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Word Work

Unit 4

Stems (Week Onequiz:November 4th)

aqua = water
audi = hear
scrib = write
cede = go
cise = cut

Vocabulary Words & Definitions (Week Two-quiz: November

1. Aquatic growing, living or done in water
2. Aquarium 1) a container in which living water animals are kept
2) a building in which water animals are exhibited
3. Audience a group that listens or watches
4. Auditorium the part of a public building where an audience sits
5. Describe to write or tell about
6. Scribble to write quickly or carelessly
7. Recede to move back or away
8. Precede to be or go before in importance, position, or time
9. Incisors a tooth for cutting; the four front teeth of the human
upper and lower jaw
Excise a tax on goods made in the country
Spelling (Week Three-quiz: November 18th)
Students will be expected to spell each of the above vocabulary

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