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Clinton Tapped Her Corporate Connections For Contributions To The

Shanghai Expo
As Secretary, Clinton took advantage of her financial networks and corporate connections to raise over $72 million
from 66 corporations for the United States Pavilion at the Worlds Fair in Shanghai in 2010. She also appointed a
longtime friend of the family, Jose Villarreal, to be the Commissioner General of the U.S.s Expo in Shanghai.
When soliciting contributions, Clinton had little consideration for ethics, as the corporations who were featured in
Shanghai also contributed to her foundation and received accolades from the State Department. For example,
some of the biggest contributors to Shanghai, including Proctor & Gamble, Boeing, and General Electric, all
received favorable treatment from the State Department. The corporate contributions were a boon for Clinton,
giving her a public relations win as she helped save the privately-funded U.S. pavilion. But in doing so, Clinton
allowed the corporations to become the centerpiece of an exhibit that is supposed to emphasize American values.
As the Washington Post noted, the American pavilion was larded with corporate advertising but contained no
messages about democracy or freedom of expression or religious beliefs. In her haste to help herself and her
corporate allies, Clinton forgot the purpose of American participation in events like the expo.

Clinton Raised $72 Million From Over 60 Corporations For The 2010
Shanghai Expo
Clinton Used Personal Connections To Fundraise For USA Pavilion At Shanghai Expo. The Washington Post
reported that Clinton tried to turn around the cash-strapped U.S. pavilion planned for the 2010 Shanghai expo
To kick-start her push, Clinton reached into her political network, appointing personal allies to take charge. She
poured personal and political capital into an appeal to bring in $60 million from more than 60 major corporations.
[Washington Post, 4/14/14]
Clinton Raised $60 Million From Her Corporate Connections for Expo; Created a Charitable Entity So
Donations Could Be Deductible. According to the Washington Post, for the 2010 Shanghai Expo, China had
given the United States a choice spot at the site, but U.S. law made government funding difficult and the Americans
weren't coming up with any money to put up a building. So Clinton took over, deploying her formidable
fundraising talents and the help of a few old friends to raise $60 million for the U.S. pavilion. Organizers formed a
charity so that donations could be written off. Corporate America began to pony up when asked about the U.S.
pavilion that her efforts had built, Clinton appeared less enthusiastic. It's fine, she said. [Washington Post,
List of Shanghai Expo Contributors
Total Contribution (in millions)
Johnson & Johnson
Proctor & Gamble
Dow Chemical
Golden Eagle
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American Airlines
Yum Brands
Harman International
Covington & Burling
C.V. Starr / Starr Foundation
Committee of 100
Mars, Inc.
Executive Centre Hong Kong Ltd
San Antonio, City of
Crystal CG
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
E&J Gallo
Texas, State of
B&L Group
Bloomberg LP
Hawaii, State of
Pacific World
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United Technologies Corp. / Otis
University of Washington
Chindex International
KPMG International
McGraw Hill
Tennessee, State of
Chicago, City of


[List of Shanghai Expo Donors, compiled from internal sources]

Clinton Appointed Her Friends & Bundlers To Chair Expo

Clinton Appointed Jose Villarreal as U.S. Commissioner General of U.S. Exhibition to World Expo Shanghai
2010. On July 1, 2009, Secretary Clinton announced, Jose H. Villarreal has been named as U.S. Commissioner
General of Section of the United States Exhibition to World Expo Shanghai 2010. Commissioner General Villarreal
will head United States participation. He is responsible for oversight of the U.S. Pavilion. In addition, he is the
official U.S. government representative to the Government of China on issues relating to World Expo Shanghai
2010. [Department of State, Media Note, Bureau of Public Affairs, 7/1/09]

Villarreal Was A Clinton Bundler & Advisor For Her 2008 Presidential Campaign, And Previously
Served As Deputy Campaign Manager For Her Husbands 1992 Campaign. Jose Villarreal was a Senior
Advisor and bundler for Clintons 2008 presidential campaign and the deputy campaign manager of the
Clinton-Gore campaign in 1992. [Jose Villarreal Biography, Akin Gump, last accessed 12/14/14; Public
Citizen, List of 2008 Hillary Clinton bundlers, last accessed 10/15/14]

Clinton Appointed Former Ambassador to Portugal as State Departments Special Representative for
Global Partnerships; Elizabeth Bagley Helped Raise Millions for Shanghai Expo. The New York Times
reported, to fundraise for the Shanghai Expo, Mrs. Clinton turned to two major fund-raisers with long ties to the
Clinton family: Elizabeth F. Bagley and Jose H. Villarreal. Mrs. Bagley, who is married to Smith Bagley, an heir
to the R. J. Reynolds fortune, was ambassador to Portugal under President Bill Clinton. Mrs. Clinton appointed her
to be the departments special representative for global partnerships, a job that involves rounding up private support
for public projects Although Mrs. Bagley is a State Department employee, she said she was advised that she
could solicit contributions. She noted that every would-be donor also had to be vetted by lawyers. [New York
Times, 1/2/10]

2010 Shanghai Expo Highlighted Corporate Powerhouses Instead Of

American Democracy Or Constitutional Values
WaPo: The American Pavilion At The 2010 Shanghai Expo Was Larded With Corporate Advertising And
Contained No Messages About Democracy Or Freedom Of Expression Or Religious Beliefs. According to
the Washington Post, The result [of the Expo], however, resembles more a convention center in a medium-size
American city than a national showcase the message Clinton experienced at the American pavilion was so larded
with corporate advertising that even some of the visiting U.S. officials appeared to have been taken aback. One
film on the creative power of children featured interviews with representatives from corporate powerhouses
Chevron, General Electric, Pepsico and Johnson & Johnson, with Habitat for Humanity and the University of
Washington thrown in for good measure No messages about democracy or freedom of expression or religious
beliefs or association marred the program. [Washington Post, 5/23/10]

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Boeing Contributed $2.25 Million To The Shanghai Expo, While

Clinton Helped The Company Land A Multi-Billion Russian Deal
Clinton Pressured Russia To Sign Multibillion Dollar Deal With Boeing
In November 2009, Clinton Played The Role Of International Saleswoman, Pressuring Russian
Government Officials To Sign A Multibillion-Dollar Deal To Buy Planes From Boeing. The Washington Post
reported, On a trip to Moscow early in her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton played the role of
international saleswoman, pressing Russian government officials to sign a multibillion-dollar deal to buy dozens of
aircraft from Boeing. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]
x Clinton Acknowledged She Was Making A Shameless Pitch On Behalf Of Boeing. The Washington Post
reported, Clinton's October 2009 visit to Russia was dominated by discussion of Iranian sanctions, but she made
clear that a top priority was Boeing's interest in selling planes for use by a new state-owned Russian airline,
Rosavia. This is a shameless pitch for Rosaviato buy Boeing aircraft, she said while touring a Boeing facility
in Moscow. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]
Boeing Formally Submitted Its Bid For The Russian Deal Just Three Days After Clintons Remarks In
Moscow. The Washington Post reported, Three days after Clinton's remarks in Moscow, according to State
Department cables released by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, Boeing formally submitted its bid for the Russian
deal. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]

Just One Month After Clinton Helped Boeing Secure The Contract, She
Announced Boeing Was Giving $2 Million To Help Resuscitate
Floundering U.S. Efforts At The Shanghai Expo
One Month After Clinton Helped Boeing Secure Its Russian Contract, Clinton Announced Boeing Would
Be Writing A Generous Check To Help Resuscitate Floundering U.S. Efforts At The Worlds Fair. The
Washington Post reported, A month later, Clinton was in China, where she jubilantly announced that the aerospace
giant would be writing a generous check to help resuscitate floundering U.S. efforts to host a pavilion at the
upcoming World's Fair. Boeing, she said, has just agreed to double its contribution to $2 million. [Washington
Post, 4/13/14]

State Department Disregarded Ethics Guidelines To Secure

Contribution From Boeing
To Secure The Contribution, The State Department Set Aside Ethics Guidelines. The Washington Post
reported, Clinton did not point out that, to secure the contribution, the State Department had set aside ethics
guidelines that first prohibited solicitations from Boeing and then later permitted only a $1 million gift from the
company. Boeing had been included on a list of firms to be avoided due to its frequent reliance on the U.S.
government for help negotiating overseas business and concern that a donation could be seen as an attempt to curry
favor with American officials. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]
State Department Lawyers Initially Barred Accepting Contributions From Boeing, Fearing A Conflict Of
Interest Because Of The Departments Lobbying Overseas. The Washington Post reported, At that point,
Clinton was also in the midst of trying to turn around the cash-strapped U.S. pavilion planned for the 2010
Shanghai expo. [] To kick-start her push, Clinton reached into her political network, appointing personal allies to
take charge. She poured personal and political capital into an appeal to bring in $60 million from more than 60
major corporations. [USA Pavilion president Nick] Winslow said he initially submitted a list in 2008 of about 140
companies he hoped to approach for money, including Boeing. But State Department officials ruled out soliciting
Boeing and other large firms with significant business relationships with the government. The list also included
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banks that had received federal bailouts. [] Agency lawyers had nixed Boeing out of concern that the
department's work lobbying for the company's interests overseas could present the appearance of a conflict of
interest, said a former agency official familiar with the decision. Because of the occasions in which we would
provide support for them, from an ethics point of view, it was decided donations should not be solicited from them,
said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid offending Boeing or Clinton. [Washington
Post, 4/13/14]

The Decision Was Reversed, Allowing Boeing To Give Millions, Though The Details Of The DecisionMaking Process Have Not Been Released. The Washington Post reported, An appeal from Winslow and
others involved in the project resulted in a new ruling in Boeing's case: Since there was no direct conflict of
interest, the expo could accept a donation from the company, but only up to $1 million. The goal was to ensure
that Boeing did not dominate the event, the former official said. The decision was frustrating for the struggling
organizers, who saw Boeing as a natural fit for the event. [] The announcement that Boeing would give $2
million rather than the $1 million maximum that had been set was made by Clinton on Nov. 16, 2009, as she
toured the pavilion site. Earlier the same day, she visited a Boeing hangar in Shanghai and addressed
executives from Boeing and other companies to stress the importance of the project. How the decision was
made to raise the cap remains a mystery, at least in public. Neither Winslow nor Lavin, nor a number of other
officials whose involvement with the expo pre-dated Clinton's involvement, recalled the decision. Said one
former official: Things were done for the pavilion that were not done in any other instance for fundraising
purposes. The former official said a series of internal memos were written in 2008 and 2009 that laid out the
reasoning behind the Boeing decisions. State Department spokesman Alec Gerlach did not provide the memos
or an explanation. He said that donors were appropriately vetted and approved for participation at the 2010
Shanghai Expo, end of story. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]

Washington Post: Clinton Had A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

With Boeing That Boosted Her Public And Political Image
Washington Post: The Episode Was An Indicator Of A Mutually Beneficial Relationship Between One Of
The World's Major Corporations And A Potential Future President. The Washington Post reported, The
November 2009 episode was an indicator of a mutually beneficial relationship between one of the world's major
corporations and a potential future president. Clinton functioned as a powerful ally for Boeing's business interests
at home and abroad, while Boeing has invested resources in causes beneficial to Clinton's public and political
image. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]

Boeings Largess On Behalf Of The U.S. PavilionWas Helpful To Clinton At A Critical Moment
That Helped Establish Her Can-Do Image & Status As A Presidential Frontrunner. The Washington
Post reported, Boeing's largesse on behalf of the U.S. pavilion at the Shanghai expo was helpful to Clinton at a
critical moment as she made it her priority to woo support from corporations to revive the American presence at
the event. She was widely credited with orchestrating a turnaround, and the can-do image she cultivated as
secretary of state has contributed to her status as a Democratic front-runner ahead of the 2016 presidential
campaign. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]

As Clinton Advocated For U.S. Businesses Internationally, She Was Able To Strengthen Ties To The
Kind Of Powerful Allies In The Business Community Needed For A Possible Presidential Bid. The
Washington Post reported, The Boeing relationship meshed well with efforts by Clinton to expand the State
Department's advocacy of U.S. economic interests abroad, part of a broader philosophy that has emphasized
partnering government with businesses to solve problems. A potential side benefit for Clinton has been the
chance to strengthen ties to the kind of powerful allies in the business community who could assist a possible
presidential bid. [Washington Post, 4/13/14]

Secretary Clinton Was Advocate-In-Chief For General Electric,

Which Was One Of The Largest Donors To The Shanghai Expo
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General Election Contributed $5 Million To The Shanghai Expo

General Electric Contributed $5 Million To The Shanghai Expo. According to the New York Times, To kick
off the effort, Mrs. Clinton held a conference call with 10 prominent chief executives. Chevron, PepsiCo and
General Electric each pledged $5 million. [New York Times, 1/2/10]

Clinton Was Described As General Electrics Advocate-In-Chief,

Lobbying For The Company To Receive Lucrative Foreign Contracts
Clinton Was Described As The Advocate-In-Chief For General Electric; Lobbied Algerian President On
Behalf Of GE For $2.5 Million Contract To Build Natural Gas Plants In Northern Africa. Bloomberg
reported, In the sixth and final section of Hard Choices, scheduled for release today from Simon & Schuster,
Clinton writes that she jetted to foreign capitals as advocate-in-chief for American companies such as General
Electric Co. (GE), Boeing Co. (BA), and FedEx Corp. (FDX) to help them close deals that would translate into U.S.
jobs One example she offers in the book is lobbying Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika on behalf of GE,
which was seeking a $2.5 billion contract to help build six natural gas plants in the Northern African nation.
[Bloomberg, 6/10/14]

Procter & Gamble Gave $3 Million To The Shanghai & Expo & Millions
To The Clinton Foundation; Was Repaid With Corporate Excellence
Procter & Gamble Contributed $3 Million To The Shanghai Expo
Procter & Gamble Contributed $3 Million To Support The U.S. Pavilion At The Shanghai Expo. According
to Procter & Gambles website, P&G held serious internal discussions beginning in the summer of 2009 and
gained Bob McDonald and Werner Geissler's support in the fall to move forward as a silver sponsor, contributing
$3 million to the USA Pavilion. [Procter & Gamble, 6/10/10]

Procter & Gamble Contributed Over $4.2 Million To The Clinton

Procter & Gamble Has Contributed Over $4.2 Million To The Clinton Foundation. Internal sources indicate
that P&G has contributed $4,262,147.00 to the Clinton Foundation. [Clinton Foundation Donors, last accessed
11/14/14; Clinton Foundation Master List of Donors, compiled internally]
Procter & Gamble Partnered With The Clinton Global Initiative, Committing To Providing Clean Drinking
Water. As of April 2014, P&G announced it has provided 7 billion liters of clean drinking water to people in need
using water purification packets. The 4 grams of powder inside each water purification packet turn 10 liters of
dirty, water into clean and drinkable water removing more than 99.99% of common waterborne bacteria (including
those that cause cholera), 99.99% of common waterborne viruses (including those that cause Hepatitis A), and
99.9% of protozoa from contaminated water, helping to reduce diarrheal disease incidence in the developing world
by up to 90%. [Procter & Gamble Press Release, 4/15/14; Business Wire, 8/5/13]

Clinton Awarded P&G The Secretary Of States Award For Corporate

Excellence, Giving The Company A Public Relations Boost
2011: Secretary Clinton Awarded Procter & Gamble the Secretary of States Award for Corporate
Excellence. At a press conference, Secretary Clinton awarded Procter & Gamble the Secretary of States Award for
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Corporate Excellence in 2011. Clinton stated, In Nigeria, where the company has invested more than $70 million
since 1999, Procter & Gamble has purified more than 2.5 million liters of water, built 10 mobile health clinics that
provide free medical care, baby care tips, and health education to mothers and their children, and worked with
schools to create a health program specifically for girls that reaches more than a million students each year
After massive floods devastated Pakistan in 2010, displacing millions and creating a humanitarian crisis, Procter &
Gamble rushed to offer assistance. The company provided 280 million liters of clean drinking water, delivered
medicine, hygiene products, and food rations, and even washed clothes for victims of the floodsSo American
diplomats worked side by side with Procter & Gamble specialists to distribute water purification packets and to
help displaced Pakistanis use them effectively, even without basic supplies like the standard 10-gallon mixing jug.
[Department of State Press Release, 1/18/12]

Clinton Solicited PepsiCo As One Of The Largest Shanghai Expo

Sponsors; PepsiCo Committed Same Amount To Clinton Foundation
PepsiCo Announced $5 Million Contribution to Shanghai Expo, Making It One of The Largest Sponsors.
According to Bloomberg Business Week, PepsiCo announced today it is spending $5 million in China to sponsor
the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, joining 3M and General Electric Pepsi chairman and CEO Indra
Nooyi signed the deal during her marathon 12-day stay in China, a sure sign of how important the mainland China
market is to the soft drink and snacks giant. It also helps raise the profile of the Shanghai Expo, which has only a
handful of international corporate sponsors with their own pavilions, including Siemens and Coca-Cola.
[Bloomberg Business Week, 7/1/09]
PepsiCo Has Contributed $124,575.00 To The Clinton Foundation. [Clinton Foundation Master List of Donors,
compiled internally]
PepsiCos $5.2 Million Commitment at Clinton Global Initiative Failed to Report For the Last Two Years.
At the 2007 Clinton Global Initiative, PepsiCo announced an initiative with the Clinton Global Initiative, the
Community Interventions for Health. PepsiCo Foundation and the Oxford Health Alliance are pioneering a firstof-its-kind project to study the effects of community-based interventions in reducing chronic disease. The $5.2
million project will focus on three areas: physical activity, nutrition and reduction of tobacco use. Using proven,
sustainable strategies such as coalition-building and education to target schools, workplaces, health centers and
medical facilities in China, India, Mexico and the UK, the initiative has the potential to directly impact over around
16 million people in three years. The program has not reported to the Foundation in the last two years. [Clinton
Foundation Press Release, 9/28/07; Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, List of Commitments, compiled

Alcoa, A Shanghai Expo Contributor, Pleaded Guilty To Foreign

Bribery Charges Facilitated By A Major Clinton Foundation Donor
Alcoa Contributed To 2010 Shanghai Expo for Secretary Clinton
Alcoa Contributed to 2010 Shanghai Expo To Aid Carbon Neutral Commitment. Alcoa put out a press release
touting its contribution to the 2010 Shanghai Expo: Alcoa Foundation is contributing to the Shanghai Expo 2010
theme of a Better City, Better Life by partnering with USAP on its environmental sustainability strategy to be
carbon-neutral throughout the event. The Alcoa Foundation-USAP carbon neutral commitment was announced by
Secretary Clinton during a dinner held in Shanghai on Saturday evening to thank corporate and state sponsors of
USAP. [Alcoa Press Release, 5/24/10]

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A Unit Of Alcoa Pleaded Guilty To International Bribery & Agreed To

Pay $384 Million In Penalties
An Alcoa Subsidiary Pleaded Guilty To Bribing Officials In The Kingdom Of Bahrain And Along With
The Parent Company Agreed To Pay A Total Of $384 Million In Penalties. The Associated Press reported,
A subsidiary of Alcoa pleaded guilty Thursday and, along with the parent company, will pay a total of $384
million in penalties for bribing officials in the kingdom of Bahrain through a London-based middleman. A
company official on Thursday entered the plea on behalf of Alcoa World Alumina, which will pay $223 million in
fines and criminal penalties for violating the anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The law
governs the conduct of American businesses abroad. Parent company Alcoa must guarantee those payments and on
Thursday also agreed to a separate $161 million civil penalty for related Securities and Exchange Commission
violations. [] The U.S. Justice Department said Alcoa World Alumina earned $446 million in profits by using the
middleman to cut a long-term deal to sell raw materials to Aluminum Bahrain BSC, through other affiliated
companies, including Alcoa of Australia. The criminal conduct occurred from 2004 to 2009. [Associated Press, via
USA Today, 1/9/14]

Settlement was Fourth Largest Under Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Alcoa Paid $384 Million for Civil Settlement With U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission; Alcoa Paid $85
Million To Bahraini Alba To Settle Civil Claim. According to The Guardian, Alcoa also reached a parallel civil
settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, agreeing to pay $161m, bringing the total cost to the
New York-listed group to $384m. Alcoa, which has already paid $85m to the Bahraini state-run aluminium firm
Alba to settle another civil claim, said it welcomes the resolution of this legacy legal matter. [The Guardian,
Alcoas SEC Settlement Was The Fourth Biggest Case Under Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Weekend
Australian reported, Alcoa and its Melbourne-based partner Alumina have been hit with $US384 million ($430m)
in criminal fines and penalties to resolve charges brought by US regulators that their global alumina alliance used a
middleman to pay tens of millions of dollars in corrupt kickbacks to senior members of Bahrain's royal family and
government officials to secure sales of West Australian alumina to a Bahraini state-controlled smelter, Aluminium
Bahrain (Alba). The settlement is the fourth-biggest in cases under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and has lifted
the lid on what the US Department of Justice described as Alcoa's involvement in a corrupt deal in which a
middleman, secretly held off-shore bank accounts and shell companies were used to funnel bribes to government
officials to secure business. [Weekend Australian, 1/11/14]

The Bribery Was Facilitated By London Businessman Victor Dahdaleh

Britain Charged Victor Dahdaleh For Paying 40 Million Pounds In Bribes For Contracts In Bahrain;
Prosecution Failed, Lacking Evidence Even Though Dahdaleh Admitted to Payments As Customary. The
Daily Telegraph reported, The [Serious Fraud Office] had accused the metals magnate of paying almost 40m in
bribes between 1998 and 2006 to former managers of Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) in return for contracts worth more
than 1.8bn with companies in which he had an interest. Opening the case last November, the SFO's lead counsel
said the case was about corruption... on a very large scale. But the trial collapsed within weeks, despite Mr
Dahdaleh admitting he had made payments to Alba managers - though claiming they were custom and practice in
Bahraini culture. The case fell apart after the SFO's key witness, Australian national Bruce Hall, changed his
evidence and one of its lawyers admitted that it had delegated its investigation in Bahrain to Akin Gump. The US
law firm was already representing Alba in a civil lawsuit against Mr Dahdaleh, raising a clear conflict of interest exacerbated by the refusal of two of its lawyers to testify in the SFO case. [Daily Telegraph, 3/22/14]

Britain Failed to Successfully Prosecute Dahdaleh For Bribes Because American Lawyers Would Not
Verify Documents. The Independent reported, Mr Dahdaleh walked free after two American lawyers
embarrassingly failed to answer a call from the [Serious Fraud Office] to come and vouch for documents the

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SFO planned to use in the case. Mr Green says he called up the firm's senior partner in the US to ask her to put
pressure on the lawyers, but she wasn't going to force them to attend. They didn't attend so we were unable to
put them before the court. [The Independent, 5/13/14]

Dahdaleh Accumulated Vast Policy Network While Bribing Bahrain

Dahdalehs Company The Dadco Group Has Operations and Investments in Europe, North America,
Middle East, Africa, and Australia. The Globe and Mail reported, [Dahdaleh] is the owner and chairman of
Dadco Group, a privately owned investment, manufacturing and trading group founded in 1915 by his grandfather.
Today, Dadco has operations and investments in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and Australia. It
owns an alumina refinery in Stade, Germany, having purchased a 50-percent stake in the operation from Alcoa in
2001 for an undisclosed price. Competition authorities had ordered Alcoa to sell the stake to win regulatory
approval for its takeover of Reynolds Metals Co. [The Globe and Mail, 3/28/08]
Dahdaleh Funded Labour Party Think Tanks, Institute for Public Policy Research and The Policy Network
While Allegedly Bribing Bahrainis. The Guardian reported, At the time of the alleged bribe payments,
Dahdaleh, who vigorously contests the allegations, was funding Labour-supporting thinktanks, including the
Institute for Public Policy Research and the Policy Network, a group presided over by Mandelson. Dahdaleh
helped pay for a Mandelson-authored pamphlet and both Mandelson and Tony Blair appeared at Dahdalehsponsored events. Mandelson referred to Dahdaleh as Victor, my friend and praised him as a business dynamo, a
public-spirited figure, and a big-hearted personality. Policy Network refuses to say how much cash he has given.
Dahdaleh sponsorship of more than 1m also helped the businessman to a governorship of the London School of
Economics alongside Cherie Blair, and the presidency of an Anglo-Canadian trade body in London. [The
Guardian, 4/10/14]

Dahdaleh Is A Top Clinton Donor, Contributing Millions To The

Clinton Foundation
Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Contributed Between $1 and $5 Million to the Clinton Foundation. [Clinton
Foundation, List of Contributors, last accessed 12/14/14]
Reuters Noted That Dahdaleh Was A Donor To President Clintons Charitable Activities. Reuters reported,
Dahdaleh, a former donor to Britain's Labor party and former U.S. president Bill Clinton's charitable activities, is
facing corruption charges in Britain linked to the Bahrain case. [Reuters, 10/9/12]

Clinton Had Long History With Walmart, Which Contributed $2

Million To The Shanghai Expo
Clinton Served On Walmarts Board Of Directors As First Lady Of
Clinton Served On Walmarts Board Of Directors While First Lady Of Arkansas. According to the
Huffington Post, While serving as first lady of Arkansas, Hillary Clinton also held a position on the Wal-Mart's
board. Her tenure, fellow board members have described, was spent pushing the company to appoint more women
in management and become more environmentally conscious in its practices. But, given the company's scorned
status among Democrats and union-members, Clinton hardly ever talks about this part of her resume. [Huffington
Post, 5/25/11]

Walmart Has Contributed & Committed Over $33 Million To The

Clinton Foundation
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The Walmart Foundation Has Committed To 19 Projects With The Clinton Global Initiative Worth $30.6
Million. Six of the projects that Walmart has committed to with the Clinton Global Initiative were announced with
no value attached, including: Accelerating Sustainability Index Business Integration, Be the FIRST, Global Plastic
Shopping Bag Waste Reduction, Supplier Packaging Scorecard and Virtual Trade Show, Walmart Detergent
Commitment, and Walmart Sustainability Plan. [Clinton Foundation Internal Data]
The Walmart Foundation Contributed $1,914,184.00 To The Clinton Foundation. $1,000,000 of its
contribution is unrestricted. [Clinton Foundation Master List of Donors, compiled internally]
Walmart Contributed $500,000 To The Clinton Foundation For The Clinton Global Initiative University.
The Huffington Post reported, Walmart, the world's largest retailer had donated a half-million dollars to a project
of former President Clinton's global foundation. The donation, which was made to the Clinton Global Initiative
University, will be allocated for educational purposes, including funding college students and encouraging
universities to engage on issues such as energy and climate change, global health, and poverty alleviation. And they
reflect what some observers say is a growing effort by the retail giant to soften its image within progressive
circles. [Huffington Post, 5/25/11]

Walmart Kept The Clintons Close To Maintain Its Image While

Engaging In Poor Environmental & Labor Practices
Common Cause Suggested Wal-Mart Was Attempting To Buy Access And Influence With Hillary Clinton
With Its Large Contributions. The Huffington Post reported, Wal-Mart, to a large extent, still remains a pariah
among Democrats for its poor labor and environmental practices We are concerned with all contributions that
are this large, said Mary Boyle, the VP of Communications at the non-profit, Common Cause. They are typically
used to buy access and influence. Now I think the question here is what is Wal-Mart trying to gain here? Are they
trying to gain access and influence to Sen. [Hillary] Clinton, or do they have another agenda, which could be trying
to establish a track record of doing better in the causes of global warming and human rights and poverty. So, I don't
know what they are trying to do, but certainly any contribution that large should pique interest. [Huffington Post,
Walmarts Exploitative and Abusive Practices Influence New York Businesses To Include Chaotic PartTime Scheduling and Disrespect For Workers. The New York Daily News reported, It is no secret that
Walmart, the nations largest employer, is also one of the most exploitative and abusive. What most people dont
know is that, despite not having any stores in New York, the gigantic company exercises a pernicious influence
over the employment practices of city-based businesses Those worst practices go beyond meager wages and
include chaotic part-time scheduling and disrespect for workers that have also become common in New York.
[New York Daily News, 10/19/14]

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