Australia Resolution

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Concerning: The access and participation of women and girls in education,


that gender equality is a human right, and one that

underpins human endeavor for sustainable development,
social justice, peace and security, and quality education
for all,

Deeply conscious

That globally, there 66 million girls that exist today who

are not in school,

Fully aware

about the increasing gender gap in education, which is

reflected by the fact that nearly two thirds of the world's
adult illiterates are women,

Noting with deep concern

the EFA and MDG goals were not universally met
by 2015 resulting in marginalised groups, including girls,
who are still left behind all over the world with regard to
poor quality education,

The Parliament of Australias Sex Discrimination Act

1984 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex,
marital or relationship status, actual or potential
pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex
status and gender education, charting Australia to be one
of the most prosperous educational countries in the

Taking into account

the efforts to promote human rights education made by

educators and non-governmental organizations in all
parts of the world, as well as by intergovernmental
organizations, including the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International
Labour Organization and the United Nations Children's


Resolution 49/184 adopted by the General Assembly

which proclaimed a ten year period (beginning on 1st
January 1995) which appealed to all Governments to
intensify their efforts to eradicate illiteracy and to direct
education towards the full development of the human
personality and to the strengthening of respect for all
human rights and fundamental freedoms,


1. That as of January 2021

a) All nations provide free public education for men and
women from the age of 5 years old
b) No child is prevented from attending school
c) Men and women receive equal education, including
training which prepares women for future
employment and experience
2. To invite the specialized agencies and United Nations
programmes to contribute, within their respective spheres of
competence, to the implementation of the Plan of Action,

3. To call upon member states to donate materials and

money to build schools for girls

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