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Zachary Ashley

Essential Question: List 5 goals and include a description of how you plan to accomplish each one.
S.M.A.R.T goals are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, and Timebased. In most cases, it is good to have a few S.M.A.R.T goals to keep track of what you plan to do in
the future, so I have picked 5 S.M.A.R.T goals to keep track of in my near future.
My first goal that I need to achieve to reach my dreams of the future is to get accepted to the
USNA Summer Seminar, a summer program designed to get possible Naval Academy candidates
accustomed to academy life. I must complete a small application and I will learn of my standing by
April 15, 2017.
My next goal is to graduate high school with a diploma and high class standing. I must
maintain high, straight A grades in all my classes and stay focused on the future ahead, then I will
graduate and move on to my next goal, which is to get acceptance to the United States Naval
Academy. My acceptance into this prestigious school relies entirely on my high school career and
how well my application stacks up against the others in the country.
On April 15, 2018, once I find out whether I made it to the Naval Academy, my goal will be to
continue to be the best student and cadet that I can be until graduation. In May 2022, on the day of
my Navy graduation ceremony, my goal is to have a high Midshipmen rank, and a high academic class
Finally, once I have graduated with honors, I can move on to the career I have always dreamed
about by applying to the Navy Aviation program after my graduation. From there, Ill be on my way
to a life filled with excitement and adventure as I travel the globe and fly jets for the United States
Navy. I will then have completed my biggest S.M.A.R.T goals and be serving my country as I have
always wanted to since an early age.

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