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2840 1 Street, Santa Ana CA 92703

Purpose: To detail the procedure for issuing referrals and the processing of students sent on referral
A referral is essentially a one-class suspension. Like suspensions, referrals are temporary solutions
that can have long-term damaging effects on relationships and a students self-esteem. So just like
we have alternatives to suspension, we should have alternatives to referrals.
Referrals are to be used as a last resort discipline measure for significant or repeated behavior that
other interventions and responses have failed to correct. You must be able to demonstrate
(documentation) that you have attempted other interventions and responses.
If a student refuses to leave the room, do not continue to engage the student. Doing so will likely
cause an escalation of the behavior or feed into the behavior. Call for supervision or admin to come
escort the student.
Once you send a student on referral:
1. Student will go the Reflection Room and sign-in
2. DC or Dean of Students will process the student
3. DC or Dean of Students will call parent to notify only of the following:
Student is in referral for the period for ____ behavior
Teacher will contact parent directly to explain further
4. Student will fill out Behavior Reflection form and be given character education work pertaining
to the behavior
5. Student will stay in Referral for that period, and may stay additional periods if off-task or
disruptive. If student is staying an extra period, DC will call next period teacher to notify.
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. Fill out Referral Form completely
2. Enter Referral onto CoolSIS following these steps
New Behavior Notification----> Under Action select Referred to Admin ----> This will
set an automatic consequence that only admin can assign
3. Contact parent (call suggested, e-mail acceptable) to explain the details of referral


Notification on CoolSIS, and Lunch Reflection


Notification on CoolSIS, and 1 hour After-School Reflection


Notification on CoolSIS, and Saturday Reflection.


Notification on CoolSIS, 1 hour After-School Reflection, and

Parent Conference.


Notification on CoolSIS, Saturday School, Parent Conference,

and possible Behavior Contract, Academic/Behavior Support
Form, loss of privileges or other corrective strategies.

Some alternatives to referral that can be used:

13950 Milton Avenue Suite 200, Westminster, CA 92683 |


Assign detention


Have the student write:

How hes feeling
What you can do to help him
A distractor/redirector (what is your
favorite video game?)


Give an extrinsic reward


Use Preferred Activity Time

Give a break card


Let the student know you will call parent


Pull the student aside and talk to him


Write out referral as a warning

The most important thing to remember is to always give the student a chance to CORRECT the
behavior. The student should know that desired behavior, no matter how late it is learned, is
preferable and rewarded.

13950 Milton Avenue Suite 200, Westminster, CA 92683 |

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