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West Malton Residents Group Newsletter

Visually Important Undeveloped Area (VIUA) Designation for High Malton site
We are applying to Ryedale District Council to have the above designation for the High Malton site to
protect it from development. We would also like the area to extend south of Castle Howard Rd, west to the
boundary with the Howardian Hills AONB and north to Broughton Rd. If you would like to support us in
this, please email and say you are supporting the West Malton
Residents Group application for VIUA status for Land North and South of Castle Howard Rd, by
8th November (next Tuesday), or send to Rachael Balmer, Planning Officer, Forward Planning and
Conservation, Ryedale District Council, Ryedale House, Malton, YO17 7HH
A summary of our application is as below:
Application for Visually important undeveloped areas (VIUA) designation for the area North and
South of Castle Howard Road, its boundary on the east the built edge of Malton, on the west the edge
of the Howardian Hills AONB, to the south by the York Road industrial Estate, and to the north by
the Broughton Rd. The area should include the allotments called California Gardens on the western edge
of Malton south of Castle Howard Rd.
This area fulfils the following categories for designation as a VIUA.
Contribution the space makes to the setting of the settlement viewed either from publicly accessible
view points within the settlement or from approach roads or paths
York Rd, Castle Howard Rd, footpaths and bridleways.
Contribution the space makes to the overall form and character of the settlement
The space enables the settlement to blend in with the countryside and not intrude into an area that is
contiguous with and of the same character as the Howardian Hills AONB and forms its setting
Extent to which the space provides a vista/viewpoint into the surrounding countryside
The space forms open views towards the Howardian Hills AONB, the Wolds and the Moors from various
angles along the footpaths and bridleways around its edge.
Extent to which trees, boundary hedges or walls contribute to the character of the space
The hedgerows and trees form an important contribution to the character of the space
Green Space Designation
We have followed this with an application to the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan, David Lloyd Williams to
have a Local Green Space designation, which gives the area a greater level of protection from
development, as we are able build the case further by drawing attention to the recreational importance of
the area for walkers in particular, and the role of verges and paddocks in enhancing the attractiveness of
Castle Howard Road and Middlecave Road. Email: to register your
support for this submissions, saying you support West Malton Residents Group on this matter. You can also
request other green areas for protection if they are important to you, saying why.
The full wording of these 2 documents is available by request from Ian Conlan, 83 Middlecave Rd, tel
01653690831, 07977425422 or email Please also mention if you would like
to be added to our mailing list.
Thank you for joining with us in helping to protect our recreational areas from intrusive development.
Ian Conlan, Chair of West Malton Residents Group
website twitter & facebook maltonresidents

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