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Jade Jewett

November 7, 2016
SWOT Analysis


Hardworking- I have been taught the importance

of hard work in everything, and believe strongly in
the importance of it.
Self Sufficient- I do not like to be idle, and I pick up
on things quickly. This makes it easier to do things
without having to be micromanaged.
Problem Solving- I like to figure out how to fix
problems instead of ignoring them in the most
diplomatic way possible.
Good Writing Skills- I have always enjoyed English
and I feel like I am better at explaining myself in
Genuinely Care About People- I love people and I
love to hear about their lives, which makes it easier
to relate to people.
Desire to improve- I always want to do my best in
every situation. I also really love to learn new



Utilize resources in the Career Center- the Career

Center offers many opportunities for job
Job Shadowing- this is an opportunity to see what
a career is like before making it my own.
Internships- This is also an opportunity to try things
out and see if I am interested in them.
Talking with professors- There are many professors
on campus that have tons of experience and know
a lot of people from their fields.
Clubs and organizations- There are many clubs that
are designated to different majors. This is a good
way to find out what I like doing.
Take advantages of networking opportunitiesTalking to people is important. There are many
people on campus that will be good to know in the
future for career purposes.

Not Very Confident- I often second guess myself

instead of just trusting myself.
Nervous when public speaking- a lot of attention
makes me nervous.
Not always organized- I need to learn to be more
Forgetful- I forget things often if I dont have them
specifically written down.
Overanalyze- I over think everything. Sometimes it is
a good thing but most of the time it makes things
more difficult.
I have a hard time articulating what I mean
sometimes- I am not always very good at explaining
myself verbally.


I am undecided in my career- This prevents me from

being able to move forward in learning new skills.
I do not have a strong online presence- Social media
has become important, and often it is how
employers decide if they will hire employees.
I am not very handy with technology- technology is
very important to our day. It makes things easier
and more efficient. Without the knowledge, there
are many things that I am not benefitting from.
My job interview skills are lacking- I have not been in
enough interviews to have a good understanding of
what employers are looking for.
Not a lot of job experience in the fields I am
interested in- my only job experience is in food, and
I am not looking for a job in that field.
There is a lot of competition in the job industry- I am
not a very competitive person so it is important for
me to develop skills that will make me stand out
without having to be too pushy.

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