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Mini-Lesson Rubric

Delivery of

Multiple resources were
Content was presented provided but only in one
one way. Content did mode. Content was accurate
not have a logical flow. but presented in a way that
was difficult to follow.

Assessment type is not

appropriate for content Assessment tool was
Assessments provided and
appropriate but assessment
assessment items were items were unclear.

Use of

Content was presented in a
variety of ways. Content
was presented in a logical
order and was easy to
Assessment tool was
appropriate for the content
and was represented in a
logical manner.

At least three features of

Only one feature of
Only two features of Edmodo Edmodo were used in the
Edmodo was used.
mini lesson. Features were
were used. Features were
Edmodo feature was not
used in a logical way.
used in a logical way.
used in a logical way
Total Points: 6

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