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Jenna Davis was found showing support for the Democratic candidate Julian Garcia in his

campaign promo video on October 24, 2016. In the promo video, Garcia is shown filming
himself around supporters, showing his characteristics as a good Democratic Candidate and
why you should vote for him in the 2016 election. Midway through the video, Julian is seen
walking around, hugging, and putting thumbs up with his supporters when the camera pointed at
Davis smiling big and bright to the camera next to Julian Garcia. Republican Supporters and
Interest Groups were so outraged with Jenna Davis's support for Democratic Nominee Julian
Garcia that they started chanting "Spencer Sa! Spencer Sa!", a presidential candidate runner
up, showing their low loyalty towards Davis and leading some to believe that they want a new
candidate. Since then, her supporters have turned on her. Will she respond to the scandal?
What will be her excuse? What states will she try to recover? Meanwhile, another Democratic
candidate Karina Lopez has also been under pressure after rumors spread of her firing her
former assistant Alma Pereda for having an abortion-contradicting her pro-choice stance.There
has not been any documents officially stating that Lopez fired Pereda because of the abortion.
Sources say that Lopez will be responding to this scandal during the week in a press
conference in Classroom 531. This week has been a very intense week for both parties
considering only being half-way through the election. One question to keep in mind: Will the
Candidates assure their supporters to continue supporting them?
By Adela Romero

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