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Maddie Newman


Presented by: Maddie Newman

Mentor: Valerie Gray
Clear Lake Regional
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
ISM Teacher: Mrs. Click
Independent Study Mentorship- Fall 2016

What is Independent Study Mentorship? (ISM)

Independent Study Mentorship is a collegiate level course for students who are wanting to have hands
on experience in a field of work. The students in the program have a mentor for the course of a
semester. They shadow them at their work place to gain information about their selected topic and
other information the student learns. Within the class we have multiple assignments to help us get to
our final project, and things that allow us to better understand our selected profession

My Mentor

My mentor is Valerie Gray

She has her Bachelors in Nursing
She graduated from UTMB Nursing School in Galveston in 1993
She currently works at Clear Lake Regional

My Mentorship Cite

Clear Lake regional Medical Center

Specifically in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit on the 3rd floor in the Central tower

Why this topic?

I choose the topic of feeding because its something that is vital towards all stages of life. Its also very
underestimated the amount of work and effort that goes into feeding a baby, even more so with a baby
in the NICU.

Feeding Tubes
Tube Feedings

How they are done?

When they are done?
Requirements that the baby needs to meet

Complications of Feeding Tubes

I will list 3 to 4 complications that come with feeding tubes

Types of Bottles

List different types of bottles that are commonly used with pictures

Oral Feedings

How they are done?

When are they done?
Requirements before oral feedings

Complications of Bottle Feedings

I will list 3 to 4 common complications that come with bottle feeding

Demonstration of Feeding

Im going to get conformation from the mother of the baby I plan on using on 10/09/16
I plan on filming the following week 10/16/16
I have to get the correct bottle to be used by the mother of the baby that I will filming with


Within this presentation we covered the topic of different feeding types and there complication.
I plan on asking for questions after each type of feedings (the tube than after the bottle)

Thank You!

I want to thank my mom who has helped me and encouraged me to continue going , my dad who has
been a rock when I thought it was all too much and wanted to give up and my brother who made me
laugh when I was having a rough day.
I also want to thank my mentor who has so willingly allowed me to shadow her this semester, and
answered all my random questions, and helped me learning more about the Neonatal Intensive Care
I want to thank Mrs. Click, my ISM teacher, who has given me the opportunity to be in the field of
work that I want to work in after college and has given me the tools and work to make me successful
for this year.

Work Cited

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