Ralph C. Whitley SR.: From: Sent: To: CC

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Ralph C. Whitley Sr.

From: Ralph C. Whitley Sr. [backflow2@verizon.net]

Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 1:11 PM
To: epcinfo@epchc.org; 'Governor Charley Crist'; CGRDCDeepwaterHorizon@uscg.mil; RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil; bobby.jindal@la.gov;
bill@billnelson.senate.gov; 'Bill McCollum'; President Barack Obama; Innovative.Technology@dep.state.fl.us
Cc: kristin.wright@foxtv.com; 10news@10connects.com; news@wfla.com; news@wtvt.com; miami@ap.org; mikeD@10connects.com;
Reginald Roundtree; BAY NEWS 9; babic.branko@virgin.net; 'Arlene Johnson'; 'Alternative Response Technology Alternative
Response Technology'; Adrian; horizonsupport@oegllc.com; info@deepwater.com; backflow2@verizon.net;
backflow.prevention@verizon.net; Commissioner Kevin White; 'Les'; letters@timespicayune.com
Subject: E-mail for Dr. Garrity and E-mail for Hooshang Boostani, PE

Importance: High

Dr. Garrity and Hooshang Boostani Waste Management:

It is my understanding today via a Tampa Tribune Article that when the BP OIL starts coming into our bay that WASTE MANAGEMENT is not required to follow
Florida State Statutes Chapter 62 Section 770 or anything thus they can place the containers and plastic bags into any of several LAND FILL AREAS they have set
aside then BURY it . How could this contamination of our water sources plus underground water supplies be allowed to occur under Florida Law and Federal

My understanding was one gallon of oil from BP will contaminate 250,000 gallons of fresh water in any stream, bay, underground aquifer, well or worse shut
down all fresh water made by the City or County let alone the DESAL plant on U.S. 41 South of Tampa. As a State Certified Plumbing Contractor CFC032631 we
are required by FEDERAL LAW, STATE LAW and EPA OR DEP to collect all spill in dirt or soil, let alone beach sand and water, then place same in special numbered
containers to be collected, security mandatory as it is removed to a special conveyor over a furnace so that the oil, gasoline and dispersants are burned away
and the barrels cleaned then returned to collection or dispersal areas to be used over and over and over. Such barrel costs were somewhere around $250.00
per small barrel which was perhaps 30 gallons MAX capacity. The Clothing with disposable rubber or cloth plus masks and even special rubberized booties and
gloves must be burned or sealed forever in those barrels not to be stored over 60 days total time.

What Federal and State laws will BP start violating not training these people working on this spill and not properly disposing of all of the gallons upon gallons of
oil and dispersant in Florida alone.


Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr. CFCO32631

Backflow Prevention, Inc.
4532 W. Kennedy Blvd. PMB-276
Tampa, Florida 33609-2042 USA
Phone: 813-286-2333
ART WEB PAGE: http://www.alternativeresponsetechnology.com/Ralph_C._Whitley_Sr_Backflow_Prevention_Inc.html

SCRIBD: ralphwhitleysr

SKYPE: ralphwhitleysr

FILES WEB PAGE: http://www.scribd.com/ralphwhitleysr

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