a
Judge. When practicing as an attorney, I was
honored to represent the mother who
barricaded herself in her house during a twelve
hour police stand off, refusing to give her
daughter psychotropic drugs as ordered to by
DHS. I promised to get her child back and I did!
I want to provide to all of the residents of
Wayne County judicial integrity & justice.

If elected to judge of the Wayne County 3rd

Circuit Court I promise to all of the residents of
Wayne County to provide judicial excellence,
fairness and justice to all that come before me.
Judges have a great responsibility and often
only one side of the job is displayed publicly but
I believe that the judges work hard to walk in
integrity and balance the difficult task they




There are 8 candidates vote for 4

Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court Judge, Non-incumbent, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Robert Ficano
Professor Wayne County
Community College and Private
Campaign website: none
Campaign email:
Education: B.A. Michigan State University
J.D. University of Detroit

Thomas John Hathaway

Attorney and Counselor
Campaign website: none
Campaign email:
Education: J.D., Vanderbilt University Law
School, B.A., College of the Holy Cross, Detroit
Catholic Central High School

Brian L. Morrow
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Wayne State University Law
School - Detroit, MI, J.D., 1986; Michigan State
University - E. Lansing, MI, B.A., History, 1981

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for Circuit Court.

What are the priority issues facing the

Circuit Court and what actions would
you take to address them if elected?

My legal experience stretches over several

decades. I began my legal career working on
corporate, municipal, tort litigation &real estate
law. Then I served as a City attorney for
Westland. I was appointed Wayne County
Deputy Clerk which led to being Wayne County
Sheriff followed by Executive. I started the first
internet unit that pursued child predators and
distributed free gun locks. I have been active in
and a supporter of organized labor and I am
currently an AFT member at WCCCD. As CEO
had a diverse administration, set up programs
to stop home foreclosures, set up homeless
shelters, set up mobile neighborhood health
units, raised private advertising funds to
support the auto bailout, spearheaded an
expungement program, & raised over $50,000
in private funds for college scholarships.

I believe that any judge must assure balance,

fairness and compassion for those who appear
before the Court. In addition, I strongly believe
in noting not only the letter but also the spirit of
the law. A judge must assure patience in
allowing all parties to present their case as well
as assure that the system itself also includes

Nationally known as a premier lawyer

displaying "superb skills and an excellent trial
demeanor" (Chambers USA: Leading Lawyers)
Thomas John Hathaway has a distinguished
legal career and now seeks public service. He
was a partner at Riley & Roumell P.C., became
a founding partner and President of Brady
Hathaway Brady & Bretz, P.C., specializing in
management labor and employment law,
admiralty and business law. In 2006 he merged
the firm into Clark Hill plc. His experience
includes litigation, trials, appeals and
counseling under various state and federal civil
rights, and labor and business statues in
Michigan and around the country. He is
recognized by peer review organizations, and
is listed in "Best Lawyers in America,"
"Michigan Super Lawyers" and "Chamber USA:
Leading Individuals," among others. His
fairness is recognized by selection as a sole
Arbitrator, and a neutral facilitator

The Courts are the great levelers of society

where people go for civil redress and remedy in
a proper case, and where society judges and
punishes criminal behavior. We measure a
society by its laws. Respect for the law and real
access to justice is a priority issue. Aside from
proper funding, the administration of justice and
respect for the law, all depends on the
character, quality and wisdom of the judge.
Litigants and jurors must see the judge as an
honest gatekeeper, fair and impartial and not
biased by social or judicial philosophy, or the
wealth, social status, race or gender of the
parties. I am seeking a judgeship because I
believe my background, training and instincts
have honed a sense of justice and imbued me
with a judicial temperament that is not always
present in the courts. I will be the judge people
want to appear before, and that society
demands for honest justice

I am a 1986 graduate of Wayne State

University Law School, and have practiced law
for almost thirty years. For the last twelve
years, I have been the Deputy Chief of the
Juvenile Division of the Wayne County
Prosecutor's Office. I have extensive
experience litigating serious criminal cases,
including homicides, rapes and armed
robberies, from both the defense and the
prosecution side. In 2014, I received a
Champion of Justice Award from the State Bar
of Michigan for creating a juvenile diversion
program called Teen Court. I also taught
Criminal Law at Eastern Michigan University as
an adjunct faculty member. Married for twentynine years, my wife Mary and I have two
children, Mark (28) and Charlotte (24). I am
running for judge in order to serve the citizens
of Wayne County by bringing my experience,
even temperament, and an innovative
approach to justice, to the 3rd Circuit Court

The 3rd Circuit Court, as is true with virtually

every other sector of our society, is faced with
the issue of how best to allocate resources to
accomplish its goals. Particularly on the
Criminal/Juvenile Bench, the goal of the Court
is to protect public safety. The issue, then, is
how best to do that, given the reality of limited
financial resources. My experience with the
Teen Court program, which has been highly
effective in cutting down on repeat juvenile
offenders, has taught me the value of
specialty courts. If I am fortunate enough to
be elected, I would promote the use of
specialty or treatment courts, such as
Veterans Courts, Drug Courts and Mental
Health Courts, to address cases that merit such
consideration. If used appropriately, these
courts can be a cost-effective means of
preventing future crime, as well as avoiding the
societal and monetary costs of incarceration.




There are 8 candidates vote for 4

Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court Judge, Non-incumbent, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Kelly Ann Ramsey

Special Assistant Attorney
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Wayne State University Law
School, 1982-86; University of Michigan Dearborn, 1977-79; Oakland Community
College, 1975-77

Regina Thomas
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Tennessee State University,
Bachelor of Science
Vanderbilt University School of Law, Doctor of

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for Circuit Court.

What are the priority issues facing the

Circuit Court and what actions would
you take to address them if elected?

I was born & raised in Detroit; proud daughter

of a Detroit police officer; a lifelong resident of
Wayne County. I have extensive judicial and
trial experience. I served over 23 years as a
referee in Wayne County Circuit Court/Juvenile
Division, and over 5 years as a Wayne County
asst. prosecuting attorney. I intimately know
how the law works and what it takes to make
sure it works all the time for all people. I am the
visionary behind For The Seventh Generation
(, a nonprofit org. enriching the lives of disadvantaged
children. I serve on the boards of Vista Maria,
Childs Hope, Franklin Wright Settlement and
the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Assoc. Foundation.
I am a member of the Governors Task Force
on Child Abuse & Neglect. Im driven; Im
passionate; I work hard; I believe in the law. I
believe this is the type of person you want on
the bench.

A major concern of every citizen in Wayne

County should be this: that judges on our
bench should be elected or selected based on
merit and experience only. Voters/politicians
alike should do whatever is necessary to
ensure that only judges of the highest caliber
and with great integrity are seated on the 3rd
Circuit Court bench. My record substantiates
that I understand and respect the responsibility
I have to the people who appear before me and
the community that I serve. My background,
work history and work ethic establishes that I
know what I am doing and that I care deeply
about, and have the best interest of the
community foremost on my mind. I have
handled thousands of cases. I am fair, will
study and understand the cases before me,
and demand likewise from the people who
stand before me. I follow the law. I will manage
my courtroom in the most efficient manner.

I have spent the last 20 years providing critical

services to children and families as well as
protecting the rights of crime victims. I see
becoming a judge as a way to provide a greater
service to my community. I currently serve as
deputy chief counsel of the Civil Law Group of
Legal Aid and Defender Association and an
adjunct professor at Western Michigan
University Cooley Law School where I teach
the Child Abuse and Neglect Seminar. I
received my B.S. from Tennessee State
University and my J.D. from Vanderbilt
University School of Law. My prior legal
experience includes serving as an assistant
prosecuting attorney for the Wayne County
Prosecutors Office, chief counsel for the
Juvenile Law Group of Legal Aid and Defender
Association, Inc., and assistant attorney
general for the State of Michigan. I reside in
Grosse Pointe Woods with my husband and
two sons.

Access to the courts is an issue. While there is

a constitutional right to counsel in criminal
matters no such mandate exists as it relates to
civil legal matters. There are a limited number
of attorneys who are available to assist low to
moderate-income people in civil legal matters.
As a result a large number of people are forced
to navigate the judicial system without an
attorney. In many cases these civil legal
matters can be the difference between crisis
and stability for under resourced families. If
elected I will seek to ensure that all litigants are
able to participate in their legal matter in a
meaningful way. I will work with the legal
community to increase the availability of legal
resources for those litigants who cannot afford
an attorney in civil legal matters and thereby
reduce barriers to justice.


Dont forget to TURN YOUR BALLOT OVER and vote in the races and/or issues
on the back side.


Dearborn: 19th District Court Judge, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Susan A. Dabaja
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Edsel Ford High School,1995; B.S.
University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2000; J.D.,
University of Detroit-Mercy, 2004, Class Rank:1

Gene Hunt
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: William Ford, Woodworth, Fordson,
Henry Ford Community College and the U of M
- Dearborn. Law Degree from Wayne State


Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for this office.

What are the priority issues facing this

office and what actions would you take
to address them if elected?

Susan is a wife and mother of 3 children,

accomplishing all of her educational goals while
raising her family. She spent her entire legal
career in Dearborn, helping Dearborn families
in nearly every aspect of law, with over a
decade of extensive courtroom experience
(district, circuit, appellate). In addition to her
robust legal experience, Susan was elected as
Council President as the highest vote getter. In
the courtroom and as Council President, Susan
is a proven leader with impeccable judgment.
She has the ability and a record of making
difficult but fair and thorough decisions. Serving
as judge provides a larger platform of service
and is a natural ascension from Council
President. As judge, Susan will use her
extensive legal experience and firsthand city
knowledge. Susan is running because she is
the most qualified and prepared, and because
of her commitment to public service.

A priority in this district is to determine and

ensure that the needs of our citizenry are met.
Given the growth of our city, the need to reduce
crime, as well as the expansion of legal issues
facing residents over the past decade, it is
important to appropriately prioritize court
resources. Susan has been part of the
landscape and fabric of our city. If elected,
Susan will address these issues by using her
firsthand knowledge and experience of
Dearborn to ensure resources are used in a
focused manner and cases before her are
decided in the appropriate context. Susan
would ensure that due process is a priority all
the while administering cases and making
decisions in as efficient a manner as possible.
Susan will be fair, impartial and dedicated. As
Council President, Susan is the only candidate
that brings proven leadership, public service
and firsthand city knowledge to the bench.

I grew up in Dearborn. The only time I didn't

live here was during the mid 1970s when I
joined the United States Marine Corp. After my
service to our country, I moved back to
Dearborn. I've been married to my wife Carol
for 33 years. I have two children and three
grandchildren. I've been an attorney in our
district court for 31 years, where I've handled
over 10,000 cases, mostly for indigent
defendants. I've handled more cases than any
other attorney in court history. I'm running for
district judge because the protection of our
constitutional rights is too important not to elect
the best judge we can. I'm proud to be
endorsed by the Police Officers Assn. of
Dearborn, Teamsters Local 299 and State Rep.
George Darany, to name a few. I'm proud to
have the support of Democrats and
Republicans, east siders and west siders; they
agree that I'm the most experienced, most
prepared candidate.

We live in uncertain times. There's a growing

perception that there are two different forms of
justice -- one for the wealthy and powerful and
one for the rest of us. Additionally, I would like
to reestablish the drug court and implement a
veterans' court. I would place a greater
emphasis on solutions other than incarceration
for non-violent offenders. I believe this can both
help turn lives around and save taxpayer
money. Finally, I'm running for district judge to
bring a steady hand to the Dearborn District
Court, to use my 31-years of experience to
protect the constitutional rights of all of our
citizens and guarantee equal access to justice.

ABOUT THE LEAGUE: Founded in 1920, the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political
organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. The League never
supports or opposes political parties or candidates. Membership is open to all men and women age 16
and above. Call 313-278-6476 or visit for information.
If you appreciate this Voter Guide, please support the League of Women Voters with a donation to the LWV-DDH Education Fund, a
501 C 3 organization. Dedicated volunteers make this possible.


Please see 2 pages of candidate information.


Dearborn School Board Member, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Hussein Berry
Real Estate Broker
Campaign website: none
Campaign email:
Education: Fordson High School
Henry Ford College
Wayne State University

Khodr Farhat
Public Speaker & Advocate
Campaign website: http://
Campaign email:
Education: Pursuing a bachelors degree in
political science at the university of Michigan,

VOTE FOR 2 of 4 candidates

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for this office.

What are the priority issues facing this

office and what actions would you take
to address them if elected?

I have had the good fortune of calling Dearborn

my home for nearly 50 years. I grew up on the
citys east side, spending my formative years in
the Dearborn Public Schools and graduating
from Fordson. As a free-thinking adult,
empowered to make my own choices, there
was never any doubt about where I wanted to
live and raise my family. Dearborn has
provided me and my family with wonderful
opportunities, amazing experiences and a
lifetime of memories I cant imagine we would
have enjoyed anywhere else. I have been a
member of Dearborns Board of Education of
five years, during which time I had the
opportunity to serve as the Chairman of that
board, as well as the Chairman of the Henry
Ford Board of Trustees. During these years, I
was able to combine my life-long concern for
local education with my real passion in life,
which is the mentoring of our youth.

The Dearborn Public Schools have enjoyed a

great deal of success during the past decade.
Graduation rates have increased double digits,
test scores are heading in the right direction
and many of our graduates have gone on to
such prestigious schools as the University of
Michigan, Michigan State University and
several Ivy League Schools. My top priority,
though, would be to elevate parental
involvement. Its no secret that students
achieve more and enjoy greater success when
parents are actively involved in the educational
process. Most parents understand this, but far
too many are not actively engaged. I would like
to see all parents be held accountable for
playing an active role in the educational
support process. Toward that end, I would like
to see both the parent and DPS sign a contract,
spelling out the responsibilities of each party.

My name is Khodr Farhat, I was born and

raised in Beirut, Lebanon, and immigrated to
Dearborn, Michigan at the age of fifteen. I
immigrated for many reasons: firstly, and most
importantly, I was born legally blind. The
country had a lack of care for those with
disabilities; furthermore, we were presumed
incapable of learning. This thrived me to seek
an education in the United States. Upon my
arrival, I had little understanding of the english
language, therefore many doubted that I could
excel in the language considering my
"disability." But, while many considered it a
disability, I implemented it as an advantage. I
graduated first in my class, and today at the
age of twenty three, I stand envisioning a
brighter future for all. Thus, I have chosen to
run for the school board, to let the world know
my story and that there is no obstacle you can't

My first priority if held elected is to reform the

city's special needs educational program. I
would like to make the city more inclusive and
give people a better understanding on the
difficulties such students face. Many of our
children in the city, face the challenges of ADD,
ADHD, Autism, etc.. and we hold little to no
knowledge of what they are challenging.
Secondly, i would like to have parents more
involved in their children(s) school. Many
parents are oblivious to their child's progress or
tasks faced against. I would do my best to hold
after school and summer programs and have
children stay after with their parents, so
teachers can further educate them on their
child's progress. My third of many priorities is to
further enhance Henry Ford College. I would
have new classes available and would make
more bachelor degrees available for people in
different fields of study.


Be an informed voter! Read both Voter Guides!

There are 2 printed Voter Guides a LWV-Michigan Voter Guide and a local LWVDearborn/Dearborn Heights Voter Guide.

Please see 2 pages of candidate information.


Dearborn School Board Member, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Fadwa Hammoud
Dearborn Board of Education
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Juris Doctor- Wayne State University
School of Law; Bachelor of Arts-UofM Dearborn;
Henry Ford College ; Fordson High School

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for this office.

What are the priority issues facing

this office and what actions would you
take to address them if elected?

While proudly serving as your Dearborn Board

of Education Trustee, I have maintained fiscal
responsibility to taxpayers while demonstrating
compassion and genuine concern for Dearborn

Raising achievement while being fiscally

responsible is my main objective. We have a
duty to the taxpayers to use resources
efficiently without sacrificing our childrens
education. The question of how this affects
the student should be first in all budget
discussions. This is done by keeping
curriculum data-informed and student
centered. As a parent, I want our children to
receive the best education and to pave the
way for them to pursue their dreams.
Safety is also essential to student success. A
safe environment does not stop within the
walls of our schools and we prioritize that
safety with our investments and community
engagement. There is no separation between
schools and communities; strong partnership
is key. We need to unite parents, educators,
administrators and taxpayers to continue the
improvement of our schools. Schools excel
through teamwork and community support.

Graduating from Fordson, I attended Henry

Ford College and the University of MichiganDearborn. I earned my Law Degree from
Wayne State University and currently serve as
a Wayne County Assistant Prosecuting
Attorney. The correlation between public safety
and education became evident through my
service. I know the impact quality education can
have and the harm that comes from its
absence. As a government attorney, I allocate
limited resources to accomplish maximum
results and understand the struggles our
teachers face.
Raising my two children in Dearborn, I have a
vested interest in the success of our schools. Ill
continue to work hard for our childrens future
and ask for your vote.

Adel Mozip
Software Developer
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Bachelor's in Science (University of
Michigan-Dearborn) and Masters in Business
Administration - MBA (Wayne State University)

VOTE FOR 2 of 4 candidates

As a product of Dearborn Public Schools and

now a parent of first grader, I have been highly
active within our schools. I graduated from
Fordson High (2004) and went on to study
computer engineering at the University of
Michigan-Dearborn. There I was elected as a
senator and chaired the Student Academic
Affairs Committee advocating for students'
interests. In 2009 I co-founded the Michigan
Chapter of the AAYSP, a nonprofit organization
which promotes higher education. In 2014 I
founded Sheba4Tech, a software company and
earned an MBA from Wayne State University in
2016. My diverse involvement within Dearborn
has allowed me the opportunity to build strong
relationships within our schools and community.
These opportunities have vastly shaped my
professional leadership and communication
skills which makes me qualified and prepared
to serve our children, teachers, citizens, and

The top priority issues facing DPS are:

continuous deep cuts to education from the
state, privatization of public education, and
the high achievement gap between our
students. My four core goals for the district
are: 1)to increase student academic
achievement across the board, 2)analyze &
improve college readiness for our high school
students, 3)utilize technology to be more proactive with parents and the community, and
4)bridge the academic gap between the
under-performing and over-achieving
students. We can achieve these goals while
being fiscally responsible through effective
and efficient implementation of programs. As
a business startup entrepreneur, I look
forward to bringing more business
partnership to the district to offset the cuts
from the State while actively lobbying state
government to invest in our public
educational system. We will all win when we
have strong schools!


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

-Benjamin Franklin


Dearborn School Board Member, Partial 2-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Faize El-Khali
Sr. Key Account Manager
Campaign website: none
Campaign email:
Education: MSF, and MBA from the University of
Michigan - Dearborn

Jim Thorpe
Financial Advisor
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Bachelor of Arts-Michigan State


Please provide biographical

information and experience, and
explain why you are running for this

What are the priority issues facing this

office and what actions would you take
to address them if elected?

A little about myself, and why I'm running for

the Dearborn School Board - 2 year Term.

If elected, we will work hard to find areas

where the status quo no longer supports the
needs of the community, I will become an
asset with my teammates (the school board)
with the experience and diversity that I add,
and we will work within our budget to
maximize the services and capabilities of our
communitys educational facilities. Please feel
free to reach out to me if you need to know
more or follow me on Instagram
@faize_m_elkhali and Facebook
@FaizeforDearbornSchoolBoard (or search
Faize M. El-Khali).

I am born and raised in Dearborn and have

a good network within the Dearborn
communities. I am married (12 years) and
have 2 children that attend Geer Park
Elementary. I have a Bachelors of Business
Administration, a Masters of Science in
Finance, and an MBA. I have held many
high-ranking positions in non-for-profit
organizations such as vice president of the
Financial Management Association, vice
president of the AAYSP, and many more.
Also, I have over 15 years of accounting
and finance experience; corporate shared
services, plant cost allocation, strategic
planning and pricing, and account manager
responsible for millions in annual revenues.

As a parent with two children in the district I

would like to do everything in my power to
eliminate unnecessary barriers to teaching,
and ensure staff can effectively teach all
students. My experience:

Lifelong Dearborn resident, attending

Dearborn Public Schools

Member of Dearborn Area Chamber of


Served on board of directors for

DACC 2002-2011

Served as Chairman for DACC 2010

Member of Dearborn Rotary club

since 2008, serving as club President 20132014

Served on the Dearborn Public

Schools Education Foundation 2005-2010

Member of the Lindbergh PTA since

2010, serving as Vice-President 2012-14

Served on Dearborn Public Schools

curriculum council 2010-12

Served on Dearborn Public Schools

visioning committee 2016

Served as Treasurer on Dearborn

Public Schools millage campaigns in 20142015

Residents have generously voted to fund

millages for the district that will help improve
our building and technology infrastructures.
The school board has a role as stewards of
those funds, and of the general budget, to
ensure that all funds are used effectively and
efficiently. My background in financial
management both in my profession and in
community service gives me an advantage
when it comes to balancing a budget and
making sure needs are met.

Unopposed (Uncontested) Races These nonpartisan Dearborn Heights Area candidates have no

opposition on the ballot. Some were invited to participate in the Voter Guide. You may find
their responses by going online to
Dearborn Heights District 7 School Board Member
4-yr. term (Vote for 3)
Vickie Bracken
Robert Brown
Lori Fujita
Westwood School Board Member
6-yr. term (Vote for 2 There is only one name on the ballot)
Donald Willis


Please see 2 pages of candidate information.


Crestwood School Board Member, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Nadia Berry
Early Childhood
Campaign website:
Campaign email:
Education: Henry Ford Community
College/Eastern Michigan University

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for this office.

What are the priority issues facing this

office and what actions would you take
to address them if elected?

I have served the educational needs of our

communities children for over 22 years. My
knowledge and experience will help me to
provide leadership and build a vision all can
share in.

Must continue to ensure a safe, accepting, and

successful learning environment for all.
-Engage, and strengthen the Crestwood District
-Enhancing students education and creativity to
reflect diverse perspectives and learning styles.
-Provide equal education and opportunities to
all our children.

My reasons for running is simple. My FAMILY

and YOURS. This is the single most important
issue the community faces whether or not you
have children or grandchildren in the
Crestwood School District. No children, young
children, grown children-We all feel the
success or failure of our school system-for my
Helping to provide the absolute BEST
education possible for our children and to
provide the support and tools that teachers
need to be successful at teaching. To have an
open line of communication between staff,
students, administration, community, board
members and tax payers, to be transparent and
responsive to the community and the district as
a whole.

Eduardo Garcia
Security Supervisor
Campaign website: none
Campaign email: none
Education: Degree in Criminal Justice,
Schoolcraft College

VOTE FOR 2 of 4 candidates

Hello, my name is Ed Garcia and I am 49 years

old. I am the proud father of Andrew, Kayla
and Brianne and the husband of Colleen. I
have lived in the Crestwood School District for
25 years. I think the most important asset we
have is our children. They will shape our
society. It is our responsibility to give them all
the opportunity to learn, as they deserve.
Getting involved is the way to change the
present and shape the future. I have been
involved as a D.A.R.E police officer, volunteer
Riverside football coach, and presently, serve
on the Crestwood School Board. I am running
for re-election because I believe in our children
and I cannot think of a more important way to
serve our children.

-To Push for more parental and community
involvement to better our children's education.
-To Promote quality education based on care
and support for our children
-To Provide our children with their own
individualized opportunity to achieve their
highest potential.

1. The biggest priority was the passage of the

bond so that we can fix the infrastructure of our
school buildings, offer new technology. I want
to continue to work with this board,
administration and our volunteer committee to
oversee the spending of the funds wisely.
2. We need to continue to work on engaging
our community to come together as one. I am
looking forward to the Crestwood family to see
each other as parents, children, and
grandparents and not by our ethnic origin.
3. Our students have different abilities and
needs. Crestwood has been recognized for
advanced academic achievement, graduation
rate and the percentage of students who go to
college. I want to work with the district to
expand the successful programs and develop
new programs as needed to make certain that
all of the needs of our students are being met
while continuing to offer a diverse education.


Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Margaret Mead


Please see 2 pages of candidate information.


Crestwood School Board Member, 6-yr. term

Candidate name
Campaign website/email

Patricia Helton
Registered Nurse

Campaign website: none

Campaign email:
Education: Associate in Applied Science in
Nursing, Henry Ford Community College

James Taylor

Campaign website: none

Campaign email:
Education: High School Grad, Certified School
Board Member/ Michigan

VOTE FOR 2 of 4 candidates

Please provide biographical information

and experience, and explain why you
are running for this office.

What are the priority issues facing this

office and what actions would you take
to address them if elected?

I am a Registered Nurse and have been a

resident of Crestwood School District for over
14 years. My daughter is a recent graduate and
my son is a current student at Crestwood High
School. Throughout this time I have been an
active volunteer and supporter of the school
district; serving as Treasurer for Highview
Elementary School PTO, library volunteer at
Riverside Middle School, as well as a parent
volunteer for various student activities and field
trips of all grade levels. After graduating from
Dearborn High School, I resided out of state
with my husband of 20 years before his
retirement from the United States Navy. We
settled in Dearborn Heights because we love
this community. I am passionate about the
Crestwood School District and I want to ensure
the continued progress of the educational
environment for our students.

Learning environments are changing. Students,

technology, learning styles and teaching
methods are evolving. The district needs to be
keeping up with these changes. Crestwood
School District is a culturally diverse
community. My experiences, while living in
other areas of the country and traveling abroad,
have taught me about acceptance and
understanding. I believe the school
environment should be all inclusive and an
educational climate where every student can
reach their fullest potential is a top priority.

I am running for re-election this year. I am a

proud military veteran having served in the US
Army. Honorably Discharged. I have had my
own business before as well as managing
others. I also have some construction
experience that aids me in being able to be a
more effective school board member. I have
served as a School Board Member in New
Mexico where there is a high population in the
Hispanic Community. This helps me to deal
with the growing Arabic population here in

Upgrade of our schools is a must. We actually

needed more than the $35M Bond that passed.
But, this is the amount that the community
could bare at this point I time. Our growing
student population must have a place to stay.
Building additions are a must need in several
areas through out our School District. Staying
on top of Technology and Safety must always
be on the forefront. The neglect of over 50
years has shown their scares, breaks, and
ware. We need to continue supporting our staff
with the necessary items they need in order to
provide a TOP NOTCH education for our
students. This WILL be a GREAT benefit to all
our community. We must be able to equip our
students with the knowledge they need to
further their education after their graduation,
going into the work force in SKILLED
POSITIONS, or be proud of those that decide
to serve our Country in the Military Services.

There are many areas that need attention. We

just passed a $35M Bond after 50 years of
continued failure. Many needs are being
addressed with this money as it has been prior
appropriated . I would like to see that these
projects get their due attention. We need to
continue to meet the needs of a GROWING
student population and a diverse group. We
ALL succeed when this is done!


For questions or an absentee ballot:

Call your city clerk
Dearborn Heights 313-791-3430


Regional Rapid Transit Authority

Southeast Michigan Ballot Proposal
A Proposal Authorizing the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan (RTA) to Levy an Assessment
The proposal would authorize the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan (RTA) to levy within Macomb, Oakland,
Washtenaw, and Wayne counties a property tax assessment:
at a rate of 1.2 mills ($1.20 per $1,000 of taxable value);
for 20 years beginning in 2016 and ending in 2035;
that may not be increased, renewed, or used for other purposes without direct voter approval; and
to be used upon the affirmative vote of an RTA board member from each RTA member jurisdiction for the purpose of
construction and operation of a public transportation system connecting Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties,
including rapid transit bus routes across county lines, specialized service for senior citizens, REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF
SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, and people with disabilities, commuter rail, airport express service, and other public transportation
purposes permitted by law, consistent with RTA bylaws and subject to the limitations of the Regional Transit Authority Act. If this
new additional assessment is approved and levied, revenue will be disbursed to the RTA. It is estimated that $160,907,285 will be
collected in the first year.
Should this assessment be approved? YES___ NO___


A YES vote for regional transit will benefit residents, communities and businesses across Southeast
Michigan by connecting Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties, increasing independence for
seniors and people with disabilities, connecting people to work and boosting economic development.
Currently, 92 percent of jobs in the region cant be reached within 60 minutes using existing transit. The
American Public Transportation Association found that every $1 invested in regional transit returns about
$4 in economic benefits, therefore increasing economic growth. Reliable, connected regional transit will
ensure frequent, seamless service throughout Southeast Michigan for the first time. For more information,
If passed, all taxpayers would have to pay the millage of approximately $95/year for 20 years, even if
they do not/would not use public transportation. Public transit users should be paying the costs
themselves, including costs for expansion and improvements. The transit plan is not going to help every
community in the four counties equally, and it is not fair for all to pay the same tax. There is no opt out
provision in the proposal, which means that if the vote passes, all county residents will pay the tax
regardless of the service to their local community.


Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed enhancement millage will be collected by the Wayne County Regional
Educational Service Agency and distributed to local public school districts within the boundaries of the Wayne County Regional
Educational Service Agency based on pupil membership count.
Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the Wayne County
Regional Educational Service Agency, Michigan, be increased by 2.00 mills ($2.00 per thousand dollars of taxable value) for a
period of six (6) years, 2016 to 2021, inclusive, as new additional millage to provide operating funds to enhance other state
and local funding for local school district operating purposes? YES ___ NO _
It is estimated that 2 mills would raise approximately $80,000,000 when first levied in 2016. The revenue from this millage will be
disbursed to the following school districts: Allen Park Public Schools; Crestwood School District; Dearborn City School District;
Dearborn Heights School District #7; Detroit Public Schools Community District ; Ecorse Public School District; Flat Rock
Community Schools; School District of the City of Garden City; Gibraltar School District; Grosse Ile Township Schools; The Grosse
Pointe Public School System; Hamtramck Public Schools; City of Harper Woods Schools; School District of the City of Highland
Park; Huron School District; School District of the City of Lincoln Park; Livonia Public Schools; Melvindale - Northern Allen Park
Schools Northville Public Schools; Plymouth-Canton Community Schools; Redford Union School District River Rouge School
District; Riverview Community School District; Romulus Community Schools Southgate Community School District; South Redford
School District; Taylor School District Trenton Public Schools; Van Buren Public Schools; Wayne-Westland Community School
District Westwood Community Schools; Woodhaven-Brownstown School District; Wyandotte City School District


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