Reviewer Tutorial

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Data Reviewer Tutorial

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Data Reviewer Tutorial

Introducing the Data Reviewer tutorial
This tutorial introduces you to the ArcGIS Data Reviewer extension. With the
Reviewer tutorial you will learn how to create a Reviewer session and manage
records as you progress through the data review cycle. You will also learn how to
configure automated quality control checks and how to schedule the checks to run
automatically using the Reviewer service.
You should complete the tutorial in sequence, since the software methods build on
those introduced in earlier exercises and assume you understand those concepts.
You should complete each section's exercises together.
Before you begin, it is recommended that you make a copy of the data used in the
tutorial so the original tutorial data will remain unmodified.

Concepts in this tutorial

Exercise 1 is designed to show you how to create a Reviewer session and how to use
the Reviewer table. The exercise will also show you how to commit, correct, and
verify records in the Reviewer table.
Exercise 2 in this tutorial is designed to show you how to create and execute a batch
job. A batch job allows you to configure automated quality control checks that can be
stored and run when necessary.
Exercise 3 introduces you to the Reviewer service. The Reviewer service is a windows
service that allows you to schedule a batch job to run at regular intervals without
manual intervention.

Exercise 1: Getting started with Data Reviewer

In this exercise you will learn how to create and use a Reviewer session. During this
exercise, you will create a Reviewer geodatabase and add a record to the Reviewer
Table. You will then finish the quality control cycle by correcting and verifying the

Exercise 1a - Starting and configuring a Reviewer session

For this portion of the exercise, you will use the Reviewer Session Manager to create
a Reviewer database. During the exercise, the Reviewer Session Manager will create
the Reviewer schema, which includes the Reviewer table and the Reviewer feature
dataset, in an empty geodatabase.
A Reviewer session is a way to organize the records in the Reviewer table. A unique
session could be created for each person performing the review or for each area
being reviewed.
1. Start ArcMap.
2. Open the Reviewer.mxd file.
The Reviewer.mxd is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data
was copied.
If you do not have the Maplex extension enabled, a Label Engine Unavailable
message will appear. Choose the Convert labeling properties to the standard
label engine option and click OK.
3. Set the Quality Control Toolbar Settings by clicking Customize, pointing to
Production, then pointing to Toolbar Settings, and choosing Quality Control.
If the ArcMap Settings Change Warning appears, click OK to continue.
4. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

Toolbar will be docked in the upper-left of the ArcMap display.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.

5. Click Browse in the Reviewer Workspace area.

The Reviewer Workspace dialog box appears.
6. Navigate to the Reviewer.gdb and click Add.
The Reviewer.gdb is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data was
Reviewer.gdb appears in the Reviewer Workspace area in the Reviewer Session
Manager dialog box.
7. The User Name value is automatically populated with your windows login name.
Update this value if necessary.
8. Click New.
The Reviewer Workspace Properties dialog box appears. This dialog box only
appears the first time you create a session in a Reviewer Workspace.

9. Ensure the Use Active Data Frame Spatial Reference: option is selected.
10. Click OK.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears with the session information
populated. At this point, the Reviewer tables and feature dataset are created in
the Reviewer.gdb. The Reviewer feature dataset has the chosen spatial reference.
It is important to ensure that the spatial reference of the Reviewer feature
dataset matches the spatial reference of the data being reviewed.
11. Change the Name value to Exercise 1.
The Reviewer Dataset Version will remain grayed out. This option is only used if
the Reviewer database is in an SDE database.
12. Click Start Session.
The Start Session button becomes the End Session button.
13. Click Close.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box closes and the Reviewer tools will use
the chosen session when writing to the Reviewer table.

Exercise 1b - Committing records to the Reviewer table

The first stage in the data review cycle is to find issues with your data. Once an issue
is identified, the feature is committed to the Reviewer table with a description of the
1. Zoom to the Commit Record bookmark by clicking the Bookmarks menu on the
Main Menu toolbar and choosing Commit Record.
Near the center of the screen, you will see a road that is straight even though the
image shows that the road curves.

2. Select the feature from the MajorRoads feature class.

3. Click the Commit to Reviewer Table button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Commit to Reviewer Table dialog box appears.

4. Choose Reshape Line from the Enter Review Status list.

5. Enter additional information such as Road needs to be reshaped. in the
Notes text box.
6. Click the Severity drop-down arrow and change the value to 3.
7. Click OK.
The Commit to Reviewer Table dialog box closes. A record is written to the
Reviewer table.
8. Click the Reviewer Table button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Table dockable window appears. Ensure the Reviewer table is
docked at the bottom of ArcMap and adjust the height so you can see the record.

9. Double-click the record.

The feature associated with the record is selected and the extent is zoomed to
the extent of the feature.
10. Scroll the Reviewer table to the right to see the values for the record.
Notice that the Status you chose from the list appears in the REVIEWSTATUS
field. The ObjectId of the feature appears in the OBJECTID field, and the name of
the feature class appears in the ORIGINTABLE field. Also notice that the session
user name is populated in the REVIEWTECHNICIAN field.

Exercise 1c - Correcting and verifying records in the Reviewer table

Once an issue is identified in the data, the issue will need to be fixed. The final step
in the review cycle is to verify that the identified issue has been correctly fixed.
Often the person who identifies an error may not be the same person who corrects
it. The status of the issue can be tracked in fields in the Reviewer table record.
1. If necessary, launch the Production Editing toolbar.
2. Click the Production Start Editing button

on the Production Editing

Note: If you only have a Reviewer license, you can start an edit session using
the Editor toolbar.
Note: If you have a Production Mapping license, the Manager Features and
Feature Attribute windows will appear. These windows allow you to update the
attributes of features. You will not need them for this exercise so you can close
them using the X in the upper-right corner of the window.
3. Double-click the Reviewer table record.
This will select and zoom to the road feature you committed.
4. Click the Reshape Feature tool

on the Production Editing toolbar.

Note: If you only have a Reviewer license, you can activate the Reshape Feature
tool using the Editor toolbar.

5. Create an edit sketch that intersects the selected feature twice and follows the
road in the image.
6. Double-click or click F2 to finish the sketch.
The feature is reshaped.
7. Click the Stop Editing button

on the Production Editing toolbar.

Note: If you only have a Reviewer license, you can start an edit session using
the Editor toolbar.
8. Click Yes on the Save dialog box.
Now that the issue has been fixed in the data, the status of the Reviewer table
record will also need to be updated.
9. Ensure the Reviewer table record is selected.
10. Right-click the record and choose Enter Correction Status.


The Reviewer Correction dialog box appears.

11. Choose Resolved from the Evaluation drop-down list.

12. Choose Per Guidance from the Explanation drop-down list.
13. Click OK.
The Reviewer table record is updated.
14. Scroll in the Reviewer table until you can see the CORRECTIONTECHNICIAN,
CORRECTIONDATE, and CORRECTIONSTATUS fields. Notice that they are now
populated with your user name, the current date and time, and the values you
specified on the Reviewer Correction dialog box.


Now that the Reviewer table record has been corrected, the next stage is to
verify the record. Depending on the way you choose to implement the review
cycle, this action may be performed by someone who did not fix the error.
15. Right-click the record and choose Enter Verification Status.
The Reviewer Verify dialog box appears.

16. Choose Acceptable from the Reviewer Verify list.

17. Click OK.
The Reviewer table record is updated.
18. Scroll in the Reviewer table until you can see the VERIFICATIONTECHNICIAN,
VERIFICATIONDATE, and VERIFICATIONSTATUS fields. Notice that they are now
populated with your user name, the current date and time, and the value you
specified on the Reviewer Verify dialog box.

Exercise 1d - Ending a Reviewer session

The Reviewer Session Manager allows you to end a Reviewer session. This allows you
to change to a different Reviewer session while remaining in ArcMap. If you do not
end the Reviewer session, it will be automatically ended when you close ArcMap.
19. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.


20. Click End Session.

21. Click Close.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box closes.


Exercise 2: Working with batch jobs

Data Reviewer contains more than 40 automated checks that can be configured to
validate your data. Checks can be configured to run one at a time by choosing a
check from the Select a Check drop-down list on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
Data Reviewer also offers the ability to configure and store multiple checks using
batch jobs. The batch job can be thought of as a quality control model, a way to
encapsulate and distribute quality control and validation information. The batch job
allows users in different locations to utilize a consistent set of automated checks
when validating their data. In this exercise you will learn how to create and run a
batch job using the Batch Job Manager and Batch Validate tools.

Exercise 2a - Adding a check

Checks are configured in a batch job using the Batch Job Manager. You can create
groups in which you can store checks that apply to different aspects of your
database. For example, in one group you can have checks that are used to validate
the attributes for a specified feature class, and in a different group you can have
checks for validating the geometry of features.
In the data, both points and polygons are used to represent important facilities. Any
time a point and polygon represent the same location, both features should have the
same name. The Geometry on Geometry check will be configured to find a point that
is within a polygon where the name of the point is different from the name of the
1. Ensure that ArcMap is open and the Reviewer.mxd has been loaded.
2. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.


3. Make sure that Reviewer.gdb is set as the Reviewer workspace.

The Reviewer.gdb is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data was
4. Click New next the Session ID drop-down list.
5. Change the Name to Exercise 2.
6. Click Start Session.
The Start Session button becomes the End Session button.
7. Click Close.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box closes and the Reviewer tools will use
the chosen session when writing errors to the Reviewer table.
8. Click the Reviewer Batch Job Manager button
The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears.


on the Data Reviewer

9. Right-click in the empty space in the upper-box of the Reviewer Batch Job
Manager and click New Group.
A node called Group 1 is added to the tree.
10. Select the Group 1 node and press F2.
11. Rename the node "Geometry Checks".
12. Right-click the Geometry Checks node and choose Add Check > Feature on
Feature Checks > Geometry on Geometry Check.


The Geometry on Geometry Check Properties dialog box appears.


13. Type Point in landmark with different name in the Check Title box.
14. In the Feature Class 1 area of the dialog box, choose Schools from the Feature
Class/Subtype drop-down list.
15. In the Feature Class 2 area of the dialog box, choose LandmarkAreas from the
Feature Class/Subtype drop-down list.
16. In the Attributes area of the dialog box, choose Compare Attributes.
17. Click Select Attributes.
The Compare Attributes dialog box appears.


18. Choose Name from the Data Source 1 Attribute drop-down list.
19. Choose <> from the Operator drop-down list.
20. Choose Name from the Data Source 2 Attribute drop-down list.
21. Click Add.
22. Click OK.
23. On the Geometry on Geometry Check Properties dialog box, scroll down so you
can see the rest of the properties.
24. Choose Within from the Type drop-down list in the Spatial Relation Check area.
25. Type a value in the Notes text box such as Point is within a Landmark Area
with a different name.
26. If necessary, change the value in the Severity drop-down list.
27. Click OK.
The Point in landmark with different name node is added to the tree.


28. If desired, steps 11-25 can be repeated for all of the point layers in the map
(Cemeteries, GolfCourses, Buildings, and Hospitals). When repeating step 14,
replace Schools with the appropriate point layer.

Exercise 2b - Duplicating a check

When creating multiple checks with similar properties, the Batch Job Manager has
the ability to duplicate the parameters of the check and assign different feature
classes. For this portion of the exercise, you will validate the attributes of a feature
with the Execute SQL check and then duplicate the check for other feature classes.
1. Right-click in the empty space in the upper-box of the Reviewer Batch Job
Manager and click New Group.
A node called Group 2 is added to the tree.
2. Select the Group 2 node and press F2.
3. Rename the node "Attribute Checks".
4. Right-click on the Attribute Checks node and choose Add Check > Table Checks >
Execute SQL Check.

The Execute SQL Check Properties dialog box appears.


5. Type Name is not populated in the Check Title box.

6. Choose MajorRoads from the Feature Class/Subtype drop-down list.
7. Click SQL next to the Where Clause field.
The Select Features Using a Query dialog box appears.


8. From the Fields list click NAME, then click Add.

9. In the Where Clause text box, type IS NULL.
10. From the Operators, click the Or button.
11. From the Fields list click NAME, then click Add.
12. From the Operators, click the = button.
13. In the Where Clause text box, type .
This is an open single quote mark and a closed single quote mark.
When finished, the Where Clause text box should look like the following:


14. Click OK.

15. Type a value in the Notes text box such as Name MUST be populated.
16. If necessary, change the value in the Severity drop-down list.
17. Click OK.
The Name is not populated node is added to the tree.
18. Right-click the Name is not populated node and choose Duplicate Check.
The Duplicate Check Generator dialog box appears.


19. Check the check boxes next to the feature classes/tables for which you want to
duplicate the check. Click Select All to check all the feature classes.
Note: Make sure that CoastalWater, MajorRoads, and States are NOT checked.
20. Click OK.
A new group named Output of Duplicate is added to the tree. A Name is not
populated node is added as a child to the Output of Duplicate node for each
feature class that was chosen on the Duplicate Check Generator dialog box.

21. In the tree, while pressing and holding the Shift key, select all the checks under
the Output of Duplicate node.
22. Click and drag the checks so they appear under the Attribute Checks node.
23. Right-click the Output of Duplicate node and choose Delete Group.
24. Click Yes on the Delete Group message.

Exercise 2c - Saving the batch job

Once you are finished adding all the checks to the batch job, it can be saved and
distributed. When the batch job is saved, it is stored as a Reviewer batch job (.rbj)
1. Click Save As on the Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box.
The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Navigate to the Reviewer directory where the sample data was copied, and type a
name for the batch job such as Reviewer.rbj.


3. Click Save.
4. Click OK on the Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box to close it.

Exercise 2d -Running the batch job with Reviewer Batch Validate

One way to validate your data against the checks configured in your batch job is to
run Reviewer Batch Validate. Reviewer Batch Validate allows you to choose which
checks from the batch job will be run and allows you to choose the features you want
to run the checks on (Selection Set, Current Extent, Definition Query, Full Database,
or Changed Features if you are using SDE data).

1. Ensure that the extent of the map is zoomed to the Batch Validate Extent
bookmark by clicking the Bookmarks menu on the Main Menu toolbar and
choosing Batch Validate Extent.
2. Click the Reviewer Batch Validate button
The Batch Validate dialog box appears.

3. Click Add from File...

The Select Batch Job File dialog box appears.


on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

4. Navigate to and choose the .rbj you created in "Saving the batch job" and click
The Batch Jobs area is populated with checks from the batch job.
5. Uncheck the check box next to the Attribute Checks node.
These checks will not be run.
6. Ensure that Current Extent is chosen in the Features to Validate area.
7. Click Validate All.
This will check the configuration of the batch job to ensure there are no errors. A
Default node will be added to the top of the Batch Jobs tree. This node will have
an Invalid Geometry Check for each feature class used in a selected check that
also appears in the current extent. Default checks cannot be disabled through
Reviewer Batch Validate, but are managed through the Reviewer Session
Manager by clicking Advanced.

8. Click Run.
The chosen checks will be run on the data in the current extent. A progress
dialog box appears, and when the checks are finished running a Table Writer
message appears indicating how many errors were found.
9. Click OK.


10. Click the Reviewer Table button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Table dockable window appears. Ensure the Reviewer table is
docked at the bottom of ArcMap and adjust the height so you can see some of
the records.
11. Double-click a record.
The feature associated with the record is selected and the extent is panned to the
extent of the point feature. To see that this feature is in error, use the Identify
tool on the Tools toolbar to view the attributes of the point. The name field of the
LandmarkArea features is used as the label so you will see that the Names do not
12. Scroll the Reviewer table over to see the values for the record.
Notice that the ORIGINCHECK and PARAMETERS fields are populated with
information from the check you configured. The ObjectId of the feature appears
in the OBJECTID field and the name of the feature class appears in the
ORIGINTABLE field. Also notice that the session user name appears in the
13. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.

14. Click End Session.
15. Click Close.
The Reviewer Session Manager is closed.


Exercise 3: Setting up the Reviewer service

The Data Reviewer service is a Windows service that can be scheduled to run
Reviewer batch jobs. Similar to running a batch job using the Reviewer Batch
Validate tool, the Reviewer service validates and runs batch jobs and writes the
results to the Reviewer table in a specified Reviewer session. Batch jobs can be
scheduled to run once at a specific date and time or to run repeatedly at regular

Exercise 3a - Installing the Reviewer service

Note: Running the Reviewer service post-installer requires that you have
administrative permission.

1. Click the Start button, point to All Programs, point to ArcGIS Data Reviewer
10, and click GIS Data Reviewer Service Post Installation.
The Reviewer Service Post Install dialog box appears.

2. Click Next.
The Reviewer Service Folder dialog box appears.


3. Click the Browse button

next to the Select Folder field.

The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.

4. Navigate to the Reviewer directory in the location that you copied the tutorial
data on your machine.
5. Click OK.
The path to the directory appears in the Select Folder field.
6. Click Next.
The Install Options dialog box appears.


7. Check the Launch Service Controller after Post Installation is complete

check box.
8. Click Next.
The Reviewer Service Post Install Summary dialog box appears.


9. Click Install.
Once the installation is complete, the Post Installation Complete dialog box
Ensure that all the items in the results dialog were successful.


10. Click Finished.

The installation process is complete and the Data Reviewer Service Controller
icon appears in the system tray.
Three new subdirectories named config, jobs, and logs are created in the
Reviewer Service folder.

Exercise 3b - Setting up files for the service

Before configuring the service, you need to make sure that the Reviewer session
exists and that the batch job is referencing the data you want to validate.
1. Start ArcMap if it is not already open from Exercise 2.
2. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.


3. Make sure that Reviewer.gdb is set as the Reviewer workspace.

The Reviewer.gdb is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data was
4. Click New next the Session ID drop-down list.
5. Change Name to Exercise 3.
6. Click Start Session.
The Start Session button becomes the End Session button.
7. Click Close.
The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box closes. The Reviewer tools will use the
chosen session when writing errors to the Reviewer table.
Note: If you completed Exercise 2, you may close ArcMap and proceed to the
"Creating a new service job" portion of this exercise. If not please complete exercise
2a-c before proceeding with exercise 3c.

Exercise 3c - Creating a new service job

The first step in configuring the Reviewer service to run automatically is to create a
new service job. The service job allows you to specify the batch jobs to run and the
Reviewer workspace where session errors will be written to.


1. If the Data Reviewer Service Controller icon does not appear in your system tray,
click the Start button, point to All Programs, point to ArcGIS Data Reviewer 10,
and click GIS Data Reviewer Service Controller.
The Data Reviewer Service Controller icon appears in the system tray.

2. Right-click Data Reviewer Service Controller

Service Jobs.

icon and choose Configure

If the Unable to Read Service Configuration message appears, click OK to close it.
The Configure New Service Job dialog box appears.

3. Click the ellipsis () next to the Workspace text box.

The Select a workspace containing sessions dialog box appears.
4. Navigate to the Reviewer.gdb file and click Add.
The Reviewer.gdb is in the Reviewer directory where you copied the sample data.


The Sessions drop-down list is populated with a list of sessions from the Reviewer
5. Choose Exercise 3 from the Sessions drop-down list.
6. Click Add From File in the Batch Jobs area of the dialog box.
The Select a Batch Job dialog box appears.
7. Navigate to your batch job and click Open.
If you completed Exercise 2, navigate to the batch job you created.
The Batch Jobs area is populated with checks in the batch job.
The next step in configuring the service is choosing when you want the service to
run. Reviewer service job can be scheduled to run at a specific interval or only once
at a specified time. The service job can be run daily, weekly, or monthly based on
the starting date and time you choose.
At the end of this section you will save the service job configuration.

In the Configure New Service Job dialog box, click the Schedule tab.
The Schedule tab appears.


9. Ensure Set Start Time to Now is selected in the Start Date & Time area.
10. Ensure the Set Interval check box is checked.
11. Choose Other Interval in the Execution area.
12. Choose Weekly from the Other Interval drop-down list.
By setting these parameters for the schedule, the batch job will validate the data
as soon as the service is started and will continue to validate the data every week
after that.
13. Choose Save from the File menu.
The Save Service Job dialog box appears.
14. Navigate to the Jobs directory in the Reviewer Service folder (\Reviewer\jobs).
Type a value in the File Name text box such as ServiceJob.
15. Click Save.
16. Click the Close button
Jobs dialog box.

in the upper-right corner of the Configure Service


The Configure Service Jobs dialog box closes.

Exercise 3d - Configuring the service

Multiple service jobs may exist, however, the Reviewer service can only be
configured to run one at a time. The service configuration file is used to tell the
Reviewer service which service job to run and where to write the log files.
At the end of this section, you will save the service configuration.
1. Right-click the Data Reviewer Service Controller icon and choose Configure
If the Unable to Read Service Configuration message appears, click OK to close it.
The Service Configuration dialog box appears.

2. Check the Make Default Configuration check box.

3. Click the ellipsis () next to the Service Job text box.
The Select a Service Job dialog box appears.
4. Navigate to the Jobs directory in the Reviewer service folder (\Reviewer\jobs)
and select the Service Job Configuration you saved in the "Setting up an interval
for the service" section of this exercise.


5. Click Open.
The path to the Service Job appears.
6. Click the ellipsis () next to the Engine Log Folder text box.
The Browse For Folder dialog appears.
7. Navigate to and select the Logs directory in the Reviewer service folder
8. Click OK.
The path to the Logs directory appears.
9. Click the ellipsis () next to the Service Log Folder text box.
The Browse For Folder dialog appears.
10. Navigate to and select the Logs directory in the Reviewer service folder
11. Click OK.
The path to the Logs directory appears.
12. Choose Save from the File menu.
The Save Configuration File dialog appears.
13. Navigate to the Config directory in the Reviewer Service folder
(\Reviewer\config), select the revserviceconfig.xml file, and click Save.
The Save Configuration File message appears.
14. Click Yes to replace the file.
15. Click the Close button
dialog box.

in the upper-right corner of the Service Configuration

The Service Configuration dialog box closes.

Exercise 3e - Starting the service

Now that you have configured the Reviewer service, all you need to do is start the
service. Since the service job was set to start now, the Reviewer service will begin
validating the data as soon as the service is started.
1. Right-click the Data Reviewer Service Controller icon and choose Manage
The Reviewer Service Control dialog appears.


2. Click the Start the Service


The status of RevService changes to Running.

A message appears at the bottom of the Reviewer Service Control dialog
indicating the service has started running the batch job.

3. Click the Close button

Jobs dialog box.

in the upper-right corner of the Configure Service

The Reviewer Service Control dialog box closes.

Exercise 3f -Viewing results from the service job

It may take the service few minutes to run the batch job. The batch job includes a
number of checks and is being run against data for the entire state of California.
When the service has finished executing the batch job, you can view the results two


You can look at the log file to determine if there were any configuration issues
with the Reviewer service setup such as checks that could not be run.

You can also look at any errors that were recorded to the Reviewer session.

1. Right-click the Data Reviewer Service Controller icon and choose Show Status.
The Status dialog box appears.

When the batch job finishes, which may take a few minutes, a row appears in the
Service Job Status File table. This indicates that the service has run once.
Additional rows will be appended when the service runs again.
2. Click Show next to the Server Log File text box.
The log file opens.


3. The Summary Report section provides you with information about how many
checks were run, how many errors were found, and how long it took to execute
the batch job.
4. When you are finished reviewing the log file, close it.
5. Click the Close button

in the upper-right corner of the Status dialog box.

The Status dialog box appears.

6. Start ArcMap.
7. Open the Reviewer.mxd.
The Reviewer.mxd is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data
was copied.
If you do not have the Maplex extension enabled, a Label Engine Unavailable
message will appear. Choose the Convert labeling properties to the standard
label engine option and click OK.
8. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.


9. Make sure that Reviewer.gdb is set as the Reviewer workspace.

The Reviewer.gdb is located in the Reviewer directory where the sample data was
10. Choose Session 3: Exercise 3 from the ID drop-down list.
11. Click Start Session.
The Start Session button becomes the End Session button.
12. Click Close.
13. Click the Reviewer Table button

on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

14. The Reviewer Table dockable window appears. Ensure the Reviewer table is
docked at the bottom of ArcMap and adjust the height so you can see some of
the records.

15. Double-click a record.


16. The feature associated with the record is selected and the extent is zoomed to
the extent of the feature.
17. Scroll the Reviewer table over to see the values for the record.
are populated with information for the batch job checks that you configured. The
ObjectId of the feature appears in the OBJECTID field and the name of the
feature class appears in the ORIGINTABLE field. Also notice that the session user
name appears in the REVIEWTECHNICIAN field.
19. If you scroll through the list of records, you will see that features were found
from both the Execute SQL and Geometry on Geometry checks you configured.
Note you can also click on the ORIGINCHECK field and drag it to the top of the
Reviewer table to group records by the check type.

20. When you are finished reviewing the records, close ArcMap.


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