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228 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Generally, the equation to the ellipse, whose focus is the point (fg), Whose directrix is 4e+By+C=0, and whose eccentricity ise, is + By + 0) (es y gpa Ae eBe 250. There ewist « second focus and a second directriz for the curve, On the positive side of the origin take a point 8’, which is such that SC = CS’ =ae, and another point Z’, such that AC =C2' =% Draw Z’K’ perpendicular to ZZ’, and PM’ perpen- dicular to Z'K’. The equation (5) of Art. 247 may be written in the form —2acn + ae +? — 2acx +a’, as ie. (eae)? + =e ¢ -«), he, S'P a8. PM, Hence any point P of the curve is such that its distance from S' is ¢ times its distance from Z’X', so that we should have obtained the same curve, if we had started with S’ as focus, Z’K’ as directrix, and the same eccentricity. 251. The swum of the focal distances of any point on the curve is equal to the major axis. For (Fig. Art. 247) we have SP=e.PM, and S'P=e.PM'. Hence SP +S8'P=¢(PM+PM')=¢.MM' =e. 24! =20. CH= 2a (Art, 247.) =the major axis. Also SP=¢.PM=e.NZ=e.CZ+e.CN=at+ex’, and $’P=e.PM'=e.NZ'=e.CZ'-¢.CN=a—ex’,, where a’ is the abscissa of P referred to the centre. THE ELLIPSE. LATUS-RECTUM. 229 252. Mechanical construction for an ellipse. By the preceding article we can get a simple mechanical method of constructing an ellipse. Take a piece of thread, whose length is the major axis of the required ellipse, and fasten its ends at the points S’ and §’ which are to be the foci. Let tho point of a pencil move on the paper, the point being always in contact with the string and keeping the two portions of the string between it and the fixed ends always tight. If the end of the pencil be moved about on the paper, 80 as to satisfy these conditions, it will trace out the curve on the paper. For the end of the peneil will be always in such a position that the sum of its distances from Sand §’ will be constant. In practice, it is easier to fasten two drawing pins at S’ and §’, and to have an endless piece of string whose total length is equal to the sum of SS’ and Ad/. This string must be passed round the two pins at S and S’ and then be kept stretched by the pencil as before. By this second arrangement it will be found that the portions of the curve near d and A’ can be more easily described than in the first method. 253. Latus-rectum of the ellipse. Let LSZ! be the double ordinate of the curve which passes through the focus S. By the definition of the curve, the semi-latus-rectum SZ =e times the distance of L from the directrix =¢,8Z=0(0Z—O8)=0.CZ-0.08 =a—aé (by equations (3) and (4) of Art. 247) ve 7 =%. (Art. 247) 254. To trace the curve ao x at ee 1 230 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. The equation may be written in either of the forms or From (2), it follows that if a'>a?, ie. if a>a or or <—0, a is impossible, and hence that there is no part of the curve above B or below B’. If w lie between —a and +a, the equation (2) gives two equal and opposite values for y, so that the curve is sym- metrical with respect to the axis of «. If y lie between —} and +, the equation (3) gives two equal and opposite values for x, so that the curve is sym- metrical with respect to the axis of y. If a number of values in succession be given to a, and the corresponding values of y be determined, we shall obtain a series of points which will all be found to lie on a curve of the shape given in the figure of Art. 247. 255. The quantity oee-4 is negative, zero, or positive, according as the point («', y') lies within, upon, or without the ellipse. Let @ be the point (a, y’), and let the ordinate QV through Q meet the curve in P, so that, by equation (6) of Art. 247, If Q be within the curve, then y’, ie. QW, is < PY, so that yo Pa wu <4 te <1-%. @ eR RADIUS VECTOR IN ANY DIRECTION. 231 Hence, in this case, ya y et pth 7 ay |, 7 ie. + 5 Lis negative. Similarly, if Q’ be without the curve, y’ > PN, and then ay ot & - 1 is positive. 256. To find the length of a radius vector from the contre drawn in a given direction, ‘The equation (6) of Art. 247 when transferred to polar coordinates becomes soos @ | rsin?O_ Be tape giving 1s a. Tit? 8 cos? 0 + a? sin® 0" ‘We thus have the value of the radius vector drawn at any inclination 6 to the axis, we see that the greatest value of 7 is when 6=0, and then it is oqual to a. Similarly, 9= 90° gives the least value of », viz. b. Also, for each value of 6, we have two equal and opposite values of 7, so that any line through the centre meets the curve in two points equidistant from it. 257. Auxiliary circle. Def. The circle which is described on the major axis, 4A’, of an ellipse as diameter, is called the auxiliary circle of the ellipse. Let WP be any ordinate of the ellipse, and let it be produced to meet the auxiliary circle in Q. Since the angle AQd’ is a right angle, being the angle ina semicircle, we have, by Euc. v1. 8, QV?= AWN. Wd’. 232 COORDINATE GEOMETRY, Hence Art. 248 gives PN? : QW? : BO? : AC’, PN_BC_b QN AG™ a’ so that. The point Q in which the ordinate WP meets the auxiliary circle is called the corresponding point to P. The ordinates of any point on the ellipse and the corresponding point on the auxiliary circle are therefore to one another in the ratio 6 : a, ie. in the ratio of the semiminor to the semi-major axis of the ellipse. The ellipse might therefore have been defined as follows Take a circle and from each point of it draw perpen- diculars upon a diameter; the locus of the points dividing these perpendiculars in a given ratio is an ellipse, of which the given circle is the auxiliary circle. 258. Eccentric Angle. Def. The eccentric angle of any point P on the ellipse is the angle WCQ made with the major axis by the straight line 0@ joining the centre C to the point Q on the auxiliary circle which corresponds to the point P. This angle is generally callod ¢. THE ECCENTRIC ANGLE. 233 Wehave CV=CQ. cos = acs $, and NQ=CQsin $=asin $. Hence, by the last article, NP= s WQ=bsin od. The coordinates of any point-P on the ellipse are there- fore acos p and bsin &. Since P is known when ¢ is given, it is often called «the point ¢.” 259. Vo obtain the equation of the straight line joining two points on the ellipse whose eccentric angles are giver. Let the eccentric angles of the two points, P and P’, be and ¢', so that the points have as coordinates (acos $, bsin g) and (aeos ¢’, bsin $’). The equation of the straight line joining them is bsin¢!-bsing acos $’ —acosd (e— aos $) b 2cos4(b+¢') sin $(4'- 4) y-bsing= “a Bain (eg) sinjH—B) OM gy ees HD ae. Z cos tet +¥sin PH cos. cos P52 «sin g sin ore (1). = cos [e- P48] cos #5 This is the required equation. Cor. ‘The points on the auxiliary circle, corresponding to P and P’, have as coordinates (a cos 4, a sing) and (acos #', asin '). ‘The equation to the line joining them is therefore (Art. 178) O48 LY gin OHO gg sf = cos Ayo +7 sin sco 5 234 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. This straight line and (1) clearly make the same intercept on the major axis, Hence the straight line joining any two points on an ellipse, and the straight line joining the corresponding points on the auxiliary circle, meet the major axis in the samo point, EXAMPLES. XXXII. 1, Find the equation to the ellipses, whose centres are the origin, whose axes are the axes of coordinates, and which pass through (a) the points (2, 2), and (8, 1), and ~ (8) the points (1, 4) and (~6, 1). Find the equation of the ellipse referred to‘its centre 2, whose latus rectum is 5 and whose eccentricity is 3, 3, whose minor axis is oqual to the distance between the foci and whose latus rectum is 10, 4, whose foci are the points (4, 0) and (-4, 0) and whose eccentricity is }. 5, Find the latus rectum, the eccentricity, and the coordinates of the foci, of the ellipses (1) a%48y2=a%, (2) 5a%+dy?=1, and (3) 9x°+5y?— 80y=0. 6. Find the eccentrici to one half its minor axis. 7,_ Find the equation to the ellipse, whose focus is the point (=1, 1), whose directrix is the straight line «—y+8=0, and whose eccentricity is 4. ity of an ellipse, if its latus rectum be equal 8, Is the point (4, ~8) within or without the ellipse 5a? Ty2= 112? 9, Find the lengths of, and the equations to, the focal radii drawn to the point (44/8, 5) of the ellipse 2522+ 16y2=1600, 10, Prove that tho sum of the squares of the reciprocals of two perpendicular diameters of an ellipse is constant, 11, Find the inclination to the major axis of the diameter of the ellipse the square of whose length is (1) the arithmetical mean, (2) the geometrical mean, and (3) the harmonical mean, between the squares on the major and minor axes, 12, Find the locus of the middle points of chords of an ellipse which are drawn through the positive end of the minor axis. 18, Prove that the locus of the intersection of AP with the straight line through 4’ perpendicular to 4’P is a straight line which is perpendicular to the major axis. (Exs, XXXII] THE ECCENTRIC ANGLE, 235 14, @Q is the point on the auxiliary circle corresponding to P on the ellipse; PLMis drawn parallel to CQ to meet the axes in L and I; prove that PL=b and PM=a. 15, Prove that the area of the triangle formed by three points on an ellipse, whose eccentric angles are 0, @, and y, is gad sin 2=¥ gin ¥—? gin 2=%, _~ sin © sin 2 Prove also that its area is to the area of the triangle formed by the corresponding points on the auxiliary circle as b : a, and hence that its area is a maximum when the latter triangle is equilateral, i.e. when Qn o-0=y-o=F. 16, Any point P of an ellipse is joined to the extremities of the major axis; prove that the portion of ‘a directrix intercepted by them subtends a right angle at the corresponding focus. 17, Show that the perpendiculars from the centre upon all chords, which join the ends of perpendicular diameters, are of constant length. 18, If a, B, y, and 3 be the eccentric angles of the four points of intersection of the ellipse and any circle, prove that a+8+y7+0 is an even multiple of m radians. [See Trigonometry, Part I, Art. 81.] 19, The tangent at any point P of a circle meots the tangent at a fixed’ point 4 in 7, and 1 is joined to B, the other end of the diameter through 4; prove that the locus of the intersection of AP and BT is an ellipse whose eccentricity is 4, 2" 20, From any point P on the ellipse, PN is drawn perpendicular to the axis and produced to Q, so that NQ equals PS, where S is a focus; prove that the locus of Q is the two straight lines y ter +a=0. 21, Given the base of a triangle and the sum of its sides, prove that the locus of the centre of its incircle is an ellipse. 22, With a given point and line as focus and directrix, a, sories of ollipses are described; prove that the locus of the extremities of their minor axes is a parabola. 23, A line of fixed length a+-b moves go that its ends are always on two fixed perpendicular straight lines; prove that the locus of a point, which divides this line into portions of length a and 6, is an ellipse. 24, Prove that the extremities of the latera recta of all ellipses, having a given major axis 2a, lie on the parabola 2?= —a (y ~ am? +0, 261. o find the length of the chord intercepted by tha ellipse on the straight line y = m+. As in Art, 204, we have 2a*me id 20=" Rta sepa and m%= re ae so that oe dab ve mines EQUATION TO THE TANGENT 237 Tho length of the required chord therefore =N(@= a) + i= 9)= Gm) NT + mt _ 2ab Qab JT + mt +m? Jam? + Oe | Pm +B 262. To find the equation to the tangent at any point (a, y') of the ellipse, Let P and @ be two points on the ellipse, whose coordi- nates are (2, y’) and (a”, /"). The equation to the straight line PQ is y'-¥ ae. Ba” +a! 3a aF Va yey" ie. ge On substituting in (1) the equation to any secant PQ becomes y-y= (4). To obtain the equation to the tangent we take Q indefinitely close to P, and hence, in the limit, we put a= a! and y’ 7 238 COORDINATE GEOMETRY, The equation (4) then becomes a yf 5 + & =1, by equation (2). The required equation is therefore xx, yy’ wt br Cor. The equation to the tangent is therefore ob- tained from the equation to the curve by the rule of Art. 152. =i. 263. To find the equation to a tangent in terms of the tangent of its inclination to the major ais. As in Art, 260, the straight line Y= MBF Corrrccrree (1) meets the ellipse in points whose abscissae are given by a (D+ atm’) + Imeate +a? (c? —B) = 0, and, by the same article, the roots of this equation are coincident if c= Ne@nP +B. In this case the straight line (1) is a tangent, and it becomes yomx 4 Vamp? (2). This is the required equation. Since the radical sign on the right-hand of (2) may have either + or — prefixed to it, we see that there are two tangents to the ellipse having. the same m, i.e. there are two tangents parallel to any given direction, The above form of the equation to the tangent may be deduced from the equation of Art, 262, as in the case of the parabola (Art. 206). It will be found that the point of contact is the point (awe EQUATION TO THE TANGENT. 239 264. By a proof similar to that of the last article, it may be shewn that the straight line xcosa+ysina=p touches the ellipse, if p?=a2cos?a+b?sin?a. Similarly, it may be shewn that the straight line lat my=n touches the ellipse, if a7? + b%m? = n*. 265. Equation to the tangent at the point whose eccentric angle is $. The coordinates of the point are (a cos ¢, d sin $). Substituting «/ = a cos @ and y’ = b sin ¢ in the equation of Art. 262, we have, as the required equation, Zoos p+¥sing=1 : (1). This equation may also be deduced from Art. 259. For the equation of the tangent at the point “$” is obtained by making ¢' = @ in the result of that article. Ex. Find the intersection of the tangents at the points @ and ¢'. ‘The equations to the tangents are veo p+ sing —1= goed; sing 1=0, ® cos.’ +4 sing! -1= and Fos 9! +4 sin gl —1=0. The required point is found by solving these equations, We obtain z y a ob -1 1 Sng-sng cop cose pcos p— cos p’ sin» ~ sin(p—@)’ ae. ——_——., = ¥ 2acos PSF gin P= % ap sin 22% sin F=% asin ® 240 COORDINATE GEOMETRY, cos 4 (p+ 9") x sing (9+ 9) 008 3 (6-') Hence w=a yand y=p nae 266. Equation to the normal at the point (a, y'). The required normal is the straight line which passes through the point (2, y’) and is perpendicular to the tangent, i2. to the straight line bao I= ay ye Tts equation is therefore y-y =m(e-«), Bex! ay where m(- oo) =-1, te m= SY, (Arb. 69), if The equation to the normal is therefore y - y/ = a (2-2), ie £oz Us, x v a pa 267. Equation to the normal at the point whose eccentric angle is p. Tho coordinates of the point are a cos } and bsin ¢. Hence, in the result of the last article putting a! =acos@ and y/=bsing, it becomes wracosp y—bsing cose ang a 6 . ae . ie. —— — a ee cos The required normal is therefore ax sec @ — by cosec @ = a? — b2, SUBTANGENT AND SUBNORMAL. 241 268. Equation to the normal in the form y=me +c, ‘The equation to the normal at («’, y’) is, as in Art. 266, ay! fat Leny (-1)- cn m, 80 that = =r 4 Hence, since («’, y’) satisfies the relation a ,_ Ym Y= Ja Oni ‘The equation to the normal is therefore (@=0%)m Yam Tina This is not as important an equation as the corresponding equa- tion in the case of tho parabola. (Art. 208.) ‘When it is desired to have the equation to. the normal expressed in terms of one independent parameter it is generally better to use the equation of the previous article, =1, we obtain 269. To find the length of the sublangent and sub- normal. Let the tangent and normal at P, the point (a, y’'), meet the axis in 7’ and @ respectively, and let PI be the ordinate of P. Le 16 242, COORDINATE GEOMETRY, The equation to the tangent at P is (Art. 262) To find where the straight line meets the axis we pub y=0 and have a . @& wa=5, ie Oa, he. OT. ON == CA cece eerees cess (2). Hence the subtangent V7" 2 =OT-0N= The equation to the normal is (Art. 266) wow _y-y 2 Uy e B To find where it meets the axis, we put y = 0, and have aa ry : Ty B, e e 18 —# , ae OG=e=0 — =e =—a 2.2 @ @é Hence the subnormal 1G =0N -C@=(1-2) ON, he. N@:NC21-@:1 nBs (Art. 247.) Cor. If the tangent mect the minor axis in ¢ and Pa be perpendicular to it, we may, similarly, prove that Ct. Cn =P. 270. Some properties of the ellipse. (a) SG@=e.SP, and the tangent and normal at P bisect the external and internal angles between the focal distances of P. By Art. 269, we have CG = 0%’, SOME PROPERTIES OF THE ELLIPSE, 243, Hence SG=SC+CG=ae+eu'=e. SP, by Art, 251. Also =CS' - CG=e(a-ea') =e. S'P. Hence S@:S'G i: SP: S'P. Therefore, by Buc. vi, 3, PG bisects the angle SPS’. It follows that the tangent bisects the exterior angle between SP and S'P. (8). If SY and S'Y’ be the perpendiculars from the foci upon the tangent at any point P of the ellipse, then Y and ¥' lie on the auziliary circle, and SY. S'Y'=b*, Also CY and 8'P are parallel. ‘The equation to any tangent is wcosatysina=p where p=NJ@ cosa +0? sin? a (Art. 264). ‘The perpendicular SY to, (1) passes through the point (~ae, 0) and its equation, by Art. 70, is therefore see (1), (v-+ae) sin a—y cos. a=0 .. eo QDe hall ¥ be the point (A, #) then, since ¥ lies on both (1) and (2), we ave heosa+ksina=/acosta+? sina, and isin a—keos a= —aesina=~ Ja? sin? a Squaring and adding these equations, we have 1?--k2=a%, so that Y lies on the auxiliary circle 2°+-y?=a", Similaxly it may bo proved that Y’ lies on this circle. Again S is the point (—ae, 0) and $’ is (ae, 0). Hence, from (1), SY=p-+aecosa, and S'Y’=p-aecosa. (Art. 75.) ‘Thus SY, S'Y'=p? ae? cosa P cos? aD? sin? a — (a?— 0°) cos? a 2 a Also or= Fy rp. @___@(a~e0N) and therefore ST =py- aes .CT_ a wy “ ST a-e.0N” SP" Hence CY and S’P ate parallel. Similarly CY’ and SP are parallel. 16—2 244 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. () If the normal at any point P meet the major and minor axes in Gand g, and if OF be the perpendicular upon this normal, then PF. PG=U! and PF. Pg =a. ‘The tangent at any point P (the point “ 6”) is z Vein oon ety sin p= 1, Hence PF'=perpendicular from C upon this tangent If we put y=0, we have CG=. aw a 2 1 PGS G 08 ~ cos *) +B sin? p oe _ = pcos sin? g, ie. Pax? Jet pra ain ¥rom this and (1), we have PF. PG=0*. If we put «=0 in (2), we see that g is the point (.-"2 sing). . a Ne Hence Pptmateoso+ (bain +" in) a t JPost pratsin® 9. From this result and (1) we therefore have PP, Pg=a’. so that Pg= 271. To find the locus of the point of' intersection of tangents which meet at right angles. ‘Any tangent to the ellipse is yama + Jane +B, and a perpendicular tangent is pora/e m y TANGENTS AND NORMALS. EXAMPLES. 245 Hence, if (h, &) be their point of intersection, we have k-mh= Verb +O (1D), and mk th NPE OMB ccc cere If between (1) and (2) we eliminate m, we shall have a relation between. and &. Squaring and adding these equations, we have (K+ 18) (14m) = (@ 4%) (1 +m’), ie + RPae+h, Hence the locus of the point (2, &) is the circle e+ yaa+b, i.e. a circle, whose centre is the centre of the ellipse, and whose radius is the length of the line joining the ends of the major and minor axis, This circle is called the Director Circle. EXAMPLES. XXXIII. Find the equation to the tangent and normal 1, at the point (1, 4) of the ellipse 4a*+9y2=20, 2, at the point of the ellipse 52°++8y?=137 whose ordinate is 2, 3, at the ends of the latera recta of the ellipse 92+ 16y?= 144, 4, Prove that the straight line y=a2-+/y'z touches the ellipse Ba? dy? 5, Find tho equations to the tangents to the ellipse 4a? +3y2=5 which are parallel to the straight line y=8r+7. Find also the coordinates of the points of contact of the tangents which are inclined at 60° to the axis of x, 6, Find the equations to the tangents at the ends of the latera Da? recta of the ellipse a + B=, and shew that they pass through the intersections of the axis and the directrices. 7, Find the points on the ellipse such that the tangents there are equally inclined to the axes, Prove also that the length of the perpendicular from the centre on either of these tangents is, 246 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. (Bxs. 8, In an ellipse, referred to its centre, the length of the sub- tangent corresponding to the point (3, 4) is 4; prove that the eccentricity is $. 9. Prove that the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars on any tangent from two points on the minor axis, each distant /a?— 62 from the centre, is 2a, 10, Find the equations to the normals at the ends of the latera recta, and prove that each passes through an end of the minor axis if areal 11. If any ordinate MP meet the tangent at L in Q, prove that MQ and SP are equal. 12, Two tangents to the ellipse intersect at right angles; prove that the sum of the squares of the chords which the auxiliary circle intercepts on them is constant, and equal to the square on the line joining the foci. 18, If a point on the ellipse, whose ordinate is y’, prove that the angle between the tangent at P and tho focal distance of P u is tan—! aey’ 14, Shew that the angle between the tangents to the ellipse St Yar and the circle x°+-y®=ab at their points of intersection is a-b ton 15, A circle, of radius 7, is concentric with the ellipse; prove that ‘the common tangent is inclined to the major axis at an angle aye a and find its length. tan-! 16, Prove that the common tangent of the ellipses yet 2a wt pa? md at subtends a right angle at the origin. 17, Prove that PG. Py=SP.S'P, and CG. CT=CS*, 18, ‘The tangent at P meets the axes in 7’ and t, and CY is the perpendicular on it from the centre; prove that (1) 7¢. PY=a*- 0°, and (2) the least value of Tt is a+0. 19, Prove that the perpendicular from the focus upon any tangent and the line joining the centre to the point of contact meet on the corresponding directrix. 20. Prove that the straight lines, joining each focus to the foot of the perpendicular from the other focus upon the tangent at any point P, meet on the normal at P and bisect it. XXXIIL] TANGENTS AND NORMALS. EXAMPLES, 247 21, Prove that the circle on any focal distance as diameter touches the auxiliary circle. 22, Find the tangent of the angle aed CP and the normal at P, and prove that its greatest value is is ¢ Bab” 23, Provo that the straight line Le+my=n is a normal to the ellipse, it (aha? me co 24, Find the locus of the point of intersection of the two straight . te —~Yaye ety a lines S -F+t=0 and 7 + j/-1=0. Prove also that they meet at the point whose eccentric angle is 2tan—t. 25, Prove that the locus of the middle points of the portions of tangents included between the axes is the curve ee at pet 26. Any ordinate NP of an ellipse meets the auxiliary cirele in Qj, prove that the locus of the intersection of the normals at P and Qiis the circle + y%=(a-+0)% 27. The normal at P meets the axes in @ and g; shew that the loci of the middle points of PG and Gg are respestively the ellipses fat dy? @d+ent 28. Prove that the locus of the feet of the perpendicular drawn from the centre upon any tangent to the ellipse is =a? cos? 040 sin®9, [Use Art. 264.] 29, If a numbor of ellipses be described, having the same major axis, but a variable minor axis, prove that the tangents at the ends of their latera recta pass through one or other of two fixed points, 30, The normal GP is produced to Q, so that GQ=n. GP. =1, and os? by=4 (@-P), Prove that the locus of Q is the ellipse a" 81, Ifthe straight line y=ma+e meet the late prove that the equation to the circle, described on the line joining the points of intersection as diameter, is (am? + D2) (a?-+y2) + 2maten — Wrey +2 (2-+0%) — WV? (1+ m!)=0. 32, PM and PN are perpendiculars upon the axes from any point Pon the ellipse. Prove that MN is always normal to a fixed concentric ellipse.

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