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Delegate: Rostyawan, Aldy

School: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Country: The Republic of Togo
Committee: Conference of Asian-African Summit: Future of Asia and Africa Afro-Asian
Development Goals 2015

In 1955, the Asian-African summit held in Bandung, Indonesia for the first time and made
several principle which is the equality in every country, freedom from oppression, the same
rights for every people, partnership in development and global justice that become the very
ground of Asian-African for creating better country for better future. Today, we can still see
the unrest that happen in many of Asian-African country, whether it was a political or
security unrest which caused the country itself at lost of power. At time like this is where
we should all look back at the first summit and decide that it is time to help those each
country together, settling the unrest and began to develop the Asian-African to be better
country for the future. At the moment, it is better to look at the simple goal like how to
solve the unrest that happen in the Asian-African country. In this case, Togo government
really concerned with the African country that still has high unrest within and not to
mention that some are still in war-like state in which cant be ignored longer, this can
become a problem for African country in the future because as long as it cant be stabilized
then the country will become more and more fall behind in global development.
The International community played a major role in helping the related issue in African
country and several success result can be stated. At 1960 upon the Democratic Republic of
the Congo made independence from Belgium in which resulted of the tribes of the Great
Lakes retaliated against new government, in 1990 when acts of genocide in Rwanda
happen, the UN played a vital role in resolving the problem and able to stabilize the
government and ensure all natural rights to its citizen. Today we can also see the UN
protect the refugee from civil war torn people that need protection and support which
thanks to the resolve many of the refugee is alive and safe from the warzone. Not to
mention that UN also playing a big role in the development of Africa country, which has 39
of the worlds poorest countries, the UN system works closely with the New Partnership for
Africas Development (NEPAD), an African Union initiative that serves as a framework for
international support for African development.
Togo government also made its own steps in helping this issue, The laws do not provide
for the granting of asylum or refugee status in accordance with the 1951 UN Convention

Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol, but the government has
established a system for providing protection to refugees. In practice the government
provided protection against refoulement, the return of persons to a country where they
feared persecution. The government granted refugee status or asylum. The government
cooperated with the UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in assisting refugees
and asylum seekers. A voluntary repatriation program for 508 Ghanaian refugees was still
not implemented because of continuing unrest and instability in Ghana along the TogoGhana border. These refugees have been integrated into society and no longer receive
assistance. There also 800 refugees (from Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo)
in Lome and 1,200 additional refugees living in rural villages. This states that Togo
government willing to help others African country citizen to get help their need and ensure
their safety till their country condition stabilized and they can go back. Togo government
believes that in ensuring the safety of others African citizen also ensuring the future of
African as a whole.
Togo in itself is just one of many countries in Africa in which if stand alone will not make
big difference in solving the unrest that happen in African, which is robbing it from its
future. This is fall down to the United Nation and international society to step in and
redress this problem together, which will created a safer country in all African. Not to
mention that several Asian country also has the same problem as well, which is worrying
because this two continent, the Asian-African, is a continent with so much potential to be
developed into great country. Take an example of china, after they reform themselves they
became the power that move the world. With that as a main point, it will be worth the effort
to help the others country in Asian-African continent to reform which will benefit the
whole world.

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