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14-2: Predator-Prey with Phase Plane Prakash Balachandran Department of Mathematics Duke University April 16, 2010 © Makeup missed work before the last week of classes. * 32L policy: you must pass the gateway, or you won't be allowed to take the final. 1 The Phase Plane # Let’s go back momentarily to the spring-mass system from last time, a ae ws, (0)=A, 9(0) =B. o Why, exactly, is this system exhibiting oscillatory behavior? Observe that the velocity and that this implies ‘Thus, we have that ‘* Now, by chain rule, we have that 42 = ‘© How do we figure out which way to move along the trajectories? Notice that when s,v > 0, 4 > 0 and < 0. Thus at any point in the first quadrant, s is increasing, and v is decreasing, so that we ride the trajectory counter-clockwise. The same argument can be applied to the remaining quadrants, so that the arrows are as in the second figure above. * Remember Buler’s method? Let's use it here, Notice that wherever we start, we get “ride” along the slope field in the direction of the tangent line in a small amount of time At. Then, at this point, we get pushed in the new direction of the tangent line in another small time interval At. Repeating this, we find that we come back to where we started in a finite amount of time. That is, my position s(t), and hence my velocity v(t) is oscillatory. ‘© How did this happen? The slope field above couples the dynamics of v and s in a way described by the slope field; whatever happens to v affects what happens to s and vice-versa. In particular, the second order differential equation (1) does it in such a way that as I ride along the slope field above, I come back to where I started in finite time, Thus, the slope field is a visual representation as to why our system exhibits oscillatory behavior. © Actually, the picture above isn’t exactly a slope field, because the independent variable t isn’t represented anywhere explicitly. The picture above is actually called the phase-plane for (1) and is defined to be the picture of (1) in terms of the points (s,v). Another way you can think about it: slope fields don’t have arrows, while phase planes do. ‘The arrows are determined by the rates at which the dependent variables are changing in time at any instant. Predator-Prey # Let’s analyze another type of periodic system that’s slightly more complicated using the phase-plane idea described above. ‘* Consider two populations which interact: worms and robins. The robins prey on the worms, and form what's called a predator prey system. © If there were no robins present, then the worms grow at a rate proportional to the amount present. Thus, a reasonable model for the worm population would be: fae di = w+ Bilect of robins on worms. * If there were no worms present, and assuming the robins only prey on worms the robin population would decrease exponentially, or proportional to the amount present. Thus, a reasonable model for the robin population would be + Effect of worms on robins. * How should we model the interactions? Idea: Jers assume thatthe effect of one population onthe other is proportional the the number of “encounters.” The number of encounters should be proportional to the product of the two populations, since the more there are of either population, the more encounters there will be. Thus, aot iia een aww, Fanrtrw ‘© These equations are the simplified version of the so-called Lorka-Volierra equations, The only difference are constants of proportionality in all of the above terms, which in our case have assumed to be |. © Let’s look at the phase plane of the system. How should solution curves look? dr —r+rw predator-prey interaction as =w-rw ar+rw Blake, Math 321 dw ‘a ae a ‘Worms and Robins ‘The image below shows a computer-gencrated phase plane for this system of differential represented by populations of worms, w(t), and robins, r(t). equations, The following system of differential equations models the VILAISIPLL ALE LA oo \ | PLLOSAISLS ELL LEP mN NS VLELILALE LED LS AA Pom \\ LVAISLAAILA PALA LD LES AN, LLELLAEMDAL LT AP tN, PELELPLIALDS (ALE MD\, SEMA EPRLL IAL LS ft dito NX, FIEELIVPLELLAL LL OP NN! LEELA LALLA AS [LEN POPLAAALEALL LLL KMS S VIELILIALEAS SS 7 hb NN PEILTALELLLS 1 hte SN LYALL SS AEN PAILTL EAN Tihle-\ VVVVAWVSN=77/ NA\WANANANN 7 SIAN SRO i] tk UI \\ \N\ iii Lit [Tl VVA NAN Nee nat ear marti

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