Full Report - Week 1 (Road To Hell)

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Case Summary
John Baker was a chief engineer of the Caribbean Bauxite Company of
Barracania, who was being promoted to Keso Mining Corporation near Winnipeg,
a Canadian enterprise. His final task is the assessment interview with the
successor, Matthew Rennalls, the able young Barracanian. Baker is an English
expatriate, who preferred working overseas, because he felt that he had a good
and great ability better than most other expatriates of knowing just how to get
along with the regional staff. Baker thinks he has an edge in working in a foreign
country because he was experience in understanding a regional staffs
psychology and knowing exactly how to get along with locals.
Baker has been working hard to prepare Matthew Rennalls, on the other
hand, is a young engineer who represents the new generation of patriotic, welleducated Barracanias professionals. It was pointed out to Baker that not only
was Rennalls one of the brightest Barracanian prospects on the staff as at
London University he had taken first-class honours in the BSc engineering
degree but he was also the son of the minister of finance and economic
planning, he also had no minor in political pull.
His four years as a student at London University made him more adapt
and sensitive too political, racial and equality issues involving relations between
his culture and western influence. The last meeting between these two case
characters, Rennalls and Baker ended up in a disaster and cause a lot of
negative consequences. Instead of accepting the chief engineer position,
Rennalls turns in his resignation because he felt insulted by Bakers farewell
interview and advices. He dislikes the way of Baker did to him.
This incident not only puts Baker puzzled and questionable about what he
might have said wrong or does any mistakes but also puts the future of the
companys relations with its regional staff and authorities in risk or might be in


Problem Statement
The problem statement in the case study of The Road to Hell are:
1) Interpersonal Relationship
In the case study of The Road to Hell there are several issues that
affect how communications with others from other cultures have potential to
big problems. In this Road to Hell case study, we see that interpersonal
relationships along with cultural differences change others views on how
individuals are apparent in the workforce. In this case, Mr. John Baker whom
is the chief engineer of the Caribbean Bauxite Company, located in the West
Indies has decided to relocate to another job as a production manager.
2) Communication
There are several factors in the business community that influence
communication assimilation. As we know, Baker is an expatriate who has
had several years of experience working in different countries. Baker hires
Matthew Rennalls to fulfill his position as chief engineer and has been at the
corporation for two years. Besides that, Rennalls received his B.S. degree in
engineering from the University of London. Although Matthew is ten years
younger and lacks the experience than Baker, he demonstrates excellent
skills, knowledge, and ability on the job, which impressed his colleagues. But
some of his coworkers have complained on his rudeness to the Europeans.
Therefore, as a productive leader, Baker conducts an interview with Renalls
to discuss his performance within the company up to this point. This will be
potential racial prejudice or a lack of communication skills on both divide
due to their cultural backgrounds.


Alternative Strategies
In this case study, the alternative strategies are:

Give an encouragement to employee because it can outweigh any

negativity. As the boss, Baker should be more encourage towards his worker
specially to Rennal. This is because through encouragement, we can directly
motivate the employee performance and at the same time improve the

company performance.
Avoid any racialism, this is because it can cause angry, bitter or violent. It
can be avoided by taking few steps which is, train employees how to avoid
discrimination and racism by hold the training at least once a year to remind
employees of how to conduct themselves in the workplace environment. The
next one is, encourage open communication with employees so they are
more likely to report racism. Other than that, the other strategies are treat

all instances of racism the same according to the established policy.

The other alternative strategy is build a positive communication in the
workplace. Positive communication in workplace can lead to improves
worker productivity this is because communication leads to an improvement
in overall company performance and also can avoid any racism among


Evaluation of Alternative Strategies

1) Give an Encouragement to Employee
Give an encouragement to employee is a very good strategy to
motivate the workers to do a better job when they are working. Related with
the case study, Baker should encourage Rennal to be a good employee.
2) Avoid being Racist
This strategy is really important. This is because when you are
avoiding being racism you can easily understand the other people cultures.
And on the same time, there will be no misunderstanding between two
ethnic Related with the case study, Baker didn't know about Rennal culture
and make a statement that offense Rennal. By this situation Baker need to









3) Improving the Communication
Related with the second strategy, improving the communication in the
workplace are really important. This is because, communication is the most
needed in an organization. To improve it the employer should learn more
about his or her employees background. With this there will be no
misunderstanding and miscommunication.


The Best Strategy and Justification

After evaluation of strategy, the best strategy is the combination of both
re-hiring strategy and creates the diverse and peaceful in working environment.
The reasons are these two strategies will helps in development of the company.
As we mentioned above, these strategy helps the company in saving lots of cost
and time. The most important is encouraging a diversity company and prevent
the misunderstanding within different culture become worst. However, before
re-hiring Rennalls, Baker has to apologize to save the critical relationship. By
this way, Baker will receive a respect from other culture of employees and solve
the misunderstanding among employees. The reason of hiring local employees
is not a best strategy is not the step to solve the problem but it is the action of
avoiding the problem. This strategy might cause the misunderstanding grows
Next, the best way to outcome from this situation of problem is do not being
racists towards other people or their culture, customs and beliefs. This strategy
does help if Baker implant this earlier towards Rennal to avoid this problem from
occurred. As the important people in the organization, Baker should learn and
adapt with the local culture and why not he practices it and make it as your
routine and habits as you need to understand people who are working for you
and your company more rather than outside people of your company.
Furthermore, Baker should improvise his communication skills when he
talked to the employees. Even he is the boss and in the top management
hierarchy, still he need to be trained well in communication skills. For example,
when he interviewed Rennal he just need to be straight forward towards him so
that this problem can be solved easily and more earlier.

The justification for this strategy is because Baker need to be more

rational and empathy towards Rennal as his employees who both of them
respect each other. So to overcome this problem Baker need to be a charismatic


1) Short term: Re-hiring Rennal
The re-hiring of Rennalls should do by Baker himself to show the
sincerity towards Rennalls return. In order to success, Baker had to
apologize to Rennalls personally and had a new conversation again with
Rennalls after the incident that had happened. Baker should show his
guiltiness and prove that he does not intend to humiliate Rennalls and his

After that, Baker had to inform the top management that

included both Barracanian and European to get a better advice on the

matter about re-hiring Rennalls. Then, he should organize an official meeting
to explain the incident and negotiate with him about the re-hiring. Once
Rennalls accepted the offer from Baker as a chief engineer, he had to
change his perspective towards Baker or European as he was also having
racial consciousness that may lead the company to the same problem like
Baker. For the company future, the top authorities have to receive a
consultation within a period time to improve their corporate communication,
so can prevent this kind of incident happen again.
2) Long term: Create a Diverse and Peaceful Work Environment
Firstly, the company should reorganize their term and condition in
employment. The company should promote the talented employees by
evaluating them, let the employee from different culture and background

has their chance to be the one of top authorities. Secondly, the company
should have no bias when judging them during the interview. Thirdly, the
Caribbean Bauxite Company should organize some seminar, talks and
consultation that related about communication skills and cross cultural
management. By implement this step, employees will be getting more
understand on the differences of each other culture. Therefore, a diverse
work environment can be created. Last but not the least, the communication
skills within the employees can be improve. So it may prevent the incident
such as Rennalls and Bakers incident happen again.

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