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Modular Unit Gardening (MUG) is a technology assisted simple, foolproof method of growing
your own delicious vegetables and herbs, no matter how small ones growing space. The system
is inspired by the works of Mel Bartholomew.
After a lot of research with sowing and planting patterns it was discovered that rows got
shorter and shorter, until one approached the shortest span that one could possibly grow in.
The smallest size that one could viably grow food in is 1-square meter (3ft) box frame. Box
frames were edged with timber boards to create raised beds. These are, in turn, divided with a
lattice of wooden laths that form a planting grid of nine squares, each measuring 33 x 33 cm (13
x 13in). In practice, due to the width of the lath, one achieves a planting square of 30 x 30cm
(12 x 12in).
Into these squares one could plant, or sow, different numbers of crops depending on their size
at maturity. If plants need to be spaced 30cm (12in) apart, e.g. cauliflower, one grows one plant
in each square; if they need to be spaced 15cm (6in) apart, e.g. lettuce, one grows four plants in
each square; if 10cm (4in) apart, e.g. parsley, one grows nine; and if 8cm (3in) apart, e.g.
carrots, one grows 16. Isnt that very simple?

Here is a modular unit box frame with eight different crops growing. The grid gives each crop its
own 30 x 30cm (12 x 12in) square and the number of plants in each depends on the vigor of the

For plants spaced 30cm (12in) apart, e.g. aubergine or tomato plant one per square
Plants spaced 15cm (6in) apart, e.g. lettuce, are planted four per square
Plants spaced 10cm (4in) apart, e.g. spinach have nine plants per square
For plants spaced 8cm (3in) apart, e.g. radish, plant 16 per square

In order to create the perfect growing conditions within these squares a specially formulated
growing medium has been constituted. This mix is moisture-retentive and contains all the
nutrients plants need without ever having to apply additional fertilizer. Unlike soil which may
carry disease bearing pathogens or weed seeds, it is free from both. It also enables one to start
growing straight away and avoids going through the years of soil improvements required by
traditional digging methods.
Adding this mix to the MUG box creates a compact and easily managed patch for growing
produce that will fit into the smallest garden, or even onto a patio or a roof terrace. This
method is ideal for growing a wide variety of crops, even flowers, in a small space and for
staggering ones plantings. This way one has a steady supply of produce through the season
rather than a huge surplus that will end up being composted.

MUG married to technology: Urban Farmers League

Urban farmers league takes up from Mel left the SFG concept and adds the technology bit into
it by combining each grow box frame with a virtual relational entity on the UFL portal. Thus
whenever a member joins the community and asks UFL to install a box at their premises. He
immediately gets subscribed to the UFL portal that besides being an online hub for people to
mingle and order gardening products and services also acts as a repository of useful
information that gets relayed to/from customer to UFL. People would have a farmville kind of
experience on the portal where each home farm would be visually represented (if listed under
public view) and people can share their experiences and produce.
The various types of useful information that would get relayed from UFL to customer is,
- Crop life cycles: How long each crop would take to grow, thus when can one expect to harvest
their crop?

Crop life cycles

Crop Sowing and Planting

Crop Characteristics

How long each crop would take to grow, thus when can one
expect to harvest their crop?
How late or early can a crop be grown, thus helping one to plan
how to stagger their sowing/planting to ensure a continued
supply of veggies throughout the season and beyond?
Which crops can be directly grown from the seeds, which crops
should be grown from plantlets? What should be the most
appropriate spacing between adjacent plants.
This would inform members what are the various parameters to
watch for, for disease free and optimal growth. This helps in

Companion Planting
Pest Control Planting
Beneficial Intercropping
Medicinal & Herbal Plants
Adverse Weather Advisory

Irrigation Notifications

early identification of any disease, pests, weeds or any another

biological pathogen activity that may hamper an optimal
produce. This also helps you plan any replanting in the event of
crop failures.
Which plants have a symbiotic relationship with each other and
how to combine them for best results
Plants that help invite beneficial insects/organisms and that
repels those non-beneficial
Which plant should be intercropped and in what pattern
List of medicinal plants and herbs that you could grow at home
The portal would PUSH notifications as to what steps you could
take to protect your crops from inclement weather. It would
also suggest accessories that you could acquire to protect your
If you have bought the auto irrigations systems or those with
the capability of generating notifications, then you could set up
the system for sending you notifications as to when to irrigate
the plants whenever moisture levels go below the requisite

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