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Ezame Medio semester


Semester IV-Class A


= 47.8 Mpa, b = 23.4 Mpa

d. = 23.4 Mpa, b = 30.0 Mpa

4. Husi denho kraik nee deside valor husi P ba coluna ba betaun (concrete) tuir area no normal strees nebe fo sai hotu iha

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= 47.8 Mpa, b = 30.0 Mpa

b. = 23.4 Mpa, b = 47.8 Mpa

Resistencia dos Materiais

: 10:00-12:00

1. Husi desenhu truss iha figura kraik nee deside

Teno normal nebe akontence iha membru AC no BD ho nia cross section area 800 mm2

100 Mpa (C) no 74.1 Mpa (T)

b. 74.1 Mpa (T) no 100 Mpa (C)


100 Mpa (T) no 83.3 Mpa (C)

bar nebe akontese iha BC


6.3 Mpa (T)

b. 31.5 kN

c. 30 kN

d. 32 kN

stress hanesan 200 MPa define maximum allowable naruk (comprimentu) ba aluminum kabuar nee

d. 83.33 Mpa (C) no 100 Mpa (T)

2. Husi desenhu nebe hatudo iha kraik ho crosssection area 800 mm2 determina Normal stress iha

25.6 kN

5. Lato kabuar ida nia aumenta naruk waihira fo tensile load labele liu 1.4 mm, hatene E = 110 GPa ho nia allowable tensile


L = 817.5 mm

b. L = 770 mm

L = 653.5 mm d. L = 612.5

Two solid cylindrical rods are joined at B and loaded as shown. Rod AB is made of steel (E= 200), and rod BC of brass (E
=110 GPa). Determine (a) the total deformation of the composite rod ABC, (b) the deflection of point B

b. 12.5 Mpa (T)

c. 18.8 Mpa (T)

d. 16.67 Mpa (T)

3. Plate ida hanesan tuir desenho iha kraik conecta ba malu uja pino 3 ho diametru 20 mm, asumi
axial load P = 45 kN distribui igual ba pino 3 nee. Decide tenses cisalhamentu no tenses
a. = 0.38 mm

b. = 0.25 mm c. = 0.17 mm

d. = 0.30 mm

7. The rigid bar AB, attached to aluminum and steel rods, is horizontal before the load P is applied. Find the vertical displacement of point C
caused by the load P = 60 kN. Neglect all weights

11. Husi desenho kraik ho moment couple M = 40 kN. M obserba causa husi moment iha plano horizontal nia no determina stress
(a) at point C, (b) at point D, (c) at point E.

a. c = 2.30 mm b. c = 1.40 mm

c. c = 2.57 mm

d. c = 0.90 mm

8. A 500-mm-long, 20-mm-diameter rod made of a homogenous, isotropic material is observed to increase (aumenta) in length

12. Two cylindrical rods, one of steel and the other of brass, are joined at C and restrained by rigid supports at A and E. For the

by 300 mm, and to decrease (menus) in diameter by 2.4 mm when subjected to an axial 6-kN load. Determine the Poissons

loading shown and knowing that Es = 200 GPa and Eb = 105 GPa, determine (a) the reactions at A and E, (b) the deflection of

ratio of the material.

point C.

a. 0.15

b. 0.20

c. 0.25

d. 0.30

9. The solid brass rod AB (G = 60 GPa) is bonded to the solid aluminum rod BC (G = 30 GPa). Determine the angle of twist at A


9.68 x 10-3 rad

b. 6.45 x 10-3rad

c. 15.34 x 10-3rad d 3.23 x10 -3rad

10. Using an allowable stress of 200 MPa, determine the largest bending moment Mx that can be applied to the wide-flange beam
shown. Neglect the effect of the fillets

a. 72.7 kN.m

b. 84.2 kN.m

c. 79.4 kN.m d 89.4 kN.m

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