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Neuropsychologist Career



A. Definition of neuropsychology
1. Neuropsychology is the study of how the brain influences behavior and how various
infirmities alter its function.
B. Role of Neuropsychologists
1. Behavioral assessment
2. Teaching in institutions of higher learning
3. Acting as professional witnesses in cases involving mental health
C. Skills required
1. A professional is required to have a post-graduate qualification to be licensed to
2. The required certification include either Ph.D. or PsyD
D. Benefits of being a neuropsychologist
1. Modest remuneration
2. Job satisfaction
3. Getting a chance to interact with individuals from different walks of life
E. Education requirement
1. A four-year university degree in biology, pre-med, psychology or neuroscience


2. A post graduate degree in psychology extending to a Ph.D. or PsyD and an addition

one-year internship.
F. Goals of psychology
1. The goal of psychology is to understand human behavior


Career Description
Neuropsychology is that branch of psychology involved with how the brain influences an
individuals behavior and cognition. Professionals in neuropsychology focus on the ways in
which brain injuries or illnesses interfere with a persons cognitive functions and behaviors.
The human brain is the most complicated organ in the human body, often referred to as
the master organ due to its role of regulating other bodily organs. It controls involuntary actions
such as breathing, digestion, sensitivity, heartbeat among others. The brain also commands and
leads human behavior and cognitive functions. For example, injury to any section of the brain is
ground for body malfunction, or unusual behavior and thoughts. This presents the gap filled by
clinical neuropsychologists, where they specialize in the relationship between the physical aspect
of the brain and behavior (Semrud-Clikeman, 2016).
Since this is a fairly broad field, a clinical neuropsychologist is presented with a broad
range of options when it comes to career choice. The first option is the direct treatment of
patients in public/ private hospitals, specialty clinics or under home-based care arrangements.
They may also work as teachers in institutions of higher learning, or researchers in various
organizations. They are key parties in conducting inquiries aimed at studying the human brain
and how its physical state influences human behavior and cognition. The causes, effects, and
potential treatments also form an integral part of the research. They include complexities in
memory, language, reading and learning, decision making and problem-solving and other
behavioral or thinking abilities due to injury or illness. Other areas of interest range from neuro-


developmental to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease

and types of dementia (Marcopulos & Kurtz, 2012).
As earlier stated, the career path provides a range of options for professionals, including
teaching, researching and treating patients. This means that the neuropsychologist professional
could work for a similarly wide range of clients. The professionals working in the clinical field
work with individuals suffering from traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, and stroke, toxic and
metabolic disorders and help them to recover. Forensic neuropsychologists work within the
justice system, with the government being their key client. On a day to day basis, their
interactions are with judges, lawyers, prosecutors and other courtroom officers in facilitating
court proceedings. Their duties in these circumstances involve assisting in explaining
neurological psychology concepts to justice officials. Often, they serve as expert witnesses.
Research/experimental neuropsychologists, on the other hand, are engaged in studies to
comprehend, recognize and treat neurological conditions. Their major clients could include
pharmaceutical companies working towards the production of medication for curing neurological
conditions, institutions of learning and medical practitioners in the field of neuropsychology.
Neuropsychologists require more than the general medical knowledge and skills
associated with mental health problems. They need a substantial amount of specialist skills and
knowledge in neuroscience. Neuropsychology is a post qualification discipline. The
professionals are Chartered Practitioners in either educational or medical psychology. A doctoral
degree is an elementary requirement in neuropsychology, with most programs being either PhD
or PsyD in psychology, with a concentration in neuropsychology. A masters degree is not
considered a final degree in the field, though a handful of employers may accept a psychology
masters degree with an emphasis on neuroscience or neuropsychology.


Neuropsychology impacts a professionals personal life positively since its mostly a

passion. Therefore, the practitioner gains satisfaction financially, emotionally, and career-wise
because they enjoy what they do, and at the same time impact other people while at it.
Educational Requirements for Neuropsychologists
Neuropsychology is considered a combination of psychology and neurology, and this is
an educational requirement on which an aspiring neuropsychologist must focus. A majority of the
students begin their neuropsychology career training with a four-year bachelors degree in
biology, pre-med, neuroscience or psychology. Upon completion of the bachelors degree, a
student must then enroll for a masters degree (MA or MS in Psychology) with an emphasis on
neuropsychology. This offers the student the first opportunity to study neuropsychology
intensely. Among others, students are introduced to courses like clinical neuropsychology,
behavioral testing methods, addiction, psychopharmacology, and memory assessment (Larn
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) and Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) are alternative
courses whose duration is 4-7 years. The programs comprise of three-year coursework and a
written examination that is followed by a one-year internship. The final component is the
dissertation which is more widespread for Ph.D students as opposed to PsyD students. A
doctorate is a necessary requirement for neuropsychologists, with Ph.D being recommended for
aspiring researchers, and PsyD being more preferable for those that are interested in medical
practice. Advanced patho-psychology, advanced neuro-anatomy, neuroscience research,
cognitive neuroscience, and experimental and statistical methods are some of the courses that
students are exposed to in preparing them for the profession ahead.


There are many American schools that an aspiring neuropsychology may attend to
acquire the necessary training. Some of these, offering the full range of training from bachelors,
masters and doctorate are James Madison University, John Hopkins University, Iowa State
University, Howard University, Loyola University Chicago, Michigan State University Miami
University-Oxford and North Carolina State University among others (
Despite the fact that neuropsychology is still an emerging and non-saturated field, the average
salary for a neuropsychologist in America is $ 90, 203 per annum.
Goals of Psychology
Psychology is a science aimed at understanding the behavior of others while gathering
information about the manner in which the brain works. In observing human behavior,
psychologists can differentiate between normal and healthy behavior from what is abnormal and
unhealthy. They can analyze feelings, thoughts and actions of humans based on observation,
surveys as well as case studies. In general, the goals of psychology are describing a behavior,
explaining why it occurs, predicting future behavioral patterns and controlling/ modifying the
behavior so as to achieve the most positive results.
As described in the report, the goals of psychology are also met in the practice of
neuropsychology. This is because Neuropsychology deals with how the brain influences an
individuals behavior and cognition. For this reason, it can be used in meeting the four goals
mentioned above (Kuczynski, 2012).



Find a Psychology Program. Retrieved on 5th November 2016 from
Kuczynski, J.M. (2012). Empiricism and the Foundations of Psychology. Amsterdam. John
Benjamins Publishing Company
Lam, M. (2013). Formulation of age-education index: Measuring age and education effects
in neuropsychological performance. American Psychological Association. 25 (1); 61-70
Marcopulos, B.A. (2012). Clinical Neuropsychological Foundations of Schizophrenia. New
York. Psychology Plus
Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue for Journal of Pediatric
Neuropsychology; Topical Issues for Pediatric Neuropsychologists. Journal of Pediatric
Neuropsychology. 2 (1); 1-2

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