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Project 1: GROUP WORK


Reading problems identification.

The interview question.
1. How often do you teach reading?
- Reading is being inculcated in almost every lesson
2. How much time does a reading session take?
- Normally more than have an hour for a session
3. Do you always achieve your teaching goals for every reading session you have with
your class?
- Rarely. Due to time constraints and varied level of learner's proficiency
4. What is the general proficiency of the students that you are teaching?
- Mostly intermediate and low from form 4 and 5
5. What criteria do you use in selecting a reading text?
- The suitability of the text with the lesson and students schemata
6. Do you simplify the text?
- Yes. Mostly to adapt to students' background
7. How do you introduce reading texts to your students?
- By giving them a brief description of the text before hand
8. What are the common reading problems faced by your students?
- Lacking of vocabulary to understand the words and background information to
understand / imagine the settings of the text
9. How do you identify students with reading problems?
- Direct inquiries from the students, by giving them comprehension questions
10. What type of text do your students have consistently faced problems with?
- Literature texts, novel and also reading comprehension texts
11. In your opinion, why do students face reading problems?
- Lacking of adequate vocabulary, not practicing reading by their own
12. What are the activities that you would like to use or design to help students with reading
- Exposing the students with the right input before introducing them to any kind of texts.
13. Do your students show any sign of improvement in their reading skills?
- Yes. But it is time consuming
14. What are the reading skills that you teach to help them understand a text?
- Using contextual clues

15. What are the reading skills that your students prefer to use when reading a text?
- Skimming and scanning, contextual clues
16. What do you consider as useful reading strategies?
- Discussion of the related topics among students to analyze their understanding of the

Respond from the interview

From the interview, there is much information that we obtain about the reading lessons
conducted in schools. First of all, we have to identify the English proficiency level of the
students in school and the form of the students. The teacher that we interviewed is a Form 4
English teacher and after the interview we know that most of the students are in the
intermediate level and a few of them in the level of a beginner.
Next, we have to identify what are the reading problems that are faced by the teacher
during these reading lessons in the classroom. We get to know that the teacher rarely
achieve the reading goals due to time constrains. This shows that the students are also
unable to learn or put to practise whatever they have learn in the classroom because the
time is limited. On the other hand, the teacher also said that varied proficiency level of
learners makes the reading lessons tougher. The students lacking of adequate vocabulary
makes the reading text more difficult to be understand or imagined the setting of the text.
The teacher also told us that the low background knowledge of the students about certain
topics make reading lessons boring. She also said that her students are constantly facing
problems in literature texts, novels and comprehension texts. Students not practicing reading
by their own makes reading lessons harder.
We were also able to interview the teacher about the measures and actions that she
would take to overcome these reading problems. She told us that choosing a text suitable
with the lesson and students schemata would help the students to understand what they are
reading and it consumes lesser time. The reading text would also be simplified, mostly to
adapt to the students background knowledge. There are two ways that the teacher use to
identify the students with reading problems. Firstly, by giving them comprehension questions
to answer. If the students cannot answer those questions that means they do not understand
what have read. Secondly, the direct inquiries from the students itself. The students who do
not understand the vocabulary or the content of the text would ask her what is the text all
Lastly, there are a few activities that the teacher conduct to help the students
overcome the reading problems. First of all, she introduce the reading text by giving the
students a brief description of the text beforehand. This will help the students have a little
idea or background knowledge about what they are going to read. Next by exposing the
students with the right input before exposing them to any kind of text. This will ensure the
students to be aware of what they are about to read.

Designing the reading activities

An analysis on the problems involved and a summary of the suggested reading activities

1. Limited vocabulary
We have identified from the response of the interview that the students face vocabulary
problems during reading as some of the words used in a particular text are words that are
not familiar to them. We believe that the student can be exposed to new words and
comprehend their meaning by introducing them to the title of the text. The title of the text
plays an important role in helping them to prepare themselves for words that are closely
associated with it. It trains the focus of the students to relate ideas, facts, description and
opinion with the usage of the words thus helping them to decipher what the author is trying
to convey. Thus for the first problem, we created a pre-reading activity centered on the
vocabulary part of the text selected. Other than that, we have also designed a while reading
activity consisting of several questions where the students could deepen their understanding
of selected words according to how it is used in the text. In this activity, students must use
contextual clues to answer the questions designed. From the response of the interview,
contextual clues are the preferred reading skill among the students. Lastly, we have also
created a post-reading activity consisting of question that test and evaluates the students
understanding of the usage of the new words that they have discovered in the text.

2. Lack of previous knowledge

We have also identified that the students lack of previous knowledge on the topic of the text
also hinders the teacher from achieving the goal of the reading session. Possessing
background information about the text can definitely assist students to understand the gist of
the text; however we could not assume that all of the students in that one classroom are
equipped with such information. Hence, we have also created another pre-reading activity
which the teacher could use to help the students make structured guesses, predictions and
sharing of suggestions and opinions so that they have an outline of the content of the text
.This will hopefully reduce the time required per reading session. Furthermore, a while
reading activity was also designed which consist of question that highlights on what the text
is about by identifying the main idea through key words and skimming and scanning for
answers. This will further enhance the students ability to help them understand the topic
through the details in the text. Lastly, post-reading activities in which students will give their
opinion on the text and discuss with the whole class so that they could analyze the content
of the text have also been designed.

Details regarding the activities designed

The proficiency of the students

The form of the students
The topic from the syllabus
The curriculum specifications
The rationale for the reading activities

We have decided to design a complete reading activity for form 4 students at the
intermediate level the same as the form and level of the students of the teacher we have
interviewed. For the topic that we have chosen, it is from chapter 4 which centers on people.
The text that we have selected is an article about the creator of the iPhone, iPod, Mac and
the iPad, Steve Jobs. The curriculum specifications are as below;

2.2 Process


a. Skimming and
scanning for
information and
b. Extracting main
ideas and details.
c. Discerning
sequence of ideas.
d. Getting the explicit
and the implicit
meaning of the
e. Predicting
f. Drawing
g. Identifying
different points of
h. Using print and
i. Interpreting nonlinear texts such
as maps, charts ,
diagrams , tables ,
graphs and
j. Making short

B. Processing text read by
a. Identifying simple text.
b. Skimming for gist and
stating what the text is
c. Scanning for details
d. Following sequence of
e. Taking note of main
f. Using the dictionary to
find the meanings of words.
a. Identifying main ideas in
a simple text
b. Identifying supporting
details in a simple text.
c. Reading and interpreting
non-linear texts such as
diagrams, tables, graphs.
d. Acquiring the meaning of
words by
through the use of

A good strategy would be
to get Learners to bring to
different text-type and to
find out and discuss with
characteristics of each
E.g. Reports, speeches,
Time this activity to train
learners/eye movements
to rapidly look for the
meaning of the text.
One strategy for weak
students is to get them to
underline the key words in
a sentence, and then a
paragraph. Then teach
them to set out the points
in a mind map.
abbreviated words such
Encourage students to

notes and
mapping out

such as synonyms,
antonyms, and word
e. identifying simple cause
and effect.
a. Predicting outcomes that
are obvious in a text, giving
b. Identifying simple cause
and effect.
c. drawing conclusion that
are obvious from the facts
d. Identifying points of
views in simple texts

give outcomes based on

evidence in the text at a
level suitable to students
Futures studies skills can
also be employed. For
example, getting students
to forecast what may
happen to the world in 20
years time if forests
continue to be cut down
E.g. the hill slope was
cleared for development.
After a year, new houses
were ready for occupancy.
The owners moved in
quickly. But it was difficult
to rent out the houses.
E.g. Getting to know
accounts to an incident

Activities design.
The Selected Text

A look back at the life of

Steve Jobs
Apple Inc. announced tonight that company co-founder and former Chief Executive Steve
Jobs, has died at the age of 56. Here is a look back at his career.
He was the father of the iPhone, the iPod and the Apple Mac computers, turning electronic
gadgets into objects of desire. I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then
you should do something else wonderful. As he was fond of saying Wait theres more!,
Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone. And people did wait in long lines for the first
iPhone in 2007. Then three years later they lined up for the iPad, changing the way people
consume media. Design plus function equals the right lifestyle and thats what he felt.
In 1976, Jobs co-founded Apple Computer and within a few years was worth one hundred
million dollars. In 1984 he was showing off his new pride and joy, the Macintosh And this
has turned out insanely great. As critics hailed the Mac, Job was on the losing end of a
power struggle at his company and left Apple a year later. He went into computer animation
acquiring Pixar Studios and striking failure with a string of hit movies starting with Toy story
to infinity and beyond! Jobs came back to Apple in 1996 and began reinventing the Mac,
dressing it up in a variety of colours. They look so good you kinda wanna lick them.
Concerns about the health of Steve Jobs began in 2004 when he underwent surgery for
pancreatic cancer. A year later, he spoke about that during a commencement at Stanford
University. This was the closest Ive been to facing death and I hope its the closest I get for
a few more decades. An intensely private man with a quick temper kept reporters at bay
saying his health was nobodys business. But Jobs was losing weight, something revealed in
these photos taken in 2007 and 2008. In April 2009 he underwent a liver transplant. Five
months later back on the job at Apple he expressed his gratitude. I now have the liver of a
mid-twenties person who died in a car crash and was generous enough to donate his
organs. And I wouldnt be here without such generosity. On August 24 th of this year, he
stepped down as Apples CEO.
Back in 2005, he offered this bit of advice to the Stanford University grads, Your time is
limited so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont let the noise of others opinion
drown out your inner voice. Steve Jobs, a man whose own inner voice led him to create
some of the most visionary products of the internet era. Jobs left behind a wife and four

Pre-reading activities

1. Ask Yourself
a. In this pre-reading activity, students will be shown a slide consisting a number of pictures
relating to the content of the selected text.
b. Then, the students will be given a piece of paper containing a few questions regarding the
pictures shown before.
c. After looking at the pictures, the students need to answer the questions given.


Based on the slide shown, answer these following questions.

1. What can you see from the pictures shown on the slide?

2. Have I seen the gadgets on the slide before?

3. Do I own any of these gadgets?

4. Do I know anyone who owns any of these gadgets?

5. Have I ever heard of the Apple company?

6. I think, I know who created these gadgets shown and his name is __________________.

From this activity:
a. the students will have a rough outline of what the text is about.
b. the students will be able to extract their previous or existing knowledge.
c. the students are motivated to read and understand what they will be reading.

2. Video Time

a. The students will be shown a short video.
b. The video will be related to the content of the text.
c. The students will then discuss in pairs, what they have in mind about the video.


From this activity:
a. the students will be provided with a sensory experience that allows
to actually become experienced and come to life.

concepts and ideas

b. the students will enjoy, learn from and retain information from the video.

3. Royals of the Day

a. The students will be divided into group of four and they will be given a two cards
consisting of two different words.
b. Later, the teacher will stick a Manila Card containing all the meanings of the words on the
c. Next, the students in the group will be given one minute to discuss which word will fit
which meaning.
d. The representative from each group will then go to the front to stick the words on the
whiteboard according to their meanings in the Manila Card.
e. The representative that finishes first will be crown as winner and the group members will
be the royals of the vocabulary of the day.


From this activity:
a. the students will be able to comprehend the vocabulary of the text.
b. the students vocabulary command will be improved

While-reading activity

While-reading activities are designed to assist students in comprehending the gist of the text.
It is also conducted to help them identify the main idea of the material and to differentiate the
general ideas from the specific details. In the case of our students whom we assume, does
not possess any prior knowledge on the subject of the article that we have chosen, we have
design a while-reading activity that consist of questions that focuses on what the text is all
about. This allows students, as they read, to make a comprehensive connection of the
information in the text.
For the while-reading activities we have designed ten questions based on three
reading skills that the students will use in order for them to find the answers. The three
reading skills that we have chosen are skimming and scanning, linear to non-linear text as
well as contextual clues. These reading skills are categorised into three parts. For skimming
and scanning, four questions will be provided and they are in part A. Meanwhile for linear to
non-linear two questions are provided in part B and lastly four questions for contextual clues
in part C.
This while-reading activity will require students to use the new information that has
been introduced to them in the pre-reading activities.
1. Skimming and scanning
The questions designed for this reading skills will help the students to identify the main idea
of the text and to look for specific details. Students, who do not have any prior knowledge on
the content of the material, will skim through the text, reading only the topic sentence or the
first sentence of each paragraph. Meanwhile, for question that requires specific answers,
students will scan for them by identifying the key words related to the question asked.
2. Linear to non linear
The questions designed for this reading skill will help the students to extract the information
asked and transfer them into a diagram. This reading skill allows them to separate the
details from the rest of the content of the text and helps them to organise the information.
3. Contextual clues
The questions designed for this reading skill will help students to make smart guesses on the
meaning of words and phrases in order for them to better comprehend the gist of a
sentence. Often the meaning of individual words can be guessed by re-reading the sentence
or by locating the contextual clues. These questions will train them to guess the meaning of
the words or phrases by how it is used in the sentence.

Read the article and answer the questions below.

Part A: Skimming and scanning


1. What is the text all about?

The invention of the iPhone, iPod and the Apple Mac computers
The company which brought changes into the internet era.
The history of the former Chief Executive of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs.
The story of one mans struggle against pancreatic cancer.


2. What did Steve Jobs do after he left his company?

He began his project of reinventing the Mac.
He underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer.
He created the iPad and invented the iPhone.
He involved himself in computer animation.


3. Why did Steve Jobs leave his company?

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
He was making movies with Pixar Studios
He lost in a power struggle in the company
He was involved in a horrific car crash.


4. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

Steve Jobs died in a car crash.
Apple Inc. reinvented the phone.
Steve Jobs had an organ transplant.
Steve Jobs had a quick temper.

Part B: Linear to non linear

5. Complete the diagram below

What are the events that occurred during these following years?

6. Complete the diagram below.
What is the advice that Steve Jobs gave to the Stanford University grads in the text above.

Steve Jobs advice to

the Stanford
University grads

Part C: Contextual clues

7. What does the phrase changing the way people consume media refers to?

8. What does the word this in paragraph 3 refers to?


9. What does the phrase kept reporters at bay means?


10. What does the phrase about that in paragraph 4 refers to?

Answer scheme

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. 1976: Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computers
1984: Steve Jobs introduced his new creation, the Macintosh
1996: Steve Jobs returned to Apple Inc. and reinvented the Mac
2004: Steve Jobs underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer
2005: Steve Jobs gave a bit of advice to the grads of Stanford


2009: Steve Jobs underwent a liver transplant.

6. A) Time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life.
B) Dont let the noise of others opinion drown out your inner voice.
7. The phrase refers to the iPad.
8. The word this refers to the Macintosh.
9. The phrase kept reporters at bay means that the reporters didnt not disturbed
10. The phrase about that refers to his surgery for pancreatic cancer.

Post-reading Activities

1. Crossword Puzzle
a. In this post-reading activity, students will be given a crossword puzzle that contains 5
words relating to the text that they have read.
b. Students will complete the crossword puzzle individually.

From this activity:
a. students will be able to understand the usage of the new words that they have discovered
in the reading text before.

2. Poster making
a. In this post-reading activity, the students will be divided into groups of four and they will be
asked on what gadget that they would like to reinvent.
b. In the group, the students will create a poster of their reinvented gadget and promote it to
the class.
c. The students will have to state how and why their new ideas will help to improve the
usage of the gadget.


From this activity:
a. the students will be able to think creatively and innovatively.
b. the students will also enjoy the class and the lessons will not be tedious.

3. Role Playing
a. In this post-reading activity, the teacher will ask the students on what characteristics that a
CEO of a company should have in order for the company to be successful.
b. The students will then have to role play as a CEO of a company when they answer the
questions asked.
From this activity:
a. the students can develop their speaking skills such as being confident while speaking in
front of a crowd.










(2014).Reading Skills: Back To Basic. Tanjong Malim:Nur Niaga Sdn.Bhd.


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