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Introduction to Management

Organization: Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV)

Muhammad Talha
Umer Sajjad
Muhammad Mehdi

Student Id

Email Address

Lecturers Name: Dr. Sajjid Bashir

Learning Centre: Muhammad Ali Jinnah (MAJU) Islamabad Campus

Group Project

Introduction to Management

Table of Contents

Chapter No. 01 Managerial Roles

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Role of Management .............................................................................................................................. 3
Mintzberg's 10 Managerial Roles ................................................................................................................... 3
Interpersonal Roles.................................................................................................................................. 4
Figurehead....................................................................................................................................... 4
Leader ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Liaison ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Informational Roles .................................................................................................................................. 4
Monitor ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Disseminator .................................................................................................................................... 5
Spokesperson ................................................................................................................................... 5
Decisional Roles........................................................................................................................................ 5
Entrepreneur ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Disturbance Handler .......................................................................................................................... 5
Resource Allocator ............................................................................................................................ 6
Negotiator ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter No. 02 PTV (Pakistan Television Corporation)
Introduction of Firm ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Channels ..................................................................................................................................................13
Chapter No. 03 Detail Analysis

Interview ...............................................................................................................................................16

Chapter No. 04 Deficiencies and Recommendations

Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................20
Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................20
Chapter No. 05 Vist Proof
Vist Proof ...............................................................................................................................................22

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Managerial Roles & its Importance in

The purpose of this investigation is to find out why and how the managerial roles differ in
different organizations or positions. The information gathered is used to suggest
improvements to the roles undertaken by the manager so that it will increase the
Organizations managerial effectiveness.


Essentially, the role of managers is to guide the organizations toward goal accomplishment.
All organizations exist for certain purposes or goals, and managers are the responsible for
combining and using organizational resources to ensure that their organizations achieve
their purposes.
The role of the Management is to move an organization towards its purposes or goals by
assigning activities that organization member perform.
If Management ensures that all the activities are designed effectively, the production of
each individual worker will contribute to the attainment of the organizational goals.
Management strives to encourage individual activity that will lead to reaching organizational
goals and to discourage individual activity that will hinder the accomplishment of the
organization objectives.
There is no idea more important than managing the fulfillment of the organizational goals
and objectives. The meaning of the Management is given by its goals and objectives.
All managers must have a single minded focus on the fulfillment of the organizational goals.


Managers fulfill a variety of roles. A role is an organized set of behaviors that is associated
with a particular position.
Dr. Henry Minzberg, a management researcher defines 10 role in term management role
refers to specific categories of managerial behavior. There are three types of roles which a
manager usually does in any organization.

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Interpersonal Roles
Informational Roles
Decisional Roles

Social, inspirational, legal and ceremonial duties must be carried out. The manager is a
symbol and must be on-hand for people that will only deal with them because of status and
This is at the heart of the manager-subordinate relationship and managerial power where
subordinates are involved even where perhaps the relationship is not directly interpersonal.
The manager
defines the structures and environments within which sub-ordinates work and are
oversees and questions activities to keep them alert.
selects, encourages, promotes and disciplines.

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This is the manager as an information and communication center. It is vital to build up
favors. Networking skills to shape maintain internal and external contacts for information
exchange are essential.

The manager seeks/receives information from many sources to evaluate the organizations
performance, well-being and situation. Monitoring of internal operations, external events,
ideas, trends, analysis and pressures is vital. Information to detect changes, problems &
opportunities in organization
The manager seeks/receives information from many sources to evaluate the organizations
performance, well-being and situation. Monitoring of internal operations, external events,
ideas, trends, analysis and pressures is vital. Information to detect changes, problems &
opportunities and to construct decision-making
The manager informs and lobbies others (external to his/her own organizational group). Key
influencers and stakeholders are kept informed of performances, plans & policies. For
outsiders, the manager is an expert in the field in which his/her organization operates.

A senior manager is responsible for his organizations strategy-making system generating
and linking important decisions. He has the authority, information and capacity for control
and integration over important decisions.
He/she designs and initiates much of the controlled change in the organization.The manager
1. Delegate all design responsibility selecting and even replace subordinates.
2. Empower subordinates with responsibility
3. Supervise design directly.
Disturbance Handler
Taking charge when the organization hits an iceberg unexpectedly and where there is no
clear programmed response. Disturbances may arise from staff, resources, threats or
because others make mistakes or innovation has unexpected consequences. The role
involves stepping in to calm matters, evaluate, re-allocate, support removing the thorn
buying time.
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Resource Allocator
The manager oversees allocation of all resources. This involves:
1. scheduling own time
2. Programming work
3. Authorizing actions
Takes charge over important negotiating activities with other organizations. The spokesman,
figurehead and resource allocator roles demand this.

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Background of the Organization

Pakistan entered into Television Broadcasting age with a small pilot TV Station established
at Lahore from where transmission was first beamed in Black & White with effect from 26
November 1964. Television centers were established in Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad
in 1967 and in Peshawar and Quetta in 1974.
A Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Pakistan manages its affairs. The
Managing Director of the Corporation, duly appointed by the Government of Pakistan and
approved by the Board of Directors, is the Administrative and Executive Head of the
Corporation. He is the competent authority to implement rules for the Corporation and its
When PTV came into existence in 1964, there was a staff of 30 employees, which has now
risen to more than 6000 persons at all Units of the Corporation. The employees of PTV are
divided into 09 groups and every group has a separate pay scale.
The energy, innovation and vitality exhibited by the new leaders has, within a short span of
one year, transformed PTV into a profitable organization with a leap of Rs. 287 million from
Rs. 1431 million to Rs. 1718 in advertising income; from Rs. 148 million net operating loss to
Rs. 38 million net operating profit.
PTVs endeavor for initiative has surfaced with a number of milestones of particular
significance. Deserving special mention here are the daily programs of Tilawat & Tarjuma of
the Holy Quran; programmes highlighting the cause of Kashmir; PTV World, a new satellite
channel was launched in the face of tough international competition.
The objective of providing a homely atmosphere to family viewers has been well achieved.
The audience driven programmes have given PTV a new look and dramatically changed the
views about PTV. PTV has surged ahead of its competitors and as such PTV-2 has been
turned into a viable project. Generation of more than Rs 56 million within a span of five
months of the implementation of the new idea speaks of this unparalleled achievement.
Technical improvement of PTV is evident from the change in screen presentation. The public
has greatly appreciated this cosmetic transformation not only in programmes but also in
News & Current Affairs. Recent usage of Computer Technology to facilitate the generation
of virtual sets is a significant landmark in the history of PTV.

Pakistan Television Corporation is the biggest media organization of Pakistan. It is an
autonomous public sector organization. The main responsibility of PTV is to provide public
service broadcasting not only within Pakistan but also outside Pakistan. It makes
programmes for all its viewers in drama, documentaries current affairs, entertainment and
sport. Its programmes are produced in Urdu as well as in all regional languages i.e. Sindhi,
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Punjabi, Pashto and Balochi. While producing its programmes it pays due attention to the
interest and aspirations of all strata of society and tries to reflect those effectively in its


Its lists of accomplishment every increasing and every achievement is a milestone in itself, like:

Salaat-o-Tarawih direct from Makkah during Ramadan

Launching of PTVs Web site on Internet
Special live interviews from Dubai, Saudi Arabia & New York
Taji Mori at 12,500ft, one of the world's highest transmitters.

In fulfillment of its broad and main objectives, PTV's telecast policy concerning various
matters of National and International interests. It has always been motivated and guided by
the cardinal principles of educating viewers about the values that are vitally important in
building a united, integrated and disciplined society in the light of Islamic injunctions. These
objectives have successfully been achieved through a variety of programmes at religion, at
education,at entertainment and at culture etc.
The projection of new emerging social order is highlighted in PTV's general programming
focusing directly and indirectly on the themes like morality, civic or national
responsibilities, drive against narcotics, environmental pollution, agricultural reforms in
discussions, shows, and through anchorpersons in the transmission.
PTV has started programmes AL-QURAN AL-HAKEEM one hour of Tilawat and Tarjuma by
renowned Qaris. It is being telecast daily at 6.00 a.m. The text of the Aayat is shown on
screen. This helps the viewers in reading and listening so that they can read the Qura'an

Pakistan Television News informs its viewers across the country on the latest newsworthy
happenings on the national and international levels. During the past few years, there has
been rapid expansion in the area and scope of news coverage. Enhancement in the number
of bulletins has enabled PTV to keep the viewers abreast of the latest happenings at the
National and International level.
Emphasis is now being given to on-camera reporting and special news reports on subjects
of popular interest. Moreover, there has been a qualitative change in the news reporting as
well as presentation of news bulletins from National News Bureau, Islamabad and from
other centres. Merit and objectivity are being maintained as a hallmark of PTV news items
which extends to routine day-to-day coverage and to the parliamentary proceedings,
political activities of the government and opposition, besides human interest stories.

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PTV news broadcasts stretch over from early morning till midnight. There are two Urdu
language bulletins in the morning transmission. In the evening/night transmission, there
are four short duration Urdu language bulletins, one Kashmiri language bulletins and one
Arabic language news bulletins Al-Akhbar and 6 O'clock English News and 9 O'clock Urdu
language main bulletin khabarnama. All the news bulletins after 6.00 p.m. are being aired
on the national networks which are also beamed through satellite to more than 38
Regional language bulletin in Punjabi from Lahore, Sindhi from Karachi, Pushto and
Hindko from Peshawar and Baluchi, Brahvi and Pushto are telecast from centres to enable
people of the areas to see and listen to PTV news bulletins in their own language.
To bring home maximum coverage of international events, PTV news has made
arrangements with Reuters TV, London, a world-leading network, to satellite news items to
PTV Islamabad round the clock. PTV news covers all visits abroad of VVIPs, international
conferences and important other events through its own camera teams and makes all
possible efforts to air them same night. At a number of occasions in the past, PTV news has
proved to be ahead of the leading networks of the world in airing important events i.e...
PTV News has been making continuous efforts to project right of self-determination of
the people of occupied Kashmir and countering Indian propaganda about the fate of our
Kashmiri brethren. PTV visualized the brutalities of Indian forces on the oppressed people
of Kashmir. PTV telecasts the voice cast interviews of Kashmiri leaders, across the Line of
control to project inhuman treatment given to the Muslims in the Indian held Kashmir. PTV
news has its permanent news bureau at Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, to cover various
events including visiting foreign journalists and foreign delegations that witness the plight
of Kashmiri refugees who were forced to leave their home. Like international networks,
PTV news also sent its camera team to Afghanistan to cover the war between different
groups and plight of the common man there.
With the advancement of the Computer Technology, PTV news is also in the process of
computerization to receive and telecast news items by computer. Computer Graphics are
being used in all news bulletins.

A current Affairs programme has been a regular feature of PTV Transmission, ever-since its
inception. A separate PTV Current Affairs Directorate was however, established in 1982.
Current Affairs programmes, including regional languages, produced by each of the TV
Centre are accommodated in regular PTV transmission. The themes of Regional Language
programmes mainly revolve around local and provincial matters of current affairs nature.
Current Affairs Division also produces programmes on special occasions such as live
telecast of Armed Forces Parade on Pakistan Day, Flag Hoisting ceremony on Independence
Day, Head of State's Address to the Nation, Documentaries on important national projects,
certain sessions of Senate and National Assembly. In the programme Open Forum, Federal
Ministers/Minister of States is invited to answer the questions through e-mail, on
Telephone and by Media/Experts sitting in the various studios of PTV. This programme is
live and is very popular amongst viewers.
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PTV Sports Division was created in 1983 to provide healthy entertainment to our viewers. It
has emerged as an extremely productive and earning division of PTV.
The chief objectives of this division are to arrange healthy sports entertainment through
the coverage of exciting moments and happening in the field of sports and to keep the
viewers informed with the National and International sports event.
Presently Sports Division is producing regular weekly transmission on PTV apart from
occasional International / National sports coverage. PTV also televises live national and
international sports around the world, keeping in view the interest of Pakistani viewers.

The major responsibility of I.R. Division is to promote friendly relations with international
TV Networks/Organizations to enhance know-how in the field of electronic media. I R
Division participate in the International Television Festivals/Competitions held in different
countries by sending best PTV-Programmes. Thus PTV has won distinguished prizes and
A large number of programmes have been sold to telecast in different counties which
resulted strength of the financial condition of PTV and more efforts are being made to
increase the sale of PTV-Programmes. M/s Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company
and M/s Sports Star International are the major distributor of PTV programmes.
A lot of PTV plays and documentaries have been provided to foreign countries through
Ministries and our missions abroad on gratis basis for the projection of Pakistan and its
people which have been liked by them and later on they have purchased several selected
PTV programmes.
Dubbing and editing is carrying out by I.R.Division. Some selected programmes are subtitled in English and Arabic Languages for overseas projection especially for Muslim
countries. Documentaries of National Geographic are being televised with Urdu dubbing. A
series of animated imported programme "Treasure Island "is being dubbed in Urdu
language for telecast. PTV has recently provided the satellite facilities to foreign agencies
with regard to nuclear tests and earned approx.US$:0.4 million.
Co-productions with foreign TV organization are conducted on bilateral basis to strengthen
relations with each other. Necessary arrangements are made through Ministry of
Information & Media Development and Foreign Affairs.


Pakistan Television Corporation Limited (PTV) is a public limited company. All its shares are
held by Government of Pakistan. The decision to establish a general purpose television
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service with the participation of private capital and under the general supervision of the
Government of Pakistan (GOP) was taken in October 1963. Subsequently the GOP signed an
agreement with Nippon Electronic Company of Japan, allowing it to operate two pilot
stations in Pakistan. The first of these stations went on air in Lahore on 26 November 1964.
On the completion of the experimental phase, a private limited company, called Television
Promoters Limited was set up in 1965 which was converted into a public limited company in
1967. Television centers were established in Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad in 1967 and
in Peshawar and Quetta in 1974. PTV satellite transmition is round the clock. The
transmission includes ETV and PTV News transmission.

The Karachi Centre commenced its transmission on November 2, 1967 and was the first
full-fledged station housed in its own building fully and properly equipped with better
technical extensive equipment for production by electronic methods it has four main color
studios, including one designed and equipped for News.
The professional quality of its varied programme fare, be it music or drama has been of a
top standard. The PTV-Karachi Centre along with four Re-broadcast Stations at Thana Bola
Khan, Shikarpur, Noorpur and Thando Allahyar, connected to other RBSs in the country
through Microwave link cover about 90% of the population. With the opening of PTV News,
Pakistani programmes are now being viewed in other parts of the world via satellite.

PTV Lahore, pilot centre started in collaboration with N.H.K. Company in a very small studio
known as Studio 'C' (with three Cameras, one Tape recorder, one 35mm Telecine, one
16mm Telecine and one Opaque Projector.) Studio 'C' was situated inside the Pakistan
Broadcasting Corporation, Lahore area, was started on 26-"-1964 six days in a week
(Monday off-day) in black & white with a very limited staff.
At that time, all Studio programmes were telecasted "LIVE" as no VTR Recording machines
were available, which were made available in the year 1968.


A Pilot TV Centre was formally inaugurated on December 5, 1974 at 2-Fort Road, Peshawar.
It was Black & White Production/Transmitting Centre consisting of Recording Studio and a
Booth for News/Announcement.
On February 18, 1982 Main Color TV Centre was inaugurated at 58 Shahrah-e-Quaid-eAzam with Two Production Studios,, One Announcement / News Studio, an Outdoor
Broadcast Van & 07 Nos. of portable outdoor recording units for News/Current Affairs and

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PTV Quetta was established during 1974 in the abandoned Masonic Lodge, Quetta Cantt
and was formally inaugurated on 26th November, 1974 (26th November, on the 10th
anniversary of PTV in Pakistan, as the first PTV Centre was established in Lahore on 26th
November, 1964 and later on too, most of the Centers were established on 26th


The main project of the Academy was approved in 1981 with an estimated cost of Rs.33.9
million from the Government, whereas PTV had to contribute Rs. 9.7 million in the form of
old/used equipment. Engineering Training Cell was established in 1978 to train PTV
A similar cell was established for Production Training in 1984. Both these divisions had been
working in rented buildings before moving to Academys building in 1988.

PTV News, a new satellite channel was launched in the face of tough international
competition. The objective of providing update news for 24 hours.

The objective of the PTV National is providing different local News and as well as
entertainment in all language different parts of the country.

AJK TV is Kashmiri Channel, providing different programs for local viewers, Kashmiri news
and Gojri news.

PTV Bolan broadcasts regional programmes in Balochi language.PTV Bolan was launched on
August 14, 2005. Bolan Channel would promote the rich cultural heritage of Balochistan
province and provides entertainment and information to the people in Balochi, Pushto and
Brahvi languages.

Every field in the world is passing through the process of globalization; likewise Pakistan
Television has entered into global competition. PTV Global would provide entertainment
and the latest news to Pakistanis working abroad.
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We visited Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) located in Islamabad. We got the
appointment from the *Deputy Finance Controller and Manager and went to Head office to
know that how they make their decisions in the PTV Corporations by interview. We conduct
the interview from the * Deputy Finance Controller and of PTV and asked some questions.
Our interview script consists on questioning answering session in which we asked some
different type of questions from the *Deputy Finance Controller and of PTV. We asked
about their decision making process that how they take and execute their decisions. Some
of the questions that we asked from the * Deputy Finance Controller and of PTV and his
comments are as follows:

Question: 01 As a manager of PTV, what are your key responsibilities?
As Deputy Controller Finance, working under supervision of Director Finance and
Controller Finance as per following responsibilities
To look after the pension disbursement of 2500 employees on monthly basis.
To look after the remittances to key for-centers I.e., Karachi, Lahore Quetta,
Peshawar and Islamabad for global academy Multan and rebroadcast stations
I.e., 103 in all over Pakistan.
To look after the loans of 6000 employees and maintain their records etc.
To check and look after the product fund records of 6000 employees deduction
10%on monthly basics and keep it updates positions of their record etc.
To check yearly investments in various amounts of employees which are invested
in different banks like NBP etc.
Also enlisted registrations of firms of reapproved panel in purchasing of different
and general items in the market I.e., laptops, computers, offices stationary etc.
To check and balance the various accounts like, HBL, Askari and UBL Banks and
updates the Bank books.
Making Policies matter with my seniors I.e., DE & CF
Allotting the personal Fund No. to new appointed employees.
Closing the yearly bank investment and give the profit to each employee
according to the deductions.
Question: 02 At what level organization give you right to take risk or make decision?
Deputy Controller Finance (C) is also responsible for all matters like Opening of News
Bank Accounts, Coordination with Bank Matters, Pension Cases and Provident Cases
i.e. Settlement at the time of Retirement, Loans Out of Provident Funds Accounts to
the employees, these all matters are relates to jurisdiction/authority in the best
interest of Corporation as well as Employees of PTV. He is implemented all matters
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at his own risk but take necessary written approval to his seniors i.e. Controller
Finance and Director Finance.
Question: 03 Do you have a personal work plan and objectives to achieve within the organization?
All above mentioned matters/issues are designed for smooth functioning if natters
as a DCF (C) to achieve better results in the interest of Corporation as well as
employees of PTV Corporation. Also imposing and making new rules and regulations
for betterment of PTV and give suggestions to the seniors if they agreed them than
imposed the new rules and regulations in PTV with the approval of Seniors CF, DF &
Question: 04 How and at what level or use of method to get involve with the subordinates under
managerial role as a leader?
DCF (C) has lots of subordinates which are divided the work volumes in different
ways i.e.
Assistant Controller Finance (Control)
Assistant Controller Finance (Pension & Provident Fund)
And ACFs also assisted as per following: Accounts Officer (Control)
Accounts Officer (Pension)
Accounts Officer (Provident Fund)
Accounts Officers assisted by:

Asstt. Accounts Officer (Control)

Two Asstt. Accounts Officer (Pension)
Two Asstt. Accounts Officer (Provident Fund)

After these officers lots of helping hands are also working/ engaged for finalized the
work load.

Question: 05 It is a part of managerial role that manger is a link between internal and external
contacts for information exchange?
According to you what you believe that manger have special things in it to get
connected with externals?
DCF is also involved in the various matters of PTV externally and internally, especially
day to day rules observed by Government of Pakistan, implemented various rules in
the Corporation as a notifications or office orders like Economy Measures, Purchase
Procedure, Bank matters, investment matters. He is also survey markets regarding
purchase procedures etc. Enforce the matters regarding Govt. of Pakistan

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instructions i.e. Medical, House Requisition, Uniforms, Purchase Procedure, Pension

Rules, Transportation matters, Staff Matters.
Question: 06 At what level the organization subordinates accept the command of manager?
(According to role)
DCF (C) is a very important and sensitive seat in PTV. All managerial orders and
notifications would be necessary to implement his subordinates for letter and spirit.
Question: 07 What is the difficulty face by manager within the cycle of its managerial roles?
As already mention above that he is responsible for every managerial work.
Sometime he is facing very serious crisis like shortage of cash flow and other bank
related work. In these circumstances he is fully responsible to co-op with Bank
Authorities and arranges the cash as soon as possible for smooth functioning of PTV
and employees Loan cases etc.
Question: 08 Within managerial role and for organization the managers are the problem solvers.
What you think at how much level it is true?
The DCF (C) Department is very busy and awful load of work volumes and problems
are also prevailing in Departments. DCF is manages or settle lot of works i.e. Bank
Operations, Purchase Procedure, Cash flow and Bank Account Opening etc. problems
are frequently occurred. DCF (C) is fully responsible to sort out these problems for
the running PTV in smooth.
Question: 09 Managers are the people having power to decide who to get resources, and keep it
organization at a maximum satisfaction level according to theory. But it is true in
practical life also?
Already describe that DCF (C) is a key post of the PTV in which lots of matters like
making rules and regulations, pension, bank, employees and investment affairs etc.
He is fully responsible to improve the organization affairs in the light of his best
experience/knowledge as well as employees dealings related affairs. The seat DCF is
a public dealing seat like pension, provident fund, loan etc and investments etc.
These all duties perform practically with the concerned of his seniors.
Question: 10 According to managerial roles mangers are the spokesperson of the organization and
negotiator? Is the PTV Corporation also giving you authority or right as well to act?

DCF (C) is an independent seat and all concerned matters and negotiations will be
carried out for his personal experience. He is capable to run his seat in the best
interest of PTV as well as employees too. He has fully eligible to run his work as a
smooth way.

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Question: 11 For any organization and also its a role of managers that it bring stability in the
organization is that true according to practical work?
DCF(C) is an important role to play in the organization. He is settling some important
affairs on behalf of his seniors. Basic role is to implement rules and regulations for
betterment or stability of organization i.e. observing investments plan from various
bank offered, follow pension rules, reviewing policies time to time, staff matters,
financial implications etc.
Question: 12 At what level the right or authority given to you by organization is that true
according to practical work?
DCF (C) is an independent seat and look into all matters which relates to seat. He is
totally responsible for formulate of organizations.
Question: 13 Is it true that for any organization successful and failure the managers are
This is true organization/departments dependent on their policies rules and good
decision to take in proper timing. Appropriate decisions always go to favor of
organization and in-appropriate decisions always to go losing side.

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In general all the findings in this report, supports the Mintzbergs theory of Managerial
Roles. The manager observed perform all the 10 roles. However the extent to which the
roles were performed by the different managers was different.
Although managerial roles are more or less the same in organizations, in terms of value and
importance, managers performance is believed to differ from one organization to other.
And also the managers level has a big effect on these roles.

For the manager of Deputy Finance Controller and of PTV, We suggest that the following
roles need to be improved.

To improve this role the manager has to concentrate on becoming a good role model, to set
a good example at work and also gain reputation.
This role can be improved by maintaining a network of outside contacts and improving the
professional networking skills.
Improving communication skills and sharing information and outside views would help to
improve this role.
To be an effective spokesperson you need to know how to represent your organization in a
conference or at a meeting. So presentation skills need to be improved in order to become a
Improve negotiation skills as to fulfill win-win negotiations.
This role can be developed by improving problem solving and creativity skills so that you can
come up with new ideas and implement them effortlessly.
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