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Predator vs.

Prey Activity
Stage One (before human contact) Rules:
1. Majority of class will be considered Caribou (prey), while a few (3-4) students will
be considered Wolves (Predators)
2. The Wolves will begin in the center of the place space (province).
3. The Caribou are required to move from point A to point B without being caught
(eaten) by the Wolves.
4. If a Caribou is caught by a Wolf, the player will become a Wolf and will try to catch
the Caribou.
5. If a Wolf does not successfully tag a Caribou, the player must sit out one round (one
round = one run from point A to point B).
6. Once that round is complete, the Wolf (that did not catch a Caribou) becomes a
Caribou and tries to escape the Wolves while running from point A to point layer B.
7. Both Point A and B are considered safe places.
8. The game continues until the teacher sees fit to end it. (this stage is meant to be
never ending to showcase natural life cycles)

Point B

Point A

Caribou Wolves Boundary -

Stage 2 (during human contact) Rules:

1. Basic rules are the same as stage 1.
2. Teacher will give 3-4 students dodgeballs and introduce them to the game as
3. Humans are allowed to throw dodgeballs at both predator and prey at any point in
time, with the exception of when the Caribou are at either Point A or B.
4. Humans can move anywhere in the play space they wish, at any point in time (with
exception to the safe area of point A and B.)
5. The Wolves cannot be attacked while the Caribou are considered safe at either Point
A or B.
6. Both Wolves and Prey are out of the game permanently once they are hit by a
7. The game continues until the humans eradicate both Predator and Prey. (this stage
is meant to end quickly to show the negative effect that humans have on animal life

Point B

Point A

Caribou Wolves Boundary Humans -

Stage 3 (After the Creation of National Parks) Rules:

1. Boundaries will be added within the play space that is considered safe from humans
(national park).
2. Humans are allowed in the safe space to grab the dodgeballs, however, they are not
allowed to throw balls at animals inside the safe zone.
3. When animals step outside of the safe zone, the Humans are allowed to hit them and
get them out.
4. Once there is only one predator left, (or when the teacher decides the game is
getting slow) the teacher can yell NO HUNTING. this means that all students that
were taken out by humans may now return as Caribou.

Safe Zone
Safe Zone

Caribou Wolves Boundary Humans Safe Zone -

Point A

Point B

5. The teacher may continuously increase the size of the safe zone as they see fit.

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