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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111

Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
Email :

Chapter I Preliminary............................................................................................................
Chapter I.1 Background of the Problem.....................................................................................
Chapter I.2 Formulation of the Problem.....................................................................................
Chapter I.3 Purposes.............................................................................................................
Chapter I.4 Benefits..............................................................................................................
Chapter I.5 Writing Systematic................................................................................................
Chapter II Review of the Literature...........................................................................................
2.1 Definition.......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Examples.......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Damage............................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Related concepts............................................................................................... 10
2.5 Short Circuit Calculation..................................................................................... 10
2.6 Short Circuit Rules (BKI Rules for Electrical Installations-2016)...................................12
Chapter III Methodology of Writing Paper................................................................................
Chapter IV Problem Solving.................................................................................................
Chapter V Conclusion.........................................................................................................


Short Circuit Analysis

Page 1

Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
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Gratitude belongs only to Almighty Allah, who has given his affection to the
authors for taking the time to complete the paper Ship Electrical Installation titled "Short
Circuit Analysis using ETAP Software". The authors also thanks to those who have assisted
in the completion of this paper.
The authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authors
expects criticism and suggestions either in writing or orally, in particular course to the Ship
Electrical Installation lecturer, Indra Ranu Kusuma, ST. M.Sc, so that the authors can develop
science, especially science of Ship Electrical Installation.

Short Circuit Analysis

Page 2

Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
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Chapter I Preliminary
Chapter I.1 Background of the Problem
A short circuit is an abnormal connection between two nodes of an electric circuit
intended to be at different voltages. This results in an excessive electric current limited only
by the Thvenin equivalent resistance of the rest of the network and potentially causes circuit
damage, overheating, fire or explosion. Although usually the result of a fault, there are cases
where short circuits are caused intentionally, for example, for the purpose of voltage-sensing
crowbar circuit protectors.

Figure 1. Phase to phase short circuit

In circuit analysis, a short circuit is a connection between two nodes that forces them
to be at the same voltage. In an ideal short circuit, this means there is no resistance and no
voltage drop across the short. In real circuits, the result is a connection with almost no
resistance. In such a case, the current is limited by the rest of the circuit.
A short circuit fault current can, within milliseconds, be thousands of times larger than
the normal operating current of the system. Damage from short circuits can be reduced or
prevented by employing fuses, circuit breakers, or other overload protection, which
disconnect the power in reaction to excessive current. Overload protection must be chosen
according to the current rating of the circuit. Circuits for large home appliances require
protective devices set or rated for higher currents than lighting circuits. Wire gauges specified
in building and electrical codes are chosen to ensure safe operation in conjunction with the
overload protection. An overcurrent protection device must be rated to safely interrupt the
maximum prospective short circuit current.
In an improper installation, the overcurrent from a short circuit may cause ohmic
heating of the circuit parts with poor conductivity (faulty joints in wiring, faulty contacts in
power sockets, or even the site of the short circuit itself). Such overheating is a common
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
Email :

cause of fires. An electric arc, if it forms during the short circuit, produces high amount of
heat and can cause ignition of combustible substances as well.
In industrial and utility distribution systems, dynamic forces generated by high short
circuit currents cause conductors to spread apart. Busbars, cables, and apparatus can be
damaged by the forces generated in a short circuit.

Figure 2. Phase to grounding short circuit

A common type of short circuit occurs when the positive and negative terminals of a
battery are connected with a low-resistance conductor, like a wire. With low resistance

in the connection, a high current exists, causing the cell to deliver a large amount of energy
in a short time.
A large current through a battery can cause the rapid buildup of heat, potentially
resulting in an explosion or the release of hydrogen gas and electrolyte (an acid or a base),
which can burn tissue, cause blindness or even death. Overloaded wires can also overheat,
sometimes causing damage to the wire's insulation, or a fire. High current conditions may
also occur with electric motor loads under stalled conditions, such as when the impeller of an
electrically driven pump is jammed by debris; this is not a short, though it may have some
similar effects.
In electrical devices unintentional short circuits are usually caused when a wire's
insulation breaks down, or when another conducting material is introduced, allowing charge
to flow along a different path than the one intended.
According to the theory that we want to know if there is any short circuit based on our
one line diagram. As we know that short circuit can potentially causes circuit damage,
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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overheating, fire, or explosion. So we want to find the worthiness and safety of our one line
And there is some software that we used for analyzing our one line diagram that called
ETAP. On this software we want to find if there is any short circuit on our one line
diagram. And if there is any short circuit does it will potentially harming according to BKI

Figure 3. Etap logo

Chapter I.2 Formulation of the Problem

Here are some formulation of problem that we want to discuss :
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
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How to use ETAP as the software to find the short circuit on the one line diagram?
How to redraw the one line diagram on the ETAP?
How to use some feature on ETAP?
What is causing short circuit?
What is the potential harm if there is some short circuit on some electrical installation?
How to find the worthiness of some one line diagram according to BKI rules?

Chapter I.3 Purposes

The purpose of this papers is to find :

Indication of a short circuit on some electrical installation

The cause of a short circuit
The dangerous possibility of a short circuit on some electrical installation
Knowing some standards (BKI Rules) that related to short circuit on some shipboard

electrical installation
Brief of tutorial about how to use ETAP and how to find short circuit potential using

Chapter I.4 Benefits

This paper expected to give a benefit, such as :

Knowing the details about short circuit, such as cause and dangerous short circuit.

Knowing about short circuit standards.

Knowing how to use ETAP.

Chapter I.5 Writing Systematic

This chapter explains general information, i.e. background of the
problems, formulation of problem, purposes of the paper, benefits of
the paper, and writing systematic of the paper.
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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This chapter contains brief and general reviews about short circuit in
the paper. These reviews are obtained from literatures or references we
This chapter describes processes and the steps taken in making ot the
This chapter contains problem solvings for problems mentioned above
in chapter I.2.
This chapter contains conclusions related to analysis of the system and
problems mentioned in chapter I.2.

Chapter II Review of the Literature

A short circuit (sometimes abbreviated to short or s/c) is an electrical circuit that
allows a current to travel along an unintended path, often where essentially no (or a very
low) electrical impedance is encountered. The electrical opposite of a short circuit is an "open
circuit", which is an infinite resistance between two nodes. It is common to misuse "short
circuit" to describe any electrical malfunction, regardless of the actual problem.
2.1 Definition
A short circuit is an abnormal connection between two nodes of an electric circuit
intended to be at different voltages. This results in an excessive electric current limited only

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
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by the Thvenin equivalent resistance of the rest of the network and potentially causes circuit
damage, overheating, fire or explosion. Although usually the result of a fault, there are cases
where short circuits are caused intentionally, for example, for the purpose of voltagesensing crowbar circuit protectors.
In circuit analysis, a short circuit is a connection between two nodes that forces them
to be at the same voltage. In an ideal short circuit, this means there is no resistance and no
voltage drop across the short. In real circuits, the result is a connection with almost no
resistance. In such a case, the current is limited by the rest of the circuit.
2.2 Examples
A common type of short circuit occurs when the positive and negative terminals of
a battery are connected with a low-resistance conductor, like a wire. With low resistance in
the connection, a high current exists, causing the cell to deliver a large amount of energy in a
short time.
A large current through a battery can cause the rapid buildup of heat, potentially
resulting in an explosion or the release of hydrogen gas and electrolyte (an acid or a base),
which can burn tissue, cause blindness or even death. Overloaded wires can also overheat,
sometimes causing damage to the wire's insulation, or a fire. High current conditions may
also occur with electric motor loads under stalled conditions, such as when the impeller of an
electrically driven pump is jammed by debris; this is not a short, though it may have some
similar effects.
In electrical devices unintentional short circuits are usually caused when a
wire's insulation breaks down, or when another conducting material is introduced, allowing
charge to flow along a different path than the one intended.
In mains circuits, short circuits may occur between two phases, between a phase
and neutral or between a phase and earth (ground). Such short circuits are likely to result in a
very high current and therefore quickly trigger an overcurrent protection device. However, it
is possible for short circuits to arise between neutral and earth conductors, and between two
conductors of the same phase. Such short circuits can be dangerous, particularly as they may
not immediately result in a large current and are therefore less likely to be detected. Possible
effects include unexpected energisation of a circuit presumed to be isolated. To help reduce
the negative effects of short circuits, power distribution transformers are deliberately

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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designed to have a certain amount of leakage reactance. The leakage reactance (usually about
5 to 10% of the full load impedance) helps limit both the magnitude and rate of rise of the
fault current.
A short circuit may lead to formation of an electric arc. The arc, a channel of hot
ionized plasma, is highly conductive and can persist even after significant amount of original
material of the conductors was evaporated. Surface erosion is a typical sign of electric arc
damage. Even short arcs can remove significant amount of materials from the electrodes. The
temperature of the resulting electrical arc is very high (tens of thousands of degrees
Fahrenheit), causing the metal on the contact surfaces to melt, pool and migrate with the
current, as well as to escape into the air as fine particulate matter
2.3 Damage
A short circuit fault current can, within milliseconds, be thousands of times larger
than the normal operating current of the system. Damage from short circuits can be reduced
or prevented by employing fuses, circuit breakers, or other overload protection, which
disconnect the power in reaction to excessive current. Overload protection must be chosen
according to the current rating of the circuit. Circuits for large home appliances require
protective devices set or rated for higher currents than lighting circuits. Wire gaugesspecified
in building and electrical codes are chosen to ensure safe operation in conjunction with the
overload protection. An overcurrent protection device must be rated to safely interrupt the
maximum prospective short circuit current.
In an improper installation, the overcurrent from a short circuit may cause ohmic
heating of the circuit parts with poor conductivity (faulty joints in wiring, faulty contacts in
power sockets, or even the site of the short circuit itself). Such overheating is a common
cause of fires. An electric arc, if it forms during the short circuit, produces high amount of
heat and can cause ignition of combustible substances as well.
In industrial and utility distribution systems, dynamic forces generated by high short
circuit currents cause conductors to spread apart. Busbars, cables, and apparatus can be
damaged by the forces generated in a short circuit.
2.4 Related concepts
In electronics, the ideal model (infinite gain) of an operational amplifier is said to
produce a virtual short circuit between its input terminals because no matter what the output

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
Fax : (031) 5994754
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voltage is, the difference of potential between its input terminals is zero. If one of the input
terminals is connected to the ground, then the other one is said to provide a virtual
ground because its potential is (ideally) identical to that of the ground. An ideal operational
amplifier also has infinite input impedance, so unlike a real short circuit, no current flows
between the terminals of the virtual short. Due to these differences, the terminology can be
confusing; one textbook parenthetically suggests that "virtual open circuit" may be equally
suitable because no current flows.
2.5 Short Circuit Calculation
There are many ways to calculate the short-circuit current for a marine electrical
system, some very simple, others quite complex. The complexity of the calculation is not
always a good guide as to the worth of the result that is produced. Some calculation
methods involve extensive calculations, but the result obtained cannot be relied upon. Other
methods that also involve extensive calculations, do not necessarily provide final results that
are as equally reliable to those attained by less complex methods.
The best calculation method to use is difficult to determine and depends on the size
of installation, the point of interest on the system and the purpose of the calculation.For any
installation having an installed generating capacity of 500 kVA or less at 440 V, or 300 kVA
or less at 230 volts the 10 times calculation method is generally adequate. The advice
would be to try it and provided the result justifies the use of the minimum rated circuit
breakers (10 or 14 kA at the main switchboard), then additional calculations would seem
unnecessary.The ten times rule calculation can be refined if the generator sub-transient
reactance is known, however care should be taken to use the generator internal voltage and
not the system voltage or the results will be inaccurately low.
For larger installations, it is strongly advised that a more complex method of
calculation be used; if the 10 times rule is used, the short-circuit current calculated values
will result in vastly over rated switchgear being installed.
The reduction in short-circuit requirements due to feeder cables is significant,
particularly for the lower rated feeders (e.g. 100 amps or less). Accordingly when calculating
the short-circuit level at panel boards, distribution panels and other switchboards supplied
from the main switchboard, the impedance of the feeder cables should be included. Account
should be taken of both the feeder cable resistance and reactance otherwise the calculation
results may be unacceptably low.
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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Calculation methods that include generator and motor short-circuit decrement will
produce the lowest acceptable values of short-circuit current. Such methods are based on IEC
Standard 61363-1.
For systems involving different sizes of generator, or generators at different voltages
located on different switchboards, short-circuit current calculations at distribution and power
panels that take into account current decrement are not straightforward. Essentially there are
two approaches, one to ignore the time constant changes resulting from the feeder cable
impedance, and one to take these into account. The later calculation can be completed using
the Equivalent Generator approach outlined in IEC 61363-1 Section 7. For most
conventional marine electrical systems, the Equivalent Generator method will involve
extensive calculations and produce results marginally different from more simple methods.
For the majority of marine electrical systems used in the commercial marine industry,
a calculation method based on IEC 61363-1 taking into account both generator and motor
short-circuit current decrement will produce the lowest reliable calculated value for the shortcircuit current. Even with this method, cognisance should be given to the accuracy of the data
used in the calculation (sub-transient reactance tolerances etc.), in order to apply a calculation
error margin to the result, particularly when choosing protection gear with rating close to
the calculated values. The authors generally applies a 5 10% margin to all calculated values.

2.6 Short Circuit Rules (BKI Rules for Electrical Installations-2016)

Short-circuit test :
a) On all synchronous generators, the steady short circuit current shall be determined
with the exciter unit in operation. With a three-phase short circuit between terminals,
the steady short-circuit current shall not be less than three times the rated current. The
generator and its exciter unit shall be capable of withstanding the steady short-circuit
current for a period of 2 seconds without suffering damage.
b) A sudden-short-circuit test may be demanded to determine the reactances if there
is any concern regarding mechanical and electrical strength. Synchronous generators
which have undergone a sudden-short-circuit test shall be thoroughly examined after
the test for any damage.
Protection equipment:

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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2.1.3 Short-circuit protection and overload protection equipment is to be provided in every

non-earthed conductor.
Short-circuit protection:
2.2.1 The short-circuit protection is to be set at an overcurrent of more than 50 %, but at a
value less than the steady short-circuit current (preferably 2,8 In). It shall have a short time
delay compatible with the selectivity of the system (from 300 up to about 500 ms).
2.2.2 The short-circuit protection shall not be disabled by under-voltage.
2.2.3 Generators with a rated output of 1500 kVA or more are to be equipped with a suitable
protective device which in the event of a short-circuit inside the generator or in the cable
between generator and circuit-breaker opens the breaker and de-energizes the generator.
Examples of suitable protective equipment are differential protection or generator-neutralpoint monitoring.

Short-circuit protection equipment:

2.1 The rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn of a switching device shall not be less than
the maximum current to be broken in the event of a short circuit at the place where the
protective device is fitted.
2.2 The rated short-circuit making capacity Icm of a circuit breaker shall not be less than the
maximum instantaneous asymmetric short-circuit current at the place where it is fitted.
2.3 The peak short-circuit strength of a switching unit and its components shall correspond to
the maximum short-circuit current which can arise at the place where it is fitted.
2.4 Circuit breakers whose making/breaking capacities are less than the anticipated maximum
shortcircuit currents are to be protected by back-up fuses of sufficient breaking capacity.

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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2.5 The circuit breakers are to be selected on the basis of their rated service short-circuit
breaking capacity Ics as follows:
all circuit breakers which are directly connected to main or emergency switchboard
all circuit breakers which are installed in the feeder lines for essential services or
emergency consumers
Equivalent protection schemes require special approval by BKI
Rating and control of alternating and three-phase current generators of the main
electrical power supply:
2.4.3 Steady short-circuit current
With a terminal short-circuit on three phases, the steady short-circuit current shall not be less
than three times or not greater than 6 times the rated current. The generator and its exciter
shall be capable of withstanding the steady short-circuit current for 2 seconds without
damage. For the selectivity demands of the distribution system the short-circuit current shall
be sufficient.

Calculation of short-circuit currents :

1.1 Short-circuit current calculations are to be carried out in accordance with a standard
accepted by BKI, e.g. IEC publication 61363-1.
1.2 When calculating the maximum short-circuit currents to be expected, the following are to
be taken into account:
all generators which operate in parallel to provide the maximum power demand
all motors whose simultaneous operation shall be expected.
All data used for the short-circuit current calculation are to be submitted. To be determined
the peak short-circuit current ip
the initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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1.3 Roughly, the short-circuit currents at the main busbar can be calculated as follows:

1.3.3 The total initial symmetrical short-circuit current can be calculated by summation of the
individual component currents.
1.3.4 The value of the peak short-circuit current ip can be calculated by multiplying the total
initial symmetrical short-circuit current I"kM by the factor 2.3.
1.4 The short-circuit calculation shall consider all possible short-circuits necessary for an
evaluation of the system. The following types of short-circuits are to be investigated in all
generator short-circuits
short-circuits on main busbars
short-circuits on the busbars of emergency switchboards and main distribution panels
1.5 The short-circuit current calculation shall be accompanied by a list of the proposed
switching devices and their characteristic data. The rated making capacity, the rated breaking
capacity and the power factor of the switching appliances shall be stated.
1.6 BKI reserves the right also to request proof of the minimum short-circuit currents to be

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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Chapter III Methodology of Writing Paper


Data collection and information:

Literature Study:

1. Power sistribution design of a real

1. Short Circuit standar (BKI


rules and IEC)

2. Electrical data of the loads in the

2. Short Circuit causes

power distribution system

3. Short Circuit definition

Comparison of short circuit standar

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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Formulate the problems associated with short circuit.

Making of the paper


Chapter IV Problem Solving

Power system operates under balanced conditions, under abnormal condition (fault)
the system becomes unbalanced. If the insulation of system fails at any point or if two or
more conductor that normally operates with a potential difference comes in contact with each
other, a short circuit or a fault is said to be occur. Fault may occur at different point in a
power system. Transmission line fault that occurs on a transmission line are broadly classified
Three phase short circuit (symmetrical fault).
Unsymmetrical fault
In an improper installation, the overcurrent from a short circuit may cause ohmic
heating of the circuit parts with poor conductivity (faulty joints in wiring, faulty contacts in
power sockets, or even the site of the short circuit itself). Such overheating is a common

Short Circuit Analysis

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Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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cause of fires. An electric arc, if it forms during the short circuit, produces high amount of
heat and can cause ignition of combustible substances as well.

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the worlds leading
organization for the preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical,
electronic and related technologies. All IEC International Standards are fully consensus-based
and represent the needs of key stakeholders of every nation participating in IEC work.
The IEC standars that are used during the making of the paper:
IEC 60947-1 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear, Part 1: General Rules
IEC 60947-2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear, Part 2: Circuit Breakers
IEC 61363-1 Electrical Installations of Ships and Mobile and Fixed Offshore Units, Part 1:
Procedures for Calculating Short Circuit Currents in Three-Phase AC
IEC 60781

Application guide for calculation of short circuit currents in low-voltage radial


Figure 4. IEC Standards

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 5. IEC Standards application

General Data of PKR SHIP

1. Dimension

: 105,11 m

: 14,02 m

: 8,75 m

: 3,7 m
Figure 6. PKR Ship

Displacement : 2365 ton

2. Performance
Speed (Main Engine) : 28 knots

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Speed (E-Propulsion) : 15 knots

Range at 14 knots

: >5000 NM


: > 20 days

3. Propulsion system

: combined diesel or electric (CODOE)

Diesel engine

: 2 x 10000 kW MCR diesel propulsion

Electric motor

: 2 x 1300 kW MCR electric propulsion


: 2 x double input / single output


: 2 x CPP diameter 3,65 m

4. Auxilliary systems
Generator sets

: 6 x 735 kWe (CAT C-32A)

Emergency gen. set

: 1 x 180 kWe

Chilled water

: 2 x units, redundant distribution

Fire Fighting

: 4 x main pumps + 1 x service pump

Freshwater making capacity : 2 x 14 m3/day (RO) + 2 x 7,5 m3/day


Power Distribution (single line)

There are 6 main diesel generators on PKR ship that are located in:
1. 2 diesel generator in diesel generator room.
2. 2 diesel generator in main engine room.
3. 2 diesel generator in e-drive room.
Also, an emergency generator is provided to supply the electricity in the event of
failure of above generators.

Short Circuit Analysis

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Figure 7. Main Engine Room

Figure 8. Diesel Generator Room and E-Drive Room.

For the power distribution, this ship is using a ring/loop system. A loop feeder has its
ends connected to a source (usually a single source), but its main function is to supply two or
Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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more load points in between. Each load point can be supplied from either direction; so it is
possible to remove any section of the loop from service without causing an outage at other
load points. The loop can be operated normally closed or normally open. Most loop systems
are, however, operated normally open at some point by means of a switch. The operation is
very similar to that of two radial feeders.

Figure 9. Power Distribution System (single line) of PKR Ship

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design, simulation,
operation, and automation of generation, distribution, and industrial power systems. ETAP is
developed under an established quality assurance program and is used worldwide as high
impact software.
Feature of ETAP :
Five Levels of Automatic Error Checking..
Merge Independent PowerStation Project Files.
Integrated 1-Phase, 3-Phase, & DC Systems.
Integrated One-Line Diagram & Underground Raceway Systems.
Common Database for all Studies.
Typical Data for Motors, Generators, Transformers, Reactors, Governors, & Exciters.
No Voltage Limitations.
Unlimited Protective & Metering Device Connections to Branches & Loads.
Any System Frequency.

To be able to draw power distribution system of a ship using ETAP, first we have to
be able to draw the simplest power distribution system that consists of 1 diesel generator, 2
busbar, 1 transformator, and 1 load (motor or etc.)

Short Circuit Analysis

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Figure 10. Simplest Power Distribution Diagram

In this paper, IEC standard is decided to be used in ETAP due to its popularity. The
above drawing can be run in short circuit analysis to get how big the short circuit current is
that happens in the load during any fault in the busbar. The busbar must be adjusted to be
fault during the short circuit analysis. From the resulting short circuit current, it is used as the
reference value of capacity of the selected circuit breaker.
After undestanding the basic of etap software, we draw the power distribution
drawing of a ship in etap. Certainly the drawing will be more complex and the genset will be
much more than the basic one.

Short Circuit Analysis

Page 23

Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 11. Power Distribution Drawing in ETAP

The circuit breakers between busbars are normally open during normal operation.
They will be closed during stealth operation by using electrical drive. To run the short circuit
analysis, all circuit breakers connecting the busbars must be closed so we can find the short
circuit current flowing through them.
In ETAP short circuit analysis (IEC standard), we only running the the 3 phase duty.
So we do not draw any DC system such as battery and battery charger in the drawing. We can
also adjust the units shown during the analysis in display option.
3 phase duty

Display Option

Short Circuit Analysis

Page 24

Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 12. DG in E-Drive Room

From the result above, circuit breakers of both electrical drive must have capacity
below 31,0 kA.

Short Circuit Analysis

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Figure 13. DG in M/E Room

Figure 14. Galley, Laundry, or Workshop

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 15. M/E Room

Figure 16. 230 V busbar of Diesel Generators in M/E room

Short Circuit Analysis

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Figure 17. Steering Gear Room

Figure 18. Accomodation Deck

Short Circuit Analysis

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Figure 19. E-Drive Room

Figure 20. DG in DG Room

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 21. Pump Room

Figure 22. DG Room

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

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Figure 23. 230 V Busbar of Diesel Generators in DG Room

Figure 24. Ammu Store

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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Figure 25. Naval Store

Short Circuit Analysis

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Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

Gedung WA, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : (031) 599 4251 ext. 1102, 1103
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Email :

Chapter V Conclusion


BKI Rules for Electrical Installations-2016

Short Circuit Analysis

Page 33

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