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To: Bloom CCP Families

From: Mrs. Panunzio

News Week 14

November 7, 2016

This Friday is Veterans Day. It is a time when we honor all those that have fought
for the freedoms we have each day that we sometimes take for granted. To those of
you that served in our armed forces, we salute and thank you. In our class we thank
Alyssas Dad for currently serving in the Air Force. For those families that lost a
loved one or have someone that was injured in any way while serving our country,
our thoughts are with you this week. The sacrifices our soldiers and their families
have made to help to keep us safe in this challenging world can never be repaid.
We wish you and yours a day of peace and comfort as we remember those who
gave so much for all of us. In honor of Veterans Day, there is no school Friday.
Take a moment out of that day to remember those that have given so much.
Special thanks to those families that have sent in empty cereal boxes. They will be used as we
teach our children about Nutrition. Reading- We are reading grade level books and answering
comprehension questions about what is being read. In math we continue with number symbols
and their quantities and simple addition. Socially we are role playing the I message This is
used to teach students empowerment and to solve peer issues. It gives our children a framework
to express their feelings and concerns. For example: I feel sad when you cut in line in front of
me. I want you to stop cutting. The other child must respond appropriately i.e. I am sorry I cut
in line. I will not do it again. The children stand face to face as they share their concerns. It is a
very effective strategy.

Important dates: Nov. 8th- Election Day, Nov. 11th- Veterans Day-No School, Nov.
15th- Bloom Family Math Night 5:30-7:30, Nov. 18th-Class Heritage Feast 12:301:30 in Room 7, and Nov. 24-25th Thanksgiving Holiday. Until next we chat, keep
safe and take real good care

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