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Kelsey Gentil

Jennifer Rodrick
QS 115
7 November 2016
Exercise 2: Scene From Story

In one scene of Christopher Isherwoods novel A Single Man the main focus is the main
character George. Throughout what we have read so far there is an understanding that he isnt
comfortable with his true self. Even more that his partner, the love of his life, died, it hasnt
much helped him cope with life. But one scene that really caught my eye was when he was
describing the house. For us the readers, we think as to why hed go so much in depth as to what
the house looks like. He starts of describing the house but also relating it to the passing of his
partner and how much his partner was involved. In a sense he tries to relate as much as possible
that he can to as to the house with his partner. The loss of his loved one has left this empty part of
him that is much needed for him to continue to go on, live day by day without any complications.
But another scene that caught my eye as well is when hes describing how breakfast with Jim
used to be. George is a very detailed person when it comes to describing things with is loved one
Jim, he remembers those itty bitty cute little details of how it when, the conversations they had,
everything. The best talks came out by the second or third cup of coffee. Theyd talk about
everything, I mean everything. But now that Jim has passed, its mentioned that if Jim were to
come back from the dead and visit George hed find him the same way, doing his usual routine,
but in a bit of a different way. George is living life, sadness, emptiness, without Jim. It's affecting
the way how he acts, is and goes through is day to day routine. Both of these scenes George you
can tell really, loved and appreciated having Jim as his lover, he felt comfortable with him. Jim
made George feel himself and feel the love and appreciation that we all love having.

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