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Malik Moreno

Animal Farms Dystopia

Know who Stalin is? Good. Cause you need to identify the qualities of a person to effectively
keep them from power. In George Orwells Animal Farm theres a character who directly reflects
Stalin Napoleon the pig, and reflects Stalins lust for absolute control through the means of
fear. How he controlled them was killing tons of innocent animals or those who committed minor
offenses thereafter subjugating all other animals to his whims, effectively creating a dystopia.

The mass killings ordered by Napoleon shows that the farm is quite the dystopia. He ordered
the Hens rations be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving as much as a grain of corn to
a hen should be punished by death. For five days the hens held out, then they capitulated and
went back to their nesting boxes. Nine hens had died in the mean-time.
the significance of this large quote is a bit complicated, see the point of animal farm was to free
the animal of humans, this includes anything relating to humans( especially money and feeding
them) but Napoleon suddenly changed his mind and decided to sell eggs to the humans, which
prompted the hens to rebel as it was against animal farms core beliefs.

Napoleon will do anything to keep his power from anyone else on the farm.
When the pigs finished their confession the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a
terrible voice demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess three hens had
confessed that Snowball came to them in a dream and incited them to disobey Napoleon's
orders. Even when it's as trivial as the hens not wanting to do something that went against
what animal farm stood for he still kills them for fear of losing his power.

Even if it's the stupidest acts that only should be a slap on the wrist is met with execution.
Then a goose confessed to having secreted six ears of corn during the last years harvest and
eaten them at night.Then a sheep confessed to having urinated in the drinking pool, urged to do
this by Snowball... and so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile
of corpses lying before Napoleons feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood, which had
been unknown there since the expulsion of Jones. This shows that when confronting stupidity
in the ranks of the animals (whose thoughts and confessions have no correlation to Snowball)
his only action is to only kill them, producing total fear in the animals effectively preventing other
uprisings and keeping his power from anyone but himself.

A dystopia born from mass killings. Can you see it now? The manipulation and the sheer
stupidity of the animals lead to this. Napoleon condemning these animals to death easily leads
in the direction of pure fear. Having the power and prowess to manipulate the animals into
submission it quite amazing actually. We need to be able to see who wants to manipulate us
through their actions and douse that fire before it kills us.

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