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Songkran (pronounced sohng-krahn) is the traditional Thai New Year which is

celebrated for three days in April by symbolically washing sins away and blessing
friends with water. Young people have a fun time lying in ambush with buckets of
water, huge water guns and hoses to get everyone soaking wet.

People also go to a wat (temple) to pray and give food to monks. They cleanse
Buddha images by gently pouring scented water over them. In northern Thailand,
people build stupa-shaped piles of sand and decorate them with colorful flags and
Songkran Festival

Loy Krathong (pronounced loy krah-tohng) is an ancient festival to honor and thank
the water spirits for all the water provided during the growing season. It is
celebrated (usually in November) on the first full moon after the rice harvest.

At night, the people float colorful, candlelit banana-leaf bowls, baskets and lanterns
on the rivers. The act of floating away a raft is symbolic of letting go of one's
grudges, anger and defilements of the past year and ushering good luck in the
coming year.
Loy Krathong; Loy=float; Krathong=raft

Rocket Festival is the most lively festival in Isan, northeast Thailand. The festival's
origin lies in the custom of firing rockets into the sky at the start of the rice-growing
season to remind the sky god to send promised rain. The festival now takes the
form of a competition to see whose rocket will stay aloft for the longest time. It is
held annually over the weekend that falls in the middle of May.

Villagers packed charcoal and gunpowder into long plastic tubing tied to a bamboo
pole. The beautifully decorated rockets are mounted on vehicles and traditional
carts and paraded through the village/town. Music, song, dancing, drinking and
revelry are integral elements of the procession.

On Sunday, the rockets are launched from a tall ladder-like structure. A single rocket
will be launched and predictions are made with regard to the next season's rains
and harvest. Then, the rocket competition begins. If a rocket fails to launch or
explodes then the owner will be thrown unceremoniously into the mud!
Rocket exploding in mid-air!

Royal Barge Procession is rarely staged -- only 15 times during the 60-year reign of
King Phumiphon. The procession consists of 51 historical barges and the NaraiSongsuban (the only barge built during King Phumiphons reign). The exquisitely
crafted barges are manned by oarsmen dressed in traditional costumes. The
oarsmen keep time by chanting as they row.

The video shows the procession at the closing ceremony of the APEC Conference in
Bangkok on 20 October 2003. It was the first time that the royal barges sailed at
ust like any other language, Thai has many proverbs and sayings. Here are my top
10 favourite proverbs and what they mean in English:

(see sor hai kwai fang)

Translation: To play the violin for the buffalo to listen to.

Meaning: Talking to a brick wall. (The person you are speaking to does not listen.)
(nee seua pa jo ra kay)
Translation: To escape from the tiger to the crocodile.
Meaning: Out of the frying pan into the fire. (When you get out of one problem, but find
yourself in a worse situation.)

(pid tong lang pra)

Translation: Putting a gold leaf on the back of the Buddha image.
Meaning: Doing something good without seeking for attention.


(dai yang sia yang)

Translation: You have to lose something to get another thing.
Meaning: You cant make an omelette without breaking any eggs
(Something that you say which means it is difficult to achieve something important with

out causing any unpleasant effects.)

(chua jet tee dee jet hon)
Translation: Bad seven times, good seven times.
Meaning: Every cloud has a silver lining. (There is something good even in a bad


(nam keun hai reep tak)

Translation: When the water rises, hurry to get some
Meaning: Make hay while the sun shines.
(If you have an opportunity to do something, do it before the opportunity expires.)


(jab pla song meu)

Translation: Catch a fish with two hands.
Meaning: You cant have your cake and eat it. (To spend or used something up but still
have it; to have two things when you must choose one.)


( kwan par sak)

Translation: Splitting a hard wood with an axe.
Meaning: Calling a spade a spade.
(To speak frankly about something, even if it is unpleasant.)


( meaw mai yoo noo ra reng)
Translation: When the cat is not there, the mice are happy.
Meaning: When the cats away, the mice will play.

(When no one in authority is present, the subordinates can do as they please.)

10. ( rum mai dee tod pee tod glong)
Translation: Those who cant dance blame it on the flute and the drum.
Meaning: A bad workman blames his tools.
(Something that you say when someone blames the objects they are using for their own

About the author: Poi Tongchai is a 15 year old student at Richard Lander School in Truro where
she currently studies English, French and Chinese for her GCSEs. She loves the city and the beach and
hopes to work as a translator or teacher in the future.

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