Lesson Plan Cs

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Grade Level

Jenna Conner
Science: Humans and the Environment
2nd grade
APRIL 26TH: 9:30 to 10:30
4.5PK.C Identify ways people pollute the environment
4.5PK.D Describe how everyday human activities
generate waste
4.3PK.A Identify how the environment provides for the
needs of people in their daily lives


Formal Evaluation
Review the different activities and make sure children
grasp the concept of categorizing different recycling
Informal Evaluation
assist students in placing objects to recycling in the
recycling file folder games.
A: 2nd grade students
B: Identifying and classifying objects into four
categories (Trash, Paper, Plastic, and Aluminum).
Audience-Behavior C: small groups
Condition- Degree:
D: 3 out of the 4 times
arch.aspx: Observing

The students as a large group will place Trash, Paper,
Plastic, and Aluminum items into their correct category
getting 6 out of 10 correct.
The students in small groups will be able to
demonstrate the different recycling bins used to place
different materials 3 out of 4 times.

Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan

Activating Prior Knowledge
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
What is in my bag(s)?
Pass around the bags and let the students feel inside
Some students might refuse or feel uncomfortable
placing their hand in the bag. If this happens I will

assure the students that there is nothing in the bag that

will hurt them. If any students have problems with
texture, I will provide gloves as well. If a child refuses I
will simply explain that they are missing out on
something fun and exciting.
When the bags have been passed to every student ask
them what they think the objects inside are

Pull out the objects (grass, dirt, and rocks)

Ask if they know where these items come from. (earth)
Activating Prior Knowledge
Throw items on the floor that could be considered trash
or recycled material.
Some of my students might want to immediately touch
the materials scattered on the floor. That is perfectly ok.
I want the children to be able to have a visual and
physical experience.
Ask the students if they know what it is called when you
throw something onto the ground and do not pick it up
Ask the students if they have ever heard the word
Proceed to ask questions to students about littering. (is
it ok to litter? have you or anyone you know ever
littered? What happens to the earth when we litter?)
Some of my students might cry when they see the other
students participating if they themselves do not know an
answer to the question or have any stories to share with
the class. This could lead into crying or throwing a
tantrum for a couple of my students. I will tell them that
it is ok and assure them that if they have anything to
comment on later they can definitely share and tell our
Explicit Instructions
Big Idea Statement
People live in an environment. People share the
environment with other living things. People are
impacted and have impact on the environment.
Essential Questions
How can I describe my immediate environment? In what
ways can I use the environment? How does what I do
(positive or negative) affect my environment?
Key Vocabulary
(under PA keys
Litter, reduce, reuse, recycle, aluminum, plastic, paper,
standards under each
trash, earth,
different standard)
Lesson Procedure
Pre-Assessment of Students

Must include
adaptations &
accommodations for
students with special

Provided by CDC
Modeling of the Lesson:
Introducing the lesson:
Ask students several questions to activate how much
knowledge they already know pertaining to the lesson
Show them some material that comes from the earth
2. Reading Michael Recycle Meets Litterbug Doug
Show students how Michael recycle lived before he started to recycle
Show students how Michaels new environment has changed in a good
way since he met litter bug Doug and started to recycle
Ask questions to engage the child with the story
A couple of my students really dread reading time and get frustrated
quickly during literacy. I will be reading the story to the class, but the
possibility of frustration and being able to sit still might occur. I will
provide students with something small like an eraser to keep in their
hands to eliminate fidgeting and so they have something quiet to play
with in their hands. I will also keep them actively engaged with the
pictures and praise them throughout the story for being such good
3. File folder recycling game as a group
Show students 4 different trash bins. (aluminum, paper, plastic, and
Show students how each trash bin has a pocket underneath to place the
correct picture in its bin
Ask the children which object goes under each recycling category
(aluminum, plastic, paper, and waste)
Give each student an opportunity to raise their hand and participate
Allow student to come up two at a time and pick a card to rightful
Some of my students have problems with their fine motor skills.
Placing the pictures where they belong might be a difficult task. I will
assist these students in picking up the objects and placing them in their
pocket if needed. If student does not want to place the objects where
they belong I will allow them to shout out where it belongs and pick
someone out of the class to place the object in the folder.
Transition: call up students by the color of their shirts to a table
4. firefly recycled plastic bottle craft
Show students an example of firefly craft and explain
that they will be making their own firefly
Students will first color the green wings of their firefly
however they would like.
Students will then use the yellow cut out sheet of paper
to wrap around the middle of the bottle.
Students will then glue on the yellow sheet of paper

around the center of their bottle.

3 Green pieces of pipe cleaner will then wrap around the
bottle and twist tie at the end to make the legs. One will
be tied to the right, center, and left of the yellow paper.
Students will then glue the wings on the top of the
yellow paper and legs
Students will glue google eyes on the lid of their bottle
and draw a mouth with marker
Before sticking the lid back on the bottle the students
will take one glow stick wiggle it around to make it glow
and then place it in the bottle before shutting the lid of
their firefly.
Some students to not like to actively participate in
activities/think it is too hard for them/ and some who will
throw materials. I will encourage these students that
they can do it and the outcome of the activity will be fun
to play with and take home. I will assist each student if
they need help and all they have to do is raise their
hand if they need my assistance. I will also use my token
economy system for my class and remind the students if
they do well and participate they can have a puzzle
piece. (see token economy).
Call students to get onto their spot on the carpet and
form a circle like the earth
Call students to the craft table by the colors of their shirt
Guiding the Practice
What is in my bag? Students explain what they feel and
what they believe is in the bag
Questions about littering and the earth
Reading Michael Recycle Meets Litterbug Doug:
Students will be able to interact with the book by
answering questions and giving their own reflections
Recycle Song:
Students will participate in the song by demonstrating
movements and singing with the group
Transition: Have students quietly circle back around like the earth to their spot
on the carpet
File folder recycling game as a group:
Students will take a turn to come up to the easel and
place an item into its garbage can
Firefly recycled bottle craft:
Student will be able to create their own firefly

(reading, technology,
equipment, supplies,


Each student will have a certain amount of materials

Each student will demonstrate following instructions,
coloring and gluing object where they belong.
Providing the Independent Practice
Any student that finishes early will be allowed to play on
the carpet with a file folder game on recycling with a
partner or individually.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
Provide cues for pictures that are being used throughout the lesson
Provide examples more then once while separating different recycling
objects into their categories
Keep workspaces neat and clear
Provide several visuals for the student
Story Michael Recycle
Plastic bottles
Pipe cleaners
Google eyes
Pre-cut Construction paper
Glue stick
Glow stick

Summary & Review of the Learning

Review the activities for the day at the tables to formally
evaluate each students progress.
Other(This area is to Nametags will be given to each student and have a sticker of something that
be determined by
can be recycled
instructor OR student
as needed)
Supervising teacher
comments and
What worked?
What would
you change?

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