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IUBAT International University of Business Agriculture and


A Project Proposal

Prepared For:
M.M Rakibul Hasan
Course Instructor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Prepared By the Group: Sunway

Members are:
Md Moazzem Hossain 14203170
Nibedita Roy 14203158
Zannatun Naim 14203159
Md. Malek Sarker 14203165
Maria Hannan Nitu 14203171
Mohammad Saiful Islam 14203173
Sazzadur Rahman - 15103135

Hotel Reservation System


The Hotel Reservation system

will provide service to on-line

customers, employee, and an administrator. Online customers can make searches,

reservations and cancel an existing reservation on the hotel reservations web
site. Administrator can add/update the hotel and the room information
approve/disapprove a new employee account application and generate a monthly
occupancy rate report for each hotel.
Existing System:

This existing system is not providing secure registration and profile management of all the
users properly.

This manual system gives us very less security for saving data and some data may be lost
due to mismanagement.

The system is giving only less memory usage for the users.

Purpose, Scope and Objectives:

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the
entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.

This system maintains users personal info, address, and contact details.

User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system rich
user interface.

This system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.

Various classes have been used for maintaining the details of all the users and catalog.

Authentication is provided for this application. Only registered users can access.

Report generation feature is provided used to generate different kind of reports.

This system is providing more memory for the users to maintain data.

This system is providing accessibility control to data with respect to users.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The iterative model is ideal for this project, because it rapidly cycles through Requirements,
Analysis and Design, Implementation and Testing. Keeping each of these cycles reasonably small
ensures that common language is picked-up early on and that it is constantly reinforced. It also
ensures that the entire team has time to critique one anothers work, making future cycles more
Critically, the iterative model guarantees that even if production slows, after each small cycle
completes, there is a deployable product. If the waterfall model were followed, there would be a
high probability that no working system would be produced before the non-negotiable project
deadline; particularly since the team does not have enough experience with this sort of project to
get Requirements and Design right in a single attempt.

Initial planning consists of determining the operating environment, and a set of required and
optional features. At the start of each cycle, a set of related features will be taken off of the TODO
list and approximately one to two days will be spent planning and creating new requirements
around the features. The rest of the cycle is dedicated to design, implementation and testing.
Finally, evaluation takes place to determine the appropriate set of features for the next cycle.
Because most optional features were identified during initial planning, feature creep is kept to a

Feasibility Study:
In Bangladesh there are more than 500 hotels which are gaining their international customers but
online booking system is implemented by some renowned hotels only so the hotel reservation
system is one of the projects that will be require in the Bangladeshi tourist sector . There are many
problems with the existing hotel reservation system in Bangladesh and the problems are stated in
the problem analysis. It is economically feasible as we are making this system

for the partial

fulfillment of the System analysis & design course and is operationally feasible as we are making
this system by removing the threats and weakness of existing systems as well as it is
technologically feasible as we are using open source coding with the use of PHP & MySQL.
Schedule and Budget Summary

Number of Modules:
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following

Authentication and Security Module

Admin Module
Employee Module.
Hotel Rooms Management Module.
Service Management Module.
Reports Module.

1. Authentication and Security Module

The user details should be verified against the details in the user tables and if it is
valid user, they should be entered into the system. Once entered, based on the user type
access to the different modules to be enabled / disabled and individual user can change
their default password or old password.
2. Admin Module
This module consists of the following sub modules:
a. Users Management Module
Here a mail admin can access any user related information, for example their contact
details etc. And requirement come he can delete a user.
b. Others
In this module admin uses services of other different module for efficient management of
the application.
3. Employee Module
In this module user can register and modify. And can take services of other modules.
4. Hotel Rooms Management Module:
In this module new Room details can be added, modified and also status can be
5. Service Module:
It consists of the following sub modules:

a. Hotel Service Module

Here in this module a new service can be added and viewed. Using which a user can
also book a room according to his need.
b. Room Service Module
Using this module a new hotel can be added in a service provided city .Which can be
viewed by those users who visit this website (Registered and Unregistered both).
c. Restaurant Management Module.
Using this module a point (a numerical number based on a formula) is assigned to a
person who has frequent check-ins based on the no. of days he spends, which he can spend on
different services provided by the restaurant.
6. Reports Module:
In this Module the User and Administrator can generate the different types of Reports
according to their access.
Work Schedule
Although its not possible to calculate the exact time for the development of the project, we have
made an approximate time-line for the development of our project and it is as follows:
Stages of Development

Starting Date

Ending Date

Duration in Days

Initial study



20 days

Feasibility study



15 days

Requirement Analysis



15 days

Requirement Specification



10 days

Interface design



10 days




10 days

Testing & Debugging



05 days




05 days


90 Days

Software Requirements:
Operating System
Web Browser
User Interface
Programming Language
Web Applications
Server Deployment


Windows 7,8,10, Linux

IE 8.0/MF/GC/Opera
Apache 2.0


Hard Disk


Core 2 Duo to others.

1GB or more

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