BK Shivani's Discourse On Holistic Healing

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19:34 13-10-2016


Criticism, negative reactions disempower children: BK Shivani

Anshu Seth, None, LUDHIANA | Updated: Feb 22, 2014 23:43 IST
"Child psychiatry and counselling in schools were unheard of a few years ago, bu
t now parents are rushing to psychiatrists and counsellors seeking replies to ir
rational behaviour of their children, whereas in reality it is the parents who n
eed to change their attitude as every child is a photocopy of his or her parents
," said inspirational speaker Brahma Kumari (BK) Shivani.
The celebrity speaker interacted with women from various walks of life during a
special programme on "Women Empowerment" organised under the aegis of Ludhiana c
hapter of Brahma Kumaris on Saturday.
Stating that criticism and negative reaction disempower children, which is why t
hey stop trusting parents, BK Shivani said the golden rule to handle children wa
s to extend support and give reassurance wherever they were in a state of fear a
nd guilt. Her orientation was packed with punches and humorous excerpts from dai
ly life that left the listeners asking for more, even as women and girls queued
near the stage asking for remedies to their problems. Terming problems and situa
tions as stimulants, BK Shivani stated that it was important to have a right equ
ation to deal with life. "Getting hurt, becoming sad, jealous, angry is like giv
ing the remote control of your life in the hands of others who control your mood
s with their moves, but as soon as you take control over your feelings and feed
your mind with positive thoughts, you become happy thereby making everyone aroun
d you happy," the orator said.
She cited the example of an irritated husband coming home and shouting at his wi
fe, who she said instead of getting a sympathetic shoulder got a shout back with
doubled energy from the wife, thus, the result was fight, negative energy and f
inally silence which is more damaging.
An engineer by profession, BK Shivani referred to "television programmes" as foo
d for thought, adding that "majority of the serials shown on our channels focuse
d around manipulations, jealousy, malice, fear, insecurity, which gradually beca
me a part of our lives. "Avoid watching such programmes, instead watch something
that fills you with positive energy," the Brahma Kumari added.
BK Shivani's discourse on holistic healing at APICON 2014, specially
or the doctors attending the conference, was a big hit. Doctors from
country and overseas patiently listened to BK Shivani as she advised
to empower their minds and souls so as to pass on positive vibes to
There should be an aura around the doctors which should give hope to
sed and sick," the speaker added.


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Child psychiatry counselling mental disorders schools psychiatrists


Shivani Verma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BK Shivani presenting an Awakening with Brahmakumaris program in Bangkok.
Shivani Verma (Pune, 1962) better known as Brahma Kumari Shivani[1] is an Indian
spiritual teacher and inspirational speaker and has been a Brahma Kumaris teach
er and a member of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University since approxima
tely 1995.[2][3][4]
She conducts motivational courses through public seminars and television program
s. Since 2008, she has become increasingly well known in India and among the Ind
ian diaspora for her leading role in the Television series "Awakening with Brahm
a Kumaris", aired daily on Aastha channel.[1][5][6]
In 2014, she was honored with Women of the Decade Achievers Award by ALL Ladies
League for Excellence in Empowering Spiritual Consciousness.[7][8]
Sister Shivani completed her Electronics Engineering graduate degree as a Gold M
edalist from Pune University in 1994, and then served for two years as a lecture
r in Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune.[2][9]
In an interview, she talked about her parents going to Brahmakumaris since her c
hildhood, and later at age 23 she herself started going to Brahmakumari workshop
s.[1] After initially working at the back end production of Brahmakumari televis
ion presentations in Delhi for Sony TV, where senior teachers would record teach
ings. Then in 2007 due to unavailability of teachers, she was asked to start ans
wering viewers queries herself. This led to the television program titled, "Awak
ening with Brahma Kumaris", where BK Shivani was interviewed by co-host Kanupriy
BK Shivani now travels in India representing the Brahma Kumaris at charitable ev
ents ranging from the promotion of organ donation [10] to parenting programs at
the Delhi Islamic Cultural Centre.[11]
Her TV series "Happiness Unlimited" with Suresh Oberoi was adapted into a bestse
ller book. [12]

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