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Praise God Almighty for all his blessings so that this paper can be
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this paper.


FOREWORD........................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY.................................................................1
1.1 Background................................................................................... 1
1.2 Limitations.................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose......................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION....................................................................3
2.1 Definitions Bank............................................................................3
2.2 Purpose banking............................................................................ 4
2.3 Type Of Bank Based On The Function............................................5
2.4 Type Bank Based Ownership..........................................................8
2.5 Types Of Banks Viewed In Terms Of Its Status................................9
2.6 Type Bank Based Operational Activity..........................................10
CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................13
3.1 Conclusion................................................................................. 13
REFERENCE....................................................................................... 14

1.1 Background

Banks commonly known as a financial institution whose main

activity receiving Deposits, Current Accounts, Savings and Deposits. Then
Bank is also known as a place to borrow money (credit) for the people who
need them. Besides, the bank is also known to change money, or accept any
form of payment such as payment of electricity, telephone, water, taxes,
tuition and so forth.
Bank is a financial institution whose main business is to collect
funds from the public and to channel the funds back to the community and
provide services in payment traffic and circulation of money. From the
definition it can be concluded that there are three main functions of the
Bank are:
Collecting Bank as an institution of public funds inthe form of
deposits. Bank as institutions that channel funds to the community in the
form credit and other forms of Bank as institutions that facilitate trade
transactions and and peradara money.
The author, the theme paper money, banks and printing money because it is
interesting to learn, especially in the economic sector will not escape from
the term.

1.2 Limitations

In this paper the author will give a limitation on the issues to be discussed
1. Understanding Bank
2. Purpose Banking
3. Types Bank and its functions
1.3 Purpose

This paper was prepared in order for the reader to know about banking in

2.1 Definitions Bank

According to Law Decree No. 10 of 1998 on 10 November 1998 on

banking, it can be concluded that the banking business includes three
activities, namely collecting funds, funds, and provide other banking
services. Activities of collecting and distributing funds is the main activities
of the bank while the other bank services only provide support activities.
Activities to raise funds, in the form of raising funds from the public in the
form of demand deposits, savings and time deposits. Usually he is given an
attractive fringe benefits such as, flowers and gifts as a stimulus for the
community. Activity funds, in the form of lending to the public. While other
banking services provided to support the smooth operation of the primary.
bank founded by Prof. Dr. Ali Afifuddin, SE. Here are some benefits of
banking in life:
1. As an investment model, which means that derivative transactions
may be used as one model of investing. While generally a type of
short-term investments (yield enhancement).
2. As a way of hedging, which means, of derivative transactions can
serve as one way to eliminate the risk by hedging (hedging), or also
known as risk management.
3. The price information, which means that derivative transactions
could serve as a means of seeking or providing information about
certain commodity prices in the future (price discovery).
4. Functions speculative, which means that derivative transactions
could provide an opportunity speculation (speculative) to changes in
the market value of such derivatives transactions.
5. The management function of production runs smoothly and
efficiently, which means that derivative transactions could give an

idea to the management of the production of a manufacturer in

assessing a demand and market needs in the future.
Apart from funsi-function banking (bank) primary or derivatives
thereof, it is to be considered for the banking world, is philosophically
purpose of the existence of a bank in Indonesia. This is very clearly
reflected in Article four (4) of Law No. 10 of 1998 which explains, "the
Indonesian Banking aims to support the implementation of national
development in order to improve equity, economic growth and national
stability towards improving the welfare of the people". Look a little deeper
on the business activities of the bank, then the bank (banks) Indonesia in the
conduct of its business should be based on the principles of economic
democracy that use banking principles hatian.4 It is, clearly illustrated,
because philosophically bank has a micro and macro functions to the
process of nation building ,
2.2 Purpose banking

Bank services is very important in the economic development of a

country. Banking services are generally divided into two purposes. First, as
a provider payment mechanism and an efficient tool for customers. For this,
the bank provides cash, savings, and credit cards. It is the role of the most
important banks in the economic life. Without the provision of efficient
payment instrument, then goods can only be traded by barter that takes
Secondly, by accepting savings from clients and lend to those in need
of funds, means that banks increase the flow of funds to because they do not
have the loan funds.
2.3 Type Of Bank Based On The Function

1. Central bank
The central bank in a country, in general, is a government agency
responsible for monetary policy in the territory of the country. Central Bank
seeks to ensure stability of the currency, the stability of the banking sector
and the financial system as a whole.
In Indonesia, the central bank held by Bank Indonesia.
The central bank is an institution that is responsible for maintaining
price stability or the value of the currency of that country, which in this case
is known as inflation or rising prices that in another sense a decline in the
value of money. Central Bank to keep inflation under control and always be
at the lowest possible value, or the optimal position for the economy (low /
zero inflation), by controlling the balance of the amount of money and
goods. If the money supply too much then the central bank to use the
instrument and its pervasiveness.
The role of central banks

Maintaining government accounts

Provide temporary loan
Provide special loans
Carry out transactions involving the sale and purchase of foreign

exchange (forex)
5. Receiving tax payments
6. Assist payments from central to local government
7. Collecting and analyzing economic data is
2. Commercial Bank
Definition of Commercial Bank by Bank Indonesia Regulation No.
9/7 / PBI / 2007 is a bank conducting conventional business and or based on
sharia principles in its activities providing services in payment traffic.
Services provided by the commercial banks is public, meaning that it can

provide the entire existing banking services. Commercial banks often called
commercial banks (commercial banks).
Role of Commercial Banks
1. The creation of money
Created money commercial banks are demand deposits, ie
means of payment via transfer mechanism (clearing).
2. Support Payment Mechanism
Another function of commercial banks is also very important
is to support the smooth operation of payment mechanisms. This is
possible because one of the services offered by commercial banks
are services related to payment mechanisms.
Some well-known services are clearing, transfer money,
deposit-deposit acceptance, facilitation payment by cash or credit.
3. The collection Savings Fund Society
Fund the most widely collected by commercial banks is
deposits. In Indonesia deposits consist of demand deposits, time
deposits, certificates of deposits, savings and other form that can be
equivalent to them. The ability of commercial banks to raise funds is
much greater than with other financial institutions.

4. Supports Smooth International Transaction

Commercial banks also needed to facilitate and or facilitate
international transactions, both transactions of goods / services and
the capital.

5. Storage Valuable Goods

Storage of valuables is one of the earliest services offered by
commercial banks. Communities can store valuables owned such as
jewelry, money, and a diploma in the boxes are intentionally
provided by the bank to rent (safety box or safe deposit box).
6. Provision of Other Services
In Indonesia, the provision of other services by the
commercial banks are also more numerous and widespread.
Nowadays we have to pay electricity, telephone, mobile phone buy
credits, send money via atm, pay employee salaries using bank
These services greatly facilitate and provide security and comfort to
those who use it.
3. Rural Bank
BPR is a bank conducting business in a conventional or based on
sharia principles in their actions do not provide services in payment traffic.
BPR activity is much narrower than the activities of commercial banks.
BPR activity was generally similar to the activities of commercial banks,
which became only difference is the amount of bank services performed
BPR much narrower. BPR is limited by various requirements, so it can not
do the restricted movement of commercial banks. Limitations BPR activity
is also associated with the founding mission of BPR itself.
In practice activities RB is as follows:
1. Raise funds only in the form of:
Deposit Savings
Savings Deposits
2. Channelling funds in the form:

Investment Credit
Working capital credit
Trade Credit

Because of the limitations that are owned by BPR, then there are
some restrictions that must not be Carried out BPR, are as follows:

Accepting Deposits Demand deposits

Conducting Foreign Exchange (FX)
Conducting Insurance

2.4 Type Bank Based Ownership

1. Government-Owned Bank
is the bank in which both the deed and capital owned by the
government, so that the entire profits of banks owned by the government
anyway. For example, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Mandiri.
There was also a bank owned by the local government of the region
level I and level II each province. While bank-owned local governments
(LGs) are in the area of level I and level II. Examples of local government
bank is BPD DKI Jakarta, West Java BPD, BPD Central Java, East Java
BPD, BPD North Sumatra, South Sumatra BPD, BPD South Sulawesi, and
other BPD:

2. Privately owned banks nationwide

Bank of this type, all or mostly owned by national private sector.
Founding deed showing ownership of private, as well as the distribution of
profits for private parties. Examples of privately-owned national banks such
as: Bank Muamalat, Bank Central Asia, Bank Bumi Putra, Bank Danamon,
Bank Duta, Nusa International Bank, Bank Niaga, Bank Universal, Bank
Internasional Indonesia:

3. Bank-owned Cooperative
Ownership of bank shares is owned by legal entities cooperatives,
for example, is the Cooperative Commercial Bank Indonesia;
4. Bank proprietary blend
Owners of bank shares were owned by foreigners mixture and
national private sector. Shares of joint venture banks majority owned by
Indonesian citizens. Examples of joint venture banks, among others:
Sumitono Commerce Bank, Bank Merincop, Swadarma Sakura Bank, Bank
Finconesia, Mitsubishi Buana Bank, Inter Pacific Bank, Paribas BBD
Indonesia, Ing Bank, Sanwa Indonesia Bank, and Bank PDFCI.
5. Foreign-Owned Bank
This type of bank is a branch of the bank who are outside the
country, either privately owned foreign or foreign governments. Owned by
a foreign party. For example, ABN AMRO Bank, City Bank, and others.
2.5 Types Of Banks Viewed In Terms Of Its Status

This classification is based on the position or status of the bank.

Position or status indicates the size of the bank's ability to serve the public
good of the amount of product, capital, and quality. Therefore, to obtain the
status of the required assessments with certain kriteris. Status of the bank in
question is:
1. Exchange Bank
The bank is able to carry out transactions abroad or associated with
foreign currency as a whole. Eg transfer abroad, collections abroad, traveler
checks, clearing and payment of letters of credit and other transactions.
Requirements to become a foreign exchange bank is determined by Bank

2. Non-Bank Foreign Exchange

Is a bank that does not have permission to carry out the transaction
as foreign banks, so it can not carry out the activities as well as foreign
banks. So the non-bank foreign exchange may only operate within the
boundaries of the state.
2.6 Type Bank Based Operational Activity

1. Conventional Banks
Definition of the word "conventional" according to Indonesian
General Dictionary is "in accordance with what has become a habit."
Meanwhile, according to Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is "based on
the general agreement" such as customs, habits, prevalence. Based on that
understanding, the conventional bank is a bank in its operations applying
the method of interest, because the interest method gotten there first,
becomes a habit and has been used widely compared to the method for the
Conventional banks generally operate by releasing products to
absorb public funds include savings accounts, savings deposits, demand
deposits; funds that have been collected by issuing credits include
investment loans, working capital loans, consumer loans, short-term credit;
and financial services, among others clearing, collections, remittances,
letters of credit, and other services such as buying and selling securities,
bank draft, trustees, underwriters, and securities trading.
Conventional banks can obtain funds from outside parties, for
example, from customers in the form of current accounts, on call deposits,
certificates of deposits, transfer funds, stocks, and bonds. This source of
income is the greatest bank. The bank's revenue, and then allocated to the
primary backup, secondary backup, lending, and investment. Conventional


banks eg commercial and rural banks. Both types of banks that you have
learned in the previous section.
2. Islamic Bank
Today many developing Islamic banks. Islamic banks emerged in
Indonesia in the early 1990s. Initiator establishment of Islamic banks in
Indonesia carried out by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on 18 to 20
August 1990. The Islamic Bank is a bank that operates in accordance with
the principles of Islamic law, meaning the bank in its operations following
the provisions of Islamic law, in particular concerning the procedures
bermuamalah in Islam.
A basic philosophy for the operation of Islamic banks which
animates the entire relationship the transaction is the efficiency, fairness,
and togetherness. Efficiency refers to the principle of mutual help in
synergy to obtain the greatest possible profit.
Justice refers to a relationship that is not rigged, sincere, with the
approval of which mature on the proportion of its inputs and outputs.
Togetherness refers to the principle of offering help and advice to enhance
their productivity.
The activities of Islamic banks in terms of determining the price of
the product is very different from conventional banks. The pricing for
Islamic banks are based on an agreement between the bank and depositors
in accordance with the type of deposit and the time period, which will
determine the size of the portion of the proceeds to be received storage.
Here are the principles that apply to Islamic banks.
1. Funding is based on the principle of profit sharing (Mudharabah).
2. Funding is based on the principle of equity (musharakah).
3. The principle of buying and selling goods with profit (murabaha).


4. Financing of capital goods is based on a pure rental without selection

5. Selection ownership transfer of goods leased from the bank by
another party (Ijara wa iqtina).
In order to operate, the Islamic banks should be based on the Qur'an
and Hadith. Islamic banks forbid the use of a specific product prices with
interest. For Islamic banks, bank interest is riba.


3.1 Conclusion

According to Law Decree No. 10 of 1998 on 10 November 1998 on

banking, it can be concluded that the banking business includes three
activities, namely collecting funds, funds, and provide other banking
services. Activities of collecting and distributing funds is the main activities
of the bank while the other bank services only provide support activities.
Activities to raise funds, in the form of raising funds from the public in the
form of demand deposits, savings and time deposits. Usually he is given an
attractive fringe benefits such as, flowers and gifts as a stimulus for the
community. Activity funds, in the form of lending to the public. While other
banking services provided to support the smooth operation of the main
Bank is a financial intermediary institutions are generally established
with the authority to accept deposits, lend money, and issue promissory
notes or what is known as a banknote.
From the description above papers are expected bias increase the
knowledge of readers about Money, Money in the Bank and Printing
It is our hope this paper may be useful for writers especially, and also
for the readers.








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