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Volume 26 Number 2
November, 2016

Madison County Retired Teachers #2

Illinois Retired Teachers Association Unit 74 Area 6 Region 15


When you read

this newsletter,
the election will be
over, and it will be
time for everyone
to begin to work together for the
betterment of our fantastic country.
Hopefully, the politicians will be ready to
tackle the financial difficulties faced in
Illinois, but I fear that will mean more
attacks on our annuities and health care.
I urge everyone to stay alert and be ready
to respond when IRTA issues a call for
action. You see, I have no doubt there
will be more attacks ahead. We just have
to be ready.
As we approach this holiday season it is
always a good time to reflect on all the
good in our lives. Even in time of difficulty,
we can always find things and people to be
thankful for. Perhaps some of the best
things to be thankful for
are our families and
friends. We can also be
thankful that the election
is over and more
importantly, be thankful
that we live in a country
where we are free to
make our own choices
and are free to voice our
opinions about the
results. I am especially

thankful for all the help everyone has given

to Madison County Retired Teachers 2.
Whether you have served on a committee,
recruited a new member or simply attended
a meeting, your presence is greatly
appreciated. Lets work to make the year
ahead even better. I wish each and every
one a blessed holiday season, and a safe,
healthy, and happy 2017.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Mary May,President
Our Next Meeting
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
LeClaire Room
N. O. Nelson

Christmas Music
Edwardsville High School Chamber Choir
Emily Ottwein, Conductor
Registration 10:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Meeting - 11:00 a.m.
Lunch - 11:30 a.m.
Buffet Lunch catered by Bella Milano
Cost: $16.00
Please call or e-mail reservations by
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Call or e-mail Joyce at 259-8774
Call Charlotte Heeren at 377-8931

Minutes of the Last Meeting

MCRTA2 met at the Mannie
Jackson Center for the
Humanities (MJCH) in
Edwardsville, IL on October
10, 2016. Approximately 60
members and guests attended.
President Mary May called the
meeting to order at 10:00 am. The Pledge of Allegiance
was given. Mr. Ed Hightower, former principal of
Edwardsville High School, spoke about the MJCHF. He
talked about the purpose of the Center. Mannie Jackson
purchased the old Lincoln School building in 2008. In
2012 the Mannie Jackson Endowment & Center for
Humanities Foundation was created. In December of
2015 the MJCHF opened its door. In March 31, 2016
MJCHF held inaugural dinner with Retired General Colin
Powell as the main speaker. Today MJCHF brings
together diverse audiences and humanities programming
through lectures, readings, dialogues, public service
opportunities and instituting freedom throughout the
world. For more information about the events or the
MJCHF, please call Ed Hightower at 618-655-2886 or
get the information on their website:
We took a tour of the Center.
Joyce Tappy gave the invocation.
The buffet prepared by Bella Milano was enjoyed by
President Mary May called the business meeting to
order. Secretary Joan L. Gusewelle wanted to know if
she needed to read the minutes of the June 7, 2016
meeting. The minutes of June 7 meeting were approved
as printed in the TIDINGS. Treasurer Carol Beste gave
the treasurer's report. It will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports:

in a search line. The name of the website is It now has
information on the website about what is going on at the
state level. If you want more information, call Cynthia
Overby at 618-656-0718 or email her at
Member BenefitsLucilla Stevensonno report
MembershipMary May sent out letters to the newly
retired teachers and has gotten some new members. All
members are to see if they can get other teachers
interested in joining.
TidingsVickie Klopmeierno reportShe needs the
names of members who have passed.
Programs and meetingsDonnie Calvin, Jodi
HendersonDonnie Calvin reported on the next meeting
to be held on December 6, 2016 at the LeClaire Room,
N. O. Nelson Complex in Edwardsville, IL starting at 11
a.m. The program will be presented by Edwardsville
High School Chamber Choir singing Christmas music.
The price of the buffet will be $16.00. Please note this is
the first Tuesday in December. The committee is still
working on the program for the March meeting at St.
Pauls Methodist Church, in East Alton, IL on Tuesday
March 14, 2017.
Retirement Education/ ActivitiesDonnie Calvin, Vickie
KlopmeierIt was the consensus of the members that
we have the trip to STAGES again in 2017 sometime in
August or September.
Old Businessnone
New BusinessMr. Ed Hightower was writing a letter to
be put in the newspapers about the misinformation being
used in campaign ads about Katie Stuart. The League of
Voters had signs that people can get to put out for
candidates and Proposition 2. There will be meetings on
October 13 and 19, 2016 starting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss
the issues at Edwardsville District Office.

Budget/FinanceDale Dickersonno report. He

thought the committee that organized the trip to STAGES
The 50/50 drawing of $44.00 was won by Ray Maendele.
did an excellent job.
The free lunch was won by Virginia Croxford.
CommunicationJoyce Tappy, Charlotte HeerenAll
The next board meeting will be held on November 8,
members should make sure their addresses, phone
2016 at Eden United Church of Christ in Edwardsville, IL
numbers and email addresses are correct.
starting at 9:30 am.
Foundation/Information ServicesDee Hordeskyno
Respectfully submitted by,
Health InsuranceLori Uheenrollment is open to
change your insurance. Please keep the letter stating
you have insurance. Please do not respond to a call
from the IRS. They contact people by mail.
LegislativeCynthia Overby stated the website for our
organization has been updated. The website can be
accessed by putting the web address in the URL line, not

Joan L Gusewelle, Secretary



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(Note: Some of the original text is struck-out and the added text is in BOLDFACE and CAPS.
It was a bright, cold day in April NOVEMBER, and the clocks were striking thirteen. George Orwell, 1984 (1949).
It was the best of times, THE ELECTION was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, It was the age of foolishness. It was the
epoch of belief, It was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of light, It was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope, It was
the winter AUTUMN of despair. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1859).
Death THE ELECTION is only the beginning; afterward comes the hard part. Jed Rubenfeld, The Death Instinct
(2010). <Editorial comment: OH, NO!>
It was a dark and stormy night ELECTION; the rain RUMORS fell in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it
was checked by a violent gust of wind BREAKING NEWS which swept up INTO the streets TV AND the INTERNET.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Paul Clifford (1830)
Advice Hillary should have had: They shoot the white girl first. Toni Morrison, Paradise (1998)
Advice Donald should have had: You better not never tell nobody but God. -Alice Walker, The Color Purple (1982)
History THIS ELECTION, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake. " -James Joyce, Ulysses
"No one forgets the truth; they just get better at lying." - Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road (1961)
It was like so, but it wasnt. -Richard Powers, Galatia 2.2 (1955) <Editorial comment: Was this a real election?>
All this happened, more or less. Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)
It was the day my grandmother MANY VOTERS exploded. Iain M. Banks, The Crow Road (1992)
"Maybe everbody in the whole damn world is scared of each other." -John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men (1937)
As of the mailing of this Tidings, the election will be over. Hopefully, everyone exercised their right to vote!
The results of the election will determine IRTA's next moves. Information from IRTA will be given at our
December meeting. -Cynthia Overby, Legislative Chair

Treasurer's Report - November

Checking Balance
Savings Account
Money Market CD


Carol Beste, Treasurer

TIDINGS - November, 2016

Vickie Klopmeier
6209 N. State Route 159
Edwardsville, IL 62025

Madison County Retired Teachers #2

Vice President
Past President
Region 15 Director
Health Ins. Information
and Protective Services
Public Relations /"Tidings"
Retirement Ed./Activities
Member Benefits
Information Services and

Mary May
Joyce Tappy
Joan L. Gusewelle
Carol Beste
Charles Finley
Committee Chairs
Dale Dickerson
Dale Dickerson
Lori Uhe

MCRT2 Calendar
November 8
(Election Day)

December 6

Mary May
Vickie Klopmeier, Jennne Brunworth
February 14
Donnie Calvin, Jodi Henderson
Donnie Calvin, Vickie Klopmeier
Lucille Stevenson
Dee Hordesky
March 14
Cynthia Overby

Information Sources
IL Teacher Ret. System
State and Local Info. Lori 1-618-656-1752

Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.

Eden U.C.C.
Program: Christmas Music
by the Edwardsville High School
Chamber Choir
Meeting: 11 a.m.
LeClaire Room
N.O. Nelson, Edwardsville
Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.
Eden U.C.C.
Program: TBA 11 a.m.
St. Paul's Methodist
E. Alton IL

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