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By Bravid Valour

GOP needs to realise, it needs the rational high ground not the
simplistic low ground...Trump has had the headlines but lost
hearts and minds.
I think Rubio would have easily won, and a few other GOP
deep thinkers are of the same opinion. Trump is loud like a
street spruiker, but voting is far from buying from a street
spruiker, after gawking at his wares or patter.
A few notes of caution from people of better judgment means
a spruiker sells nothing and that is what has happened, a
lollipop GOP election is all but lost, to a bad choice candidate
with a fast but shallow patter.
Trump has not mentioned the economy, and people notice if
you can't debate the fundamentals, chances are the rest is
worthless chaff.
Trump is a Globalisation denier, a denier of the growth
potential of immigrants, a denier that quagmires are an anchor
on an economy.
These are the truths we have discovered by evidence based
research, simplifications don't make truths disappear, only
papers over them.

The market reacts to evidence based economics, so Trumps

simplistic heresy scares the market, coz they know its
disastrous ignorance.
Obama learnt the hard way, no economic fundamentals in
place and his policy programme will be wholly erased.
Government initiative is built on the firm base of economic
growth and fundamentals being managed so that programs are
built on a solid base.
Trump will tank the economy and the first thing he will throw
overboard to blame for bad times is Obama care.
If Hillary can grow the economy strongly with her strong
economic credentials, Health Care reform will set into the
culture and be preserved.
When the foundations crack and slip, the house on top is
Strong economic fundamentals can support infinite
Government social programs, as long as the economic base is
sturdy and strong.
That's the managerial brilliance of Democratic social
GOP slashes social programs, the economy receives a

minimalist message from slash and burn, and the economy is

in safe non-growth mode.
Conservatives have not yet learnt this lesson and keep making
the same mistake.
I have talked too much about their trickle down error, that
starves the economic growth making middle class to back pat
the economic aristocracy.
The GOP has lost, because its ideas were managerial losing
strategies based on no social computation and little economic
I've written the GOP's Election Obituary early, because it was
a death that we could all foresee.

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