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Level B
Part 1. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

What timeyou get up yesterday?

A. do
B. are
C. did
D. will

1. Do you know the beautiful girl. . . . . . . . . ?

A. sit in the car

B. sat in the car

C. sitting in the car

D. who sit in the car

2. People used to believe that natural resources could never be

A. run out

B. used up

C. finished

D. ended

3. You have to study harder to .. your classmates.

A. keep out of

B. keep up with

C. take care of

D. put an end to

4. I remember . him said that he would come but he is absent now.

A. hear

B. to hear

C. hearing

D. heard

5. His illness made him .. of concentration.

A. incompetent
C. incapable
6. I could make .. the expression on his face.
A. up
C. out

B. unable
D. powerless
B. of
D. for

7. . They worked hard they might be well- prepared for the

A. because
B. since
C. then
D. so that
8. The sick man by the surgeon.
A. was operated
B. operated on
C. was operated on
D. is operated
9. Have this one, .?
A. do you
C. dont you

B. will you
D. havent you

10. I hope you dont mind . to come and meet her.

A. to be asked
C. being asked

B. you were asked

D. we asked you

Part 2. Read the text below and choose the best answer
Jules is now in his sixties, and is one of the many homeless people who live on the
streets, he buys a newspaper most days. Today, with his fellow tramps, he reads about
yesterdays student demonstrations.
Like many of the tramps who live under the bridges in Paris, Jules was not
always so poor. A long time ago he was in Navy, and like many who have been to sea for
a long time, he has stayed slim and fit. Despite the strict organization on board ship, he
loved the life, and had the opportunity to see many countries. He visited Poland and
Russia, in South Africa he realized what valued in each country was the people he met.
He was always
After many happy years in the Navy, he had to retire. The good things in life
always come to an end. His mother and father had long since died and hed lost touch
with his other relatives. He came to Paris and became an industrial designer. He was
happy, although it wasnt the same as the sea. He never wanted to get married and have
And then there was the period of darkness. He smiled sadly. He shrugs his
shoulders and looks at his hands. There are tears in the corners of his eyes. This is
something that he cannot bring himself to talk about. It all went wrong, he whispers.
He was silent for a minute, then recovered. He began to talk more loudly. look at
me now-it makes me angry. And what about the President? Hes been in the power for
years, and look what hes done for us. Nothing! Im still out on the streets and I live the
life of a dog.
11. It would appear that Jules
A. takes an interest in important events.
B. has organized a protest recently.
C. has no contact with older homeless people.
D. is not as poor as he used to be.
12. When Jules was in the Navy he
A. only visited three countries.
B. enjoyed the strict life on board ship.
C. liked meeting people from different countries.
D. was very well paid for the job he did.
13. Jules changed his job because he
A. was too old to stay in the Navy.
B. wanted to start a family.
C. wanted to be near his relatives in Paris.
D. did not enjoy the work any more.
14. Jules lost his job and became a tramp because
A. of reasons he does not want to discuss.
B. of the death of his parents.
C. he did not have any family.
D. he was tired of doing a normal job.
15. The text states that Jules thinks the President
A. has not had enough time to change things.
B. has made homeless peoples lives even worse.
C. should increase pensions for old people.

D. should have done more to help people like him.

Part 3. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space

Deep Sleep
Deep sleep is important for everyone . The actual (16) .of sleep you
need depends (17).. your age. A young child (18)to sleep ten to
twelve hours, and a teenager about nine hours. Adults differ a lot in their sleeping (19)
. For most of them, seven to eight hours a night is (20). , but
some sleep longer, while others manage with only four hours.
For a good night, having a comfortable (21).. to sleep is very
important. Also, there should be (22)of fresh air in the room, A warm drink
sometimes helps people to sleep, (23) it is not a good idea to drink coffee
immediately before going to bed.
(24) have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier
than usual the day before the (25) This will help you to feel more
rested when you arrive.


A. size

B. number

C. amount

D. sum


A. on

B. to

C. in

D. of


A. could

B. ought

C. must

D. should


A. ways

B. habits

C. manners

D. actions


A. few

B. well

C. less

D. enough


A. point

B. place

C. position

D. part


A. plenty

B. much

C. many

D. several


A. because

B. as

C. although

D. even


A. Since

B. Until

C. After

D. If


A. journey

B. voyage

C. call

D. Visit

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