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A guide to Spanish citizenship and

permanent residence

Find out when you can apply for Spanish

citizenship or permanent residency, and what
conditions and paperwork you need to qualify.
If you want to live in Spain (/es/visas-and-permits/Movingto-Spain-Guide-to-Spanish-visasand-permits_102354.html) long term or even permanently,
you will need to apply for either permanent residence or
become a Spanish citizen. After you have lived in Spain
for five years you can apply for permanent residence and
after 10 years you can apply for Spanish nationality,
although exemptions exist that allow certain people to
apply sooner, for example, if you are married to a
Spaniard or the child of a Spanish parent. Both Spanish
citizenship and permanent residency allow you to stay
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

living in Spain, but some differences exist between the


Should you choose Spanish permanent residency or

Spanish citizenship?
Holding an EU long-term permanent residence permit
allows you to stay on as a resident in Spain while retaining
your own nationality and passport. As a Spanish
permanent resident you will get most of the same benefits
enjoyed by Spanish citizens as long as you fulfil certain
conditions, such as being able to support yourself
financially. You can move around the EU for limited
periods, and longer with permission.
If you become a Spanish citizen, however, you will need to
give up your original nationality and passport, unless you
qualify for an exemption (see below). You will enjoy all the
same rights as other Spanish citizens, as well as become
a citizen of the EU with freedom of movement throughout
the EU. You can also vote in European elections.
Brexit: British expats in Spain
It is unclear how the UK's vote to leave the EU will affect
British expats living in Spain or wishing to relocate to
Spain. British expats who already live in Spain might
consider applying for Spanish citizenship if they meet the
necessary criteria to main EU access. However, this also
means surrending their British citizenship. British expats
may also be asked in future to apply for a Blue Card, an
approved EU-wide work permit that allows high-skilled,
non-EU citizens to work and live in Spain and other EU
Applying for permanent residence in Spain
Once you have legally lived in Spain for five uninterrupted
years, non-EU nationals can apply for an 'EU long-term
residence permit'. A long-term residence permit allows
you to stay in Spain indefinitely working or otherwise,
under the same conditions as Spanish citizens.
You have to prove that you have adequate financial
resources to provide for you and your family (if applicable)
such as pension, scholarship or salary and proof of
public or private health insurance with a company
authorised to operate in Spain.
You may also be asked to submit:
a valid passport;
proof of legal residence in Spain eg. a long-term rental contract or receipts for rent;
criminal record certificate issued by the authorities in your home country;
medical certificate (certificado medico), in cases where the applicant didn't present it when applying for
temporary residence.

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proof that health assistance is guaranteed during your residence in Spain;

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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

marriage or divorce certificate or other papers relating to your marital status (translated into Spanish if required).

When you have this permit, you can work freely and enjoy
social services and benefits in Spain. You can generally
move between other EU member states for up to three
months, and longer for certain purposes if youre granted
a permit to do so.
If you hold a Blue Card from another EU-member state,
and have lived elsewhere in the EU for the same period,
this also permits you to long-term residence in Spain as
long as you have lived for two years in Spain beforehand.
If you hold an EU long-term residence permit granted by
another EU member state and want to stay on in Spain,
you will have to relinquish your long-term residence status
in the other country and apply for an EU long-term
residence permit from the Foreigners Office (Oficina de
Extranjeros) in Spain. Click here
/extranjeria_ddgg.html) to find your local office.
How to get Spanish citizenship
You can apply for Spanish nationality
/Paginas/Nacionalidad.aspx) after 10 years of residence in
Spain. You can also acquire Spanish nationality through
marriage or birth, even if you or your Spanish parents
were born outside Spain.
You will also be required to prove you are a good citizen
financially stable with no criminal record and be
deemed by the authorities to have a sufficient degree of
integration into Spanish society, for example, being able to
speak Spanish and taking part in social activities that are
part of the Spanish way of life.
You have to apply at the Civil Registry
/RegistroCivil.aspx) where you live in Spain. You will need
to take along the required supporting documents for your
Spanish citizenship application (listed here)
%C3%B3n-de-Pasaporte-en-el-Consulado-Generalen-Manila.aspx) plus a completed Spanish citizenship
application form (
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

You can apply for Spanish citizenship if you are 18 or
older, 14 or older with legal assistance, or the legal
guardian of a person under 14.
Exemptions to the 10-year rules
Refugees only wait five years and nationals from SpanishAmerican countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial
Guinea, Portugal and those of Sephardic origin only have
to wait two years. The Spanish government currently has
a bill going through parliament that aims to change the law
regarding those of Sephardic origin so that any applicant,
Jewish or not, who can fulfil certain criteria such as having
links to Sephardic culture or even knowledge of Ladino,
the Judeo-Spanish language, may be offered instant
naturalisation so watch for updates.
The required period of residence for citizenship is just one
year if you are born in Spain to legal foreign residents,
married to a Spaniard, widowed from a Spaniard, or the
child or grandchild (even if born outside Spain) of a
Spanish national by birth or residence.
Descendents of expelled Sephardic Jews from Spain can
also apply for Spanish citizenship without residing in
Spain if they can prove special connections to Spain and
pass tests on the Spanish language and history;
applications must be submitted before 1 October 2018.
Spanish citizenship by origin or birth
You are considered Spanish by origin and can apply for
Spanish citizenship by 'Option' (no residency period is
required) if you:
have a Spanish mother or father.
were born in Spain to foreign parents, if at least one parent was also born in Spain (except children of diplomats
and consuls accredited in Spain).
adopted by a Spaniard and under 18, or are over 18 and have been adopted within the last two years;
were born in Spain to foreign parents whose identity is unknown or country of origin is undetermined (stateless or
refugee status), or if neither parents nationality could be legally passed onto you.

There are also other situations to qualify for Spanish

citizenship, where residency is required for one year.
These include those born outside Spain to parents (also
born outside Spain) and grandparents all of whom were
originally Spanish, those with a Spanish guardian or foster
parent, or those who did not duly exercise their right to
acquire Spanish nationality by option.
Spanish citizenship by marriage

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You can fast-track citizenship if you are married to a

Spaniard, where you can become a Spanish citizen after a
one-year residence period in Spain. The application and

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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

conditions follow the standard citizenship procedure, with

the exception that you don't need to wait 10 years to
apply. You will have to surrender your existing citizenship
to become Spanish.

You can also claim Spanish citizenship as the widower or

widow of a Spaniards, provided you were not separated or
de facto at the time of your spouse's death.
Fees and timeline
Spain charges a non-refundable fee to process your
citizenship application, which varies and can range from
EUR 60100 even if your application is rejected. Fees
may also apply to issue certificates and documents
required for your application.
Dual nationality
If you are successful, you will have to swear your loyalty
to the King and promise to obey the Spanish constitution
and laws.
Unless youre from a Spanish-American country, Andorra,
the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal, you will
also have to renounce your previous nationality.
Sephardic Jews and descendents can also maintain their
original citizenship to have dual nationality.
You will lose your Spanish citizenship if you reside abroad
and take up another nationality (or use your old
nationality) for more than three years, unless within that
three-year period you declare to the Civil Registry your will
to keep Spanish nationality.
For more information
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
/inicio.aspx): this is the English version of the website for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
supplying information on visas and migration to Spain.

Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security

( this is the Spanish-language website for
information on employment and social security policy in Spain.

Read more
The complete guide to Spanish visas and permits
Work in Spain: Guide to Spanish work visas and permits

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Moving to Spain to join a relative or partner (/es/visasand-permits/Spanish-visa-to-join-a-relative-or-spousein-Spain_109279.html)

13/08/2016, 07:09

A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

Study in Spain: Spanish student visas and permits

A guide to EU/EEA/Swiss nationals moving to Spain

Note: This information is for guidance only and you should
seek specific advice from the Spanish embassy or
consulate in your home country.
Need advice? Post your question on Expatica's Ask
the Expert (/es/ask-expert) free service to see if we can

Updated 2016.
Comment here on the article, or if you have a suggestion to improve this article, please
click here.

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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...








45 Comments To This Article

Perri posted:
on 28th July 2016, 19:49:59 - Reply
My husband was born in Spanish in 1957 to parents from
the US. Can he get a Spanish citizenship? If so, how?
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Expert (/es/ask-expert) service.]
Jarisse posted:
on 25th July 2016, 15:12:02 - Reply
if i married and divorce to an italian in spain after 1.5
yearand have a job,can you remain here to continue
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the Expert (/es/ask-expert) free service.]
LizMelendreras posted:
on 25th July 2016, 22:25:11 - Reply
Hola, my father is Cuban and Spanish. His father is born
and raised Espanol, therefore my father has obtained his
Spanish citizenship. Is it possible for me to apply through
my father and my paternal grandfather's Spanish
citizenship? Muchas gracias
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the Expert (/es/ask-expert) free service.]
Ana posted:
on 6th July 2016, 23:09:19 - Reply
I have read that nationals of Spanish-American countries
must only wait two years before applying to become a
Spanish citizen, can anyone shed some light on this?
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
robert posted:
on 28th June 2016, 12:58:09 - Reply
we have lived in spain for 16 years and have resedencias
and use spanish health services paid for by uk. we are
both over 70 and would like to know if the out vote will
affect our status ie medical ect here please.
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

Martin posted:

on 20th June 2016, 17:06:35 - Reply

I have lived in Spain for over 10 years and I am in a civil
partnership with a Spanish National. What will be my
situation if the UK leaves the EU?
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
Monica posted:
on 9th April 2016, 14:47:32 - Reply
My mother is Spanish Citizen. I live in USA and I am
american citizen. I would love to move there with her. How
can I do that??
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
Lorraine posted:
on 8th April 2016, 17:24:05 - Reply
Good day and thank you for this site. I am assisting my
friend who was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1968
to a Spanish father. His parents were not married and he
was handed over for adoption. His father left soon after
and returned to Spain. Would my friend be able to get a
Spanish passport even though his parents were not
married? Situation 2 is that his biological mother later
married a Spanish citizen and obtained a passport being
the spouse I believe. Would my friend be able to get a
Spanish passport through his mother maybe? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
Yvette posted:
on 2nd April 2016, 21:14:16 - Reply
HOLA! I am a Great Granddaughter to Spanish
Grandparents with my grand fathers Birth certificate
showing where his parents are from as well as we carry
the last name to a city in Spain named after our family
ancestors. I understand a year for waiting is required but
does it have to be done in Spain? Also, what else is
required for the process to obtain citizenship? And do we
Have To surrender our current citiizenship?Much Thanks
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
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Deola posted:

13/08/2016, 07:09

A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

on 23rd February 2016, 14:11:35 - Reply

I am a pure West African citizen from Nigeria, and i will

love to obtain a permit to permanently reside in Spain
please how can i go about it ?
[Moderator's note: You can also post questions on our Ask
the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
Mark posted:
on 29th December 2015, 12:52:29 - Reply
Hello I have been working in Spain for 3 years and
become unemployed the last 2 years. Can I Apply for
permanent residence permit ?
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the Expert (/es/ask_expert.html) free service.]
ayesha posted:
on 3rd November 2015, 21:40:23 - Reply
Yes u cannot come here again .If you have one or of 2
years card then u can live max 6 months and if u have
permanent card then max 1 year u can stay out from
spain .
tara posted:
on 4th November 2015, 02:23:46 - Reply
Yes you can have dual Spainish citizenship ONLY if you
are already a citizen of certain spainish speaking south
American countries.If you are Brazilian national you'll be
fine to have both. Unlike alot of these other folk
Bernie posted:
on 26th October 2015, 11:20:28 - Reply
Hi, I recently was married to a Russian here in Spain, who
has a legal resident card. I am American and not legal
now...what must I do in order to obtain a resident card
being that I am now married to a legal resident of Spain.
Appreciate any answer that can direct me appropriatel.
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

Naqash001 posted:

on 17th October 2015, 23:13:05 - Reply

hi there, i have permanent residency of spain (EU
regumen comuntario).Basically i am from pakistan. my
question is "can i stay in my country up to 2 years" .
somebody told me that if i will stay in pakistan up to 1 year
then my residency will be invalid and i cannot come back
in spain. help me by answer
matt posted:
on 12th July 2015, 00:46:06 - Reply
my grandfather is from Spain but is dead now, can i get citizenship in Spain?

Erik posted:
on 25th June 2015, 07:54:44 - Reply
MY grandmother had a mother who was born in Spain but
moved to Cuba, she is dead now and my gran now lives in
the US. but can my grandmother still claim Spanish
citizenship automatically from her mother? And if my
grandmother is able to get Spanish nationality does this
mean I can get spanish citizenship within just one year of
living in Spain as the article says since my grandmother
became a Spanish citizen?
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Expert (
/es/ask_expert.html) service]
ashar posted:
on 14th May 2015, 16:28:02 - Reply
can u please describe be the process of spain imigration? i want to go spain and start some small business like
cafee, shope etc.. , how is the process?
My wife have Spanish residency and live in Pakistan with me but my wife residency expire on June 2016 and i have
one 8 months baba, i m graduate in compute science BCS (Hons), also i have MCSA certified. Now i m working as a
NOC support engineer. my date of birth 2 June 1981.
please provide me the required information.
waiting your response.

KASHIF posted:
on 17th May 2015, 20:17:08 - Reply
sir i recidence card 5 year i stay in spain 10 year i apply
for nationality in spain .but what law officer first intrew or
test ??
this is a law of spain?
i see the information no intrew and test .u send the
information for full detail for nationality of spain.
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Expert (
/es/ask_expert.html) service]
Inaki posted:
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

on 30th March 2015, 08:36:23 - Reply

Please advice

I am a Filipino grandfather is pure Spanish that

migrated to the Phil during the Franco era in Spain and
eventually married a Spanish Mestiza here in the
father became a citizen of Spain last 2008 even without
going there..but he died a few years ago..currently all i got
is his Spanish passport..please advise steps and
procedures for me to obtain my Spanish citizenship...tnx
in advance
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the Expert (
jbjares posted:
on 1st March 2015, 23:43:27 - Reply
Hi, Ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Joao Bosco Jares, Im 32 years old, married
and father of two children. I am the great-grandson of a
Spanish family, but born in Brazil. I have living one year in
Ireland Republic, working as software development on IT
My grandmother and my mother (both born in Brazil) have
passport and Spanish citizenship.
Therefore, I am interested to know if I have the right to ask
my Spanish citizenship too?
Thanks in advance.


PS.: All advices are welcome, as well as, I'm looking for
help even paying fee for it (in case of advocacy
consultants). If you're a advocacy consultant, please reply
me in private through my email
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the Expert (
Hussain posted:
on 12th February 2015, 19:40:25 - Reply

11 of 18

I am a British national and living in Spain from two years. I

married to a non EU national from outside EU. My wife
has joined me in Spain three moths ago. I would like to

13/08/2016, 07:09

A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

apply Spanish nationality for my wife. Can you please tell

me when can she apply for Spanish nationality and how
long will it take.

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forums (
or Ask the Expert (
/es/ask_expert.html) free service]
Abigail posted:
on 1st January 2015, 01:39:11 - Reply
I am a daughter of a Sephardic Jew who was adopted by
a Sephardic Jewish family before the moving to Morocco.
My grandparents who adopted my father later moved to
French Canada which is Quebec. I was born in Canada
and obtain a Canadian citizenship. However, I would like
to know if I am eligible for a Spanish Citizenship, based on
my Sephardic Jew heritage. My last names are JudeoSpanish. My father pasted away and so have my
grandparents. I would like to make them proud and obtain
a Spanish Citizenship in their honour. What are my
options? How can I go about this? How can i become a
Spanish Citizen from Sephardic Jew background?
Who do I contact to help me on this case, since I currently
live in Canada?
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Expert (
free service]
john posted:
on 17th November 2014, 23:29:23 - Reply
There is NO TEST for the swearing in ceremony for
Spanish citizenship. It's a group ceremony where you
repeat 5 lines read aloud by a judge that takes 6 minutes.
2 weeks later you receive a Nationality certificate in the
mail, and get an appointment to get a Spanish Passport at
the Police Station. Easy.
Ala posted:
on 1st December 2014, 15:01:07 - Reply
My grandfather was born in Spain in 1935. His mother is a
Spanish originally. She traveled to Palestine in 1938
because of the Spanish civil war. These dayes we have
got a birth certificate of my grandfather from civil
registration of Las Palmas. my father will obtain the
Spanish nationality this year (2014). Can I get the Spanish
nationality as a grandchild of a Spanish grandfather?
Please take in you account that My age is NOW 29 years
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

old and I did not take MY opportunity/RIGHT of choose

the Spanish nationality in the past. because we did not

able to extract my grandfather's birth certificate from civil

registration, and we were deprived from it by force as a
result of civil war since 1937. and we live now in Palestine
under occupation and with no real nationality because it is
not independence country . best regards
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Expert (
free service]
Ivane posted:
on 29th September 2014, 08:57:44 - Reply
My name is Ivane Jashiashvili, I am Georgian citizen. I am looking for some detailed information about living
permission in Spain. My wife and I bought an apartment in Spain (Madrid) some time ago. as long as we own our
property in Spain All my family is register in Madrid. My family and I want to get permanent Spanish visa. can you
give me directions regarding that fact?
Also, I want to inform you that I run my own business in Georgia, and my monthly income is more than 3000 EU.
looking forward your answer. thanks in advance

Morgan posted:
on 3rd September 2014, 12:52:38 - Reply
For those of you asking about obtaining perminant residency with a student visa it's not possible until you can prove
you have lived in Spain for three years. Furthermore, by proof they mean specifically being empadronado
(registering your residence with the town hall). On top of that you must also have official fingerprints from your
country of former residence/citizenship sent to Spain, show proof of health insurance in Spain, proof that you can
support yourself and a job contract (which means you need to find a place to work and have them contract you
before you can even start working). In addition to all of this, AFTER you have the appointment to submit the
documents (which can be over a month away from the moment you try to get it) the entire process to just get the ok
letter takes at least two months. To be clear this type of residency is called ARIAGO. Residency is not so easy to get
if you are a nonEU citizen. I am an American and from experience of myself and others I know the process takes
anywhere from 6 months to a year after living for three years officially empadronado.

Eber Pea posted:

on 3rd September 2014, 07:43:23 - Reply
Hola I'm Mexican-American
I know my paternal grandparents were Jews from Spain
And I will like to know if I can apply for a Spanish citizenship ?

Steph posted:
on 7th August 2014, 09:58:10 - Reply
I am a British national and my husband is non eu national
I would like to know how and when he can apply for a Spanish citizenship

ryan posted:
on 28th July 2014, 16:15:33 - Reply
I am an Australian married to a spanish citizen and have obtained my residency card and lived in Spain for one year
with it. My questions are; can I now apply for citizenship?, is there a speaking test? How long can it take? Do I lose
my Australian citizenship if accepted? Can I leave Spain whilst my application is pending?
Any help here would be appreciated

Daniel posted:
on 2nd July 2014, 10:10:53 - Reply
My query would be the same as what Douglas V stated. Somebody please answer to clarify if one can apply for
Spanish citizenship after being in Spain for 2 years as a student with student residency permit/card. Thanks!

Gini posted:
on 13th June 2014, 01:09:48 - Reply
I am interested in getting Spain citizenship/passport for my sons. I was born in Spain to American parents but have
never claimed my citizenship. I live in the States and am having a hard time finding someone who can help me with
this paper work. Do you have any suggestions who to contact for assistance other than the Spanish Embassy who
have not returned my calls.

Douglas V. posted:
on 27th May 2014, 18:53:26 - Reply
I have both Mexican and American citizenship however I would like to apply for Spanish citizenship. I was wondering
how difficult it would be to do that? If I enter the country as a student for 2 years could I apply for citizenship after that
time period? Thank you in advance for any advice.

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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

Victor posted:

on 7th May 2014, 14:28:47 - Reply

I am non eu citizen of spain. Now i am permanent resident of spain. Now i like to bring my non eu unmarried son
here. So how can i apply for this and manage a visa for him to move spain with me and work????

Albert posted:
on 17th April 2014, 20:18:12 - Reply
Where do you find this list of surnames?

miguel posted:
on 28th March 2014, 22:24:20 - Reply
@joey, you must be a JEWISH SEPHARDIC first to be eligible.The surname list only applies for those who are with
the blood of sephardic jew. Filipinos are welcome to be a citizen of spain as long as you are legally residing on spain
for at least 2 years.

Joey posted:
on 28th March 2014, 04:08:30 - Reply
I am from the Philippines. With the passing of the
Sephardic Jew Law, and since i decended from the
surname in the list, i think am eligible to apply for a
Spanish citizenship. What are the guidelines to start the
process? Am excited with this development. Thank u
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question to our 'Ask the Expert (/es/ask-expert)' service]
Rose posted:
on 27th March 2014, 11:54:51 - Reply
I am from Philippines and currently living and working in
Madrid Spain for 5 years. I would like to obtain the
spanish citizenship, I am on going of completing my
requirements. I just would like to ask what are the possible
questions in the interview in obtaining a citizenship? That
would be nice if you can help:)
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question to our 'Ask the Expert (/es/ask-expert)' service]
JR posted:
on 25th March 2014, 09:30:01 - Reply
I am from the Philippines and currently working in the middle east. My family name is Rojas. I am interested in in
becoming Spanish citizen is it possible?

Dennis posted:
on 22nd March 2014, 16:58:46 - Reply
One of my Dads grandparent was from Spain , can I
obtain citizenship thru them? I am an American
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question to our 'Ask the Expert (/es/ask-expert)' service]
rima posted:
on 20th March 2014, 20:21:39 - Reply

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hi, my mum is going to submit her documents for spanish

citizenship but she did not inform about the test. so she

13/08/2016, 07:09

A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

just want to know what kind a question can be asked,

when is the test and is it vocal test or written? many

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question to our 'Ask the Expert (/es/ask-expert)' service]
David Jenkins posted:
on 29th October 2013, 00:43:12 - Reply
Applying for Spanish citizenship is not straightforward. Firstly, it can take nearly two years. Secondly, there is no
interview with a judge. Thirdly, be careful about your "legal residency".. This means ten years of having your
residency card. That you are an European citizen with a right to llive in Spain from the moment you arrive does not
seem to count.

Lucas posted:
on 26th September 2013, 23:24:24 - Reply
Hola! my name is Lucas, i have submitted the documents and paperwork at the ministry of justice. Now how long
does it usually take to procure the Spanish Passport. Prior receiving it do i have to undergo any interview and any
other formalities that needs to be followed.

David posted:
on 14th August 2013, 12:08:54 - Reply
Thanks for the article. Getting ready to submit my documents but concerned about the 'test'. Your article suggests
this is performed later by a judge during an interview. Is this correct or should I expect an evaluation during
submission of documents?
Do you know an internet site where I can I find information about the infamous 30 questions that will be asked?

Denise posted:
on 14th November 2012, 18:10:56 - Reply
My son would like to work for the National Police here in
Spain, and has been told many times that you must be a
Spanish citizen, or renounce your British citizenship.
Having read your article, this now seems to not be the
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...







A guide to
VISAS &Spanish
and perma...
Work in Spain:
Guide to
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Spain: Guide to

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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...


Spanish visa
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Are you
how to
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eye on
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A guide to Spanish citizenship and permanent residence | Visas &...

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