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Classroom Learning Profile based on observations and data

Use readings and EDUC 202 self-reflection assignments from the past to describe your
placement class:
Nieto & Bode; Understanding Culture Brief; Hoeksema; Pearson 202 custom textbook; Barringer,
Pohlman, & Robinson
Cesar E. Chavez is located in the Roosevelt Park Neighborhood on the
corner of Grandville and Hall Street on the South West side of Grand
Rapids. An American Community Survey from 2015 states that 72.7% of
this population identifies as Hispanic, which is a percentage about 15%
higher than the average neighborhood in Grand Rapids(2015).
An American Community Survey from 2015 states that 72.7% of this
population identifies as Hispanic, which is a percentage about 15% higher
than the average neighborhood in Grand Rapids(2015).
Race & Ethnicity

534 students attend Cesar E. Chavez and 30 teachers assist those

students(NCES,2014). 432 of these 534 students attending Cesar Chavez
identified as Hispanic. 66 were black, 17 white, and 18 where two or more
races or American Indian
In my class all 17 students are Hispanic but they were all born in the
United States. I cannot say the same thing about their family members
The population of this area in 2013 was around 5,131(citydata,2013). In
the morning many of the students are dropped off by family members,
some walk to school from the surrounding neighborhood and others are
bussed in. The mothers of Cain, Alexa, and Erica are always waiting at the
line with the students when my teacher and I come to pick them up
between 8:25-27.

Social SystemsPeers & Family

My teacher says that at the beginning of the year the parents were very
supportive but there has been more and more issues with the parents. I
put issues in quotation marks because I dont know if the situation is
being misinterpreted or if there are real issues. I think the parents are
very concerned about their children but I think there is a
misinterpretation between what is happening in the classroom and what
is happening at home.
The parents have confronted my teacher about her yelling at the
students, not giving them snack (they are in second grade), lying,
conduct reports on poor behavior and denial of poor behavior.
Elaines dad brought her McDonalds breakfast one day because she
doesnt get to school in time for the schools breakfast.
Jaxiel arrives late for breakfast almost everyday and comes to class a few
minutes behind the other students.
Some of the other students: Erica, Cain, Cristian, Alex, Juan, Alexa come
with their own snack and it is usually fruits and vegetables.
My teacher reflects that the parents in this class seem to pay close
attention to sending a healthy snack, signing papers, getting assignments
done etc. more than most classes.

Moral, Spiritual,
and Faith

Respect one another, school, and myself (Cesar Chavez Star Pledge)
It goes something like but not exactly: I am a Cesar Chavez star student.
Today I pledge to be safe in all my actions. I pledge to have a positive
attitude and be responsible for my learning and behavior. I will treat my
school, others, and myself with respect.
Each day the Pledge of Allegiance is recited.
My teacher spends time doing a positivity and gratitude circle each day
after lunch. She says this is also therapy for the students to complain but
also to counter it with ways to be positive so you dont let your problems
swallow you up.

Attention &


Jaxiel is a student I have identified with a difficulty to attention. However,

I think this is strictly tied to the fact that while instructions and procedure
are happening in English, he doesnt understand so he loses interest. The
students receive a 15 minute break every morning to give their attention
a break. Jaxiel has a good retention of memory. I worked with him on
vowels a, i. On Tuesday he wrote the words casa casi mama y
mami with hardly any hesitation. He also knows the animals that go with
each vowel as they are showed on the large alphabet poster in the front
of the classroom and he constantly references this when he spells his

All students speak Spanish as their first language but only Jaxiel does not
speak English.
The parents that I have met prefer to speak in Spanish so I assume that
Spanish is the language that is spoken at home. Juan is the only one that I
know of whose family speaks an indigenous language of Guatemala and
not Spanish.

All students have marker boxes to keep their pencils and markers. They
each have a locker to keep their things in as well and a cubbie to turn in
homework and a purple and red folder to organize different types of
papers and assignments.
Motor &
al Ordering

Jaxiel cannot write his alphabet so his handwriting is not very legible or
developed. He often writes his letter below or above the given line for his
I have noticed that Alexa also does not keep his letters on the line when
he writes his name as well as Gladys(who often forgets the write the last
letter of her name), however the rest of the students keep their words on
the lines for fill in the blanks and writing prompts and for their names.

Higher Order

Students are not often challenged with thought provoking questions. On

occasion, questions will be asked by my teacher or myself during reading
time: What do you think is going to happen? Why? How do you think

this character feels? Why do you say that? How would you feel if you
were in this situation? Im not sure if this is necessarily HOT but I think
that students are being asked to relate a situation to themselves.

So far there is no one in the class with diagnosed learning disabilities.

Jaxiel may have a speech disability: Ive noticed that he says his rs as ls
but Im not sure if this is a dialect thing from Puerto Rico or if it is an
inability to pronounce the r sound.
Ability &

Cesar Chavez does not seem to have any separate program for kids with
diagnosed disabilities and I have not noted any kids with physical
disabilities around the school.

Sources Cited
CCD Public school data 2013-2014, 2014-2015 school years, Nation center for educational statistics. Nov. 1


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