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1) Field Types and Corresponding data types

Long Character
Signed Number
Date Time
Image Reference
2) Add translate Values to a field
Create a new field->enter field type,length,labelid,long
name,short name
Right click->choose filed properties->select translate values
tab->add->give the values for Field value,Effective date,Active or Inactive long name,
Short name
3)Make existing values Inactive
Right click->choose filed properties->select translate values
tab->check the Inactive check box
4)Using Effctive date enter future rows
Right click->choose filed properties->select translate values
tab->add->Enter Effective date(future date)
This allows you to enter future rows
5) Find the people tool table where translate values are stored in Xlat table

1) Build and check the syntax of table

Create a new record-> Insert fields->Save the record->go to Build menu-> select
Current definition->check the Create table checkbox->Build
2) How many types of Indexes. How to create User defined Indexes. Types of User
defined Indexes.
FIELD: Fields are the basic building blocks in your PeopleSoft systemin database
terms, they represent columns in a table or view.
Field Types are :
1. Character
2. Long Character
3. Number
4. Signed Number
5. Date
6. Time
7. DateTime
8. Image
9. Image Reference
10. Attachment

RECORD: Fields that are grouped together as a unit are record definitions. A record definition
represents what the underlying SQL database tables look like and how they process data.

Types of Records :
1. SQL Table
2. SQL View
3. Dynamic View
4. Derived/Work Record
5. Sub Record
6. Query View
7. Temporary table
This is Global default value for new records. This is a database object. Its main
purpose is to store data and to access data .
This is saved as PS_<tablename>_TBL
SQL Views
This is a logical way to view data. You can join two or more tables and add selection
criteria in a view. This is a database object. Its main purpose of SQL View is to access
data and to give row level security.
This can be saved as PS_viewname_VW
This is also same as SQL view. But this is not a Database object. So, this is not
created on the database. A Dynamic View is executed as an SQL statement at Runtime.

This can be saved as PS_viewname_DVW

This is also same as SQL View except that the associated Query is generated by the
Query people tool. This is a data base object.
This can be saved as PS_viewname_QVW
Derived/Work records.
A logical record definitions used to calculate values online. This is not a database object
This can be saved as PS_recordname_WRK
This is a logical grouping of related fields. This can be used in some other Record
This is also not a data base object.
This can be saved as PS_recordname_SBR
Temporary tables
Temporary tables are mainly used in Batch processing. Temporary tables can store
specific data to update without affecting the main application table. Its main purpose is to
increase the performance of the application. This is a database object.
This can be saved as PS_tablename_TAO
Pages are the graphical interface between your users and your application database.
Adds an invisible control that associates a secondary page with the primary page. You
then associate the secondary page with a command push button or link or a pop-up menu.
Secondary pages gather or display supplemental information that is related to the data in
a primary page but less frequently referenced or updated. Secondary pages are displayed
using the DoModal People Code function.
Adds a predefined, presized group of controls, such as address controls, that are defined
on a separate subpage definition. During design time, you add only the subpage control to
represent all of the controls in the subpage. You maintain those controls in only one place
the subpage definition. At runtime, you see all of the controls that are defined in the
subpage on the page.
A component represents a complete business transaction. It comprises either a single page or a
set of pages that are meant to be processed as one. After you create pages, add them to one or
more components to access them through menus or in business processes.


A menu is a logical grouping for assigning security to your system. You create a menu as
a placeholder for components.(Only Std Menu).

PERMISSION LIST: Permission Lists are the building blocks of your end user security
authorizations. A Permission List may contain any number of the following permissions,
including signon times, page permissions, component interface permissions, and so on.

ROLE: Roles are an intermediate object that exist between permission lists and user
profiles. They are designed to aggregate permission lists so that you can arrange
permissions into meaningful collections.
Role users are the User Profiles or users that have membership to a particular
role. Users inherit most of their permissions from the roles assigned to the User Profile.
However, you assign some Permission Lists directly to the User Profile.
USER PROFILE: User Profiles define individual PeopleSoft users. You define User
Profiles and then link them to one or more Roles. Typically, a User Profile must be linked
to at least one Role in order to be a valid profile

Worked on record level PC like Field Change, Save Edit, Field Edit.
Used the above to calculate various aspects of the employee Salary like DA, TA, HRA
and Total Salary based on the Basic Salary.
The above fields are fired immediately when the Basic Salary field is entered & used
Gray & Ungray functions to DA, TA, HRA, Total Salary fields.
Used conditions like the basic salary should not be less then 5000.
Used Derived Work Record for the Total Salary field.

Used Hide Scroll and Unhide Scroll Option.

Worked on Martial Status field at record level to hide & unhide the next scroll when
typed N and typed Y in the box. For this we used Field Change.
If typed Y then the dependent information will be displayed and if typed N the
dependent information will not display.
Used Field Change, Field Edit, Save Edit for marks field to get the Averages of the
Total Marks and Grade, when the marks are entered for a student.

Wrote Field Default for entering default Location when we are adding a new Employee
in the Employee Table.
For default entering the system date as DOJ when entering new employees information,
used %date function in Field Default for assigning the date.
Used Save Post Change event to create the replica of the application table in the
database.For this I created a table in the database with the same specifications in the
application tables and used save post change in one of the fields in the application tables.
Used Field Change event to pass the information from one grid to another grid in the
same page with the help of a push button.

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