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Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 8


Fourth Quarter
Beauty Care
Types, Implements and Application of
March 1, 2016


I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. enumerate and define the different types of Make-up, and the implements
and supplies used in giving a Make-up,
2. enumerate the procedure in giving a Make-up,
3. value the importance of improving ones appearance through the use of
Make-up; and
4. demonstrate and apply a simple Make-up.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Types, Implements and Application of Make-up
Reference: Learning and Living in the 21st Century by: Teresita V. dela Cruz, M. A.,
Gloria C. Vicente, M. A., Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D (Pages 362-364)
Instructional Materials:
- LED Projector
- Laptop
- Blackboard
- White Screen
- Visual Aids
Teaching Strategies:
- Demonstration
- Inquiry-based
- Lecture
III. Learning Tasks:
Teachers Activity
A. Daily Routine

Students Activity

1. Prayer
Class, before we start let us have a prayer to
be led by Khriss Mclyn.

2. Greetings
Good evening, class.

Lets bow our heads and feel the presence of

our Lord. In the name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
( Our Father )
Good evening Maam Alvarez.

3. Maintenance of the classroom order

Before you sit, check the alignments of your
chairs and pick-up those pieces of paper under

Class will follow

4. Checking of Attendance
monitor, do
absentee/absentees today?



Class Monitor: None Maam. We dont have

any absentee/absentees for today.

5. Checking of Assignments
Class, give yourselves a Very Good clap for
complying your assignments before the flag

Class will follow

6. Review of the past lesson

Last meeting weve discussed about the
different Basic Nail Designs. What are those,

Danica: The different Basic Nail Designs are

Plain Manicure, Half-Moon, Half-Moon with
Tip, French Manicure or Tip Design, and
Elephant Tusk.

Very Good Danica. Give her a beautiful clap.

So what about you Dezerie, what is Plain

Dezerie: It is the traditional application of

nail polish to the entire nail plate.

Right. Give her an awesome clap. How about

Half-Moon, Yes, Chrizzabel?

Chrizzabel: Half moon is a style that involves

applying of nail polish over the whole nail
plate except the area of lunula.

Correct. Give her 5 claps. And what is a HalfMoon with Tip, Ronerlyn Grace?

Ronerlyn Grace: It involves the application of

colored polish over the whole nail plate except
the area of lunula and tip of the nail.

Very good. Give her 5 claps. How about

French Manicure, Yes, Precious?

Precious: It is a design which involves the

application of colored polish over the whole
part of the nail except the area of the freeedge.

Right. Give her a wonderful clap. Finally,

what is an Elephant Tusk, Amy Angela?

Amy Angela: Elephant tusk is a style that

involves the application of nail polish to create
S curve, leaving a slightly larger gap along the
nail walls.

Correct. Give Amy Angela an excellent clap.

It seems that you really learned our previous
lesson. And by the way all of you impressed me
on the output Ive asked you to create. For
that, give yourselves a round of applause.

Class will follow.

B. Developmental Activities
7. Activity
Now, before we proceed to our lesson, your
seatmate will be your partner. Move your
chairs so you will be face to face with your

Class will follow.

Now, for three (3) minutes, I want you to look

carefully on the face of your partner. Then you
will choose the best part or feature of his/her
face. Next thing you will do is to draw it on a
bond paper and then post it on the board. The
partner who will finishes first will receive an
additional two (2) points on your quiz later.
Are we clear?

Class: Yes Sir.

Your three minutes on the clock. Ready, get

set go.

The students will perform the activity.

8. Analysis
Analyze the task I asked you to do, can you
share your opinion about it, Yes Eve Fatima?

Eve Fatima: Sir, everyone has its own best

feature in their faces and that feature is their
asset to catch someones attention.

Wow. Very good Gilbert. Give him 5 claps. So

is it important to enhanced or improved your
best feature? Why or Why not? Jemaryl?

Jemaryl: It is important Sir because as a

teenager, we always need to look beautiful and
handsome for us to be considered as a grown
up people.

Right. Give her an Amazing Clap. So how

would you make yourself beautiful/handsome
especially when there is an occasion, Khriss

Khriss Mclyn: By wearing the appropriate

clothes and of course by applying a make-up.

Correct. 5 claps for her. And what do you

think is our topic for today all about,

Gherlie: Make-up Application, Sir.

You got it. Give her an Excellent Clap.

9. Abstraction
Our topic for today is all about Types of
Make-up, the Implements and Supplies used
and the Procedures in giving a make-up.
There are four types of Make-up. Read the
first one, Jhonabel.

Jhonabel: Ordinary or Day Make-up

This is basically simple and light make-up.
Applied lightly, neatly, and beautifully it will
go with any kind of clothes for day wear.

Thank you Jhonabel. So where do you think

this kind of make-up is being used, Karen?

Karen: During ordinary occasions, church or

going to work.

Very good. Kindly read the second one,


Maureen: Evening Make-up or Heavy Makeup- It uses darker shades. Color or shades of
make-up are carefully chosen to complement
the color of the dress. Make-up of the eyes is to
be emphasized, hence mascara and
fashionable combinations of eye color are
used. This is however not overdone to avoid a
cheap look.

Thank you. Evening Make-up is used when

the person is to attend occasions that are
scheduled at night such as JS Prom and
Awards Night. Read the third one, Arlyn.

Arlyn: Photographic Make-up- Screen makeup is applied to the customer who wants to
appear beautiful in pictures.Those who look
attractive or good looking in pictures but are
not in person are photogenic. On the other
hand, there are those who due to poor lighting
or incorrect make-up application, appear
unattractive on pictures. Photogenic make-up
does wonders for individuals. Corrective
make-up must be considered when doing
photographic make-up. Highlighters and
concealers are of much help in this type of

Photographic Make-up are commonly used

during photo shoots for pageants. The last one

Brian: During Stage play, Opera, and Theater


is the Stage Screen or Theatrical Make-up.

This are seen on the screen are cinematic
effects. Stage make-up can change the
appearance of an individual's face through the
use of varied cosmetics. Where do this type of
Make-up usually used? Brian?
Very good. So, class, those are the types of
Make-up. Kindly enumerate it, Johline.

Johline: Ordinary or Day Make-up, Evening

Make-up or Heavy Make-up, Photographic
Make-up, and Stage Screen/Theatrical Makeup.

Alright. So here is Maam Irish to give the

list of the implements and supplies used in
giving a Make-up.
So how can you do make-up if you dont have
the products you will use in giving a make-up
and you dont know its functions. Its hard
right? I will state the definitions of the
implements and supplies and tell me what is
the name of that, Okay?
It is a coloured substance that women put on
their lips to make them more attractive?
This is spread over the skin of the face, usually
before other make-up is put on, giving it a
better and more even colour and
hiding unwanted marks?
It is a powder or cream that is put on the
cheeks to make them look pink?
It is a coloured cream or powder that is put
around the eyes to make them look larger or
more attractive?

Class: Yes Maam.


Blush on.
Eye Shadow.

It is a thick dark liquid make-up that is used to

make eyelashesdark and make them
appear thicker and longer?


It is a cosmetic for the eyelids, usually applied

in a thin line close to the lashes to accentuate
the eyes?


A cosmetic pencil used for extending or darkeni

ng the eyebrows.
It seems that you know a lot about Make-up
huh. Give yourselves an amazing clap. Other
Implements are Tissues, Cotton, Lip Brush,
Eyebrow Brush, Face Powder, Headband, and
Towel. Here is Maam Moreno to discuss and
demonstrate make-up application.
There are 11 Steps on giving a Make-up. Read
the first one?

Eyebrow pencil.
Class will follow.

Eyebrow- See to it that the eyebrow is in

proper shape. If not, arching is given first
before applying eyebrow pencil.
Apply Skin Toner- For dry and oily skin,
apply skin toner. Moisten a cotton pad with the


Forth one. Please read.

Step No. 5, read.

Step No. 6?

The seventh step?



Next one?

And the last one?

skin toner and pat it lightly over the entire

face, under the chin and on the neck. Blot off
excess moisture with tissues.
Apply foundation- Place the amount needed
on the palm of the hand. Choose the kind of
foundations and shades best suited and apply it
evenly over the entire face and around the
neckline with a gentle upward motion. Blend
carefully near the hairline. Remove excess
Apply Blush-on.- Liquid cream or cake check
rouge is applied on cheek bones with a
sanitized soft brush.
Apply eye shadow.- Select shades to match
eyes or to complement them. Apply lightly on
the upper lids or gently outward with
Apply eyeliner.- Eyeliner can be used to make
the eyes look large and lashes appear thicker.
Choose the shade of eyeliner that harmonizes
with the skin.Gently draw a very fine line
along entire lid as close to the lashes as
possible. If an eyebrow pencil is used, be sure
the point is sharp so that the line will be only
an illusion. Care should be taken to avoid
injury to the patron.
Use eyebrow kit.- Brush the eyebrow in place
with light feathery strokes. Sketch on brows
with fine pointed pencil. Cream, liquid or cake
eyebrow coloring are available and applied
with a brush.
Apply powder.- Powder the entire face to
minimize the shine of the skin and make the
face even on the application of the foundation.
Powdering the eyelids will prevent eye makeup from smearing. Remove excess powder.
Apply mascara.- Apply and brush upward on
the underside of the upper lashes. Then gently
tip the lower lashes.
Apply lipstick.- Start from the center of your
lips and brush the lipstick outward, filling in
all the gaps. You can apply the lipstick directly
from the tube, or you can use a lipstick brush
for more precision.Make your lipstick last
longer by dusting it with powder. Gently pull a
tissue apart so that you end up with two, thin
sheets. Press one of the sheets against your lips
and lightly dust it with some translucent setting
Give finishing touches for a final retouch.

10. Generalization
"So what have you learned from our lesson?
Is there any questions?
Very good.

Students answer may vary.

Class: None, Maam.

11. Application
The students will go to their respective group and used the provided implements and supplies to
give a Day Make-up to one of their group members for 5 minutes.
5 pts - Correct application of Make-up
3 pts - Overall Appearance
2 pts - Speed and Teamwork
10 pts - Total

12. Assessment
I. Identification: Identify the following.
1. These are the products that you will use in giving a make-up.
2. It is a coloured substance that women put on their lips to make them more attractive?
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
3. Choose the kind of foundations and shades best suited for the skin color.
4. You dont need to trim your eyebrows when it is not in the proper shape.
5. Care should be taken in applying eyeliner.
6. Start on the cupids brow of the lips in applying lipstick.
III. Enumeration:
7-10 Enumerate the Types of Make-up.

13. Agreement
1. What are the importance of Eyebrow Arching?
2. What are the Implements, supplies, and Cosmetics necessary for an Eyebrow arch?
3. Give the procedure for giving an Eyebrow arch.
4. Enumerate and define the different Sizes, Shapes, and Positions of Eyebrows.
Reference: Learning and Living in the 21st Century by: Teresita V. dela Cruz, M. A.,
Gloria C. Vicente, M. A., Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D (Pages 366-368)
14. Closure
The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.
Yves Saint-Laurent

Alvarez, Irish T.
Bete, Ronel S.
Moreno, Rosette Anne F.
BBTE 3-1

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