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thi c 5 trang


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht; (80 cu trc nghim)

H, tn th sinh:................................................................SBD: ...............

M thi 134

I/ ( ID: 80441 ) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 1: A. kitchen
Cu 2: A. representative
Cu 3: A. diploma
Cu 4: A. development
Cu 5: A. overwhelming

B. mountain
B. characteristic
B. financial
B. misbehavior
B. incredible

C. fountain
C. technological
C. devastate
C. certificate
C. optimistic

D. maintain
D. punctuality
D. procedure
D. originate
D. intellectual

II/ ( ID: 80447 ) Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: Neither of them will be treated preferentially, ________?
A. will them
B. will they
C. wont they
D. wont them
Cu 7: When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such
objects ________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. needn't / may
B. should not / might
C. mustn't / can't
D. should / must
Cu 8: They are having their house________ by a construction company.
A. to paint
B. being painted
C. painting
D. painted
Cu 9: I have ______ him to act for me while I am away.
A. authorized
B. notified
C. let
D. given
Cu 10: The members of the Red Cross were dedicated their whole life to________ the sufferings of human beings.
A. reductive
B. reducing
C. reduction
D. reduce
Cu 11: - Thuy: This file is very important. You should include it in our document.
- Thu: I know. It is ________.
A. significant
B. optional
C. indistinct
D. indispensable
Cu 12: Helen is _______ seafood, so she never tries these delicious dishes.
A. allergic to
B. tired of
C. keen on
D. preferable to
Cu 13: Attitudes to animals _______ two extremes.
A. vary greatly between
B. vary greatly by
C. greatly vary through
D. vary greatly through.
Cu 14: - Nam: Do you have a minute, Dr Keith?
- Hoa: __________
A. Well. Im not sure when
B. Good, I hope so
C. Sure. Whats the problem?
D. Sorry, I havent got it here
Cu 15: This carpet really needs_______. Can you do it for me, son?
A. being cleaned
B. clean
C. cleaned
D. cleaning
Cu 16: By 2050, medical technology _______ many diseases.
A. is conquering
B. will conquer
C. has conquered
D. will have conquered
Cu 17: A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a period
of intensive ________.
A. training
B. concentration
C. preparation
D. learning
Cu 18: - Tom: Oh, I have to leave. Bye. - Bill: ___________________
A. Bye. Nice to meet you too.
B. Good day!
C. Good job! See you later.
D. Please, dont move!
Cu 19: I realized _______ that he was a thief.
A. eventually
B. sooner or later
C. at the beginning
D. all along
Cu 20: Every motorbike must be equipped with a _________ mirror.
A. front view
B. rear view
C. behind sight
D. inside sight.
Cu ny hi v t vng.
Cu 21: Children shouldn't be ______ to adult.
A. respected
B. disrespected
C. disrespectful
D. unrespectful
Cu 22: Going on this diet has really ________ me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
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A. made
B. taken
C. done
D. had
Cu 23: Designers are experimenting with a new material ________ flexibly with lightness.
A. combines
B. combination of
C. combining
D. is combining
Cu 24: This room ________ since the last time I was here.
A. has painted
B. has been painted
C. painted
D. had been painted
Cu 25: Tony is so ______ that his friends tend to tell him all their problems.
A. optimistic
B. critical
C. sympathetic
D. confidential
Cu 26: __________, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. How an antiseptic is used
B. An antiseptic used
C. When used as an antiseptic
D. An antiseptic when used
Cu 27: When she died, she gave ________ all her money to a charity for cats.
A. on
B. off
C. out
D. away
Cu 28: - Nhung: If you ask me, action movies are great! - Tuy: ____________________
A. You can say it again
B. Never mind
C. Thats that
D. Sure. Its my pleasure.
Cu 29: - Tai: Let me do that for you
- Nam: ______________
A. Dont worry yourself
B. Please dont bother
C. Its not for you
D. Make yourself at home
Cu 30: This naughty fellow ______ at his wife at any time.
A. nags
B. looks
C. irritates
D. conflits
III/ ( ID: 80473 ) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Cu 31: The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered.
A. open and frank
B. sweet
C. discreet
Cu 32: Mr Henderson was determined to remain neutral.
A. unmarried
B. uncommitted
C. untroubled
Cu 33: The educational quality is decidedly improved.
A. repeatedly
B. admittedly
C. noticeably

D. casual
D. unhurried
D. obviously

IV/ ( ID: 80477 )Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underline part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 34: Commercial airliners do not fly in the vicinity of volcanic eruptions because even a small amount of
volcanic ash can damage its engines.
Cu 35: Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the answers to them.
Cu 36: If you have no cash, you can charge this dinner of your credit card.
Cu 37: The polite Englishman is taught to pay strictly attention to a speaker.
Cu 38: Do you know that there is a high rate in interest on this loan?
V/ ( ID: 80483 ) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Cu 39: She was unhappy that she got in touch with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad to study.
A. put in charge of
B. made room for
C. lost contact with
D. lost control of
Cu 40: His boss has had enough of his respect, and doesnt want to hire him any more.
A. agreement
B. rudeness
C. impudence
D. obedience

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VI/ ( ID: 80486 )Read the following passage on native Americans, and mark the letter A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks from 41 to 50.
Carefully conducted (41) ______ that have followed the children of working mothers have not been able to
shown any long-term problems, compared with children of working mothers stayed at home. My personal (42)
______ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or not, there a number of
mothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested such a big part of their lives in establishing a
career that they cannot afford to see it lost. Then there are many who must work out of pure economic (43)
______. Many mothers are not (44) ______ out to be full-time parents. After a few months at home with a much
loved infant, they feel trapped and isolated.
There are a number of options when it (45) ______ to choosing childcare. These range from child minders and
nannies through to Granny of the kind lady (46) ______ the street. (47) ______, however, many parents dont
have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No matter how good the childcare may
be, some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a (48) ______ normal stage of child
development. Babies separate well in the first six months, but soon after that they start to get a crush on Mum and
close family members. Make sure that in first week you allow plenty of time to help your child settle in.
All children are different. Some are independent, while others are more attached to their mothers. Remember
that if you want to (49) ______ the best for your children, its not the quantity of time you spend with them, its
the (50) ______ that matters.
Cu 41: A. questionnaires
B. studies
C. researchers
D. interviews
Cu 42: A. idea
B. view
C. thought
D. decision
Cu 43: A. task
B. necessity
C. reason
D. duty
Cu 44: A. born
B. brought
C. cut
D. made
Cu 45: A. comes
B. turns
C. concerns
D. refers
Cu 46: A. of
B. opposite
C. next to
D. across
Cu 47: A. In addition
B. In reality
C. In contrast
D. In fact
Cu 48: A. very
B. extremely
C. perfectly
D. certainly
Cu 49: A. do
B. give
C. have
D. make
Cu 50: A. behavior
B. manner
C. attitude
D. quality
VII/ (ID: 80497 ) Read the following passage on commuting, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60.
Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be more therapeutic than previously
suspected. A case in point is that of penicillin Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds
to study when he discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance. Moldy cheese was frequently
given to patients as a remedy for illness at one time Fleming just isolated what it was about the cheese which
cured the patients.
In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding sugar cane is used for healing infections in
wounds and ulcers. This usage may date back to pre-Colombian times. Experiments carried out on several
hundred patients indicate that ordinary sugar in high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction effect
eliminates dead cells and it generates a glasslike layer which protects the wound and ensures healing.
Another example of folk medicine which scientists are investigating is that of Arab fishermen who rub
their wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken healing. This catfish excretes a gellike slime which
scientist found to contain antibiotics coagulant that helps close injured blood vessels, anti-inflammatory
agents, and a chemical that directs production of a glue-like material that aids healing.
It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experimenting to see if results are indeed beneficial, an
analysis of the substance be made, and synthetic substances be developed for human consumption.
Cu 51: This passage is mainly about ________.
A. isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar, and slime
B. antibiotics in the field of medicine
C. using folk medicines in place of modern medicines
D. the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in modem medicine
Cu 52: The word "therapeutic" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. medicinal
B. traditional
C. psychological
D. physiological
Cu 53: It can be inferred from the Message that Alexander Fleming ________.
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A. suspected medicinal properties of mold

B. discovered moldy cheese
C. enjoyed eating cheese
D. isolated infectious patients
Cu 54: The word "eliminates" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. kills off
B. disposes of
C. excretes
D. cleanses
Cu 55: To the passage, ________.
A. bacteria feed on sugar
B. sugar kills unhealthy cells
C. lass is formed from sugar
D. sugar promotes healing
Cu 56: The gellike substance which promotes healing comes from ________.
A. Arab fishermen
B. catfish bodies
C. catfish venom
D. coagulants
Cu 57: Which one of the following is NOT an important quality of the catfish slime?
A. It prohibits inflammation
B. It stops bleeding
C. It produces mold
D. It fights bacteria
Cu 58: The word "consumption" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to________.
A. utilisation
B. destruction
C. experimentation
D. manipulation
Cu 59: In what way are cheese molds, sugar, and catfish slime similar?
A. They eliminate dead cells
B. They heal wounds
C. They fight bacteria
D. They cause blood clots
Cu 60: According to the passage, why is it important to study folk medicine?
A. To perpetuate superstitions
B. To advance modern medical practices
C. To experiment with synthetic substances
D. To document cultural heritages.
VIII/ ( ID: 80508) Read the following passage on commuting, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the United
States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial increase in
enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their enrollments. Since 1990,
the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degrees, has dropped about 3 percent
to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to continue.
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many
graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on Wall
Street or in other financial districts of major American cities . Many of the entry-level management jobs are
for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as those holding
MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to be best prepared
for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American payrolls and the lower
number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing , and MBA schools are struggling to
meet the new demands.
Cu 61: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
B. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
C. Jobs on Wall Street
D. Types of graduate degrees
Cu 62: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of ______.
A. 100 years
B. 10 years
C. 50 years
D. 20 years
Cu 63: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by ______.
A. success
B. Education
C. Nurturing
D. surplus
Cu 64: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Stanford
B. A and B are correct C. Harvard
D. Princeton
Cu 65: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. drawback to
B. extraction from
C. reluctance of
D. movement toward
Cu 66: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. pursuing
B. avoiding
C. seizing
D. examining
Cu 67: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A neighborhood in New York
B. A major financial centre
C. A shopping district
D. A centre for international affairs
Cu 68: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
B. Declining population and economic prosperity
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C. Low salary and foreign competition

D. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
Cu 69: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
B. Two decades of hard times for business schools
C. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
D. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
Cu 70: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ______.
A. evolving
B. striving
C. plunging
D. starting
IX/ ( ID: 80519 )Mark the letterA,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions.
Cu 71: If interest rates are cut, the economic situation may improve.
A. A reduction in interest rates may improve the economic situation.
B. The economic situation wont be better if interest rates are cut.
C. The economic situation may improve if we increase the interest rates.
D. Theres no doubt that the economic situation will improve as a result of the reduction in interest rates.
Cu 72: Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
A. We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.
B. The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.
C. We werent as much impressed by the new cinemas look as its cost.
D. We were very impressed by the new cinema, but found it rather expensive.
Cu 73: With the help of new computer programs, we can solve many problems quickly and accurately.
A. The new computer programs are quick and accurate.
B. New computer programs have enabled us to solve many problems quickly and accurately.
C. We can solve problems quickly and accurately without computers.
D. New computer programs are not able to solve many problems quickly and accurately.
Cu 74: The meeting was put off because of pressure of time.
A. People wanted to get away, so the meeting began early.
B. The meeting is planned to start in a short time.
C. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
D. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
Cu 75: His dog is definitely not a bloodhound.
A. His dog smells definitely good.
B. His dog smells bad.
C. His dog cannot smell blood.
D. His dog smells badly.
X/ ( ID: 80525 ) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence which has the same
meaning as the original one.
Cu 76: Only / this way / make / laws / effective.
A. Only with this way we can make our laws effective.
B. Only this way can we make our laws effective.
C. Only by this way can we make our laws effective.
D. Only with this way can we make our laws effective
Cu 77: I/ rather / you / not cheat / exam / this year.
A. Id rather you didnt cheat any exam this year.
B. Id rather you shouldnt cheat any exam this year.
C. Id rather you dont cheat any exam this year.
D. Id rather you not cheat any exam this year.
Cu 78: bridge / build / 50 years ago / collapse / last storm.
A. The bridge built 50 years ago was collapsed in the last storm.
B. The bridge which built 50 years ago was collapsed in the last storm.
C. The bridge built 50 years ago has collapsed in the last storm.
D. The bridge built 50 years ago collapsed in the last storm.
Cu 79: They / ask / lock / door / before / leave / every day.
A. They are asked to lock the door before they leaving every day.
B. They asked to lock the door before leaving every day.
C. They are asked to lock the door before leaving every day.
D. They ask to lock the door before they leave every day.
Cu 80: secretary / be / responsible / manager / serious mistakes.
A. The new secretary is responsible to the manager to the serious mistakes.
B. The new secretary is responsible for the manager to the serious mistakes.
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C. The new secretary is responsible to the manager for the serious mistakes.
D. The new secretary is responsible for the manager for the serious mistakes.
----------- HT ---------GT coi thi khng gii thch g thm. Thi sinh khng c php s dng ti liu.

Truy cp: hc Ting anh tt hn

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p n v Li gii chi tit thi THPT Quc gia nm 2015 Trng THPT Yn
Lc - Vnh Phc










1. p n ng l D. Maintain c trng m ri vo m tit th hai, cc t cn li c trng m ri vo m tit
th nht.
2. p n ng l B. Characteristic c trng m ri vo m tit th t, cc t cn li c trng m ri vo m
tit th ba.
3. p n ng l C. Devastate c trng m ri vo m tit th nht, cc t cn li c trng m ri vo m
tit th hai.
4. p n ng l B. misbehavior c trng m ri vo m tit th ba, cc t cn li c trng m ri vo m
tit th hai.
5. p n ng l B. incredible c trng m ri vo m tit th hai, cc t cn li c trng m ri vo m tit
th ba.
6. y l cu hi ly ui. Vi Neither ( khng ) mang ngha ph nh, nn v ui s th khng
nh. p n ng l B.
7. p n ng l B. should not : khng nn ( ch li khuyn ); might: c th ( ch kh nng)
8. p n ng l D. Chng ta dng have something done ni rng ta sp t ngi khc lm mt
vic g cho chng ta.
9. p n ng l A. authorize someone to do something: cho quyn ai c lm vic g
Cc p n khch k chn c, v:
B: notice someone do/ doing something: thy ai lm g / ang lm g
C. let someone do something: cho php ai lm g
D. give someone something: a cho ai ci g
10. p n ng l B. dedicate ones life to doing something: cng hin c cuc i ca ai lm g.
11. Cu ny hi v k nng giao tip. p n ng l D. indispensable: rt cn thit.
Ngha cc t cn li:
A. significant: y ngha; B. optional: khng bt buc; C. indistinct: khng r rng.
12. Cu ny hi v t vng. p n l A. allergic to something: d ng vi ci g.
Ngha cc p n cn li: B. tired of: mt mi; C. keen on: th v; D. . preferable to: thch hn
13. p n ng l A. Ta thy c cm t two extremes hai cc => dng gii t between - gia (hai vt,
ngi ).
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14. Cu ny hi v k nng giao tip. Do you have a minute, Dr Keith? - cu ny hi c rnh ri hay
p n ng l C. Sure. Whats the problem? Chc chn ri. C chuyn g vy?
Cc p n khc khng hp vi ng cnh.
A. Tt. Ti khng chc khi no.
B. Tt. Ti hy vng nh vy.
D. Xin li. Ti khng c n y.
15. p n ng l D. S( ch vt ) + need + V-ing. : cn c lm g ( mang ngha b ng )
16. p n ng l D. Vi By + mc thi gian trong tng lai, ta s dng th tng lai hon thnh din t hnh ng
s c hon thnh ti thi im .
17. p n ng l A. intensive training: o to chuyn su
Ngha cc t cn li: B. concentration: s tp trung; C. preparation: s chun b; D. learning: s hc
18. Cu ny hi v k nng giao tip.
Oh, I have to leave. Bye. - , t phi i ri. Tm bit!
p n ph hp nht l B. Good day! Chc mt ngy tt p!
Cc p n khc khng hp ng cnh.
A. Tm bit. Cng rt vui c gp bn.
C. Lm tt lm. Hn gp bn sau nh!
D. Lm n ng i!
19. p n ng l D. Lin t all along = all the time = from the beginning: sut thi gian,t u
20. p n ng l B. rear view mirror: gng chiu hu
21. p n ng l C. respectful (adj): l php >< disrespectful: khng l php, bt knh
Cu cho c ngha l: Tr con khng nn bt knh vi ngi ln.
22. p n ng l A. make + someone/something + adj: khin ai / ci g tr nn nh th no
23. p n ng l C. y l cu mnh quan h rt gn ch ng trong cu ch ng, ta dng V-ing.
Vit y : .. with a new material which combines flexibly with lightness.
24. p n ng l B. Ta thy c since + mnh th qu kh n gin => v trc ng t s chia th
hin ti hon thnh. Hn na, this room ch vt => cu chia dng b ng.
25. Cu ny hi v t vng. p n ng l C. sympathetic ( nhit tnh)
Ngha ca cu : Tom qu nhit tnh n ni bn ca anh ta c xu hng ni cho anh ta bit tt c cc vn
ca h.
26. Cu ny hi v cch rt gn mnh trng ng when +S +V.. Khi hai v c chung ch ng, ta c
th rt gn ch ng v trng ng, v hnh thc ng t s bin i.
Vi dng ch ng: When + V- ing. Vi dng b ng: When + PII
V ch ng alcohol ( cht cn ) l danh t ch vt => cu chia dng b ng.
27. Cu ny hi v cm ng t.
p n ng l B. give away all ones money to : cho ht tin
Give off: To ra, pht ra, bc ra, bc ln, xng ln (mi, hi nng, khi... ).
Give out: Chia, phn phi, cng b .
28. Cu ny hi v k nng giao tip.
If you ask me, action movies are great! - Nu bn hi t, th t thy phim hnh ng l tuyt nht.
p n l A. You can say it again Cu ny th hin s hon ton ng vi iu m ai ni.
29. Cu ny hi v k nng giao tip.
Let me do that for you - Hy t lm gip bn nh.
p n ng l B. Please dont bother Lm n ng c xa vo. ( Khi khng mun ai xen vo vic
ca mnh. )
30. p n ng l A. nag ( + at ): cn nhn
Ngha ca cu: G n ng h hng ny lc no cng cn nhn v.
Ngha cc t khc: B. look ( + at ): nhn; C. irritate: cu; D conflict: xung t
31. Candid (adj) : thng thn, bc trc
p n ng l A. open and frank: ci m v tht th
Ngha cc t cn li:
B. sweet: ng yu, c duyn
C. discreet: d dt, kn o
D. casual: v t, cu th
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32. Neutral: ng trung lp, gi thi trung lp

p n ng l B. uncommitted : Khng nhn ly trch nhim; khng t rng buc. => mang tnh trung
Ngha cc t cn li:
A. unmarried: khng kt hn; B, untroubled: khng bn khon, lo lng; D. unhurried: khng vi v
33. Decidely(adv): Mt cch quyt nh
p n ng l D. obviously: Mt cch r rng, quyt nh
Ngha cc t cn li: A. nhc i nhc li; B. mt cch tha nhn; C. ng lu , ng quan tm.
34. p n ng l D. its => their
35. p n ng l A. suppose => are supposed
36. p n ng l C. of => on
37. p n l C. strictly attention => strict attention
38. p n l C. in => of
39. Get in touch with: gi lin lc vi.
p n l C. lose contract with: mt lin lc vi
Ngha cc cm t khc:
A. put ( someone ) in charge of: thc ( cho ai ) trch nhim lm g
B: make room for : nhng ch cho
40. Respect: hnh ng l php
p n l C. impudence: hnh ng lo xc, li ni lo xc
Ngha cc t cn li;
A. agreement: s ng tnh; B. rudeness: s bt lch s; D. obedience: s vng li
41. p n l B. studies: nhng nghin cu
Khng chn p n C. researches, v research ch l mt phn, lnh vc chuyn su ca study. Ni cch
khc, study bao qut hn, mang tnh cch tm hiu... cn research mang tnh cch tm ti.
42. p n l B. personal view: theo quan im c nhn
43. p n l C. necessity: s cn thit
Ngha cc t cn li: A. task: nhim v; C. reason: l do; D. duty: trch nhim
44. p n l A. be born out: c xc minh
Ngha cc t khc:
C. be cut out: b ct bt; b thi, ngng ( lm g )
B. be brought out: c em ra, a ra
D. be made out: c dng ln
45. p n ng l D. Ch c refer mi c gii t TO + Ving,
46. p n l D. cross the stress: qua ng.
47. p n l B. IN REALITY: Dng ni 1 iu g khc vi ci m c ni hoc c tin tng.
Ngha cc lin t khc: A. In addition: Thm vo ( thm thng tin); C. In contrast: ngc li ( ch s
tng phn ); D. In fact: thc t
48. p n l D. certainly: mt cch chc chn
Ngha cc t cn li: A. very: rt; B. extremely: v cng; C. perfectly: mt cch hon ho
49. p n l A. do. ng t do lm, thay th cho cc ng t ch hnh ng, vic lm c nhc
n t on trc.
50. p n l B. manner. Ci ny lin quan n ni dung c on, c v s thy manner l hp l ( cch s
dng ch khng phi c c nhiu time cho chng l tt)
51. p n l D. Da vo on kt ca bi. It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and
experimenting to see if results are indeed beneficial, ..... (Ngi ta hy vng rng bng cch ghi cc bi thuc
dn gian v th nghim xem nu kt qu c thc s mang li li ch, .....)
52. p n l A. therapeutic= medicinal: ( thuc ) php cha bnh
Ngha cc t cn li: traditional: ( thuc) v truyn thng; psychological : ( thuc ) tm l; physiological

: (thuc ) sinh l hc
53. p n l A. Nghi ng c tnh cha bnh ca mu.
Truy cp: hc Ting anh tt hn

Trang 9/11 - M thi 134

Da vo trong bi: . Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds to study when
he discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance. (.... Alexander Fleming khng ch chn ngu
nhin nhng mu pho mt nghin cu khi ng pht hin cht st khun rt quan trng.)
54. p n l B. eliminate = dispose of; loi tr, kh,
Ngha cc t khc: kill off: git sch; excrete: bi tit, thi; cleanse: lm sch
55. p n l D. Da vo : In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding sugar cane is used
for healing infections in wounds and ulcers. ( mt s khu vc Nam M, mt loi bt c nghin t
ma c s dng cha bnh nhim trng vt thng v vt lot. )
56. p n l B. Da vo : This catfish excretes a gellike slime which scientist found to contain antibiotics
coagulant that helps close injured blood vessels . (C da trn ny o thi ra mt cht nhn gellike m
nh khoa hc pht hin c cha khng sinh ng mu gip ng cc mch mu b thng )
57. p n l C. Da vo : . helps close injured blood vessels, anti-inflammatory agents, and a
chemical that directs production of a glue-like material that aids healing. ( gip thng cc mch mu b
thng gn, cc cht chng vim, v mt ha cht m trc tip sn xut ca mt cht ging nh keo nhm
h tr cha bnh.)
58. p n l A. consumption = utilisation : s dng
Ngha cc t cn li : destruction : s ph hy ; experimentation : s th nghim ; manipulation : s thao tc
59. p n l D. They cause blood clots - Chng lm mu ng.
60. p n l B. To advance modern medical practices ci tin hot ng y hc hin i.

61. p n ng l A. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools. Nhng thay i trong tuyn sinh ca
trng MBA. c qua bi chng ta c th chn c p n ny, v c on vn u tp trung ni v MBA
62. Two decades : hai thp k = 20 nm => p n D
63. Prosperity: s phn thnh => t st ngha nht l A. success: s thnh cng
Ngha cc t cn li: education: gio dc; nurturing: bi dng; surplus: d tha
64. p n ng l C. Trng khng c biu hin gim trong tuyn sinh l trng Harvard. Da vo trong
bi: Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their enrollments. (C hai trng Princeton v Stanford
thy gim trong tuyn sinh ca h.)
65. Trend of : xu hng. T c ngha st nht l movement toward di chuyn hng v . p n D.
Ngha cc t cn li: drawback to : Hn ch n; extraction from : khai thc t; reluctance of : min
cng ..
66. Seeking: tm kim. T c ngha st nht l pursuing: theo ui. p n l A.
Ngha cc t khc: avoiding: trnh; seizing: thu gi; examining: kim tra
67. p n ng l B. a major financial centre - mt trung tm ti chnh ln
cp n Wall Street: .... many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does
not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities . (.... Nhiu
sinh vin tt nghip cc trng i hc bn nm u nhn thy rng bng MBA khng bo m mt cng
vic sang trng Wall Street hay cc huyn ti chnh khc ca cc thnh ph ln ca M. )
68. p n l A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession ( Bng MBA thiu s cn thit v
s suy thoi kinh t.) Cu ny c th hin rt r on 2.
69. p n ng l D. Da vo cu cui ca bi: Business needs are changing , and MBA schools are
struggling to meet the new demands. (Nhu cu kinh doanh ang thay i, v trng hc MBA ang phn
u p ng nhng yu cu mi.)
70. p n ng l B. struggling = striving: n lc , phn u
Ngha cc t cn li: evolving: tin ha; plunging: gim mnh; starting: bt u
71. Ngha cu cho: Nu li sut c ct gim, tnh hnh kinh t c th ci thin.
p n ng l A. S ct gim v li sut c th ci thin c tnh hnh kinh t.
72. Ngha cu cho: Mc d chng ti n tng vi nhng rp chiu phim mi, nhng chng ti thy n
kh t.
Cu trc nhn mnh : Adj + as + S + V, S + V : Adj as SV, SV: mc d.... n th no nhng...
p n ng l D. Chng ti rt n tng bi cc rp chiu phim mi, nhng thy n kh t.
73. Ngha cu cho: Vi s gip ca chng trnh my tnh mi, chng ta c th gii quyt nhiu vn
mt cch nhanh chng v chnh xc.
Truy cp: hc Ting anh tt hn

Trang 10/11 - M thi

p n ng l B. Chng trnh my tnh mi cho php chng ti gii quyt nhiu vn mt cch
nhanh chng v chnh xc.
Cu trc: enable someone to do something: cho php ai lm g
74. Ngha cu cho: Cuc hp b hon li v sc p ca thi gian.
p n ng l D. Khng c thi gian t chc cuc hp.
75. Ngha cu cho: Con ch ca anh chc chn khng phi l mt ch sn.
p n l D. Con ch ca anh ta khu gic km.
76. Cu ny chng ta s dng o ng vi cu trc: ONLY BY + N/Ving + Vaux + S + V: Ch bng cch
p n ng l C.
77. p n ng l A.
Cu gi nh i lp vi thc t hin ti
ng t sau ch ng hai s chia simple past, to be phi chia l were tt c cc ngi.
S1 + would rather that + S2 + [verb in simple past tense] ...
78. p n l D.
Cu ny s dng mnh quan h dng rt gn dng b ng: V-ed/ PII
ng t collapse sp thng c chia dng ch ng. Hn na, vi cm trng t in the last
storm trong cn bo trc, ng t s c chia th qu kh n gin.
79. Cu trc: ask someone to do something: yu cu ai lm g.
Do vy, cu ny phi chia dng b ng. p n ng l C.
Ngha l: Hng ngy h c yu cu kha ca trc khi ri i.
80. p n ng l C. Cu trc: be responsible to someone for something: chu trch nhim vi ai v vic

Truy cp: hc Ting anh tt hn


Trang 11/11 - M thi

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