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Final Assessment: EDU 201; Due May 2, 2016

Provide a TYPED (12 Font) and complete response to each part of the 5 questions
1. Teacher Professionalism: Using any of the readings (e.g., Powell, articles such
as Charney, Fullan, Motivation articles, etc., Esquith) and class discussions
explain what concepts are involved in teacher professionalism and in being
an effective educator? (20 points)
2. a. What theorist developed the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)? (5
b. Explain what is meant by the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). (10
c. How might you use or apply the concept of the ZPD in your teaching? You
may provide a specific example to help you explain. (5 points)
3. Choose one of the following theorists: Maslow or Piaget or Gardner.
a. Describe their theory including the stages or levels or types. (Maslows
Hierarchy of Needs or Piagets Levels of Development, or Gardners Multiple
Types of Intelligences). (10 points)
b. In addition, explain why it is important for educators to be aware of
(Maslows hierarchy or Piagets Levels, or Gardners Multiple Intelligences)
in understanding the needs of their students. (10 points)
4. Define and explain what is meant by Gradual Release of Responsibility. In
your explanation make sure to identify and include the 4 key stages of
Gradual Release of Responsibility. (15 points)

(Before answering, read the complete question and example provided.)

Discuss 5 things or 5 take aways that you learned over the semester that
were most meaningful, surprising, changed your thinking, or practical to you.
Explain each take-away and what about it was meaningful, surprising,
changed your thinking, or was practical to you. For example, if Blooms
taxonomy of critical/higher order thinking is a concept that you take with you,
explain what about it struck you. For example, it might be that what stays
with you is that while you may have thought that early childhood or
elementary age students are too young to be asked higher order thinking
questions that require them for example, to apply, analyze, evaluate, etc.,
they are not too young. Students of all ages can benefit, grow, and become
engaged from questions and/or activities that support and strengthen their
ability to think above the Recall level.
(25 points)

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