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Maloco 1

Austin Maloco
Professor Rodrick
Queer Studies 115
7 November, 2016
Exercise 2 Project Text
It was morning, George was on the toilet. Looking over the neighborhood from his
window. From his view his he could see things, like the beach his home was next to. He then
talks about the neighborhood and its history. The name of the neighborhood is called Camphor
Tree Lane. From what he has gathered, the neighborhood was built for a sort of escape from the
busy and commercialistic life of the cities. Eventually all of the first inhabitants died off, then the
Great Change as george puts it happened. He says it began in the late forties, when military
veterans from world war two came to inhabit the neighborhood. He says that the war veterans
would have adjusted well to the simple way of life of Camphor, but since most of them are
married they have to put their bachelor lives behind them. They must become a family man who
must provide for their family. Eventually the neighborhood began to develop as more and more
children were being born into the neighborhood. He then sees a now polluted creek. This
somehow reminds george of Jim his deceased lover, since both of them used to eat the watercress
from there. It seems that the theme of this section is about how things change, primarily how
george's neighborhood has undergone several transformations. According to George the
neighborhood was founded on the bases against commercialism but as time moved on it was
eventually overtaken by commercialism and became modernised. This could suggest that george
doesn't like change or the change brought by commercialism. But if the state of his neighborhood
reminds him of Jim, this could also suggest that he has not come to terms with his death.

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