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Published Proceedings of the

RICS Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference

held at

Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK.

September 5 6, 2002, Pp 120 -131

Editor: Morledge, R.


Henry A. Odeyinka 1 and John G. Lowe2
School of the Built and Natural Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA,

Construction cash flow forecasting has attracted a lot of research interests over the last two decades.
Researchers have employed forecasting methodologies, which include mathematical formula-based,
statistical, computer simulation and artificial intelligence applications. In spite of the quantity of research
efforts, accuracy of the forecast is still a major problem, largely due to risks and uncertainties inherent in
construction. This paper presents part of three-year year programme of research aimed at evaluating the
impacts of risk on construction cost flow forecast. The study which is at the end of the second year
identified and assessed the risk factors responsible for the variation between the forecast and actual cost
flow. The study was conducted through a questionnaire survey administered on contracting organisations.
On a project by project basis, contractors' opinions were sought on the extent of occurrence of 26 risk
variables considered in the study. An initial analysis was carried out using mean response analysis. This
shows that the main factors responsible for variation between the forecast and actual cost flow are client's
changes to initial design, inclement weather, variation to works (AI), labour shortage, production target
slippage, delay in agreeing variation/day works, delay in settling claims, problems with foundations and
underestimating project complexity. Further analysis based on factor analysis showed that the identified risk
variables could be grouped into six generic groups; the most important factor group being delayed payment
and variation to works. Other generic factors are economic changes, project disruption, project complexity,
shortage of construction resources and natural inhibitions. These groupings are of significant value in
providing a parsimonious reduction of the risk variables and they subsequently provide direction for
developing a cost flow risk assessment model.

Keywords: Construction cost flow, contractor, factor analysis, mean response analysis, risk variable,

Financial management has long been recognised as an important management tool and
proper cash flow management is crucial to the survival of a construction company
because cash is the most important corporate resource for its day to day activities. The
need to forecast cash requirements is important in order to make provision for the difficult
times of inadequate cash resources before they arrive (Harris and McCaffer, 2001). Cash
flow forecasting according to McCaffer (1976) provides a good warning system to predict
possible insolvency. This according to him enables preventive measures to be considered
and taken in good time. A lot of research efforts have gone into modelling standard

curves to forecast cash flow. Researchers have employed forecasting methodologies,

which include mathematical formula-based, statistical, computer simulation and artificial
intelligence applications. In spite of the quantity of research efforts, accuracy of the
forecast is still a major problem as there have been considerable variations between the
modelled cash flow profiles and the actual ones in many instances. Reasons for this have
been found to be due to the uncertainties and risk factors inherent in construction project.
The issues of risks and uncertainties as they impact on construction cash flow forecast
have been addressed by the authors in pilot studies (Odeyinka and Lowe 2000 and 2001).
The studies identified the risk factors and assessed contractors' perception of the
likelihood and impact of occurrence of the risk variables. The assessment was done on
sectorial basis of small, medium and large firms. This present study identified many more
risk variables on a wider scale and attempts to group them into related factor groupings
using factor analysis. This factor grouping is an attempt to represent the 26 identified risk
variables with fewer factors so as to achieve the objective of parsimony, which is sine qua
non to model building. This step is a pre cursor to developing a construction cost flow
risk assessment model.


Cash flow forecast is of great importance to construction contractor as well as the client
to prevent unsavoury consequences of liquidation and bankruptcy. However, an accurate
forecast of construction cash flow has been a difficult issue due to risks and uncertainties
inherent in construction projects. According to Flanagan and Norman (1993), the
environment within which decision making takes place can be divided into three parts:
certainty, risk and uncertainty. According to them, certainty exists only when one can
specify exactly what will happen during the period of time covered by the decision. This,
they concluded of course does not happen very often in the construction industry. Bennett
and Ormerod (1984) also concluded that an important source of bad decisions is illusions
of certainty. They submitted that uncertainty is endemic in construction and needs to be
explicitly recognised by construction managers.
Risk has also been defined as the chance of exposure to the adverse consequences of
future events (CCTA, 1993). Bufaied (1987) described risk in relation to construction as a
variable in the process of a construction project whose variation results in uncertainty as
to the final cost, duration and quality of the project. Moreover, Fong (1987) asserted that
it is generally recognised that those within the construction industry are continually faced
with a variety of situations involving many unknowns, unexpected, frequently undesirable
and often unpredictable factors. These factors according to Lockyer and Gordon (1996)
include production and timing schedule slippage of the project tasks, technological issues,
people-oriented issues, finance, managerial and political issues.
The major problem that construction managers encounter in making financial decisions
involves both the uncertainty and ambiguity surrounding expected cash flows (Eldin,
1989). In the case of complex projects, the problem of uncertainty and ambiguity

assumed even greater proportion because of the difficulty in predicting the impact of
unexpected changes on construction progress and consequently, on cash flows. The
uncertainty and ambiguity are caused not only by project-related problems but also by the
economical and technological factors (Laufer and Coheca, 1990). Lowe (1987)
maintained that the factors responsible for variation in project cash flow could be grouped
under five main headings of contractual, programming, pricing, valuation and economic
factors. Kaka and Price (1993) and Kaka (1996) in developing a model for cash flow
forecasting identified other risk factors affecting cash flow profiles to include estimating
error, tendering strategies, cost variances and duration overrun. Khosrowshahi (2000) also
identified other risk factors that impact on cash flow to include delay payment and
difficulty in obtaining the right amount of funds at reasonable interest rates. While these
risk factors have been recognised in cash flow literature and their likelihood and impact
of occurrence assessed, an understanding and grouping of these risk variables using the
factor analysis approach is yet to be documented. This then is the concern of this study.


Data were obtained through a questionnaire survey of contracting organisations. The
questionnaire identified 26 risk factors from literature and from discussion with other
researchers in construction cash flow as well as from discussion with construction
practitioners. These factors were perceived to have potential impact on cost flow forecast.
The questionnaire was then administered on a project by project basis to 350 randomly
selected small, medium and large-scale contractors. A reminder letter subsequently
followed this. In all, 96 responses fit for analysis were received, which represents a 27.4%
response rate which is typical of the norm of 20-30% response rate in most postal
questionnaire survey of the construction industry (Akintoye, 2000). The contractors were
asked to score on a Likert type scale of 0-5, the extent of occurrence and perceived
impacts of the identified risk factors on a recently completed or on-going building
The firms involved in the survey have been classified into three groups based on the
turnover of the firm, as a measure of size grouping. Table 1 shows the grouping of the
firms and the number of firms in each group. Tables 2 and 3 show the designation and the
construction experience of the respondents, respectively. The respondents are mainly at
the senior management level, with an average construction experience of about 26 years
(standard deviation = 9.63). This background information regarding the respondents
indicated that responses provided by them could be relied upon for this study.
Kline (1994) maintained that for simple structure factor analysis heterogeneous samples
should always be used as homogeneous samples by definition lower variance and thus
lower factor loadings. As evident from Tables 1 and 2, the sampled subjects are

Table 1: Size of construction firms by annual turnover


( million)
Over 100





Table 2: Designation of respondents

Table 3: Respondents' experience

Managing Director
Senior Managers

1 - 10
11- 20
21 - 30
Over 30





Mean = 26.26 years (standard deviation = 9.63)

heterogeneous, making it appropriate to proceed with the factor analysis employed in this
study. Kline (1994) also submitted that samples must not only be representative but must
be of sufficient size to produce reliable factors. According to him, in data with a clear
factor structure, samples of 100 or near were quite sufficient. As such, using a sample size
of 96 in this study is considered adequate. Child (1990) also maintained that for algebraic
reasons, it is essential that there are more subjects than variables. Where this is not the
case according to him, the results are not meaningful. Kline (1994) claims that large
factors emerge with clarity with samples with ratios of 2:1 and that the rule is the bigger
the ratio, the better. In this study, an achieved ratio of 96:26 (i.e. 4:1) is considered


Data analysis was carried out to explore and detect underlying relationships among the
cash flow risk variables using factor analysis. Factor analysis is a statistical technique
used to identify a relatively small number of factors that can be used to represent
relationships among sets of many interrelated variables (Norusis, 1992). The principal
component analysis is used in the analysis, the distinctive characteristic being its datareduction capacity. Its main goal is to represent relationships among sets of variables
parsimoniously. That is, it helps to explain the observed correlation using as few factors
as possible (Norusis, 1992).
As part of the analysis, the reliability of the scale used for measurement was determined.
This was done by computing the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. This is a scale of
coefficient which measures or tests the reliability of the six-point Likert-type scale used
for the study (Norusis, 1992). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient obtained is 0.9197 (F
statistic = 20.454, p = 0.000). The high coefficient obtained indicates that the six-point

Likert scale used for measuring the cash flow risk influencing factors is reliable at the 5%
significant level.
Factor Analysis of Cash flow Forecast Risk Influencing Variables
An analysis of the sample results using the mean response analysis is shown in Table 4.
This suggests that the main risk variables with high extent of occurrence are changes to
initial design, inclement weather, variation to works, labour shortage, production target
slippage, delay in agreeing variation/ dayworks, delay in settling claims, problems with
foundations, underestimating project complexity, estimating error and under valuation.
In order to capture the multivariate relationships existing between cash flow forecast riskinfluencing variables; the factor analysis technique was employed to investigate the
cluster of the relationships. According to Hair et. al. (1995), this technique is appropriate
because of little a priori knowledge about the number of different cluster relationships to
expect and also, the members of these different tendencies were unknown.
Various tests are required for the appropriateness of the factor extraction, including the
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett test of
sphericity. The results of these tests are shown in Table 5. Kline (1994) suggests that in
order to obtain a simple factor structure, the principal component method and varimax
rotation should be used. These approaches have been adopted in subjecting the 26 risk
variables to factor analysis.
Barlett's test of sphericity tests the hypothesis that the correlation matrix is an identity
matrix. In this analysis, the value of the test statistic for sphericity is large (Barlett's test
of sphericity = 717.805) and the associated significance level is small (p = 0.000),
suggesting that the population correlation matrix is not an identity matrix. The value of
the KMO statistic is 0.743, which according to Kaiser (1974) is satisfactory for factor
analysis. Summarily, these tests show that the factor analysis is appropriate for the factor
The analysis conducted, using principal component method produced a six-factor solution
with eigenvalues greater than 1, explaining 74.74% of the variance (Table 5). In order for
the factors to be easily interpretable, the varimax rotation method was employed. The
factor grouping based on varimax rotation is shown in Table 5. Each of the variables
weighs heavily on to only one of the factors and the loading on each factor exceeds 0.5.
The factors are interpretable as follows: factor 1 represents variation and delayed
payment; factor 2 represents economic changes; factor 3 represents project disruption;
factor 4 represents project complexity; factor 5 represents shortage of input resources and
factor 6 represents natural inhibition.
Discussion of Factor Analysis Results
Variation and Delayed Payment
Variation and delayed payment factor grouping comprises of delay in settling claims,
under valuation, variation to works, delay in agreeing variation/dayworks, delay in

Table 4: Perception of risk occurrence in cost flow forecast

Risk Factors

Overall mean score


Changes to initial design

Inclement weather
Variation to works (AI)
Labour shortage
Production target slippage
Delay in agreeing variation/dayworks
Delay in settling claims
Problems with foundations
Underestimating project complexity
Estimating error
Under valuation
Delay in payment from client
Shortage of key materials
Delays in interim certificates
Delay in retention release
Compliance with new regulations
Subcontractor's insolvency
Changes in interest rates
Shortage of key plant items
Access to funds at reasonable interest rate
Archaeological remains
Changes in currency exchange rates
Civil disturbances
Labour strikes
Client's insolvency



interim certificates, delay in payment from client and delay in retention release. This
factor represents 19.33% of the variance explained and it is not surprising that the
variables under this factor are loaded together. This is because valuation and payment are
the means by which a contractor receives cash in-flows and anything that tampers with
their smooth running is expected to affect the contractor's cash flow significantly. It is
also worthy of note that most of the variables loaded under this factor ranked high in the
contractors' scoring of the risk variables (Table 4). This is not surprising because these
variables are project-related. As such, they are inherent in any project with a high
likelihood of occurrence. It is therefore not a surprise that they ranked higher in the
contractors' scoring of their extent of occurrence.
Economic Changes
Economic changes factor grouping is made up of: changes in interest rates, inflation,
access to funds at reasonable interest rate, changes in currency exchange rates and
compliance with new regulations. This factor represents 12.25% of the variance explained
and it is also not a surprise that the variables under this factor are loaded together. This is
because contractor's cash receipt and disbursement are closely tied to economic
performance. Where there is economic down turn, resulting in high interest rate,

Table 5: Factor analysis grouping using varimax orthogonal rotation

Risk variables
Delay in settling claims
Under valuation
Variation to works (AI)
Delay in agreeing variation/dayworks
Delays in interim certificates
Delay in payment from client
Delay in retention release
Changes in interest rates
Access to funds at reasonable interest rate
Changes in currency exchange rates
Compliance with new regulations
Civil disturbances
Archaeological remains
Labour strikes
Subcontractor's insolvency
Client's insolvency
Underestimating project complexity
Estimating error
Production target slippage
Changes to initial design
Shortage of key materials
Shortage of key plant items
Labour shortage
Inclement weather
Problems with foundations

Factor 1

Eigen value
Percentage of variance explained
Cumulative percentage of variance


Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 5

Factor 6






Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy = 0.743;

Bartlett test of sphericity = 717.805, significance p = 0.000.
high inflation, etc., it is expected that this will impact significantly on the contractor's
cash flow. It is however noteworthy that the variables loaded under this factor ranked low
in the contractors' scoring of the risk variables (Table 4). This is not unexpected, as the
UK's economy is stable at the time of this study, with low inflation, low interest rate and
stable currency exchange rate.
Project Disruption
Project disruption factor grouping comprises of: archaeological remains, labour strikes,
subcontractor's insolvency and client's insolvency. This factor represents 12.24% of the
variance explained and it is not a surprise that the variables under this factor are loaded
together. This is because a smooth in-flow and out-flow of cash is expected to ensue from
the smooth running of a project. However, where there is unexpected project disruption

emanating from labour strikes, subcontractor's or client's insolvency, these are expected to
impact significantly on the project cash flow. It is also noteworthy that the variables that
constitute these factors ranked low in this study (Table 4). This is not unexpected because
most of the variables loaded under this factor are presently of infrequent occurrence in the
UK construction industry.
Project Complexity
Project complexity factor grouping comprises of: underestimating project complexity,
estimating error, production targets slippage and changes to initial design. This factor
represents 11.54% of the variance explained. It is not a surprise that the variables under
this factor are loaded together. This is because the less complex a project is, the easier it
is to predict and manage its cash flow. However, with increasing level of complexity, the
more a project is susceptible to changes in initial design, underestimating the project
complexity, slippage in production target and estimating error. Where these happen, they
are expected to impact significantly on the project cash flow. It is noteworthy that these
variables ranked high in the contractors' scoring (Table 4). This is not surprising because
the variables have direct impact on productivity rate and hence on cash flow.
Shortage of Construction Resources
Shortage of construction input resources factor grouping is made up of: shortage of key
materials, shortage of key plant items and labour shortage. This factor represents 10.54%
of the variance explained and it is not unexpected that the variables under this factor are
loaded together. This is because contractor's cash flow disbursement and project
progresses are closely tied to regular supply of construction input resources. Where the
resources of key materials, key plant items and skilled labour are in short supply, it is
expected that they will impact significantly on construction progress and by implication,
on the contractor's cash flow. It is to be noted from Table 4 that while the shortage of key
materials and key plant items ranked fairly low in the contractors' scoring, labour
shortage however ranked high (rank of 4). This is not surprising because while shortage
of key materials and key plant items are not of serious concern in the UK construction
industry, labour shortage is.

Natural Inhibitions
Natural inhibition factor grouping comprises of inclement weather and problems with
foundations. This factor represents 9.11% of the variance explained and it is also not a
surprise that these factors are loaded together. This is because this factor is not man-made
and as such, it is difficult for the contractor to prepare well in advance for it. Moreover,
when there are occurrences of inclement weather and problems with foundations, they
impact significantly on the contractor's cash flow. It is evident from Table 4 that the
variables under this factor ranked high (ranks of 2 and 8). This is not surprising because it
has been shown (Odeyinka and Lowe, 2000) that the longer the duration of a building
project, the more susceptible it is to inclement weather. It has also been demonstrated
(Odeyinka and Lowe, 2001) that the larger the size of a construction company, the more

prone it is to encounter problems with foundation. This is because large construction

companies undertake large projects with complex foundation structures and also with
high possibility of encountering problems with foundation sub-soil.

The main concern of this study has been the analysis of the risk factors responsible for the
variations between the forecast and actual construction cash flow. An exploration of these
factors was conducted through a mean response analysis and also through an
interrelationship between variables using the factor analysis technique.
An initial analysis using the mean response showed that the main risk variables
responsible for variations between the forecast and actual cash flow are client's changes to
initial design, inclement weather, architect's variation to works, labour shortage,
production target slippage, delay in agreeing variation/ dayworks, delay in settling claims,
problems with foundations, underestimating project complexity, estimating error and
A further analysis, using factor analysis technique and using the same data set revealed
that the 26 risk variables considered in the study could be grouped into 6 factors. These
factors are: variation and delayed payment, economic changes, project disruption, project
complexity, shortage of construction resources and natural inhibition. These generic
factor groupings of the variables make it easier to represent the 26 risk variables with
easily identifiable factors. This six-factor solution therefore summarises the factor
groupings of the risk variables influencing variations between the forecast and actual cash
flow. It also satisfies the objective of parsimony, a necessary requirement in model
building. With this factor solution, it then becomes easier to investigate in detail and
develop a model to assess the impact of the risk factors on the variations between the
forecast and actual cash flow. This is the concern of the next stage of this research.

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