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Vindemiatrix Star The Widow Maker

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Vindemiatrix is at 0956 Libra with an orb of 140

Virgo Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Vindemiatrix on October 2

Fixed star Vindemiatrix, Epsilon Virginis, is a yellow star on the right arm of the Maiden,
Virgo Constellation.











Fixed Star



Vindemiatrix Star Astrology

Fixed star Vindemiatrix gives falsity, disgrace, stealing, wanton folly and often causes its
natives to become widows. [1]
On the MC or on the Ascendant this star with its Saturn-Mercury nature is said to help mental
concentration and to promote the type of native who engages for architects and businessmen.
Tied up with Mars, it results in increased power of thought, tending sometimes to sarcasm and
polemics. With Mars also, a danger of injuries is indicated. Badly placed, and especially so if
in conjunction with Saturn or Neptune, this star is said to cause a tendency to depressive
moods, skepticism a distrustful nature. Tied up with Mercury, this star, if otherwise badly
place, will lead to nervous irritability. [2]

In older astrology this star ranks with Algol in having an unmitigated reputation for evil, and
some even have noted that the arc or aspect between the two is the much feared 135, the
sesqui-quadrate or resquisquare. But the underlying reason for their similar reputes lies in the
connection of both names with the theme of the Spirit. The one is the name from which
comes our word Alcohol, the other is the star whose rising signifies the time for harvesting the
grapes, our main old source of the same.
As always, much depends on how one sees events themselves as good or bad. Yes, it does
frequently mark the death of someones partner in life, whence its appellation The Widow
maker, which of course prompts us to say: It is bound to, since someone dies at every
minute or so of every day. But still the fact remains that it figures very strongly and very
regularly in deaths which are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much
more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders,
executions, airline disasters etc.). At least one unsafe airplane of World War II, known widely
as The Widow Maker made its first flight on the day that Vindemiatrix culminated, while
another which had the same phenomenon at its birth, but was successful, was officially named
the Black Widow!
Al Muredin `The One Sent Forth in the Faith. This is often the missionary. This is not to say
that everyone with this star strong in their horoscope will go out and preach the gospel to the
heathen, although many do indeed feel a strong religious calling. [3]
Vindemiatrix rules the center of the right kidney. When any planet energizes this degree,
especially the Moon, there is a fear within these individuals that they will lose their partner.
Through their own fear, they project the loss. They are given the opportunity to work with this
fear and to release it. If not released from the subconscious level, the fear they carry will
materialize and they become widowed. [5]
Constellation Virgo: Ptolemy makes the following observations; The stars in the head of
Virgo, and that at the top of the southern wing, operate like Mercury and somewhat like Mars:
the other bright stars in the same wing, and those about the girdle, resemble Mercury in their
influence, and also Venus, moderately . . . those at the points of the feet and at the bottom of
the garments are like Mercury, and also Mars, moderately. By the Kabalists it is associated
with the Hebrew letter Gimel and the 3rd Tarot Trump The Empress. [1]
This constellation is indicative of an abundance in harvest and a fruitfulness of agriculture in
general. But when prominent in the charts of eclipses it portends events concerning kings
(heads of state) and in this regard can be an ill omen indeed. [4]
In astrology this constellation and Gemini were the House of Mercury. But usually, and far
more appropriately, Virgos stars have been given over to the care of Ceres, her namesake, the
long-time goddess of the harvest. For her astrological colors Virgo assumed black speckled
with blue; and was thought of as governing the abdomen in the human body, but always as an
unfortunate, sterile sign. The appearance of a comet within its borders implied many grievous
ills to the female portion of the population. [6]

Vindemiatrix Star, Epsilon Virginis

Vindemiatrix Star Conjunctions

Sun conjunct Vindemiatrix Worry, depression, unpopular, failure in business, harassed by
creditors. [1]
Moon conjunct Vindemiatrix Worry, many disappointments, loss through law or writings
and theft, bad health, failure in business. [1]
Mercury conjunct Vindemiatrix Impulsive, too hasty, loss through writings and business.
Venus conjunct Vindemiatrix Trouble through love affairs, loss of friends, danger of
scandal. [1]
Mars conjunct Vindemiatrix Rash, headstrong, indiscreet, energetic, trouble through law,
business and friends. [1]
This is a very difficult placement. These natives have a difficult time balancing the fluids in
the body purifying the kidneys. There is a drying effect in the internal workings of the body
depleting the kidneys of their elasticity. There is an increased stimulation of energy at this
point; a burning type of energy through the kidneys that generally affects the right kidney,
drying out the fluids that purify that area. The kidneys, therefore, cannot function properly,
resulting in stagnation. These individuals need to drink cup of water containing a teaspoon
of olive oil every day to lubricate the area in order to eliminate the drying process and stop

infections. Olive oil is a lubricant that does not clog the system and is helpful to many areas of
the body. [5]
Jupiter conjunct Vindemiatrix Trouble through law or Church, much criticism, many
journeys. [1]
Saturn conjunct Vindemiatrix Cautious, thoughtful, reserved materialistic, hypocritical in
religion, loss through speculation, success in business, secret difficulty with marriage partner.
This planet causes tiny nerve damage within the kidneys, restricting the blood vessels that
keep the kidneys healthy. Without adequate blood flow, the kidneys cannot function properly.
When this occurs, these individuals usually have the kidney removed. These persons should
keep a warm pack on the back at the kidneys to keep the blood vessels opened. Natural
papaya juice would be an excellent remedy, as well as raspberry tea. These measures must be
done daily in order to take care of this weakened area. This will eliminate much of the
discomfort and will keep this organ from breaking down completely. [5]
Uranus conjunct Vindemiatrix Deformity or disease of spine or back about which native
is sensitive and seeks seclusion especially if female, danger of heart trouble, bad for marriage,
death through an accident. [1]
Neptune conjunct Vindemiatrix Active, critical, mind hovers between spiritual and
material things, loss through speculation and Mercurial matters, mechanical and inventive
ability, temporary domestic separations, death of or separation from a child, death through an
accident or Saturnian disease. [1]

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