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To be able to take
this survey the participants must have
had a child and be
a women. In total I
had 77 responses


The purpose of the
survey was to gather information that
would help me understand the difference of things involving babies and
the way parents
choose to feed them
depending on the
age they were born.

7th Period ISM

Survey Monkey

5. What age was your baby born at?

-20-25 Weeks

1. At what age did you have your


-25-30 Weeks

-18 and younger

-35-42 Weeks


6. Did you mainly breast feed or bottle feed?


-Breast Feed


-Bottle Feed


7. How often did your baby feed?


-Every hour


-Every 2 hours


-Every 3 hours

2. What type of birth did you have?

-Every 4 hours

-Vaginal Birth

-Not on a schedule

-Scheduled Cesarean Section

8. What gender was you baby born?

-Emergency Cesarean Section


3. How many children do you have?





9. Did you have any complication during the




4. Have any of your children been

emitted to the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit? If so how many?







-30-35 Weeks

10. Did you have any complications during the

birthing process?

1.) The majority of people
will say that they preferred
to breast feed over bottle
2.) I predict most people
will say their baby was
born between 35-42 weeks.
3.) The majority of people
will say that they have not
had a baby in the neonatal
intensive care unit.

I can conclude that
my hypothesis are
true. Also that most
people who had a baby
in the NICU tended to
prefer bottle feeding
rather than breast.
Although the majority
of people breast feed.
Can also conclude that
the babies born at a
younger ages were
bottle feed.

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