Portfolio: Writing Workshop 1

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Student:Ivancea Laura

Year 1,Group 1
Course: Text Analysis
Course Instructor:Dr.Lorelei


Writing Workshop 1

1.Choose two quotes from each texts then argument your choice:
Tennessee Williams, The Catastrophe of Success
The sort of life that I had had previous to this popular success was one that required
endurance() but it was a good life because it was the sort of life for which the human organism
is created...
It is clearly that Williams's early life was filled with struggle and family turmoil and I believed
that was a life that made him a truly artist.

Nobody should have to clean up anybody elses mess in the world.

It s the proper evidence that we are responsible of our choices and mistakes and nobody should
be forced to deal with them.

Ernest Hemingway, Hills like white elephants; Cat in the rain

But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and youll like
In this quote the girl is confronting with several emotions,even if she is still hoping to save their
broken relationship, she believes that nothing can save that. Her indecision and desire to placate
the man demonstrate her dependence on him.

The wife went downstairs and the hotel owner stood up and bowed to her as she passed the
The bow is almost chivalric in comparison, like a knight in shining armor adressing to a lady. To
the padrone, she is a lady and he is sure to make her feel like one.

Henry David Thoreau, Life without principle

Do not hire a man who does your work for money,but him who does it for love of it.
Ideally, it would be a welcome change if we, the multitude, could adopt this non-conformist
attitude and follow all of our own inner passions and ambitions.
If I choose to devote myself to certain labors which yield more real profit,though but little
money,they may be inclined to look on me as an idler.
We should not get caught up in the ways of money and society. Instead, we should take time
throughout the days of our lives to enjoy instead of breaking our backs trying to earn what we
think will be a better life.

2.Making connections between:

a) David Henry-Thoreau and Tennessee Williams

Both writers have similar ideas, they believe in hard work and defend any form of art ,especially
poetry and philosophy admitting that life without them is dehumanizing and that tying real
worth to hard work is a form of slavery. Everyone seems mostly interested in obtaining more
money. However, working only for money is not the best use of a person's time because is short
and it doesnt return again.
b)David Henry-Thoreau and Ernest Hemingway
Life Without Principle by Henry David-Thoreau is an essay and is wrote is a subjective and
motivational manner in comparison with Hemingways short fictional stories.

c)Tennessee Williams and Ernest Hemingway

Both authors are referring in their writings to the American prototype that seems to have
everything they want but in the end it is just a false impression. In Tennessees essay we find
informations about the American culture similar to Hemingways short stories where the main
action is placed around two American couples.
d)David Henry-Thoreau and society
Nowadays people forget about the more modern refrain, Love your job and youll never work a
day in your life because the central fact of their lives is an act performed with no reward beyond
money and their work provide no real benefit to society.
e)Tenessee Williams and society
The end of the essay is a wake-up call for everybody by saying that time is short and it doesnt
return again.People should spend their time wisely instead of wasting it worrying or running
after success instead of enhancing the value of arts or everything that is dynamic. Those are the
things that are worth living for.
f)Ernest Hemingway and society
Hemingway is a master in transmitting emotions,sensations, feelings and thoughts without the
flowery prose of his predecessors even if his style is simple and direct. What he wrote about
changed how people observe and really force them to use their imagination.

Writing Workshop 2

Notes on different secondary sources on Ernest Hemingways Cat in the Rain:

1. Anyway, says the young wife, I want a cat. I want a cat. I want a cat now. If I cant have long
hair or any fun, I can have a cat.
The cat becomes a substitute of all her frustrations
Source: Theories. A Reader, edited by Sean Matthews , Aura Tars Sibisan, editura Paralela 45,
Pitesti, 2003, p. 359
2.The elements which are indeed making the difference are those beyond the plot, the hidden
meanings of the characters actions and desires.
Source: http://www.upm.ro/ldmd/LDMD-01/Lit/Lit%2001%2031.pdf
3.Hemingway is responsible for the name of the Iceberg theory (see non-fiction work Death
in the afternoon)
Source: https://www.wattpad.com/3035003-cat-in-the-rain-truc/page/4
4.She expresses that desire through two figures: Hypernym and synecdoches
Source: http://jsse.revues.org/1343
Hypernym is a linguistic term for a word whose meaning includes the meanings of other words.
For instance, flower is a hypernym of daisy and rose.
A synecdoche is a class of metonymy, often by means of either mentioning a part for the
whole or conversely the whole for one of its parts. Examples from common English expressions
include "bread and butter" (for "livelihood"), "suits" (for "businesspeople"), and "boots" (for

Summary of essay:
The hidden meanings and main theories in Cat in the rain by Ernest Hemingway
Introduction :
- inform the reader about the story
-a short review about the story
Main body:
-short informations about theory of Iceberg or theory of omission and Lacanian theory
-comparisons between the padrone and husband behavior
-the image of the poor kitty in relation to the wife
-the cat as the central symbol
How the author succeded to express unlimited issues as far as the human psychology is

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