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Statement of Purpose
It was the first time that I held a deep and profound interest for Japan when I was drawn to
the renowned masterpiece of Mr Shigeno Shuichis popular culture, Initial D. Despite Initial
D being a sports manga specialising in street racing, Mr Shigenos work introduced to me the
many cultural heartlands that were important to Japan historically. These notable landmarks,
for instance, the Old Tokaido, portrayed as the Nanamagari in Initial D, was the most
important of the Five Routes of the Edo period.
As I probed further into the other locations of which Initial D based on, I began to realise that
these routes were not just mere channels for people to migrate from a region to another. Many
of the mountainous road courses, while are often treacherous to navigate through under rainy
weather, served as pathways for people from different regions to get in contact with each
other. Had the routes not existed, the people divided along the ridges and mountains would
not be able to meet and interact with each other culturally.
I place a strong faith in the strength of culture. Cultural roots are the spiritual embodiment
that connect the new generations to inherit and adapt the rich and sundry traditions from their
ancestors. I am vehement about learning as much as I can about the Japanese culture.
However, I confess that it is a subject that I know little of, but I am keen to begin with the
Japanese language as a starting point. I am interested in learning about the Kansai and
Hokkaido dialects and hope to do so through firsthand participation within my community.
I firmly believe that language defines our cultural identity and origin. While lingual
differences impose barriers that drive us apart, it is of the very same concept that a strong
mastery in a language integrate us. As globalisation continues to unify our world into a global
theatre, maintaining a high degree of cultural sensitivity and effective communication, despite
language barriers, will be increasingly essential. Subsequently, people who are effective at
imparting the gift of competent communication to other people will be indispensable.

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Statement of Purpose
My position at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) put me in touch with abundant
opportunities to work with guest professors and students from all disciplines and regions. The
IAS collaborates with professors from renowned institutes to co-organise seminars and
invites overseas students to participate in the events. I had the pleasure to share
correspondences with foreign students during their stay in Singapore. Many of them who
arrived from the Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea and Thailand had English as
their second language. They taught me that creativity and enthusiasm know no language
borders, and that there are young people out there containing a strong interest to connect with
the others culturally. I see the JET Programme a fabulous opportunity for me to fulfil that
inspiration to teach English to the enthusiastic students in Japan who would need a good
mastery of English for their cultural endeavours in times to come.
As a Singaporean, I am aware of the values and significance of learning a second or even
third language. I come from a young nation that consists of four major racial groups. I will be
driven to teach English, share my experiences to express the ways in which Singapore is
multicultural and how different ethnicities can join together as one people. I am confident in
my adaptability to live in urban cities and isolated rural towns. During my service in the
Singapore Armour Regiment, I have been dispatched to the rural and arid area of Central
India on a bilateral armour exercise to work alongside the Indian Army Armoured Corps for a
As a result of my participation as an Assistant Language Teacher, I plan to stimulating the
students interest in English and envisioning them to the multicultural aspect of Singapore. I
am keen to open the door to internationalisation by promoting cultural understanding between
Japan and Singapore. I am inspired to improve the cultural awareness of students in Japan
and providing them with a reason to speak useful English. I look forward to enrich the lives

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Statement of Purpose
of my Japanese students by exposing them to the English language and the Singaporean

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