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Fatima Obaid H00298145

Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

Table 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

What the teacher does
Introducing the Sound:

The Structure of the Lesson

What the children do

Listen to the story

Tell a story
Show a video


This worked well because

students were curious to know

Watch the video and make

the story also the video made

phoneme (s) action

them active and more

interested in the lesson

Hearing the Sound in the initial


Teacher told the students that

Hear the sound of the phoneme

Reading the phoneme and the

and then say the sound.

words for the students made it

easier for the students to

the new sound is (s) and she

read some words for them that

Hear how the teacher read the

acknowledge the sound and

start with phoneme (s)

new words and read after her.

memorize the words that start

with phoneme (s) also, using

Teacher showed students

the pictures to represent the

pictures of the words that start

words made it easier for the

with phoneme (s) and she

students to understand and

asked them to say the words.

acknowledge the words.

Introducing the Writing of the


Students saw how the teacher

Writing on the white board

The teacher said to the students

wrote the phoneme and they

while saying the directions

that she will show them how to

copied her by writing it on the

(From up to down) made it

write phoneme (s).


easier for the students to

acknowledge the way to write

She wrote the phoneme on the

Some students wrote the

white board and she said

phoneme on the white board.

the phoneme.

(From up to down) while she

Practicing writing the phoneme

was writing and she wrote the

on the air made the students

phoneme several time.

happy and they enjoyed it.

She asked students to write

Practicing writing on the white

phoneme (s) on the air several

board made it easier for the

times and she asked some

students to acknowledge

students to write phoneme (s)

writing the phoneme also, it

on the white board.

helped them develop their fine

motor skills.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Practicing Writing the Sound:

The teacher told the students

Students listened to the

Practicing writing with small


group of students worked well

that they will practice writing

phoneme (s) today.

because teacher was able to

Students moved to the learning

focus on the students and see

areas and the small group.

how they write also the

She took a small group of

students and she gave them a
worksheet that has phoneme
(s) dotted and they had to

students pay attention to the

Listen and follow the teacher's

teacher while she was teaching

directions to write the

them how to write and say the



follow the dotes to write the

phoneme while the other
students are doing different
activities on the learning areas.

She sat with the students and

she got them to practice writing
the phoneme by giving them
directions (From up to down).

The teacher encouraged the

students to say and write the
phoneme by using the reward
system (star of the week)

Student did the worksheet and

showed it to the teacher.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

1. What program is used in your school to teach phonics?

They do not have a specific program. The school follows what the ministry of education
gave them.

2. How is phonics taught in your school?

Each phoneme is taught in two day. The first day the teacher introduces the phoneme, its
action and some words that starts with the phoneme and do different activities. The
second day the teacher reviews the previous lesson then she teaches the students how
to write the phoneme then the students practice writing and do different activities.

3. What was the focus of the lesson?

Learn to say, read and write phoneme (s)

4. Were the learners engaged in the phonics lesson? If they were, select (a); if they
were not, select (b).
a. Describe the different types of active engagement activities that the teacher used.
Teacher gave students worksheet to practice writing the phoneme. Also she gave them
decorating phoneme (s). In this activity the teacher gave the students a worksheet that
has phoneme (s) and she gave them different materials to decorate the phoneme.

b. What active engagement activities could the teacher have used to help learners
better understand the lesson?
5. What types of activities did the children participate in during their independent
centers that reinforced the lesson objective/learning outcome? If they participated in
learning centers, select (a); if they did not, select (b)
a) Describe the different types of learning center activities that the students did.

b) Describe two (2) learning center activities that the teacher could have used to help
reinforce the learning outcome.

Teacher can use the playdaugh mate area to ask the students to format phoneme
Teacher can use the art area by asking the students to use the art materials to write
phoneme (s) and put their works on the wall.

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