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ACES Series of Eurocodes Workshops Design using Eurocodes — EN 1990: Basis of Structural Design and EN 1991 : Eurocode 1 : Actions on Structures 224 Feb 2014 (Sat) Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi BEng (Hons) 1° Class, MSc, PhD, CEng, PEng, FICE, FIES, ACPE Email : Programme 9:00 to 10:30 ‘Overview of the Eurocodes EN 1990 Eurocode “0” : Basis of Structural Design - Session 1 of 2 11:00 to 12:30 EN 1990 Eurocode “0” : Basis of Structural Design - Session 2 of 2 13:30 to 15:00 EN 1994 Eurocode 1 : Actions on Structures -Part 1-1 — General Actions ~ Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for Buildings -Part 1-4 -General Actions ~ Wind actions 15:30 to 17:30 ‘EN 1991 Eurocode 1 : Actions on Structures Part 1-5 -General Actions ~ Thermal Actions Part 1-7 General Actions — Accidental Actions ‘eQuestions and Answers 2 ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less. General Eric Shinseki Chief of Staff, U. S. Army (1999-2003) Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © fee Overview of the Eurocodes ‘ Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hoi © What are “Eurocodes”? * The Eurocodes are a set of European Standards (EN) for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works and construction products The Eurocodes cover in a comprehensive manner the basis of design, actions on structures, the principal construction materials, all major fields of structural engineering and a wide range of types of structures and products. Eurocodes are made up of separate parts (58 parts in total) The Eurocodes SS EN 1990 Eurocode: Basic of Structural Design SS EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions of Structures SS EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures SS EN 1993 Eurocode 3; Design of Steel Structures SS EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Structures SS EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures ¥ sh Segopore, cer SS EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of Masonry Structures ) - SS EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design SS EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of Earthquake Resistance ®°5 SS EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures |} slo Ssope Bowe 6 Asso. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © EN 1992 EN 1993 EN 1994 x : § (7 Structural safety, serviceability, ene Y2 durability and robustness g EN 1991 co Actions on structures t Design and detailing EN 1995 EN 1996 | | EN 1999 I [ ut | EN 1997 —~ EN 1998 Geotechnical and seismic design Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Benefits of Implementing Eurocodes in the EU Provide a common and transparent basis for fair competition — a single market (removal of barriers) Lead to more uniform levels of safety in construction Increase the competitiveness of the European civil engineering firms, contractors, designers and product manufacturers in their world-wide activities; Allow the shared investment in software and design-aid development Provide a common basis for research and development. Assoc: Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Advantages of Eurocodes * Single suite of standards * Common structural design rules and in a comprehensive manner * Rational and consistent framework. * Provide flexibility and opportunity to apply advanced methods (testing, performance evidence, probabilistic methods). * Written in a style encouraging innovation and forma common basis for R&D in civil engineering. ’ ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © European Standards Design Standards : The Eurocodes Hag Sears Material Standards - »!«'|~ European Technical Approvals » (Steel, concrete, etc.) (Expansion Joints, prestressing, Product Standards etc.) (Structural Bearings, Barriers and Parapets, etc.) Execution Standards (Execution of Concrete and Steel Structures, etc.) Testing Standards (Geotechnical Testing and Sampling, etc.) 10 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoai © Links between the Standards E.g. N (BSENi997°) { BSENi990 | ( BSENi598 } | Geotechnical | | Basis of structural Seismic | l design} | design y BSEND06 ) \ f( BSENGOSE ) / [ BSEN 10080 } Specifying \ ‘Actions on | Reinforcing concrete structures U steels Me 7 Pc BS 8500 z aa BS 4449 i Specifying + e BS EN 1092 Reinforcing concrete) EUROCODE 2 steels) Design of concrete | EN 13670 _ structures =| ( BSEN 13369 | Part 4-1: General’ Execution of . z Pre-cast \_ ‘Structures mr rules for structures, | concrete \ Part 2: Bridges X y Assoc. Prot. Tan Teng Hoot © Accompanying and affected documents National Annexes (NAs) Published Documents (PDs) Client documents, such as: = LTA Design Criteria = Particular Specification Other NCCI or guidance documents e.g Thomas Telford, Concrete Centre, SCI etc. ‘Assoc Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © National Annexes Each Eurocode Part has a National Annex which must be used in conjunction with the Eurocode Part National Annex can only contain parameters left open for national choice (Nationally Determined Parameters or NDPs) and are decided by national standards authorities in individual countries. Values and/or classes where alternatives are given in EN Country specific data (e.g. wind speed, snow maps) Procedure to be used when Eurocode contains alternatives Assoc, Prat Tan Teng Hooi © BSI Published Documents PDs contain referenced Non-Contradictory Complementary Information (NCCI) in the form of: = Background to the National Annexes = Additional guidance and expansion on Eurocodes = Residual non-conflicting information from current British Standards PDs are NOT standards, but may be made mandatory by authorities “ Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Published Documents PD For which Eurocode? PD xxx TEN1990 Annex A2-Basis of design for bridges: PD6688-1-1 | EN1991-1-1-Self-wveights and imposed loads PD 6688-1-4 | EN1991-1-4-Wind actions EN1991-1-5-Thermal actions EN1S91-1-7-Accidental action EN1991-2-Traffic loading PD 6688-2 EN1992-1-1-Conerete general PD 6687 EN1992-2-Concrete bridges PD 6687-2 EN1993-1-9-Fatigue ronsnococwen ok PD 6695-1-10 | EN1995-1-10-Fracture See. PD 6695-2 EN1993-2-Steel bridges eee PD 6596-2 EN1994-2-Composite bridges PD 6594-1 EN1997-1- Geotechnical aspects Assoc, Prof. Tan Tang Hooi © CLG Guides Designers’ Guides Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Will Eurocode designs cost more to construct? Eurocode 2 should result in more economic structures than BS 8110, The less prescriptive approach of the Eurocodes should also allow greater scope for innovation and encourage designers to use advanced analysis techniques which, combined with the more open marketplace and greater competition brought about by the implementation of Eurocodes, should lead to better value for money. It is worth noting, though, that at least initially the actual design process is expected to be more costly - due to designers having to become familiar with the Eurocodes. Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © EN 1990 Eurocode “0” : Basis of Structural Design Session 1 of 2 ry ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © Some peculiarities of Eurocodes (cf BS/CP) (1} Use of comma instead of “full stop” as a decimal marker. Therefore to avoid confusion, the comma should not be used for separating multiples of a thousand. One thousandth is represented by %o. (2) Key definitions e.g. “Action”, “Effects of Actions” or “Action effects”, “Strength”, “Resistance”, “Execution” (3) Annexes 2 categories: One type is labelled 'I' and is Informative (i.e. for information and not as a mandatory part of the code). The second type is labelled 'N' and is Normative (i.e. a mandatory part of the code). (4) Characteristic values of any parameter are distinguished by a subscript “k”. Design values have the subscript “d”. e 4 (7 Asse. Prof, Tan Teng Hooi & Some peculiarities of Eurocodes (cf BS/CP) (5) Member axis The notation for the longitudinal axis is the x-x axis (previously the z-z axis), the major axis is the y-y axis (previously the x-x axis) and the minor axis is the z-z axis (previously the y-y axis). y z x — a x y— ye Y Hi 1 y z BS/CP. Eurocodes ~ Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoot © Principal differences between SS EN 1990 and UK practice (e.g. Chap 2 of BS5950 or BS8110). 1) The Eurocodes are limit state codes like the British Standards, although are perhaps a little more explicitly based in reliability theory. 2) The Eurocodes embody the most up to date research on many aspects of structural behaviour. The Eurocode states explicitly many presumptions which have been only implied or understood in the past. 3) The Eurocode clauses are structured in a slightly different way in that they contain principles that must be satisfied and application rules that offer a way of satisfying the principles. This is intended to stimulate innovation. 4) The Eurocodes are also less prescriptive than the British Standards, with more aspects left open to the designer. 5) There is no equivalent British Standard for EN 1990 and the corresponding information has traditionally been replicated in each of the material Eurocodes. Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hol © Principal differences between SS EN 1990 and UK practice (e.g. Chap 2 of BS5950 or BS8110). 6) Partial factors for actions are given in EN 1990, whilst partial factors for materials are prescribed in their respective Eurocode. 7 The requirements of SS EN 1990 * The design situations to consider for both the ultimate and serviceability limit states eunnlehee valus fr es * The representative values of the actions to use for the different design situations + The expressions for combining the effects of actions + The factors of safety to use for the appropriate design situations + Choices made in the National Annex to SS EN 1990 Ea Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Objectives of SS EN 1990: Basis of Structural Design SS EN 1990 establishes principles and requirements for the ° Safety * Serviceability © Durability of structures; and describes * The basis for their design and verification, and * Gives guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © SS EN 1990: Contents Foreword Section 1: General Section 2 : Requirements Section 3 : Principles of limit states Section 4: Basic variables Section 5 : Structural analysis and design assisted by testing Se 6: Verification by the jal factor method nex ACN): Application for buildings (1): bridges (2) Annex B (1) : Management of structural reliability for construction works J Annex C (1) : Basis for partial factor design and reliability analysis Annex D (1) : Design assisted by testing ‘o on D shyt, enondat®« . lots - h fee dorts ca AAssoe, Prof Tan Teng Hooi ® SECTION 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.2 Normative References 1.3. Assumptions 1.4 Distinction between Principles and Application rules 1.5 Definitions 1.6 Symbols Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © 1.1 Scope (1) SS EN 1990 establishes Principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability and durability of structures, describes the basis for their design and verification and gives guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability. (2) SS EN 1990 is intended to be used in conjunction with SS EN 1991 to SS EN 1999 for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works, including geotechnical aspects, structural fire design, situations involving earthquakes, ‘execution and temporary structures. NOTE For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc.), other provisions than those in SS EN 1990 to SS EN 1999 might be necessary. (3) SS EN 1990 is applicable for the design of structures where other materials or other actions outside the scope of SS EN 1991 to $5 EN 1999 are involved. {4) SS EN 1990 is applicable for the structural appraisal of existing construction, in developing the design of repairs and alterations or in assessing changes of use. NOTE Additional or amended provisions might be necessary where appropriate. % -Ass0c. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © 1.3 Assumptions (1) Design which employs the Principles and Application Rules is deemed to meet the requirements provided the assumptions given in SS EN 1990 to SS EN 1999 are satisfied (see (2)). {2} The general assumptions of SS EN 1990 are: * the choice of the structural system and the design of the structure Is made by appropriately qualified and experienced personnel; * execution is carried out by personnel having the appropriate skill and experience; * adequate supervision and quality control is provided in design offices and during execution of the work, Le. factories, plants, and on site; = the construction materials and products are used as specified in SS EN 1990 or in SS EN 1991 to SS EN 1999 or in the relevant execution standards, or reference material or product specifications; = the structure will be adequately maintained; = the structure will be used in accordance with the design assumptions. NOTE : There may be cases when the above assumptions need to be supplemented. 2 ‘Assoc. Prof, Tan Teng Hooi © © The Principles (letter P} comprise : (iu2\ bx Soll ® general statements and definitions for which there is no alternative, as well as > requirements and analytical models for which no alternative is permitted unless specifically stated. [tis permissible to use alternative design rules different from the application rules given in SS EN 1990, provided that it is shown that the alternative rules accord with the relevant principles and are at least equivalent with regard to resistance, serviceability and durability which would be achieved for the structure using Eurocodes. NOTE: fan alternative design rule is substituted for an application rule, the resulting design cannat be claimed to be wholly in accordance with SS EN 1990 although the design will remain in accordance with the Principles of SS EN 1990. When SS EN 1990 is used in respect of a property listed in an Annex Z of a product standard or an ETAG, the use of an alternative design rule may not be acceptable for CE marking. a Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © 1.5 Definitions For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key definitions, which may be different from current national practices: “Action” means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature effects or settlement) “Effects of Actions” or “Action effects” are internal moments and forces, bending moments, shear forces and deformations caused by actions “Strength” is a mechanical property of a material, in units of stress “Resistance” is a mechanical property of a cross-section of a member, ora member or structure. “Execution” covers all activities carried out for the physical completion of the work including procurement, the inspection and documentation thereof. The term covers work on site; it may also signify the fabrication of components off site and their subsequent erection on site. 2 Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Examples of Eurocode terminology + Normative - forms the core requirements. Compliance with Eurocodes will generally be judged against the normative requirements. * Informative - used only in annexes, which seek to inform rather than require. + Nationally Determined Parameter (NDP) - NDPs are therefore used to allow a country to set its own levels of safety. For slaorel haner + NCCI- Non-contradictory complementary information * Combination of actions - Set of design values used for the verification of the structural reliability for a limit state under the simultaneous influence of different and statistically independent actions. It should not be confused with ‘load cases’, 20 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © 1.6 Symbols - Some Important Terms Actions (F) * Permanent Actions (G) Yes * Variable Actions (Q) ive leads | * Accidental Actions (A) * Seismic Action (Ad Values of Actions ivauct Representative Values of Actions © dypedest * Characteristic Value (Q,) .. anapnceso . * Combinations Value of 2 Variable Action (y,Q,) * Frequent Value of a Variable Action (w,Q,) * Quasi-permanent Value of a Variable Action (y,Q,) a Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © 2.0 THE REQUIREMENTS Fundamental requirements = safety; = serviceability; = robustness and = fire — Note : The Fundamental Requirements relate very closely to the requirements In Schedule A of the Building Regulations used In the UK. Reliability Management Design working life *» \ Durability Quality Management shonfo’s 2 £Ass0c. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Fundamental requirements > Safety requirement — the structure during its intended life with appropriate degrees of reliability and in an economic way, will sustain all actions and influences likely to occur during execution and use. 8 ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoot © Fundamental requirements > Serviceability requirement — the structure during its intended life with appropriate degrees of reliability and in an economic way, will remain fit for the use for which it is required. ” Ass9e. Prof Tan Teng Hoot © v Robustness requirement — the structure will not be damaged by events ZS zy such as explosion, impact or Pag BS consequences of human errors, to an oe = extent disproportionate to the original ae cause. aS ig Assoc. Prot. Tan Teng Hool Fundamental requirements > — Robustness requirement (contd.) SS EN 1990 gives principles for limiting potential damage by a number of means includin ® avoiding, eliminating or reducing the hazards to which the structure can be subjected; selecting a structural form which has low sensitivity to the hazards considered; selecting a structural form and design that can survive adequately the accidental removal of an individual member or a limited part of the structure, or the occurrence of acceptable localised damage; avoiding as far as possible structural systems that can collapse without warning; tying the structural members together. ‘Ass0c. Prof. Tan Teng Hoot © Fundamental requirements > Fire requirement — the structural resistance shall be adequate for the required period of time. The general objective is to limit risks with respect to the individual and society, neighbouring property, the environment, or directly exposed property. 2.2 Reliability Management SS EN 1990 is the first operational code to recognise the possibility of reliability differentiation and provides guidance for obtaining different levels of reliability. Reliability differentiation comprises the measures intended for the socio- economic optimisation of the resources to be used to build construction works, taking into account all the expected consequences of failures and the cost of the construction works. The main tools (refer to SS EN 1990: Annex B) for the management of structural reliability of construction works are: "differentiation by Reliability Index 8; = modification of partial factors y; * design supervision differentiation; = inspection during execution. v x Assoc, Prof Ta Teng Hoo! © oh etpor} aaa conor ef Reliability Management (contd.) The choice of the levels of reliability for a particular structure takes account of the relevant factors, including: » the possible cause and/or mode of attaining a limit state; the possible consequences of failure in terms of risk to life, injury and potential economical losses; conditions in a particular location; failure. public perception of failure, and social and environmental the expense and procedures necessary to reduce the risk of Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Reliability Management (contd.) Description Examples of bulings and evil lengineering works C3._| High consequence for loss of human —_| Grandstands, bridges, life, or economic, social or public buildings where environmental corsequences very great | consequences of falure are high (e.g. a concert hall) SCZ | Medium consequence for loss of human | Residential and orice life, economic, Social or environmental | buildings, public buildings consequences considerable wihere consequences of failure are medium (e.9 ‘an office building) C1 _| Lew consequence for loss of human life, | Agricultural buildings and economic, social or environmental consequences smail or negligible where people do not normally enter (e.g, for storage), greenhouses ‘Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hooi © 2.3 Design working life The design working life is the period for which a structure or part of itis to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without major repair being necessary. Table NA 1 - Indiatve design working Ho agp RR Eranples cal pas 66 Gary 8 fat can be Gemanted wih ew el bag reused held | | | | The notion of design working life is useful for e.g. selection of design actions (e.g. wind, earthquake); consideration of material property deterioration (e.g. fatigue, creep); evaluation of the life-cycle cost; and development of maintenance strategies. | 4 Asoc, Prof Tan Teng Hooi © 2.4 Durability The durability of a structure or part of it in its environment is such that it remains fit for use during the design working life given appropriate | maintenance. The structure is designed in such a way that deterioration should not impair the durability and performance of the structure. interrelated factors to be considered include: © The intended and future use of the structure * The required performance criteria * The expected environmental influences + The composition, properties and performance of materials * The choice of structural system + The shape of members and structural detalling * The quality of workmanship and level of control + The particular protective measures + The maintenance during the intended life 2 Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © 2.5 Quality Management In order to provide a structure that corresponds to the requirements and to the assumptions made in the design, appropriate quality management measures should be in place. These measures comprise: * definition of the reliability requirements; + organisational measures; + controls at the stages of design, execution, use and maintenance. ISO 9001:2000 is an acceptable basis for quality management measures, where relevant. Assoc, Prot Tan Teng Hooi © EN 1990 Eurocode “0” : Basis of Structural Design Session 2 of 2 Aswoe, Prof. Tan Teng Hoi © Section 3 Principles of Limit State Design (andsion 3.1General hs (1)P distinction shall be made between ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states. (2) Verification of one of the two categories of limit states may be omitted provided that sufficient information is available to prove that it is satisfied by the other, (3)P Limit states shall be related to design situations (4) Design situations should be classified as persistent, transient or accidental, seme aokwas (5) Verification of limit states that are concerned with time dependent effects (e.g. fatigue) should be related to the design working life of the construction. Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © 3.2 Design situations (1)P The relevant design situations shall be selected taking into account the circumstances under which the structure is required to fulfil its function. (2)P Design situations shall be classified as follows : ~ persistent design situations, which refer to the conditions of normal use ; —transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the structure, e.g. during execution or repair ; —accidental design situations, which refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the structure or to its exposure, e.g. to fire, explosion, impact or the [ vol. consequences of localised failure ; | ~seismic design situations, which refer to conditions applicable to the structure | when subjected to seismic events. | NOTE Information on specific design situations within each of these classes is given in SS EN 1991 to_/ SSEN 1999, 8)P The selected design situations shall be sufficiently severe and varied so as to ‘encompass all conditions that can reasonably be foreseen to occur during the execution and use of the structure. 46 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © Limit State Requirements SAFETY SERVICEABILITY of people /of structure Junctions resistance comfort stability appearance DURABILITY fatigue ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Verifications DESIGN SITUATIONS persisient, transient, accidental, seismic AGENTS gravily, wind, solar radiation, earthquake. ACTIONS, load, pressure, temperature, ground acceleration COMBINATIONS OF ACTIONS actions likely to oceur simulianeously EFFECTS force, moment, rotation, displacement ‘Asv0e. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © | Ultimate Limit State | rupture collapse loss of equilibrium transformation into a mechanism failure caused by fatigue Assoc: Prof. Tan Tong Hooi © Serviceability Limit State deformations vibrations cracks damages adversely affecting use so Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Limit State Design Structural and load models (physical or mathemetical) using design values for + actions + material or product properties + geometrical data Load cases should be selected, identifying + load arrangements, » possible deviations from assumed directions and positions of actions, + sets of deformations and imperfections, that should be considered simultaneously Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Design Procedure REQUIREMENTS SERVICEABILITY SAFETY | DURABILITY DESIGN SITUATIONS AGENTS ACTIONS COMBINATIONS OF ACTIONS EFFECTS ITY LIMIT STATES a Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi ® Verifications at Limit States ULTIMATE Eacansan + Resistance: effects of actions Ea when a limit state verification is sensitive to variability + ossniswon "lower characteristic value (5 % fractile) eee where a low value is unfavourable "upper characteristic value (95 % fractile, ie. probability of exceedence 5 %) where a high value is unfavourable > where statistical data are insufficient : nominal values > mean values for structural stiffness and thermal expansion Effects of repeated actions (fatigue) = reduction of resistance 5 swe: Prof. Tan Teng Hoot © Section 4.3 Geometrical data Representative values : + characteristic values (a prescribed fractile) where statistical distribution is sufficiently known + directly design values (e.g. imperfections) Tolerances for connected parts (from different material) shall be mutually compatible Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Section 6 Verification by the partial factor method 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 General Limitations Design values Ultimate limit states Serviceability limit states Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool Design Values Uncertainty in representative values: yr 3s and resistance ‘Actions and action effects Material properties and resistanc Model uncertainty: yee Modal uncertainty: yoy Uncertainty in material properties: Ym |” Actions. Material and product properties Characteristic value: w Fy ‘Characteristic value: X, oe bat Design value: Fy = ye Fe {Design value [ Design value of gcometicdata ey | | Desig value of oometrclais ay Effects Resistance: | Design value: Ey yeu E(Fay i Design value: Re = Riau ed / Yao Verification: Ey Ry SEsETETEsezs! Assoc. Prof Tan Tong Hoo! © Ultimate limit states EQU Loss of statie equilibrium of the structure or any part of if] | considered as a rigid body, in which : - minor variations in the value or the spatial distribution of | actions from a single source are significant ; - the strengths of construction materials or ground are generally not governing STR GEO Internal failure of the structure or structural elements, including footings, piles, basement walls, ete., in which the strength of construction materials or excessive deformation | | |, of the structure governs iy Failure or excessive deformation of the ground in which the | | strengths of soil or rock are significant in providing \| resistance J FAT Fatigue failure of the structure or structural elements Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Ultimate limit states ‘seoteennical actions, Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Examples of ULS kb Assoc, Prof Tan Section 6 Verification by the partial factor method Design situations Persistent | Normal use ULS, SLS Execution, temporary Transient | o"Mlitions applicable to [yy 5 gig the structure, e.g. maintenance or repair ; Normal use us Accidental During execution uLs Normal use ULS,SLS Seismic er |Ouring execution ) ULS,SLS Pe ‘The selected design situation shail be sufficiently severe and so varied as to encompass all conditions which can reasonably be foreseen to occur during the execution and use of the structure (3.2(3)P). ‘Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hoo} © Characteristic value Nominal value Combination | value Frequent value |Quasi-permanent value 6 Permanent actions Variable actions | Accidental actions Seismic actions Aswoe, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © ee OL ULS: transientjand persistent design situations Thtee thidices may be made by the NA for the determination of action effects ay 1p P's Ye,G uty : (6.10) (STR/GEO) (Set B) : The less favourable of the two following expressions wo [eYoiGes"# YEP Vo MasQe"F"S YoiWaiQi |) ae : = (Aw (6.100 & 6.106) SPV) Gus" PoP 4"Tos on ia (STR/GEO) (Set ©) Dre) GF" Ye PP" Yar Qa" Draws (6105 ja Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Design values of actions TABLES ; ULS EQU |-——+_a1.2(A)| A1.2(B) m0 ULS STR without geotechnical actions _ ing pert os > APPROACH 1 [===> APPROACH 2 ep. <=> ULS STR with geotechnical actions ULS GEO ‘Assoc. ProfTan Teng Hoot © Diagrammatic representation of representative values for actions Instantaneous value of Q Return period ee Characteristic value Q. fy = Combinatipn value v.@, Frequent value 9, [| ime Ri: reference period (e.g. 1 year or 50 years) p : probability of exceedance during the reference period o Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool & Application of coefficients w,, y, and y, for leading and non- leading variable actions at ultimate and serviceability limit state Limit State Design Situation Combination | Frequent | Quasi- Ses value yo value y; permanent value vo 7 T Ultimate __| Persistent and Transient | non-leading | x x Accidental x leading —_feading and | non-leading Seismic | all variable: | actions Serviceabilit Characteristic nonleading | _x _x Frequent x leading __non- leading Quesi-permanent x } ox all variable | actions Values for the three coefficients y%, yy and yy are given in the BSI National Annex A to EN 1990. Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © Combinations of actions nation | Reference " Combination | RErrteng y® General expression frente I ee ee Eee iy 6.10 L7G," "Yess LHe Meee a a Fundamental |(for persistent Jand transient design situations) Lee Pas "# 70 YoWor Ons Lo tokerOes stoam [Re IEEE 0s LI Mors | 9 ( Sintobor #) i | 0834, 3100 for unfavourable permanent | actions G Accidental (for accidental) 4p LG" PENAL", om Ha"! Dyes design a fa situations) [Seismic (for seismic 6.12 See ee ty Ey design | = a | situations) ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © 6.4.2 Verifications of static equilibrium and resistance Ultimate limit states of static equilibrium (EQU) : Egast S Eas Ultimate limit states of resistance (STR/GEO) : Ey sRy 6.5 Serviceability limit states EaSCa C, Is the limiting design value of the relevant serviceability criterion. E, is the design value of the effects of actions specified in the serviceability criterion, determined on the basis of the relevant combination. n Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © Partial and reduction factors for unfavourable actions {EN 1990). Fation, | Paitletfaciors | Combination factor | Reduction factor Permanent 6 Climatic W 7 y = 4 for storage areas, Expression (6.40) can be simpltied to 4.286 + 1,50 considering one variable action Q: and 4,956 + 1,5Q + 0,75W considering two variable actions with the imposed action leading and the wind action accompanying Partial factors (BS 5628, BS 5950, and BS 8410) elon Combinalion of G Combination of] Combralion of and Q Gand Wr G,Qanaw Permanent 6 14 inpaeed Co Chmaic ia r 3 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Example : Dead, Imposed, Wind — all unfavourable Yojsp = 135 Yojite = 1-00 Yor= 15S Yos=15 — &= 0.925 Drei Gs" YoP VAs" Taio; Qs (6.10) | L 35*D + 1.541 +1. 5*0. Tew) or 1.35*D + LL 5*0.7*1 + 1.5*W ob drei cit vy _ Poorest" SY YoWoi% (6.102) iA 1.35"D + 1.5*0,7*1 + 1.5*0.7*W D site," FLeP YaiQen"# DL Yaoi (6.10b) iat im 0.925*1.35"D + 1.581 + 1.580.7°W or 0,925#1.35*D + 1.5%0.741 + 1.5*W 4 Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Example : Dead and Imposed Dead, Imposed Eqn 6.10 1.35*D + 1.5#I Eqn 6.10a 1.35*D + 1,5#0,741 Eqn 6.106 0.925*1.35*D + 1.5¢I If Dead load: 6 kN/m? Imposed Load: 5 KN/m? Eqn 6.10: 1.35 *6+1.5*5=15.6 KN/m? Eqn 6.10a: 1.35 *6+1.5*0.7* 5 =13.35 kN/m? Eqn 6.10b: 0.925 * 1.35 * 6 + 1.5 * 5 = 14.993 kN/n? 6 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © « Equivalent » safety factor for a combination based on a unique permanent action and a unique variable action acting together unfavourably, with yo= 0,7 and § = 0,85 = (1,35, +14,5Q,) [6.10 | UMiero 80 LISGy, + 1.5Q,, Gy + QO 6.10b * Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © ‘hesve, Pro. Tan Teng Hooi © Variation f with z for the EN combination rules A, B and C, (ye : te" 15, 72" 15, Y= 0.5) and the BST rales o> 1410/76 51,2, Io 2upriass Combination with two variable actions Tes" Ere, " Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © Observations from the study a) The adaption of combination rule A using the SS EN 1990 recommended values for partial safety, and combination factors will produce a closely comparable reliability to that attained by BSI, when one variable action is considered in combination. b) The BSI recommendation of using identical partial factors (1,2) for the permanent action and for each of the variable actions has been shown to give a lower level of reliability than all three SS EN 1990 cases. c) Case A does not produce a consistent level of safety for the complete range of x. Adopting Case B would seem to provide a more consistent level, but a lower level of safety when considering one variable action and a higher level of safety when considering more than one variable action, than that presently found in the UK. % Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © oo TER GEE TRE (ep 61) ‘eo 1a.610) | 1m ore) ee) comelerelot fe rezoatybeveen =n | ne fos an Scale 10.185 warn Gemeourey ex Sevens ean a tees ot Ne ves tte SDM ae Wagers overlay Eh 708 ‘empleated than UX uc rename envisaged to sibstuetses Prblenseosapea Eeanemy | ae er UR pee Gren ce Censseing acton bomen .15 ont 08 fects ony tr a guen ressinne te: is: maybe ery 0sower Bisetecs a facarot 40 Uren tems he ONY ot ® -Asso¢. Prot Tan Teng Hoo! © *5 a Use of combination B with & = 0,925 will provide a reduction of B of about 5% between ¢ of 0,2 and 0,5, and better consistency of reliability compared to combination A. # Assoc. Prof. Ton Teng Hooi © SLS design situations Three separate combinations can be considered ‘Serviceability criteria should be specified for each project and agreed with the client) a) The characteristic (care) combinations used mainly in those cases when exeeedance of a limit state causes a permanent local damage or permanent unacceptable deformation, E Gj PQ" Ey Qi (6.14b) j21 i>t b) The frequent combination is used mainly in those eases when exceedance of a limit state causes local damage, large deformations or vibrations which are temporary. XG pH PW Qc 14" Ly iQ 6.45b) jet i>t c) The guasi-permanent combination is used mainly when long term effects are of importance. Y Gp" PH" Dy2 i Qi (6.16b) j2t imt . peer NA 2.2.6 Clause A.1.4.2 It is recommended that the following Combination of Action expressions are used with particular serviceability requirements. + For function and damage to structural and non-structural elements (e.g. partition walls etc.) the characteristic combination (i.e. expression 6.14b of SSEN 1990). ‘« For comfort to user, use of machinery, avoiding ponding of water etc. the frequent combination (i.e. expression 6.15b of SS EN 1990). + For appearance of the structure the quasi-permanent combination (i.e. ‘expression 6.15c of SS EN 1990. Separate consideration should be given to serviceability related to appearance and that related to user comfort which may be affected by structural deformation or vibration. ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Annex Ai (normative) Application for Buildings 1.1 Field of application 1.2 Combinations of actions A1.2.1 General A1.2.2 Values of tp factors A1.3 Ultimate limit states A1.3.4 Design values of actions in persistent and transient design situations 1.3.2 Design values of actions in the accidental and seismic design situations 1.4 Serviceability limit states A1.4.1 Partial factors for actions 1.4.2 Serviceability criteria 1.4.3 Deformations and horizontal displacements A1.4.4 Vibrations ey Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © Table NA.A1.1 — Values of w factors for buildings Hu “Gabe ant Quast for ‘ation %, o, w, Imposed loads in buildings, category (see SS EN 1991-11) Category A: domestic, residential areas ar os | os Category 8: office areas or os | os Category C: congregation areas o7 o7 | os Category 0: shopping areas | o7 o7 | 06 Category E: storage areas } 19 as 08 Galegory Fete area, vehicle weight < 20 kN or | o7 | 06 Category @: tafe ava, 30 IN < vehicle weight < 160 KN | or | o8 | os Category H: roofs” o7_| Jaa Wind loads on buildings (see 6S EN 1691-18) “os Tf o shanti nbuiangs oe SS EN OTIS) 35] 3 [7 See alto SSEN 1991-11: Clause 33.21) | | i 6 qualiieer 20 Table NA.A1.2 (A) — Design values of actions (EQU) (Set A) ‘ : = Persistent | Permanent actions and transient | Leading : I | vane i 1a. | eioaee aa permanent actions: | 25 not give a mare unfavourable effect 36 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoot © vy Table NA.A1.2 (B)— Design values of actions oe (Set B) ee ” ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © a Yo Table NA.A1.2 (C) — Design values of actions (STRIGEO) (Set 9) sistent | rmanient actions ccompanying variable a Perio | Permanent gctions Leading | Aseome ve bie acct et He variable | | 22819" | Untavourale | Favourable actions Main (any) | Others situation | are Eee eee L 130. | 13. y00, (60.610) | 1.0064. | 1.0 Ge when | owhen | favourable) | favourable) * Variable actions are those considered in Table NA.AT.+ 8 Aswoe. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © accidental and seismic combinations of actions Table NA.A1.3 — Design values of actions for use in Leading —_| Accompanying variable actions” I accidental or | | SENS | Main rans) | others actions ‘Accidental : : | eq. 6.112) 4 Yi Oe iE as On | ae Seismic Ws ® ‘The seismic design situation should be used only when specified by the lent or reguiatory authority considered in Table NA.AI.4 » Assoc Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Guidance on using the informative annexes B, C and D NA.3.1 For buildings NA.3.1.4 Annex B (1) MANAGEMENT OF STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS Annex B may be used. If used it should be in accordance with the full reliability based approach described in Annex C of SS EN 1990. | Annex B provides informative guidance relating to a number of the assumptions (see Clause 1.3 of SS EN 1990), and in particular on quality management and control measures in design, detailing and execution which aim to eliminate failures due to gross errors, and to achieve the resistance assumed in the design. For this purpose the use of Clauses B4 and B5 of this Annex are recommended. NA.3.1.2 Annex C (1) BASIS FOR PARTIAL FACTOR DESIGN AND RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Annex C may be used for calibration purposes, and for cases of actions not covered by SS EN 1991. 3 Annex D (i) DESIGN ASSISTED BY TESTING Annex D may be used. NA. ” Assoc. Prof. Yan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a continuous beam (1 of 4) ‘A.continuous beam on four bearings is subjected to the following loads: Self-weight Gy, Permanent imposed load G, Service imposed load Q., EQU — Static equilibrium (Set A) Factors of Set A should be used in the verification of holding down devices for the uplift of bearings at end span Eqn 6.10 oe eh bax 0,9 Gy + Gj) 11 Gy + Gg) 09 Gy + Gy) | j ALS Lit bobbi LiL Ly 53° fer? ron dain devicesat te ond beatin a ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a continuous beam (2 of 4) ‘STR - Bending moment verification at mid span (Set B) Unlike in the verification of static equilibrium, the partial safety factor for permanent loads in the verification of bending moment in the middle of the central span, is the same for all spans: 150) Eqn 6.10 LULU 1,35 Gy Gy) 1,00 G+ Gj) ULL B Wi c toad combination for verl fication of b ding moment in the BC fe pe ot ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a continuous beam (3 of 4) STR - Bending moment verification at mid span (Set 8) Unlike in the verification of static equilibrium, the partial safety factor for permanent loads in the verification of bending momant in the middle of the central span, is the same for all spans: Eqn 6.10a Abo me? 1,00(G,+ Gy) 1,35 G,, i 1,00 He So WI Ld biidd Ub bobdld bud Lp bl. * hos a ra . 2 2 Load combination for verification of bending moment in the BC span. ° Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a continuous beam (4 of 4) STR — Bending moment verification at mid span (Set B) Unlike in the verification of static equilibrium, the partial safety factor for permanent loads in the verification of bending moment in the middle of the central span, is the same for all spans: Eqn 6.10b Lud A Bit \D 1,00G,j+ Gy.) 0.925*1,35 aa a 1,00 (Gyy+ Gy) LUE % Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a canopy (1 of 5) The canopy is subjected to the following loads: Self-weight G,, Permanent imposed load G,, Variable imposed load Qu, EQU - Static equilibrium (Set A) Factors to be taken for the verification of overturning are those of Set A Eqn 6.10 oad combination for verification of static ‘eauilibriummnor Assoc. Prof Tan Teng tool © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a canopy (2 of 5) STR Verification of resistance of a column(Set 8) ‘The partial factor to be taken in the verification a ‘of maximum axial load in the column 15Q) The variable imposed load is distributed over the full length of the canopy. 135(Gy*Gy) ——1.38(G,= Ga) LLU SL let Lin, | Egn 6.10 | Load combination for the comprossion stresses lion of the colun | 96 AAswoe, Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a canopy (3 of 5) STR Verification of resistance of a column(Set B) ‘The partial factor to be taken in the 15Q4, verification of maximum axial and bending in : the column. rane WU 135"GytGT LOOMG yO.) Eqn 6.10 nation forthe co ‘vedfcalion oft Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a canopy (4 of 5) STR ~ Verification of resistance of a column(Set B) The partial factor to be taken in the verification of maximum axial and bending in the column. 1.35* Gu + Ga) 1.00*(G,,+ G, LIM subi A Ly qn 6.10a Load com! vation forthe co vvrificalion ofthe ss Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Worked examples : ULS combinations of actions for a canopy (5 of §) ‘STR — Verification of resistance of a column(Set B) ‘The partial factor to be taken in the 15Qq) z verification of maximum axial and bending in : the column, SULIT! 0.925*1.3591Gu +G) | L00*Gu + G) Lad LILI Lada LLL Fqn 6.106 Load combinaon one verification of ths ” Assoc, Po. Tan Teng ool © Worked examples : ULS combination of action - residential concrete framed building (1 of 4) The permanent imposed load is indicated as G,, Variable actions are listed in the table Hn BEC ER ee Ea HE arhableoa eae serviceability | snow on soofing a imposed load | Hor sites under 1000 mis Characteristic value Q, | Q, PereeeH| Qserreeeree E. | Combination ralue Yh O, | 07 Quo. 05Q.. 06F,. | Basic combinations for the verification of the superstructure - STR (Set B) LS Fy a) Predominant action: wind favourable vertical foads 1.0-Gy + 1.5-Fiw 1,5 Fy > What are the answers for Eqn 6.10a and 6.106? se a) taker 100 ‘Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combination of action - residential concrete framed building (2 of 4) The permanent imposed load is indicated as G,. Variable actions are listed in the table iceability | snow on tooling | Ghanictristi vale, Basic combinations for the verification of the superstructure - STR (Set B) b) Predominant action: wind TS Fg unfavourable vertical loads 1.35-Gy + 1.5-(Prw + 0.5-Qha + 0.7-Qhes) 1S Fy > 1.35-Gy + 1.5 Fase + 0.75 Qu * 1.05-Ques 6 What are the answers for Eqn 6.10a and 6,],0b? Variable actions b) 15,20 1,35 Gx TS YQ es 1356, Assoc. Prof, Tan Teng Hooi © Worked examples : ULS combination of action - residential concrete framed building (3 of 4) The permanent imposed load is indicated as G,. Variable actions are listed in the table i secicetiy | snow on woh [imposed toad _ | fers under ttm ena Basic combinations for the verification of the superstructure - STR (Set B) c) Predominant action: snow 1S YouF iw 135-Gy + 1.5-(Qkat 0.7-Qhee > 0.6F iw) L3Vow! 1SQun> LOS Ques + 0.9-F iy. = 1.35Gx What are the answers for Eqn 6.10a and G,10b? ‘Aswoe, Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Worked examples : ULS combination of action - residential concrete framed building (4 of 4) ‘The permanent imposed load is indicated as G,.. Variable actions are listed in the table { Paniable actions | | serviceability | enow on coo | imposed load _| (er stes under wind Basic combinations for the verification of - the superstructure - STR (Set B) DUVET TTT 15 Yo0Qkn LS VosFegr> (EEE, 1,35 6, 4d) Predominant action: service load 135G5 § 15( Qos) OS-Qha! 0.6F 9) IT TITIITE 15 Oc MEVYUTLETI LEY 1,35 G, 15 VF ea? 135-G, + 1S-Qho $0.73Qhy, $0.9 Fy What are the answers for Egn 6.10a and 6.106? ; 9 3 Assoc. Pot. Tan Teng Hoo! © SS EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions of Structures = SSEN1991-1-1 Densities, Self weights and imposed loads (supercedes BS 6399-1:1996) * SSEN1991-1-2 Actions on Structures exposed to fire = SSEN 1991-14 Wind loads (supercedes BS 6399-2:1997, BS 5400-2:1978") = SSEN1991-1-5 Thermal actions (supercedes BS 5400-2:1978*) = SSEN1991-1-6 Action during execution fist Covers * SSEN1991-1-7 Accidental actions due to impact and explosion = SSEN1991-2 _Traffic loads on bridges (supercedes BS 5400-1:1988, BS 5400-2:1978*) ™ SSEN1991-3 Actions induced by cranes and machinery ® SSEN1991-4 — Actions in silos and tanks 1s Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hool © EN 1991 Eurocode 1 : Actions on Structures Part 1-1 — General Actions — Densities, self-weight, imposed loads 1: Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hoi © SS EN 1991-1-1: Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings Forward dole > Conor Section 1- General Section 2 — Classification of actions Section 3— Design situations Section 4— Densities of construction and stored materials Section 5 ~ Self-weight of construction works Section 6 — Imposed loads on buildings Annex A (I) ~ Tables for nominal density of construction materials, and nominal density and angles of repose for stored materials. Annex B (I) — Vehicle barriers and parapets for car parks i Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Tallee- Cucguiesefuse Gee Shea re SS EN 1991-1-1: Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings SS EN 1991-1-1: Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings Table 62 - Imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairsin buildings ‘oflonded areas [Category A | Floors) Stairs Balconies Category B | category © a category D [Di t | [teN | 49 1059 40 103.9 BS 1070 (40) 3507.0 Assoc, Pof Tan Teng Hoo! © Vokvonal Anne Examples of deviations from UK NA > SS EN 1991-1-1 Densities, self weights and imposed loads Table NA.3 Imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairs in_buildings/ NA 2.4——cous n> Note - For equipment and pump rooms. imposed loads should be of 5 kKN/m? or higher as determined based on requirements from the client or the relevant authority. NA.2.6 - Reduction factors for imposed loads from several storeys - Adopt SS EN 1991-1-1 recommendation NA.2.10 Imposed loads on roofs - 0.5 kN/m? (instead of 0.6 kN/m? in UK NA) EN 1991-1-1 NA2.5 Percentage ofLive Load i 886990 11 UsAmes © | 20% re L 1 1901-112002 Recommended ° 50 700 150 200 20 300 roa (m2) EN 1991-1-1 NA2.6 Reduction Factors for vertical loads 100m He a) = 3 cox e E aon a g o [cea uae 20% seas 1701 oe ° 3 EN 1991-1-1 NA2.9 Imposed loads on garages and vehicle traffic areas spociffe se EN 1991-1-1 NA2.10 Imposed loads on roofs ‘Table NAT — Imposed londs on roofs not a sible exeept for normal maintenance and SSEN :0.5 MS EN : 0.25 EN 1991 Eurocode | : Actions on Structures Part 1- 2 — Actions on structures exposed to fire 4 Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © SS EN 1991-1-2: Actions on structures exposed to fire ® Forward ® Section 1— General = Section 2— Structural Fire design procedure * Section 3~ Thermal actions for temperature analysis = Section 4 — Mechanical actions for temperature analysis fo Pee eat ae o \ ara ” annex A (informative) — Parametric temperature-time curves _) \ / Annex B (informative) — Thermal actions for external members —_/ Simplified calculation method /> Annex C (informative) — Localised fires / | Annex D (informative) — Advanced fire models } Annex E (informative) — Fire load densities : Annex F (informative) - Equivalent time of fire exposure —_/ Annex G (informative) — Configuration factor Hey / ~ S ‘Assoc. Pro. Tan Teng Hooi © Examples of deviations from UK NA > SS EN 1991-1-2 General actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire ire load densities Annex C of SS EN 1991-1-2 replaced by PD 6688-1-2:2007 (4.1) but with a Note as follows : ~The 80% fractile is the value that is not exceeded in 80% of the rooms or occupancy of the survey data. Typically this -value may be used in design with the exception of the hotel bedrooms, shops and manufacturing. For hotel bedrooms, shops, manufacturing, manufacturing & storage the value of 90% fractile may be used in design’. Table A.2 “Fire load densities ¥; , for different occupancy’ (extracted from PD 6688-1-2 Annex A) EN 1991 Eurocode | : Actions on Structures Part 1- 4 — Wind actions 1 Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © SS EN 1991-1-4: Wind actions Forward Section 1 - General Section 2 - Design situations Section 3 - Modelling of wind actions Section 4 ~ Wind velocity and velocity pressure Section 5 — Wind actions Section 6 ~ Structural factor ¢, cy Section 7 — Pressure and force coefficients Section 8 — Wind actions on bridges Annex A. Terrain effects Annex B. Procedure 1 for determining the structural factor Annex C. Procedure 2 for determining the structural factor Annex D. Structural factors for different types of structures Annex E. Vortex shedding and aeroelastic instabilities Annex F. Dynamic characteristics of structures ne Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © SS EN 1991-1-4: Wind actions Applicable to: * Building and civil engineering works with heights up to 200m + Bridges with spans of not more than 200m (subject to certain limitations based on dynamic response criteria) + Land based structures, their components and appendages The specific exclusions are: Lattice towers with non-parallel chords Guyed masts and guyed chimneys Cable supported bridges Bridge deck vibration from transverse wind turbulence Torsional vibrations of buildings Modes of vibration higher than the fundamental mode Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Fundamental basic wind velocity Vyo (4.2 (1)P): this is the mean wind velocity for a 10 minute averaging period with an annual risk of being exceeded of 0.02, at a height of 10m above ground level in flat open country terrain (terrain category II). “bo where vy, = Basic wind velocity Veo = Fundamental basic wind velocity = 20 m/s for Singapore {9 socom oy = Directional factor = 1.0 ee Season factor = 1.0 Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Mean wind velocity, v,,(Z) Vel2) = C(2) €(2) VE, where V.,(2} = Mean wind speed which varies with height c,{z) = Orography factor The roughness factor, ¢,(z), accounts for the variability of the mean wind velocity at the site of the structure due to: + the height above ground level + the ground roughness of the terrain upwind of the structure in the wind direction considered ma Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © vc mean wind velocity at height z above terrain ' vo: mean wind velocity above flat terrain i = WA, ' 1 Mn c,(z) may be 1.0 generally. Refer to Annex A.3 for details me. Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Roughness factor, c,(z) G(2)= 6, Zin) for zs2 where: 2) = the roughness length k= terrain factor depending on the roughness length Zo 7. yoo Zon = 0,05 m (terrain category Il) Zmn = the minimum height Zmax = 200m 3 Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hooi © Table 1.7. Terrain categories and terrain parameters Terrain category Zo (mM) Zorin (tm) 0 Sea or coastal area exposed to the open sea 0.003 | 4 1 Lakes or flat and horizontal aree with negligible vegetation | 0.01 1 and without obstacles | I Area with iow vegetation such as grass and isolated 005 2 obstacles (trees, buildings) with separations of at least 20 | obstacle heights | IW Area with regular cover of vegetation or buildings or 03 5 with Isolated obstacles with separations of maximum 20 obstacie heights (such as villages, suburban terrain, permanent forest) FIV Area in which at least 159% of the surface is covered with | 1.0 40 bulidings and their average height exceeds 15m | The terrain categories are illustrated in Annex A.1 of EN 1991-1-4. a Asse. Prof. Tan Teng Hoo! © Deviations from UK NA > SS EN 1991-1-4 General actions — Wind actions ™ The terrain categories in EN 1991-1-4 are not applicable in Singapore context. ® For simplicity and to avoid the difficulties of assessing the loads when the structures are in the transition region between rural to suburban terrains, the committee decided that all structures are to be designed using rural/country terrain (Category Il in EN 1991-1-4) except the low rise roof structures up to 25m height within 2 km from the sea coast . " To safeguard against uplift forces, these low rise roof structures (such as hanger and warehouse) within 2 km from the sea coast are to be designed using the terrain for sea (Category 0 in EN 1991-1-4)] (Guidelines as given in the Singapore NA)’ Turbulence intensity |,(z) The turbulence intensity I,(z) at height z is defined as the standard deviation of the turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity o k, v2) 0,(2)-In(2/z,) 1,(2) = ly (Zon) for z 1,(2) A Z, where’ k, = turbulence factor = 10 Co = orography factor ~ \o Zo = roughness length Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Peak velocity pressure q,(z) The peak velocity pressure q,(z) at height z, which Includes mean and short-term velocity fluctuations, should be determined (2) = [147-4 @))-4- PY) where: P= air density = 1.194 kg/m® v,(2) = Mean wind speed § Assoc, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © The wind forces for the whole structure or a structural component should be determined by calculating forces using force coefficients or Fy = 060g S1Op Gp (Ze) Arr where: ¢s¢y__ is the structural factor of is the force coefficient for the structure or structural element dp(ze) is the peak velocity pressure at reference height z. Art — is the reference area of the structure or structural element Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © Structural factor (1 of 2) The size factor ¢, takes into account the reduction effect on the wind action due to the nonsimultaneity of occurrence of the peak wind pressures on the surface The dynamic factor cy takes into account the increasing effect from vibrations due to turbulence in resonance with the structure ca may be taken as 1 if: a) For buildings with a height less than 15 m b) For facade and roof elements having a natural frequency > 5 Hz ©) For framed buildings which have structural walls and which are less than 100 m high and whose height is less than 4 times the in-wind depth d) For chimneys with circular cross-sections whose height < 60 m and <6.5 diameter LN Otherwise, values of ¢,¢y may be derived from Cl 6.3.1 of Annex D) Cone 29 ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo! © Structural factor c.c, (2 of 2) c.c,for multistorey concrete buildings eight on}. 19, tates 130 ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoi © Wind Forces using pressure Coefficients The wind forces for the whole structure or a structural component should be determined forces from surface pressures: external forces: Fye = sCy> We: Aver sulaces internal forces: Fs = Di Avr sutfaces friction forces: Fy = ¢, °9,(Z.)- Ap where: ¢,¢y __ is the structural factor We is the external pressure on the individual surface at height ze wy, _ is the internal pressure on the individual surface at height z Aver _ is the reference area of the individual surface cr is the friction coefficient Ar __ is the area of external surface parallel to the wind Ass9c. Prof. Tan Teng Hoof © l= ee 1 Assoc, Prot. Tan Teng Hool © Smoot (Le soe. smoot eonerte) Rush (ough const tarbeards) | vey rough (he pes ie fe) ‘Assoc. Prof Tan Teng Hoo’ & The external pressure coefficients ¢,_ for buildings and parts of buildings depend on the size of the loaded area A, which is the area of the structure 0,1 Meettitattte ce Moc ttn (a The fgure is based onthe folowing: forim? (GpesGpsnd og A 24 Assoc. Prof, Tan Teng Hooi © External pressure coefficients for vertica rectangular plan buildings swe, Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Asymmetric and counteracting pressures and forces If instantaneous fluctuations of wind over surfaces can give rise to significant asymmetry of loading and the structural form is likely to be sensitive to such loading (e.g. torsion in nominally symmetric single core buildings) then their effect should be taken into account. E.g. LILY | -erane 6 Assoc. Prof. Tan Teng Hool © building reference face height b “ * x 1 2ch b; propagation. _Assnc. Prof. Tan Teng Hooi © Examples of deviations from UK NA > SS EN 1991-1-7 General actions - Accidental actions Local terminology for the following road categories are highlighted: “Motorways and country national and main roads’ (Expressways and semi-expressways) NA.2.25 Static equivalent forces and their identification Further guidelines for Class A structures over and alongside MRT/LRT tracks applicable to Singapore are given in the Singapore NA (Annex A). Stow load - Behm N Impord orl = (30a ocbuvel fleas 3) cha. shred aA fer ve ‘Assoc, Prof Tan Teng Hoot ©

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